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Department of the English Language and Literature Academic Year: 2019/2020

First Year English Degree / L.M.D. Reading Comprehension and Written Expression

First Semester Exam Correction

I . Reading Comprehension

1. Supply a suitable title to the text. (01)

The Queen of Egypt
2. Did Julius Caesar marry Cleopatra? Justify your answer from the text. (01)
No, he did not. He became her lover and espoused her cause.
3. Why did Cleopatra marry her younger brother? (01)
She married her younger brother because of customs.
4. Find in the text words whose definitions are the following: (02)
- Traditional beliefs or rituals customs
- The state of being banished from one’s home or country exile

II. Written Expression

1. “  Cleopatra , the daughter of Ptolemy XI Auteles, king of Egypt………”

Justify the use of the two commas. (01)
It is appositive.
2. Justify the use of capital letters for each one of the underlined words in the
text. (03)
* Egyptian Proper adjective derived from proper noun
* B.C. Before Christ
* Syria  Name of a country
*Roman Proper adjective derived from proper noun
* Alexandria  Name of a city
* Egyptians  Name of people
4. Rewrite the second paragraph using correct punctuation and capitalization (02)
It depends on the students’ answers.
5.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions : (06)
* I was not quite satisfied with the exam results .
* We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week.
* My grandmother thanked me for the flowers and commented on their beauty.
* My cousin is married to a famous American .
* Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car.
* Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop.
6. Use the following words in meaningful sentences (03)
* implore /* barter / * crow

It depends on the students ‘ answers. Misuse of punctuation, spelling and

grammatical mistakes will be taken into consideration.

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