1101 - Rest

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3/22/2020 Rest

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1101

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, please read our main
article FIRST, then read and re-read it.

Wise and foolish virgins will be aware that 'Good Friday' is just 19 days
away thus we are republishing "Rest" ministered in 2018 and published
in Newsletter 1053. Studiously review and diligently prove this teaching
against God's three Bibles, the Prophet's Message and history to make
your calling and election sure. Although the 'rapture' has been in
process for 57 years precious few in the circle of this Message seem to
have roused from their slumber. I believe the teaching is sound and ministered the same to
many Churches in 2019 however I made the mistake of adding the proviso that if Joe Brandt's
1937 spiritual dreams wherein he saw the sinking of Los Angeles were of the Lord we may see
another year, but God does not change His mind on His Word and if Joe Brandt's dreams were
of the Lord they will agree with the prophecies written in His Bible and revealed to Brother

Joe Brandt stated, "I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the President. It surely
wasn't Mr. Roosevelt. He was bigger, heavier, big ears. If it wasn't 1937, I wondered what
year it was." Since the earthquake is imminent I thought perhaps it won't transpire until April
2, 2021, and that either Mr. Trump did not win a second term, was assassinated, or replaced
by a Caretaker Administration.

Now we see God is fulfilling prophecy at breakneck speed

since the Learned Elders of Zion and faceless gnomes
introduced the planned COVID-19 false flag black flag op
upon us Goyim whose lives are "not worth a Jew's fingernail,"
just collateral damage: "the ends justify the means." Lucifer's
one world order is being hastened under cover of COVID-19
lest financial and monetary systems collapse outside their
control. Former US military psychological warfare
officer Scott Bennett said "this is a fabricated psychological
operation that has been coordinated with an actual physical
sickness to spread fear, panic and intimidation in the Chinese
economic markets with the purpose of isolating China and
disrupting the Chinese-Russian-Iranian economic, military
alliance that we've seen in their patrols in the Persian Gulf,
and their solidarity in the defense of Syria from the . . .
regimes of Recep Erdogan and Turkey, Mohammed bin
Salman of Saudi Arabia, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the
Israeli Zionist state, and the purpose was to create a disruption that would fracture this
alliance for Western exploitation."

History is not happenstance, history is pre-planned and episodal. Disciplined

to obedience under 70 years of Judaeo-Communist state control China was the obvious first
target. COVID-19 is cover for social engineering, bringing us human cattle to obedience prior
to culling (Revelation 16:12-16). Remember, the United States is "the image unto the beast of
Imperial Rome . . . exceedingly dreadful, with teeth of iron and claws of bronze, and which

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devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped the remainder with his feet . . . The fourth beast will
be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which [as a church kingdom] will be diverse from all
kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and tread it down, and break it in pieces . . .
enforcing the world under servitude to the universal religion on pain of death" (Daniel
7:19, 23; Revelation 13:8, 11-18).

[Last week we miscoded the above link which is essential understanding, yet not one person
informed us. There is no point in researching and writing the Newsletter if our readers and
subscribers are sleeping virgins. Brother Branham taught us that the lamps of the foolish
virgins "are gone out" because they are dilatory or slothful in "proving all things then holding
fast that which is good." Are our Church Website, Newsletters and overseas travel a waste of
time and money? Are thousands of Message believers to whom we minister still sleeping in
the pews 57 years after the Prophet's midnight cry "Behold the Bridegroom, come out to meet
Him?" Pastors should study and prove the teachings, divide them into digestible portions and
feed the congregation in their own words].

Benn Steil and Benjamin Della Rocca of the Council on Foreign Relationssaid a meltdown is
rapidly approaching, saying: 'Given our evidence that China is shoveling new loans to
companies with the least ability to pay them back, we think China is heading towards a debt
crisis.' The US, UK, Australia and other nations having the best politicians money can buy
have each pinned the tail on the donkey, increasing indebtedness in service to the 'hidden
hand' leading their blind constituents motherless broke into the "sloth of despond" and
servitude under one world government and one world religion.

Much more pain is ahead before recovery and a return to growth occurs—what's happening in
China is already spreading worldwide. China is critical to the global economy. And, steadily, it
is shutting down in stages. China has become a crucial source of longer-term borrowing for
developing countries and if its lending conditions tighten with the slowdown, those with the
strongest financial links to China might be amongst the slowest to recover from the economic
impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

We are rapidly entering the global depression Brother Branham said we must taste during "the
manifestation of the Sons of God" (Romans 8:19) after the soon close of the Christian
dispensation but before our translation. He said "the Coming of the Lord will be a sudden,
secret going away" (#63-0901E Desperations, par. 55) . . . nobody know nothing about it.
The world will keep right on going" (#64-0315 Influence, par. 158).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome
to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be
confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Pandemic precipitating prophesied Global Depression

Genesis 3:15, "God said I will put enmity between the Serpent and the woman, and between
your seed and her seed; It shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel".

Talmud, Pesachim 113b, Last Will of Canaan—"Five things did Canaan charge his sons:
love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the
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Protocol 10:19: "But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the
expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the
people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension,
hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of
diseases, by want, so that the "Goyim" see no other issue than to take refuge in our
complete sovereignty in money and in all else".

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry concluded that COVID-19
was already in effect in the US before being identified in Wuhan—due to the by now fully
documented inability of the US to test and verify differences compared with the flu. Adding all
that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it
was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now
openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year
of the "unsafe" military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan
epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked—with no response—inside the US itself.

The Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS, MERS, SARS, Avian Flu and Ebola are six of many earlier
examples of man-made biological weapons of disease and death. The 1918 Spanish Influenza
had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox,
paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following
World War I. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or
more diseases—or toxic serums. And all those doctor-made diseases began breaking out at
once. This produced the plague of the Fifth Seal. "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon
the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues
for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and
repented not of their deeds" (Revelation 16:10-11).

