The Simple Future Tense How To Form The Simple Future Tense?

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The simple future tense

How to form the simple future tense?

we are using two forms 
1- Be + going to                                        
2-will+main verb

I'm going to watch YouTube in the next two hours

I will start my new job next week

I think the company will give me good pay.

I'm hungry. I will have something to eat.

I'm going to study Excel next week.

I will study Excel next week.

When I go to Paris, I'm going to the Vocate cafe located in Shanzlzy

The present progressive tense may be used to express the future especially
when you want to talk about plans arranged in advance. It is common to use it
with verbs of movement.

1. I’m turning in my History assignment tomorrow morning

2. I will help you to do the project.
3. Alice will assist you in this case.
4. We will have reached home before you come.
5. Robin will come to our place.
6. Tom will have reached the place by now.

o Dona will prepare the dessert.

o They will arrange a party at their home.
o Tom will be upset after hearing this.
o Aric will have gone to meet his cousin before he comes here.
After I finish the first round of interviews, I will have a second

I have got a ticket for the new movie. I'm going to the theater next week.
I've got a ticket I'm traveling next week.
I will write my diary soon.

I will read an English grammar book tomorrow.

I will swim tomorrow with my sisters.
My younger sister won't swim tomorrow.
I won't talk about your secret to anyone.

Are you going to eat?

I'm going to sleep

I'm going to run 

My friends' Mariam will graduate from her University and received her
Master's degree after two months.

My mother is going to be at home after three hours. 

 I think it's going to rain tomorrow.

The interviewer will call me next week to give me the final decision.
I will finish my homework at 5 pm. (because it's a plan).
 I will go to my new job at 8:00 in the morning. 

I will drink the coffee when it's cold, Although I order it extra hot.

We are going to LA next week I'm going to learn Espanol. I'm going to
improve my English using Cambly.
This year, Jen will lose wight . It will be hard, but she’s determined to do it.

I will not quit before I reache my goal.

I will Make sure I arrive on time tomorrow because the bus will not wait for me .

i will not say anything bad about my boss.

I will not finish my homework in time for class.

I am going to learn a new language.

. My brothers are going to sleep till noon if no one wakes them up.

You are going to see what I mean.

1. I‘ll write the e-mail after lunch.

2. Alice won’t help us decorate for the party
3. You dropped your purse. I‘ll get it.

Future progressive 

will be +v+ Ing 

 I will be staying in this office. 

I won't be staying in this office.

Will I be staying in this office?
This time next week I will be in my office in my new job. 

By Christmas, I will be speaking English fluently.

Just think Next Monday, I will be working in my new job.
I will be coming to the meeting. I expect that I cannot promise.
I guess I will be feeling thirsty after working in the sun. 
You will be missing the Middle Eastern food once you're back in the
o We will be shopping in that market this Monday.
o We will be watching a movie in this Cineplex on next Friday.
o You will be shopping at that market tomorrow.
o I will not be attending the program because of my busy schedule.

o I will be arranging all the necessary materials for the program.

by this time tomorrow, I will be taking a class in Cambly.

By this time next week, I will be working in my new office. 

At this time tomorrow, I will be studying English in Cambly.
In April I will celebrate my birthday.
 On Monday I will study English.
I will be studying in Cambly when all of my family sleep tonight.
By 3:00 am, I will be sleeping.
By 3:00 next week, I will be traveling.
I will be eating when my sisters' Hend arrives home from her job.
Will you be sleeping when your kids arrived home from their school? 
I won't be sleeping when you arrive home from the trip. 

Hend will be coming to the party on Saturday. 

I will be meeting the interviewer tomorrow to complete our discussion. 
At the same time next week, I will be flying to the USA.
My parents will be visiting our siblings at this time tomorrow.
Next Thursday at 8 am I will be writing the test.

Next Thursday at 8 am I will be writing 

 the article.
Next year I will be studying for my Ph.D. at The University. 
I won't be working this time next year. I will be at the University
studying, or I will be on holiday. 
Two days from now, I will be visiting or hanging out with my friends in
a restaurant. 

1. Don’t phone me before 12:00. I will be meeting with a client.

2. You can take my car tomorrow. I won’t be using it.
3. This time next year, we will be living in our new home.

1. Won’t you be visiting your mother when I’m in town?

1. Won’t you be visiting your mother when I’m in town?

1. Where will he be waiting for me?

2. How will you be travelling to the exhibition?

The future perfect tense

What is their future perfect tense and how do we use it ?

by , when, before, by the time,
1st the future perfect second the present simple do you paragraph
well have +past participle

I will +finish my assessment assignment before you're coming back or

before you arrive .
When you arrive I will have cooked dinner.

When you arrive I will have slept .

by the time im I will have graduated graduated or received my pH D.
I will have both and you dress before the party take place next week do
you paragraph I will have cleared the house by the time you leave the

I will have cooked lunch by the time you come back home a

by the time I moved to the new room you will have finished painting
that room you better graph I will have left the house before you arrive

I will have found a vacant seat by the time you get on the train I will
have finished homework or my homework before you arrive home

My dear I hope you will have slept well by tomorrow

The future perfect progressive

Subject +have been +v+ing
I will have been waiting for 30 minutes when you arrive.
 I will have been working for five hours when you come.
 I will have been waiting for three hours when you come.

By the next year, I will have been studying English for nine years a

Before you come, I will have been cleaning the house for five hours.

By the next year, my sister and I will have been living together for five
years a

In April 2021, I will have been living here for one year.

I will have been waiting here for half an hour's by 6:00 o'clock. 
By 2021 I will have been living in Riyadh for one year. 

When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for eight

Next year I will have been living here for two years.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow,
 I guess we can go for a picnic. 

If I go to the USa next year, I will probably stay in LA. 

I'm planning to go to the ATM. 

If I become a better English speaker, I should be able to get an

accounting job at an international firm. 

o Robin will have been joining us at the meeting before you reach.
o I will have been helping him to do the task before the class starts.
o We will have been enjoying the musical drama before the game show
o I will have been arranging all the necessary materials before the program

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