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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Sometimes the old remedies are the best, and even if these foods fail to produce the

expected result, there are absolutely no side effects!   

Adzuki beans -- Good for kidney trouble, reduces swollen ankles

Agar-agar -- Heals goiter

Alfalfa -- Prevents hardening of the arteries

Alfalfa seed -- Adrenal gland food, arthritis remedy, digestion aid, mineral supplier

Almonds -- Brain food, improves memory and nerves

Anise -- Removes poisons, promotes good sleep

Apple -- Detoxes the body; keeps arteries clean, good for blood pressure, complexion, liver, 


Apple Cider Vinegar -- Good for arthritis

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Apricot --  Contains B17, a good blood builder, good for blood pressure, liver, pancreas

Arrowroot  -- Digestion aid

Artichoke  -- Tones up the liver, smoothes arteries and helps weak digestion.  Good for 


Asparagus -- Fungus fighter, good for heart, kidneys, rhuematic muscles, tumors

Avocado  -- Gland food, good for Multiple Sclerosis, protein supplier

Avocado seeds -- Seeds of avocado contain antibiotic.  Pound seed and make a tea. 

                   Also helps arthritis (apply to skin) 

Banana -- Hinders allergies; helps energy and nerves, corrects Celiac disease

Banana peel -- Cures ringworm (rub on area)

Barley  -- Brain food, lymph cleanser, calcium supplier

Basil  -- Good for heart, eases rhumatism pain, cures viral infection

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Beans and Corn -- Combination of beans and corn builds strong muscles

Beef -- Muscle food

Beets  -- A good blood builder and purifier, good for kidneys and spleen 

Bell pepper -- Good for eyes and digestion (increases pepsin)

Black cherries  -- Arthritis

Black pepper  -- Freshly ground is loaded with chromium which is needed for proper 

                        functioning of pancreas and heart.  Good for sinuses

Blackberries -- Colon food

Blackstrap molasses  -- Helps anemia, good blood builder, provides minerals and iron

Blueberries -- Pancreas food

Broccoli  -- Supplies calcium, natural source of sulfur

Brussels sprouts  -- Prevents hardening of the arteries

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Buckwheat -- For energy, warmth and strong muscles

Butternut squash -- Liver food

Cabbage  -- Counteracts lead poisoning, heals ulcer, good tissue builder

Caraway  -- Improves appetite; useful for stomach disorders, removes poisons

Cardamom  -- Eye and brain food, good for ulcer, stomach, lungs

Carrots -- Blood purifier, good for eyes and lymph, helps hayfever, liver, ulcer

Casaba melon -- Liver detox

Cashew  -- Aids digestion

Cauliflower -- Calcium supplier

Celery -- Good for arthritis, blood pressure, kidneys, bladder, nerves, aids protein 

                      digestion, good for cold, cough, urinary disorders, gastric trouble 

Cheese -- Cataracts

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Cherries -- Wonderful nerve food, good for pituitary gland, blood cleanser

Chestnut -- Eases backache

Chicken  -- Gland food

Chicken soup -- Heals nerves, improves digestion, reduces allergies, relaxes and gives 


Chickpea -- Good for bladder, gland food, good protein and anti-viral

Cinnamon  -- Good for intestines, a blood cleanser, counteracts radiation and environmental 

                    poisons, aids heart health

Cloves -- Counteracts radiation and environmental poisons, good for heart and memory

Coconut -- A good brain food, helps prevent cataracts

Coconut milk  -- Good food for mother and fetus, tones prostate gland, helps ulcer

Concord grape  -- Fungus fighter

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Coriander -- Good for intestines

Corn, Indian  -- Perfect food for man, has all the energies, amino acids and  hormones the 

           body needs.  Creates strong will and nerves

Cottage cheese  -- Helps body make its own interferon (virus attack squad)

Crab apple  -- For vertigo

Cranberries  -- A blood purifier and detox, good for infections, counteracts lead poisoning, 

                kidney food

Cranberry juice -- Helps sthma, is a good cleanser for blood and kidneys

Cream of tartar -- Prevents hardening of the arteries (1/2 t. 2x per week)

Cucumber -- Detoxes the body, skin, and blood, purifies kidneys, pancreas, lungs, 

                                      cleanses lymph glands and conquers strep infection 

Currants -- Builds resistance to colds, good for anemia

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Dandelion leaves -- Liver food

Dates -- Adrenal gland food

Dill -- Good for lung diseases

Egg yolk  -- A terrific blood builder and good for nerves

Eggplant  -- Reduces enlarged spleen and increases red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin; 

              very good for anemia, healing for ulcers

Figs -- Dewormer, good for tumors

Fish -- Natural source of iodine

Flax seed -- Digestion aid, energizing, detoxes liver, heals ulcer, good for tummy ache

Garlic  -- A natural antibiotic, antitumor, prevents hardening of the arteries, helps arthritis, 

            good for blood pressure, elasticity of blood vessels, soothes intestines, a good


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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Ginger  -- Good for asthma, ginger tea is good for sore throat