Since the outbreak in China last December, COVID-19 has infected more than 219,338 people
globally and killed more than 8,969, mostly in mainland China. The death toll from the
coronavirus in Italy is 2,978 while in Iran 1,135 have died. The United Nations has warned
that the global economy faces "a trillion hit" in a "doomsday scenario" after the World Health
Organization declared a worldwide pandemic

This hybrid warfare is a City of London attack on China and Iran, for social control of the
industrialized nations in preparation for one world government and more wars against "the
last man standing." In the short run it has also been a money racket for "insiders" to short sell
and multiply on derivatives for certain industries like Big Pharma and Military equipment
manufacturers. Also in the short term it is hastening the prophesied global depression that will
be far, far WORSE than the Great Depression (Amos 8:11).

Economic and financial disruptions are in their early stages, much more to come. The latest
data from China's economy telegraph what is ahead for other nations. China's year-to-date
retail sales crashed an unprecedented 20.5%, far exceeding a projected 4% drop. Industrial
production collapsed 13.5%, its first reported decline. Fixed asset investment plunged nearly
25%. Property investment is down over 16% year-to-date, unemployment at a reported
6.2%, a record high in modern-day China.

This disruption will encompass multiple asset classes on a global scale. It will unleash inflation
not seen since the 1970s, insolvency not seen since the 1930s, and exchange shutdowns not
seen since 1914. Vastly more personal wealth will be destroyed than in 2008, 2000 and 1987,
in Australia power has already been legislated to contain panic. The Australian dollar has
already sunk to US$0.56. With all the new money introduced by the Fed over the past few
years, the market dynamics of supply and demand dictate that high inflation or even
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hyperinflation is on the horizon for the US dollar. Under normal circumstances this would
probably cause redenomination—changing the face value of US banknotes in circulation.
However we know that Rome will refinance the US dollar with gold backing (Daniel 9:27). And
be prepared for an extended international 'bank holiday' without prior warning during which
you will have no access to cash. Those who read our FREE Weekly Church Newsletter will have
set aside sufficient imperishable foodstuff for, say three months.

Having destroyed consumer and investor confidence throughout global economies, confidence
in fiat money and the bankrupt central and commercial banks, COVID-19 is the catalyst likely
to introduce the next currency reset in the imminent future . . . perhaps hosted by President
Donald Trump at his Palm Beach resort in the United States? It is unlikely COVID-19 will be
permitted to subside until after the reset.

The former Soviet head of state Mikhail Gorbachev recently described the current political
situation as extremely worrying. According to "Sputnik News" on 12 March, 2020 he wrote:
"War is in the air." President Putin made a similar observation.

Rebellion in Washington DC from both Parties has been rumoured with false flags that will be
put down by the military and simultaneous operations overseas . . . on Good Friday this year!
So perhaps Joe Brandt's dreams will be fulfilled this Good Friday, which means Los Angeles
will sink this Good Friday, President Trump is rumoured to be out of the country on Air Force

Veterans Today is calling for the removal of President Trump and Vice President Pence and for
a bi-partisan committee of Congress to take over as a caretaker government until a new
election can be held. It seems unlikely this could come to pass before Good Friday.

Coronavirus COVID-19: 'Made in China' or 'Made in

March 11, 2020 — It is "Damage Made in America." Late February: Financial manipulation
characterized stock market transactions Worldwide. The stock value of airlines companies
collapsed overnight. Those who had "foreknowledge" of Trump's March 11 decision to ban
transatlantic flights from EU countries made a bundle of money . . . a massive transfer of
money wealth has occurred, among the largest in World history, leading to countless
bankruptcies, not to mention the loss of lifelong savings engineered through the collapse of
financial markets. This process is ongoing. It would be naive to believe that these occurrences
are spontaneous, based on market forces. They are deliberate. They are part of a carefully
designed plan involving powerful financial interests . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca

Coronavirus Scaremongering, US-China Economic Rivalry.

Geopolitics of an Unfolding Global Crisis
March 13, 2020 — An underlying theme behind the Western political and media focus on the
coronavirus, is to damage and undermine China's international standing . . . Throughout this
century, China has represented the main threat to American global hegemony, and this threat
to US power has gradually been growing as elites in the West are only too aware. The
coronavirus, whose spectre is being exaggerated by the establishment, provides an excuse to

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tighten the choke-hold on China . . .

The WHO, who have a history of unnecessarily overestimating threats of infectious diseases
under suspect circumstances, have done little to dampen the hysteria regarding the
coronavirus . . . The business of big pharma is accumulation of wealth for their elite base, and
not in serving the public interest . . . China is the only nation that can even attempt to
challenge American dominance in the global arena . . . A top US official under president
Barack Obama lamented that, "We are wary about a trend toward constant accommodation of
China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power" . . . the best way . . . . is to
surround it with military forces on an enormous scale . . . what the Obama administration had
accomplished by late 2016 . . .
Full story: globalresearch.ca

More than Just a Virus

March 16, 2020 — An out-of-control pandemic encourages the public to rely on the CDC or
WHO as definitive 'medical experts' on public health concerns. While both are thoroughly
unscrupulous in their compromises to Big Pharma's dominance, the CDC has no reliable test
kits for coronavirus and is conducting no tests to determine the source of the virus. True
medical agencies would be encouraging the public to strengthen their immune system and
natural antibodies with doses of Vitamin C to ward off a head cold or respiratory infection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a recent video revealed massive corruption at the CDC and WHO with
both in the vaccine business rather than as regulatory agencies conducting oversight on Big
Pharma and protecting the public health. Kennedy reported that with an $11 billion annual
budget and a revolving door with industry, the CDC owns its own vaccine patents and collects
millions in profits each year. Identifying the WHO as a 'sock puppet' for Big Pharma and Big
Money, Kennedy said the WHO is controlled top to bottom by the pharmaceutical industry
which provides half of the WHO's budget.

Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, molecular biologist and former researcher with the National Cancer
Institute, blew the whistle on contaminated virus being used in human vaccines. When she
refused to renounce her study, she was fired and arrested in 2011. Here are her comments on
the efficacy of the coronavirus as "part of the plague of corruption".

