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Cole 1

Daytona Coles,

Jessica Carrell,

18th October 2020.

"Wife of Bath's Tale"

The wife's three husbands were good and two were bad: the three were good, rich and old

(and helpless!) And they gave the woman all of her land, who denied her sex to get it. what

she wanted. . Expensive. Women, the woman continues, lie and steal better than any man.

She reveals her tactics for manipulating her husbands: she deliberately attacks her husband

with a handful of complaints and various Bible glossaries (to justify him) and starts an

argument, with the result that she gets what she wants. The woman accused her husband of

infidelity and covered up her own adultery. He even called his maid and Jankin as an perjurer

to help him.

The woman also took money from her husbands, claiming that she would earn more money

than she wasted by selling her "option de bele" (sexual favors). That is how the woman

treated her first three husbands, all three, good, old and rich. The woman's fourth husband

was a party man and had a lover in addition to a wife. He lived according to Bath's wife,

shared some of his qualities, but soon died.

The fifth husband was the most cruel to her: kind in bed, but violent, brutally beaten. He was

very good at "cheating" (polishing - convincing - flattering) when he wanted to have sex, and

she liked him better because it was difficult for him to have her. She had studied at Oxford

and was invited by her wife's best friend, Alison, when she married husband number four.

Shortly after his death, he married Jankin (number five), who at 20 was exactly half his

wife’s age.

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