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University of Mustapha Stambouli Module: Introduction to Applied Linguistics

Faculty of Letters and Languages Academic Year: 2019-2020

Department of English 1st year/ Master Didactics

First Semester Exam Correction

Christopher Brumfit defines Applied Linguistics as: “The theoretical and
empirical investigation of real-world problems in which language is a central
issue.” (Brumfit, 1995: 27)

In a coherent essay, provide an overview on Applied Linguistics shedding

light on its main concern and its relationship to Linguistics.

The essay

In a brief introduction, the student may state that the field of foreign
language teaching in general and Linguistics in particular, has been
and will continue to be the history of controversies, debates and
The student may also shed a slight light on some historical
backgrounds and reasons which paved the way to the emergence of
Applied Linguistics as a dependant discipline.

A general description of the discipline of Applied Linguistics

Body referring to its purposes , concerns and its relationship to Linguistics
N.B. A single paragraph is to be assigned for each main idea.

To reconfirm the thesis (The field Applied Linguistics has been and
Conclusion will continue to be the history of controversies, debates and researches),
and to sum up the main headings of the essay.
The following scheme reflects approximately the teacher’s scoring procedure:

The scoring scheme 20/20

1. Relevance 08/08
a. knowledgeable  : 08/08
b. Minimally answer the question. 04/08
c. Some knowledge of the subject.03/08
d. Limited knowledge of the subject 02/08
e. Off-topic .01/20
2. Paragraphing : 03 /03
a. The number of paragraphs signals the ideas expressed. The essay has a discernible
beginning middle and end. 03/03
b. Somewhat loosely paragraphed. 02/03
(The number of paragraphs does not signals the ideas expressed.)
c. The essay lacks an overall plan with beginning, middle and end. 01/03.

3. Organization /Coherence :( 03 /03)

a. Ideas cogently organised and logically connected with clear transitions 03/03
b. Somewhat loosely organised but main ideas stand out. 01/03
c. Ideas disconnected .Some difficulties to understand the meaning of the answer.0,5/03

4. Grammar (03 / 03)

a. Accurate sentences (03 / 03)

b. Frequent grammar mistakes. (0.5/03)

5. Mechanics:03 /03
a. Effective use the graphic Convention: spelling , punctuation ,capitalisation (03 / 03)
c. Frequent mechanics mistakes.(0.5/3)

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