Regarded as the UN's public health leader, the WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus, said, "We have made the assessment that COVID19 can be characterized as a
pandemic" without providing convincing infection or death rate statistics, More recently,
Ghebreyesus refused to consider when the virus might peak with "this outbreak could still go
in any direction"—whatever that means.

. . . the Biondt.org published a paper with the findings that the coronavirus was engineered
with 'key structural proteins' identifying "four inserts of amino acid sequences homologous to
amino acid sequences in HIV 1." This paper was also withdrawn with the publisher warning
that its conclusions should not be regarded as 'conclusive.'

The Gates Foundation, the WHO and the European Commissionare benefactors of
the Pirbright Institute [which is controlled by the City of London] which owns
the bio-safety lab-level 4 lab(BSL-4) in China which owns the
coronavirus patent. The US patent application was filed in 2015 and granted in 2018. It is
worth noting that the Fort Detrick bio weapons lab in Maryland with a history of violations was
shut down in August, 2019 due to 'safety concerns' related to a "loss of pathogens."
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The BSL Lab standard is of the highest bio-hazard level and is qualified to handle the 'world's
most dangerous pathogens.' It is the first of its kind in China and is located twenty miles
from where the coronavirus is said to have originated. However, it has also been determined
that the US is the only country known to have all five strains of coronavirus from
which all others are descended thereby suggesting more of a US role in the
pandemic . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca

Comment: "As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies and does research nearly
every day on the Immune System, the coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go
down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and
push MANDATED Medicine!."

Some in the government are using the pandemic to frighten people into obedience. Think . . .
what has transpired in less than a week's time. We have handed control of nearly everything
in our lives to the government. In many places, they are telling us when we can leave our
homes and when we must return to them. They have decided what events or religious
services we can attend, how many people are allowed to be there and which businesses are
allowed to stay open. In the process, the global economy has crashed with the assistance of
the media stirring everyone into a mass panic . . . (westernjournal.com).

Prof. Jihad Bishara, the director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva's Beilinson
Hospital, said that some of the steps being taken in Israel and abroad were very important,
but the virus is not airborne, most people who are infected will recover without even knowing
they were sick, the at-risk groups are now known, and the global panic is unnecessary and

"I've been in this business for 30 years," Bishara said in a Channel 12 interview. "I've been
through MERS, SARS, Ebola, the first Gulf war and the second, and I don't recall anything like
this. There's unnecessary, exaggerated panic. We have to calm people down.

COVID-19 Pandemic: Real Danger is 'Agenda ID2020'

March 12, 2020 — The infamous ID2020 is an alliance of public-private partners,
including UN agencies and civil society, an electronic ID program that uses
generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. Today WHO declared the
coronavirus COVID-19 a 'pandemic'—when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A
pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In
Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where
the peak of the death rate was 6% . . .

WHO has most likely received orders from 'above', from those people who also manage Trump
and the 'leaders' (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to
control the world with force—the One World Order . . . The final decision to go ahead
NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos—
behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of
vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind
this decision—the implementation of Agenda ID2020 . . . the next step may be—also at the
recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, force vaccination—always with the
aim of full population control and population reduction . . . especially in Africa . . . a nano-chip
may be injected, unknown—remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank
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accounts—digital money . . . Dr. Tedros, Director General of WHO, said . . . we must move
towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases,
especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus . . . and these steps to be implemented now
—prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in
Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation . . . Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what
WHO calls a Pandemic? . . .
Full story: globalresearch.ca

Jack Ma donates 500,000 Coronavirus Test Kits and 1 Million

Masks to the US
March 17, 2020 — Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has donated 500,000 coronavirus test kits and
1 million face masks to the United States as the pandemic first detected in central China starts
sweeping across Europe and North America. Alibaba owns the South China Morning Post. Full
story: youtu.be

Comment: Asymmetrical warfare: "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you" (Matthew 5:44). In contrast the Trump administration offered $1 billion to poach German
scientists working at biotech firm Curevac based in Thuringia, on an experimental vaccine
against COVID-19, to have it "only for the United States." China also sent a hefty
humanitarian package to Iran, significantly aboard eight flights from Mahan Air—an airline
under illegal, unilateral Trump administration sanctions.

44 – Vaccines – Viruses + 5G
March 14, 2020 — In an article sent to me re-1918 Flu, it claims—back then, scientists didn't
know viruses caused disease, and we didn't yet have a vaccine or antivirals to help prevent or
treat influenza, nor did we have antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections. The facts
are—disease causes the body to react and clean out the poisons and toxins—this reaction is
called a virus. How can that be contagious? Then others claim that nobody owns the
patent(s). How can someone patent a bodily function??

So—now you know. he hoax of a "contagious virus" revealed—China, the creator of the
pandemic [but not the virus – Ed], has miraculously "recovered," has almost no more cases of
coronavirus . . . The world is now beginning to feel the effects and panic about the disease.
Who recovered first?? China itself! Could it be a move by the Chinese government in response
to the loss of the trade war with the United States? The goal: to throw the world into

They are already growing! China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges
around the world . . . with that the Chinese became owners of the global companies that are
in China and without the money leaving China. Full story: larryhannigan.com

Comment: Sun Tzu anyone?

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Paul wrote to the Hebrews (3:12-19), "Take heed, brethren [in view of the conduct of
rebellious Jews and of their fearful doom], lest at any time there be in anyone of you [as in
your ancestors before you] an evil unbelieving heart [that will engender apostasy through a
want of confidence], falling away from the living God. So encourage one another daily, as long
as it is still called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."

