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STUDENT NUMBER: Y1912.130003



Digital transformation (DT or DX) is generally referred to and defined in the terms evolving
digital technology from one level to another either has a result of civilization, researches,
scientific breakthroughs all with the sole purpose of transforming or changing business,
increasing productivity, efficiency, output increase by either improving on the existing process,
or overhauling a manual manual process with digital means, or gauging up the newer digital
technology. For instance, smart phones were digital enough but even now an evolution has come
to them in terms of operating systems, voice recognitions and a lot more. So, in a simple basic
word, digital transformation means digital improvement that eases the efficiency and potency of
whatever it was designed to do. Before making and giving examples of amazing digital
transformation it is important to understand the idea behind going from a completely book
business to a full-scale digital operation. In fact, according to CBS 2019 report, the most
profitable businesses have engaged in an 80 percent business digital transformation.
There is always a substantial amount of debate wailing over digitalization as it garnered
increased practical importance for business, politics, education, fame and celebrity popularity,
providing effective and creative chances for companies, business and persons in successfully
running their affairs with a double back response on internal and external overall performance to
a new level. In 2018, digital transformation in the production sector was rated to be around $390
billion over a four years coverage period. So, digitization is the encoding of raw information or
ideas of operation into an easily accessed digital format such that computers, smartphones can
store process, and relinquish such information (Dougherty&Dunne,2012).
Most of the orchestrated life phenomenon happens in phases and digital transformation isn’t
far of of the category. Digital transformation is characterized by three specific phases which are:
The digitization, the digitalization and the digital transformation. The different phases constantly
evolve in the direction of the third phase which in all reality is what delivers what is needed to
drive industry and business change. It has enormous impact on the available and needed digital
resources, organization hierarchy, digital growth strategies and overall metrics. Below, we shall
be considering two examples that will perfectly showcase the evolution of digital transformation.
Having worked in the health sector for years and especially in Africa, it is safe to say that digital
transformation has done more harm than good, from the perspective of the health personnel’s, to
treatment procedures, to the patient compliance, the overall positive effect cannot be
overemphasized. For years, against the backdrop of an aging society and an ever-improving tech
commit, the burden of healthcare actors and stakeholders were dying to have a solution to both
cost and quality issues. For instance, Kohn et al. (2000) reports that about 75000 preventable
mortality occurs each year in the western world and now compare that figure from a continent as
Africa where the stronghold of digital presence is another story entirely. Also, in 2009, Ondo
state general hospital in Nigeria recorded a loss in over 2000 patient’s data as fire gulped the
book and record keeping section of the healthcare system, in other words, misdiagnosis, patient
loss, confidentiality issues and eventually law suits kept riling against the system. So, digital
transformation set in for the health information mangers and that was recorded as a major
breakthrough for the health care system. Furthermore, the introduction of the HES code in
Turkey is a major function of digital transformation in curtailing the deadly COVID-19
pandemic, there is adequate monitoring, contact tracing which eventually leads to a better way f
cutting down on the spread. Finally, health IT stands for a significant factor for healthcare’s slow
digital transformation. Kellerman and jones (2013) for example argued that few health IT
suppliers build products that are easy to use. Health is wealth, and the intervention and adoption
of digital tools is a major breakthrough.
One of the most dynamic institution that won’t survive without full scale digitalization is E-
commerce. Imagine Amazon running its delivery service without an app that their customers and
movers can’t easily address, imagine not bring able to buy anything during the peak of the
COVID-19, imagine a world where we have to que up to by or access the basic amenities.
Companies like Amazon, Alibaba, Trendyol, Hepsiburada etc have thrown into disarray the
shopping experience with their ultra-efficient digital optimization and daily assessments. Also,
effective marketing has brought the customers and e-commerce platforms closer. Social media
platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, and the likes have links to e-commerce platforms
with a click, that is effective marketing, reaching millions at a click and of course studies have
shown that the best form of marketing is what we can feel closest to us. Also, forecasting based
on demands has been predictable through digital tools, monitoring trends, inventory
management, demand curtailing and a lot more.
So digitization transformation has come to stay, the importance and advantages are
overwhelming ,it’s good for the 21st century advancement but also putting into consideration that
it has its own disadvantages too.

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