Grape juice -- Helps cure anemia

Grapefruit -- Helps cure anemia, arthritis, colds, flu, depression, is a natural antibiotic,

                      and is good for staph infections

Grapes -- Anti-tumor, good for anemia, an aura builder

Green beans -- Good for pancreas, removes metallic poison, helps ulcer

Green pepper -- Increases pepsin, helps eyes and digestion

Honey -- Helps detox the body, cleanse the blood, heals and disinfects sores

Horseradish  -- Aids gall bladder, sinuses

Hot peppers  -- Assists in proper functioning of feet and sinuses; good for nerves, 

                   blood pressure, removes metallic poisoning

Jerusalem artichoke -- Creates healthy pancreas and strong muscles

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Kale  -- Resistence to colds, natural sulfur and lots of vitamins

Lavender -- Keeps old age away, good for nerves

Lecithin  -- Good for red, itchy, scaly skin

Leeks  -- Brain food, pancreas food, tissue builder

Lemon -- Antiseptic, blood cleanser, helps arthritis, asthma, blood pressure, capillary 

            fragility, strengthens gall bladder, contains bioflavanoids

Lentils --  Best quality protein, good iron supplier

Lettuce -- Good for viral infection

Licorice root -- Adrenal gland food

Lima beans  -- Good for detox

Lime juice -- Good for hepatitis

Marjoram  -- Good for skin, sinuses, urinary tract

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Millet -- 15% protein, easily digested

Mustard seed -- Brain food, improves memory and sinuses

Nutmeg -- Cures acne

Oats  -- Rich in silicon, good for rough skin, brain food

Olive Oil -- Cold pressed is a good kidney food

Okra  -- Removes metallic poisoning, good for female conditions and ulcers

Onion  -- Soup good for colds and flu, helps control cataracts, high blood pressure, good for

                  prostate gland health and sinuses.  A fresh slice will remove the pain of a bee sting.

Orange -- Arthritis remedy, good for blood pressure, assists in flu prevention, contains


Orange rind  -- Allergy reliever

Papaya -- For protein digestion

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Papaya seeds -- Good for bleeding gums

Paprika  -- Pancreas food

Parsley  -- Prevents hardening of the arteries, arthritis, good for bladder, controls blood 

              pressure, good for pancreas and kidneys, good insect repellent

Parsnip -- Cures milk allergy, ulcers

Peaches -- Complete food for mother and fetus

Pears -- For kidney and colon

Peas -- Good source of protein and good for weak stomach

Peppermint  -- Good for inflamed nerves

Persimmon  -- Good for depression, ulcers, digestion

Pineapple -- Enzyme supplier, good for liver detox, helps Multiple Sclerosis, heals nerves, 

                   supplies pepsin

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Pomegranate  -- Good for bladder trouble and depression, good dewormer

Potato -- Good for ulcer, healing for intestines

Prunes  -- Purifies complexion, improves memory, good for nerves, iron supplier

Pumpkin  -- Spleen and pancreas food

Pumpkin seed -- Strengthens bladder muscle, helps gall bladder, spleen, 

                           removes metallic poisoning, good dewormer

Radish --  Promotes proper functioning of feet and sinuses, helps asthma, a natural antibiotic, 

                   digestion aid, good for kidneys and sinuses

Raisin -- Good for anemia, a blood builder

Raspberries -- Promotes strong will and nerves

Red beans  -- Builds muscles.  Served with corn, it's a complete protein

Red clover -- Prevents hardening of the arteries

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Red clover tea -- Blood thinner

Rhubarb  -- Removes metallic poisoning, a good colon cleanser

Rice -- Universal acceptance by all tissues

Romaine  -- Good for virus infection

Rosemary  -- Blood thinner, good for heart, helps prevent stroke

Rutabaga -- Feeds friendly bacteria in colon, strengthens membranes

Rye -- Muscle builder

Sage  -- Allergy reliever, use on a piece of buttered whole grain bread, good brain food,

                heals nerves

Sauerkraut  -- Keeps old age diseases away

Sesame seeds  -- Gland food, builds strong muscles, promotes strong will and nerves

Soap, homemade -- Rub on mosquito bites to stop the itching. 

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Spinach -- Blood builder, raw is best, prevents anemia

Squash -- Removes arsenic and metallic poisons, promotes strong will and nerves

Strawberries  -- Good for skin, removes arsenic and metallic poisons, soothes nerves, 

                 kidneys and bladder

Sunflower seeds  -- Adrenal gland food, good for asthma, a brain food, eye food, and

                 good for sinuses

Sweet potatoes  -- Gland food, heals ulcer

Swiss Chard -- Heals arthritis

Thyme -- Keeps old age away, good for asthma and colds

Tomato  -- Good for liver, optic nerves; green tomatoes in small quantities are gland stimulant 

Turmeric  -- Good for joints

Turnips  -- Tops will lower blood pressure, good for sinuses and deep rooted tumors

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

Watercress  -- Full of vitamins E, B, and C.  An anti-allergen, it should be more widely used.  

                     Eat small portions as it is potent.  Good for pancreas and glands.

Watermelon seeds  -- Dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, improves kidney function

Wheat  -- Brain food, bran rich in silicon, good for rough skin

Whey  -- Contains a lot of minerals; keeps muscles young, joints elastic, prevents hardening of 

            the arteries, arthritis, it energizes, detoxes the liver, heals ulcers, aids digestion,

            feeds the brain.

White beans  -- For the eyes and for liver trouble

Yams -- Gland food

Yogurt -- Keeps arteries clean, assists intestinal health

Zucchini -- Digestion aid, removes metallic poison

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Grandmother's Remedies

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 20:20 - Last Updated Sunday, 27 September 2009 00:12

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