We must discern between sure faith and persuasive psychology. Men pleasers often
feel it is of little consequence whether they have faith or not, provided their outward conduct
is right; hence they do not acknowledge the propriety of what Scripture says about the
consequences of unbelief. But what do they say about a want of confidence between a
husband and wife? Are there no evils in that? What husband can sleep with quietness if he has
no confidence in the virtue of his wife? What child can have peace who has no confidence in a
parent? How can there be prosperity in a community where there is no confidence in a bank,
or where one merchant has no confidence in another; where a neighbour has no confidence in
his neighbour; where the sick have no confidence in a physician, and where in general all
confidence is broken up between man and man?

Always working under another name and in a different occupation the "enmity" God
set between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the first and the last Adam is
producing the same want of confidence between man and man which is now
between man and his Maker (Genesis 3:15).

"For we have become partakers [in Spiritual union] with Christ if we hold fast the beginning of
our confidence firm until the end; while it is said, Today if you hear His Voice, do not harden
your hearts as when they provoked Me. For who provoked Him when they had heard? Was it
not allwho came out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He embittered forty years?
Was it not with those who disbelieved, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom did
God swear that they should not enter into His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So
Israel did not enter the Pentecostal rest in 1405BC because they were rooted in

When will we learn to be obedient, "prove all things [by the Absolute
of God's unchanging Word, and] hold fast that which is good?" For
perhaps three thousand years Bible maps depicting the journeys of the
children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan have been false as to the route of the
Exodus and the true location of Mount Sinai (Exodus 2:15-
3:1, 12; 4:19; Galatians 4:25). All seven Church Ages of PART-Word are
fulfilled and Christ is no longer a Mediator interceding for ignorance because
today by God's help we have the perfect interpretation of the Word with
Divine vindication. The Bible is unsealed and "the mystery of God is finished" (I Corinthians
13:10; Revelation 10:7). God twice displayed this promised heavenly Sign (Psalm 19:1-
5; Daniel 7:9; Revelation 1:14; 10:1-4) yet non-elect pastors and brethren neglecting to
study this phenomenon have rejected the Prophet and his Message which is Christ Himself.

1. God entered His rest on the seventh day. His is an eternal rest but His Word had not
yet manifest the things He had made (Genesis 2:1-7). "Let me ask you, are the thoughts of
God eternal? God is infinite in His abilities so therefore He as God must be omniscient. If He is
omniscient, then He is not now learning, nor is He taking counsel even with Himself, nor is He
at any time adding to His knowledge. If He can add to His knowledge, He is not omniscient . .
. He IS omniscient. He has never had a new thought about anything because all His thoughts
He has always had and always will have; He knows the end from the beginning because He is
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a man with a blueprint he has drawn up and which one day will be translated into substance
and form, they are already real and eternal, and part of God" (An Exposition of the Seven
Church Ages, p. 149:2-3; Romans 8:28-39).

2. Israel was given rest on the Day of Pentecost under the Law en-route to Canaan
(Exodus 19). Israel should have journeyed to the border of the Promised Land from Mount
Sinai in 11 days (Deuteronomy 1:2), a precise number; they failed because of unbelief. They
left Sinai on the twentieth day of the second month and God intended them to arrive at the
border on the first day of the third month, Sivan, which was the anniversary of their arrival at
Sinai exactly one year earlier (Numbers 10:11). This leads us to speculate that after three
days of sanctification, as they cleansed themselves at Sinai (Exodus 19:14-16; 24:4, and
ultimately Joshua 3:1-5; 4:19), they would then have crossed the Jordan to Jericho and the
feast of Pentecost, typing the three Church Ages of the Reformation before the Seventh Seal
introduced Christ, and we crossed over our Jordan into the fullness of the Word and our Holy
Convocation (The Restoration of the Bride Tree, p. 75:6 - 76:2). Pentecost is the sixty-fifth
day of the year, the fifth day of the third month. Seven-weeks will be counted from Nisan 16
to the holy convocation of the fiftieth day and the antitypical resurrection.

3. The Church entered rest at her inauguration on the Day Pentecost (Acts 2:1).

4. Brother Branham restored "the faith once delivered to the apostolic saints" and
introduced the second or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in
W_O_R_D form in the revelation of the Seven Seals for the antitype of the rest or
holy convocation of the fiftieth day of Israel's Pentecostal feast (Leviticus 23:15-
21; Malachi 4:4, 6b; Matthew 17:11; 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 10:7).

5. Christ's end-time Bride is anticipating a millennium of rest in the near future

(Isaiah 24:22; II Peter 2:4; Revelation 20:1-8).

Brother Branham said, "Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which
have swept the world in the last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions
will have all come to pass by 1977. And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible
statement in view of the fact that Jesus said that "no man knoweth the day nor the hour." I
still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus did NOT say no man could know
the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed. [This threefold
PROCESS described by Paul in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 will be completed for Christ's
end-time Bride under the Seventh Trump following the type in Matthew 27:50-
53]. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with
Divine inspiration that [the jubilee of] 1977 ought to terminate the world systemsand
usher in the millennium." [1977 + 49 = 2026 which would make 2026 to 2027
Israel's Jubilee year Brother Branham twice stating that "1977 will be the
seventieth Jubilee" (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:195-197, 212-
213; Matthew 18:22 or seventy jubilees, 3,430 years).

Because God is the Word He is infinite: His Word cannot fail and He can never change His
ways. Deuteronomy 29:29: "The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things
which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the Words of
this Law." Since 606BC the Israelites had been apprised of the hour, day, week,
month, year and place of Messiah's crucifixion without Jerusalem on the evening of
Nisan 14, AD30 (Exodus 12; Deuteronomy 16:5-6; 29:29; Daniel 9:1-2, 24-26).
As "the mystery of God is finished" should not Spiritual Israel, Christ's end-time
Bride, know the year, month and week of the second crucifion and the sinking of Los
Angeles? Christ's end-time Bride, typed by John the Divine—knows that we all entered the
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'rapture' and were caught up in the Spirit in the Lord's Day between about nine and ten on the
morning of March 8, 1963 when the constellation of Angels appeared over Mount Sunset, forty
miles north-east of Tucson Arizona and Brother Branham was caught up into "the great cloud
of witnesses . . . to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable
company of angels, to the general assembly and Church of the firstborn, which are written in
heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect" (Hebrews
12:1, 22-23; Revelation 1:10; 3:22-4:2).

