Human Resource Management

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The Society for Human Resource management (SHRM) codes of ethics advocates for

professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. Furthermore, it

encourages the employees to engage in activities that add value and credibility. There

are various ways, which an organization can work to ensure compliance with SHRM

code of ethics. First, the organization can achieve this by reviewing key points of the

code of conduct and ensure that employees understand it, and incorporate code of

conduct training into new employee orientation.

Secondly, the organization should be able to support promotions of their employees

especially when an employee get a commendable performance. This will encourage

and motivate employees to work hard and maintain a strict compliance to the SHRM

code of conduct in order to have a clean record for a better reward.

Thirdly, the organization should define a fair behavioural and judgement expectation

for all employees. A situation where some employees get special treatment than

others creates a very bad working environment,and could lead breach of the code

conducts. As a result, issues such as conflicts of interest and breach of confidentiality

could easily arise in the organization.

Finally, the organization could easily achieve compliance of SHRM code of conduct

by simply having the Mission, Vision and Values statements as an important

component in the code of conduct.

2. Performance appraisal is the regular review of the employee’s performance and the

overall value addition to the company. The performance appraisal often has a big

impact on the employee’s morale and engagement. The purpose of the performance

appraisal is to provide valuable insights to managers and the employers and

eventually helping them to made decisions in regard to the promotions, bonuses,

raises and other forms of rewards they can give to their employees.

Performance appraisal is significant from numerous points of view; first, Appraisals

provide an opportunity to recognize and compensate employees and to guarantee they

feel esteemed for the work that they do. By monitoring performance and progress

against targets businesses can survey whether to remunerate staff with compensation

expands, advancements or rewards. It's additionally an opportunity to state thank you

and to give verbal criticism and commendation.

In addition, it forestalls long-term dissatisfaction. Issues can normally be prevented

from really developing before they heighten to the point of somebody leaving in the

event that they can be raised through evaluation gatherings. Setting aside the effort to

tune in to representatives and address any worries while making a more joyful labour

force and will keep on powering a culture of transparency and trust.

3. Succession planning is a cycle through which an organization guarantees that workers

are enrolled and created to fill each critical part inside the organization. In this cycle,

you guarantee that you will never have a key job open for which another worker isn't

prepared.. A good example of a succession planning is the Steve Jobs and his planned

stepping down from Apple Inc. Through foundation of Apple University which was

founded in 2008, Steve Jobs introduced a leadership curriculum programme with a

purpose of teaching apple employees “how to think like Steve Jobs and make

decisions that he would have made”. Eventually, Steve Jobs appointed Tim Cook to

be his successor after working closely with him for quite a while.
The employee relations is used to describe the relationship between an employer and

the employee. The employee relations programmes are meant to improve the

relationships and collaborations in the workplace.

An important example of employee relations is when Hour and wage issue arise. For a

better relationship, the employer should be able to listen to the employees about wage

concerns, negotiate and arrive at a conclusion with the best interest for both parties.

The succession plan and Employee relations programme are related as far as Human

resource management is concerned. For example, A bad succession plan could lead to

installation of a wrong manager with a very poor record of employee relations. As a

result, employee would feel oppressed or uncomfortable leading which could have a

serious ripple effect on overall performance of the organization.

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