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Consumer Behaviour

MKT 1124

Module Leader: Socrates Economou

Consumption Diary.

30th October 2020



This is a study that goes through how we can apply two different theories that we have
studied during our five first weeks of our module consumer behaviour and how we can
relate them to the purchase of two items that we have purchased.
Consumer behaviour studies how the things that people buy and consume have a
significant impact on their personalities and in the daily lives (Noel. H 2009).

Also, consumer behaviour includes three main steps in the process of a costumer
purchasing an item, before, during and after.

The Self Concept Theory applied to Vans shoes

Vans is brand that was founded in 1966 in Anaheim, California by the brothers Paul
and Jim Van Dore so the name of the company comes by their last name. These two
brothers used to work for a shoe factory until they both quit and decided so set up
their own business, on their first day the sold 12 pair of shoes.
Nowadays Vans is a well-known brand that made shoes to a target that we can easily
relate to people who are into art, music, street culture and are young and young

I personally have loved this brand since I was fifteen, I was always buying the same
model of shoes but this time I wanted to buy something different so the last year vans
launched a new model of shoes, a lace-up, high top shoe as it is shown in the picture.
I wanted to buy them, but the price was quite high, so I waited until they were in sales.

The self-concept theory is divided in three parts, the ideal-self, the social-self and the
actual-self. This theory was founded by William James.

• Ideal self: how you want to be perceived by yourself

• Social self: how you want others perceived yourself.
• Actual self: how you want to see yourself
(Dove Campaign, 2004)

With this purchase I can relate that with the social self is
how I wanted feel accepted by others buying these shoes,
and not feeling left out, because when this last model
came out, everyone was wearing them, and they were
even out of stock.
In the same way you feel this approve and acceptance of
others which leads me to the actual self.

Tri Component Attitude Model Theory applied to Good Girl fragrance by Carolina

This theory is divided in three components,

• Cognition; here you find your beliefs and
• Affect; feelings.
• Conation; tendency or intention to act.

“The tri-component attitude model describes

the ultimate effect of various external stimuli
on the behavior and attitude of individuals”
(Rosenberg and Hovland, 1960)

This campaign was showing you a secure, attractive and powerful woman, if we go
through these different stages, in the cognition we find the opinion or beliefs towards
a product in this particular case what I knew already about the brand is that my sister
purchase this item and she really loved.
From this we move to the affect side which is already a positive feeling towards
buying the product, because the trust you have in what somebody close to you already
has it and also linking this to the posters of the campaign it makes you feel like getting
this product you will be becoming this successful woman you are seeing.
And in the last part we can see that the conation part has been generated by the
attitude tendency.


During this report we can see how individual characteristics response to tendencies
across to similar situations.
Marketers in brands need to understand how important is to use these theories to
actually understand and accomplish the needs of their costumers and in this way reach
the more amount of sales possible. In the same way they need to keep updated to any
last trend or behaviour.


1.- Noel, H. (2009). Basics Marketing 01: Consumer Behaviour. Lausanne London.
Publishing SA. [Accessed on October 19th 2020]
Available at:

2.- Vans picture.

Available at:

3.- Carolina Herrera Good Girl fragrance pictures.

Available at:

4.- Vans information market.

Available at:

5.- Middlesex logo picture

Available at:

6.- (Rosenberg and Hovland, 1960)

7.- Tri complonent theory

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