This was prophesied in the vision of December 22, 1962 and recounted on December 30 in the
sermon, "Is This the Sign of the End, Sir?" You were in that theophany, as you were present
in theophany when, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Messiah claimed the Book of
Redemption and loosed its Seven Seals (Revelation 5:4-14). "Now faith is the title-deed of
things hoped for, the evidence of unseen reality," and we have been apprised of the day,
week, month, year of the first resurrection of Christ's Bride although "that day and hour" may
be uncertain owing to calendar differences and weather.

The world monetary system set up at

Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944,
established a system of rules, institutions
and procedures; these accords established
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD), now part of the World
Bank (WB). The United States, which
controlled two thirds of the world's gold,
insisted the Bretton Woods system rest on
both gold and the US dollar. Soviet delegates
attending the conference later declined to
ratify the final agreements, charging that the
institutions created were "branches of Wall
Street." These organizations became
operational in 1945 after a sufficient number
of nations ratified the agreement. On August 15, 1971, the United States unilaterally
terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold, rendering the Bretton Woods system
inoperable, so that by 1973 it was replaced by a de facto regime of floating fiat currencies
that remains in place to the present day (Newsletter 926). The Money Power is the sole
world system that overrules globally. However the world church system of Judaeo-
Roman Catholicism and Protestantism will control the whole wealth of the world
system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing
the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living [Daniel 7:19-
26; 9:27; Revelation 13:15-18].

[The UNITED STATES is not a country, it is a federal corporationas stated under US

code 3002 section 15 part a, and a continuation of the Virginia Company.
Washington DC was created in 1871 based on debts owed to foreign entities such as
the royal chartered Hudson Bay Company and the royal-owned Belgian government
as stated in the 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act. Do you see what the Vatican and
the banksters of the City of London have in store for all nations except perhaps Russia and
China, for the nations are all corporations registered with the United States Securities
Exchange Commission. Also in 1871, Albert Pike completed his military blueprint
whereby Lucifer's one world government will be established following three World Wars. World
Wars I and II are history; I expect the 'hot stage' of World War III will ignite after the sinking
of Los Angeles and the cleaving of the Mount of Olives].

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1977 terminated the world church system when Christ's end-time Bride reached the age
of accountability and began to receive the revelation of the end-time Message, Brother
Branham's "third pull." We now know the year, month and week in which His Coming will be
completed and anticipate the resurrection of the New Testament saints to commence three
days after Nisan 14 which in 2020 will be April 8.

The Great Pyramid is God's second Bible. God inspired its design to His prophet Enoch
who was translated sixty-nine years before Noah was born. In "The Antiquities of the
Jews" Josephus said: "[Seth's posterity] were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom
which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order [God's first Bible, the Witness
of the Stars]. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently
known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by
the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they
made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their
discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the
Flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind;
and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now
this remains in the land of Siriad [Egypt] to this day."

Like our Bible in paper and ink, the Bible in Stone foretells the story of God changing His form
or unfolding Himself from the eternal Spirit alone with His thoughts to the stature of the
Perfect Man (Ephesians 1, 2 and 4; I Peter 2:1-8; Revelation 3:14), the flesh of His glorified
family, the many-membered Body of Christ wherein God will be worshipped throughout
eternity by those who are the "saved."

Measurements of the Great

Pyramid prophesy Biblical
chronology that astronomers can
confirm by "The Witness of the
Stars" which is forever "settled
in heaven" (Psalm
119:89; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews
13:8). Its passages and
geometry identify the ministries
of Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Moses
and the Old Testament prophets
plus the Church Age Messengers,
most notably Brother Branham
who introduced Christ's second
or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming in the
seventh step at the fiftieth level
of masonry, which is our jubilee
and the King's Chamber. On the
right hand side of this diagram
you will find the date of the Deluge that marked the end of "the first tragic era" prophesied by
Adam, Enoch and Noah. The entrance to the descending passage pointed to the Polar star,
Draconis when it crossed the meridian below the North Pole in 2170BC. Draco or Draconis
represents "the Dragon, that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the
whole world" (Revelation 12:9). The descending passage leads to the pit and destruction.

The call of Abram began the Patriarchal Age (Genesis 3:1-4; Galatians 3:8) and the Exodus
made Israel a nation. The low ascending passage in which one must stoop signified the works
of the Law. As indicated, Israel was first soiled by idolatry, the breach of God's Covenant, and
again when it blasphemed at Kadesh-Barnea causing the adults to be blotted from the Book of
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Life. Three bands through which each Israelite must pass in order to progress up the
ascending passage represent justification, sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit
under the Old Testament (I Peter 1:11). Christ's Crucifixion fulfilled the Law at the level of the
Queen's Chamber; Israel's high priest and many true Israelites were blotted from the Book of
Life, condemned to the pit with the Edomite self-styled Jews and bound for the Lake of Fire
(Psalm 69:28; Matthew 27:25).

The Great Pyramid's chronological representation depends upon the angle of the
passages. The "Christ angle" is that at which the Queen's Chamber floor intersects the
Ascending Passage. This is 26 degrees, 18 minutes, 9 seconds and as it opens to the Grand
Gallery it creates a triangle depicting the life of Christ in terms of pyramid inches. If projected
north of east from the site of the Great Pyramid it points to where Israel crossed the Red Sea.
It will bisect Bethlehem where Christ was born, and if extended, point to the Jordan River
where Israel followed the Ark into the Promised Land and where Jesus was baptized by John.
The Queen's Chamber may represent Israel whose destiny is portrayed on a lower level than
the King's Chamber which represents Christ's Bride.

