Wishes: Form Example Meaning

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Name: __________________ Mark:

Date: _____/ _____ / ______ Teacher:

To make a wish for the
I wish / If only + past simple I wish/If only I found a job. present or future.
If only gives more emphasis
to what we are saying.
I wish / If only + would + I wish/If only the weather To express a wish for
infinitive would improve. something to change in the
future. It cannot be used to
refer to oneself.
I wish/ If only I had taken a To express regrets about
I wish / If only + past computer course. things that happened or
perfect didn’t happen in the past. It
is impossible to change them

A- Write sentences beginning I wish or If only.

1. I live very far from the city centre.

2. It’s very hot and I can’t stand hot weather.

3. I didn’t work hard when I was a student.

4. I didn’t bring an umbrella and it’s raining.

5. The weather is terrible and I can’t go to the beach.

6. He didn’t telephone me before he came.

B- What do these people wish? Write sentences with the words given.

1. I can’t find a good and cheap computer. (wish)

2. I don’t know many people at work. (if only)

3. My car is always breaking down. (wish)

4. I can’t afford to buy my girlfriend a nice birthday present. (wish)

5. I can’t go to the disco with my friends. ( if only)

6. My job is so repetitive. ( (wish)

C- Write sentences with would. Use the words given in brackets and supply any missing

1. My sister is so noisy. ( she / not / make noise)

2. It is raining and I want to go out. (stop raining)

3. I don’t have a car and I need one. (somebody / buy me / car)

4. I’m looking for a job but I can’t find a vacancy. (somebody / give me / job)

5. Brad always leaves the door open. ( not leave / door open)

6. A lot of people drop litter in the street. ( not drop/ litter)

D- React to these situations.

1. You didn´t tell me about the concert. I didn’t go.

I wish …

2. You want to take some photographs but you forgot to bring your camera.

I wish ….

3. Your mother didn’t wake you up and you missed the bus.
I wish…

4. You haven’t tidied your room for days and you can’t find your things.

I wish…

5. Your father didn’t drive you to school and you got soaked.

I wish…

You’ve painted your room blue but now you don’t like it.

I wish…

Answer key
1. I wish I didn’t live so far from the city centre.

2. I wish / If only the weather would get warmer.

3. I wish / If only I had worked harder when I was a student.

4. I wish I had brought an umbrella.

5. I wish the weather would improve.

6. I wish / If only he had telephoned me before he came.

1. I wish I could find a good and cheap computer.

2. If only I knew more people at work.

3. I wish I could buy a new car.

4. I wish I could afford to buy my girlfriend a nice birthday present.

5. If only I could go to the disco with my friends.

6. I wish my job wasn’t so repetitive.

1. I wish she wouldn’t make so much noise.

2. I wish it would stop raining.

3. I wish / If only somebody would buy me a car.

4. I wish / If only somebody would give me a job.

5. I wish / If only Brad wouldn’t always leave the door open.

6. I wish / If only people wouldn’t drop litter in the street.

1. I wish you had told me about the concert.

2. I wish I had brought my camera to take some photographs.

3. I wish mother had woken me up.

4. I wish I had tidied my room.

5. I wish my father had driven me to school.

6. I wish I hadn’t painted my room blue.

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