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University of Mascara Faculty of Letters and Languages Department of English Language and Literature 1 Semester Examination in the Study of Civilization Texts 3" Year Licence) ‘Model Answer 12 for language 08 for content Question 1; Fo what extent can we consider the involvement of women in the First World War a motive for the development of their station? Introduction |-Women and their fight for the right to vote: sufftagettes and suffragists 2-Women in the First World War 3-The granting of the right of franchise to women in 1918 and in 1928. Conclusion Question 2: How did the British economic reforms ofthe 1930s help the working class people improve their socio-economic life? Introduction I-British working class people socio-economic conditions before the 1930s 2-The 1929 Economic Crisis and the British National Government Reforms: The reopening of the armament industries. 3-The working class people employment in the armament industri their socio-economic life Conclusion ” and the improvement of Question 3 : Discuss the positive and negative effects of the race for armaments in Great Britain during the first half of the twentieth century. Introduction |-Positive side: the employment of working class people and the improvement of the British economy 2-Negative side: the outbreak of wars, the death of innocent people, instability all over the world. Conclusion

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