The remainder of the ascending passage represents the Christian

dispensation where men stand tall under grace, overshadowed by the
corbelled walls, seven overlapping stone steps representing seven Church
Ages. It takes us to the plane of the second advent or (Gk.) 'parousia'
Coming of our Lord in W_O_R_D form through the lips of the seventh angel
William Branham at the fiftieth course of masonry that represents the
jubilee which everyone in Christ's end-time Bride entered in 1977. All seven
Church Ages, Christ's mediation and redemption ended on March 8, 1963.
For us, (Gk.) 'chronos' "time is no longer" for we were fully redeemed in
Christ on Calvary.

Under the Law all debts had to be settled and forfeited property restored to
the owner in the fiftieth or jubilee year. So "when the fiftieth day of Pentecost had full
come" God sent the Holy Spirit with the eternal Life of the risen Jesus Christ "Which is the
earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise
of His glory." If we add 49 years to the jubilee year 1977 we have 2026 + 1 = 2027,
Israel's jubilee. 2027 – 7 brings us to our Pentecostal Jubilee and homegoing.

Brother Branham said, "Go into the prophet's chamber

and watch them seven steps. Where did the guard
[William Branham] meet the challenge to bring the
comer into the Presence of the King? Was at the top of
the steps, in the seventh step. There shows that we've
got to come again with that same Spirit that was on
John; he introduced the Messiah. He was greater than
all the prophets; he introduced It. And we've got to
come to a place, again, to something that's going to
introduce the Messiah. And how will the people that's
believing Him know it unless they're constantly in the Word to know what He is! Daniel
said, "The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn't know. They shall know their
God." Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to
the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the
revealed Word" (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Revelation 10:7; The Feast of the Trumpets, p. 15:112-
113). We are not to look for the Man (Matthew 24:23-27). Notice, 1909 + 68 = 1977 + 43
(50 – 7) = 2020, the jubilee and our "going up" (Revelation 4:1-2).

The Prophet entered the Prophet's Chamber in 1909 and years later the Lord reveals
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to him His Message. The Great Step is the "little introduction plank" Brother Branham
mentions (God's only Provided Place of Worship, p. 33:217). The Great Step starts at 1909 at
point 'A'; rises to 1946 at point 'B.' [Remember the 'Jewish' people was declared a nation [at
Lake Success by the UNSCOP Committee on May 6, 1946 (UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 (May 6-
13)], and the Angel of the Lord appeared to me on May 7, 1946 at Green's Mill, Indiana . . .
come into the room where I was at, a Man walking. He didn't have wings; He was just a big
man, had a white garment down to His feet. And He said that I was born to pray for sick
people. And I told Him I was uneducated, illiterate, and I wasn't able to go. He said I'd be
praying for kings and monarchs, and Message around the world, a Message that would bring
the second Coming of Christ was near . . . THUS SAITH THE LORD, I said, America made
her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She's gone, and there's nothing left
but judgment and chaos (The Handwriting on the Wall, #58-0309)]. The oncomer of the
Church Ages is led by the prophet into the Prophet's Chamber at point 'C,' around 1977 (1909
+68). The distance of 68 inches under the Great Step is also included in the 1881 inches of
the total length of the Grand Gallery.

The Prophet said, "From the first jubilee [calculated from Israel's
crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land (Leviticus
25:2)], Leviticus 25:8 in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee,
making exactly three thousand four hundred and thirty years.
[Working back 3,430 – AD1977 = 1453BC – 1 no year 0 = 1452BC
approximately Ussher's 1451BC]. Jubilee means "The going up!
The release!" (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:197).
Jesus explained this in Matthew 18:21-35 when Peter
asked, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and
I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, Up to seven
times, but up to seventy-times seven." Or seventy jubilees: 70 x 49 = 3,430 years
after which Israel's Seventh Trump will signal the end of the Christian dispensation
and men will "find no place of repentance" (Daniel 12:10; Hebrews
12:17; Revelation 22:10-11). This and the previous diagram show there is but one way
across the breach caused by Laodicea's apostasy. The Prophet helped us up the Great Step to
the fiftieth course of masonry signifying the jubilee by the revelation of the Seven Seals. We
are in the seventieth Pentecostaljubilee, in the Capstone or King's Chamber (The
Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride, p. 45:373)
anticipating the eternal land of the millennium and immortality:

Leviticus 25:8-13, "You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years;
even forty-nine years . . . You shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim
a release throughout the land to all its inhabitants (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians
4:16; Revelation 18:4). It shall be a jubilee to you; and each of you shall return to his own
property, and each of you shall return to his [Spiritual] kinfolk, [his first estate in the Word as
Brother Branham sang, "Return O dispersed to your own" (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11)] .
. . you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself, nor gather [for sale] from the
undressed vines. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat of its increase out of
the field. In this Year of Jubilee each of you shall return to his property" [or right redeemed
and restored by our Kinsman Redeemer when He claimed the Book, loosed its Seven Seals
and revealed their secrets through His Prophet William Branham that we might enter this holy
convocation. The work is done, "the mystery of God is finished"—feed your soul and rest in
the evening S_O_N-Light of the revelation (Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:27-28; Revelation
5:8-14; 10:7-11)]!"

By 1977 Divine inspiration had begun to release the revelations of Brother Branham's
Message. "Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things.
One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will
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reveal the mysteries of the Seven Thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations
contained in the Seven Seals. It will be these Divinely revealed 'mystery-truths' that
literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers" (An Exposition of
the Seven Church Ages, p. 327:1). God in simplicity has hidden the revelation of
our Pentecostal jubilee in plain sight.

One must stoop down to enter the Prophet's Chamber.

Inside is an amber-coloured granite leaf that represents
the Pillar of Fire. A figure called "THE BOSS" projects
one pyramid inch from its face and is offset from the
center by one inch to show there is an imperfection
because the Cross would never have been had Satan
not rebelled bringing the fall of himself and mankind
(Pastor Morris R. Ungren, The Mount of God, The Story
of the Great Pyramid, p. 12-15). One pyramid inch
equals one year. This is the key to understanding the
lineal measurements of the galleries and mysteries of the Great Pyramid or Bible in Stone as
the unwritten Seventh Seal is the Key to understanding our printed Bible. Both attest "Christ
is the mystery of God revealed" (John 1:1, 14; Revelation 10:7). Like "the Stone cut out of
the mountain without hands," at the Seventh Trump the granite leaf will fall upon
five western toes of Judaeo-Roman iron and five eastern toes of Judaeo-Communist
clay (Daniel 2:31-45).

From Egyptian
hieroglyphics in "The
Book of the Dead" our
late Brother Ungren
learned that the BOSS
represents Christ's Bride
as a full loaf of wheat
bread "baked with leaven
as firstfruits to the Lord" (Leviticus 23:17) to be
waved before Him as a consecration of the whole harvest in the manifestation of the Sons of
God "when the Day of Pentecost has full come [again]." Then "we who are alive and
remain" will be glorified, and rid the leaven of this sinful flesh, caught up to meet the Lord in
the air. The New Testament is written in Greek: the letters Alpha and Omega that form the
BOSS on the granite leaf in the Prophet's Chamber guarding the way to the King's Chamber
signify "Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever" (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).
The BOSS is crowned by a nimbus or halo signifying the hill of sunrise—a new day had
dawned, and the rainbow signifies the second or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming of the Son of man—
the glory of God (Matthew 24:37; Revelation 10:1) who is the Alpha and Omega. Our English
word pyramid is from the Greek 'pyramis' (pl. pyramides), a wheaten cake. It is said that this
word 'pyramis' was used to describe these ancient Egyptian structures because they reminded
the Greeks of pointy-topped wheaten cakes. The Egyptians had a conical bread loaf called
'ben-ben,' which was also the word for the capstone of a pyramid or the tip of an obelisk
—'ben-benet,' named after the 'benben' stone, the sacred icon in the temple of Heliopolis, the
oldest centre of the sun cult.

In "The Seventieth Week of Daniel" (p. 116:200-212) the Prophet mentions a

second "great tragedy" or "tragic era," the destruction by fire prophesied by Adam
and recorded by Josephus, stating "this great consummation or great thing would
take place here in the United States, some great horrible thing . . ." (Malachi
4:1; Matthew 11:12; II Peter 3:7-11; Revelation 16:16).

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"Now, then after that [union of church and state in the US under Judaeo-Roman
Church dominance] I turned and looked, and I saw this United States burning like a
smoulder; rocks had been blowed up. And it was burning like a heap of fire in logs or
something that just set it afire; and looked as far as I could see and she'd been
blown up. And then the vision left me. Five out of the seven has happened".

Teaching "The Seventieth Week of Daniel" in 1960 the Prophet said, "Now, counting the time,
we find that we have exactly (Listen.) seventeen years left, [the number of Spiritual
perfection] and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the
power of the Holy Spirit since AD33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years [Genesis
12:1-4, 1921BC + 33AD = 1954 years]. God deals with us the same as He did with the Jews.
See? How about that" (p. 115:195-201)? 1960 + 17 = 1977 and Israel's seventieth jubilee;
40 jubilees x 49 = 1960 + 17 = 1977. Thus 1977 + 49 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 and Israel's
seventy-first jubilee, therefore the Church must go Home in 2020]. "Oh, brother, give me a
church full of the Holy Ghost. God will do in one year [Nisan 14, 2019 to Nisan 14,
2020] what all theology's failed to do in two thousand years. You wait till the anointing
of the church really strikes home to that faithful the little remnant. After the doors of the
Gentiles is closed, oh, God will anoint a church then. "He who's filthy, let him be filthy still. He
who's righteous let him be righteous still, and he who's holy let him be holy still." And God will
anoint the church with the power of God, and things will be taken place. Not only that then,
but He's doing it now" (COD, p. 145:203).

"Now, mark down in your book a little Scripture here I want to give you. Leviticus 25, begin
with the 8th verse. God calls a jubilee every forty-ninth year; the fiftieth year was the jubilee.
We know that. We understand that. From the first jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the
seventieth jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release".

"And here comes around and shows, and then I predicted . . . I never said the Lord told me
that, but standing that morning in the church, I said, "The way progress . . ." I got back to
one end of the wall and run to the other end of the wall, and I said, "The way progress is
going on, I'll predict that the time (I don't know why I'm saying it.)—but I predict that that'll
all happen between right now, 1933, and 1977. And not knowing it, God knows my heart, I
never knowed it until yesterday, that 1977 is the jubilee, and exactly the same amount
of time run out that He give with Israel and everything at the end. So we're at . . . And
here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the seventieth week. We don't know
what time that the church will be gone. Oh, my. What can we do, friends? Where are we at?"
(The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:196-202, 212-213).

Galatians 3:16-18, "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made (Luke
1:55; Romans 4:13, 16; 9:4-5). God did not say, And to seeds, as of many [as if there was
one seed before the Law, another under the Law]; but as of one, and to your Seed, which is
Christ. What I am saying is that the Law, which was four hundred and thirty
years afterthe promise, cannot invalidate the Covenant previously ratified by God so as to
disannul and make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no
longer based upon promise: but God granted it to Abraham by means of
a promise" (Genesis 12:1-4, 21:5).

Brother Branham said, "From the time God made the promise to Abraham. (Don't miss
this). [In other words, don't settle for the "letter" of a second-hand religion, "for the letter
kills, but the Spirit gives Life . . . Prove all things . . . and make your calling and election
sure"]. From the time God made the promise to Abraham, Genesis 12:3, to the time of Christ
being rejected in AD33 by the Jews according to Galatians 3:16 and 17, and according to
Ussher's chronology of the Hebrews, the power of God was with the Jews exactly 1954 years.
God dealt with the Jews 1954 years according to the chronology of the Jews and according
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to Galatians 3:16 and 17. I got many more Scriptures . . ." (The Seventieth Week of Daniel,
p. 115:195).

Abraham was a Hebrew and the great grandfather of Jacob whose name was changed to
Israel. And he was the great, great grandfather of Jacob's son Judah, progenitor of the Tribe
of Judah and the Judahites commonly called "Jews."

The common misunderstanding of Biblical chronology that the children of Israel

were slaves in Egypt for 400 years is based upon Genesis 15:13: "And God told Abram,
Know of a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve
them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years." And Acts 7:6, "But God spoke to this
effect, that his offspring would sojourn in a foreign land; and that they should enslave, and
evil entreat them four hundred years".

Then Exodus 12:40-41 prophesies, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in
Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred
and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went
out from the land of Egypt." This does not imply that the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt 430
years for as Paul explains, this period extends from the date of God's Covenant with Abraham
until the exodus. "What I am saying is that the Law which was four hundred and thirty
years after the promise, cannot invalidate the Covenant previously ratified by God so as to
disannul and make the promise of none effect" (Galatians 3:17).

We know that Jacob and his family entered Egypt 215 years after God's promise to Abram
in Genesis 12:1-7, half way through the 430 years. Moreover we know that Joseph was 39 at
that time and lived another 71 years to the age of 110. From Exodus 1:6-8 we learn that
Israel was not enslaved until after Joseph died. "And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all
that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and
multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Now there arose
up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph." Subtracting 71 from 215 leaves 144
years, the maximum time Israel could have been enslaved by Egypt. (For a more
fulsome excursus see Israel, God's Timepiece).

The fact that the children of Israel were only in Egypt for 215 years is also consistent with the
genealogy of Moses. Born 80 years before the exodus from Egypt, Moses was the son of
Amram, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi (I Chronicles 6:1-3). Levi was one of Jacob's 12
sons and the grandfather of Moses, who was already born when Jacob and his family entered
Egypt (Genesis 46:8-11). Kohath lived to 133 years and his son Amram lived to 137 (Exodus
6:18-20). Even if Kohath was only one year old when they entered Egypt, and Amram and
Moses were each born in the last year of their father's lives, then the maximum time Israel
could have been in Egypt would have been 133 + 137 + 80 = 350 years, still well short of the
traditional 400 years.

According to Exodus 12:40, "the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt, was
four hundred and thirty years," so the prophecy of Genesis 15:13 commenced with the call
and Covenant in Genesis 12:1-4when Abram entered Canaan at the age of seventy-five, four
hundred and thirty years before the Law was delivered at Mount Sinai (on the Day of
Pentecost) fifty days after the Exodus. Paul explains this in Galatians 3:17, "The Law that
came four hundred and thirty years afterthe giving of the promise cannot invalidate a
Covenant that has been previously ratified by God, so as to annul the promise." Thus the
prophecy commenced thirty years before the "affliction" of Abraham's seed "in a strange

I believe God allowed Brother Branham to speak in the vernacular in order to protect his life.
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As he said himself: "I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes
and listen, and I hope and trust that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God
has been trying to get over to the Church without saying it right out. See? It's a thing,
sometime, we have to say things in such a way that it might thin down, it might bring some
to go out, some to leave, and some to ponder over. But that's done purposely. It must be
done that way."

"Then it might be that some would say, "You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?"
He certainly did. He does yet. He said one day, when He had thousands around Him, He
said, "Except you eat of the Flesh of the Son of God, or Son of man, and drink His Blood, you
have no Life in you" (The Unveiling of God, p. 5:22-24).

Brother Branham was the greatest prophet since Enoch who warned of the Flood.
Brother Branham "proclaimed the day of vengeance of our God" warning us to
escape the "tragic era" of consummation by nuclear fire prophesied by Adam (Isaiah
61:2b; Malachi 4:1; 3:2-3; Isaiah 9;18-19; II Peter 3:10; Matthew 24:22; Revelation
10:8-11). He "finished the mystery of God" and introduced Christ's second or (Gk.) 'parousia'
Coming. If we are Christ's end-time Bride our Church and person will match His Prophet's
instructions in Conduct Order and Doctrine in the Church which are THUS SAITH THE LORD in
black and white.

Clearly some Churches have far too large a congregation, few of whom harbour hope or
interest in election but enjoy our non-threatening ambience as a social occasion, free
entertainment or self-worship. Paul told the Athenians, "I perceive that in all things you are
extremely reverential, greatly addicted to the worship of invisible powers" (Acts 17:22). The
Prophet warned us that the coming economic collapse will be WORSE than the Great
Depression (Jezebel Religion, p. 22:100). God's Church is the Body of Christ not a charity or
religion. The fivefold ministry is for "the perfecting of those who are saints and to strengthen
those who are in the Body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-24). Should ministers submit to and
insist each congregant "Stay in line" with Paul's Conduct Order and Doctrine in the
Church as the Prophet of Malachi 4 screamed before the vision of the Omega Bride
passed (The Rapture, p. 40:198-203)? This "might thin down, might bring some
to go out, some to leave, and some to ponder over. But that's
done purposely. It must be done that way." Start obeying this instruction today,
otherwise our churches will become charities for a mixed multitude of
religious "whomsoever wills" like the apostate world church system, and unable to
attend to those who are saints.

In summary: Historically and chronologically God's three Bibles are in agreement. 1960 + 17
= 1977, the Seventieth Jubilee; 1977 was 3,430 years from Leviticus
25:8 (numerology; Matthew 18:21-35; Galatians 3:16-17; Hebrews 12:17). Our Pentecostal
Jubilee should be 2020 typed by Matthew 27:50-53, seven years before Israel's rebirth and
the consummation (Daniel 9:24-27). Nisan 14, 2020 – 1 = Nisan 14, 2019—"God will do in
ONE YEAR what all theology's failed to do in two thousand years." Rest . . .

Azusa Street Revival 1906 + 120 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 (Genesis 6:3; Matthew 24:37). 1977 +
49 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 Israel's—seventy-first Jubilee Year of mourning when 144,000 elect
Israelites will "anoint the most holy"—King Jesus Christ and His Queen. nl1101.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since
1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible
Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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