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February 2021 Standley Middle School San Diego, CA

2020 - 2021 Ms. Leezy Teacher of The Year Acknowledgement
Our New Vice-Principal
Hello Stand- It is with great honor that I accept the award of Teacher of the Year at

ley Sea- Standley Middle School. I feel grateful to be recognized as a teacher who
hawks! I approaches each day with enthusiasm, making students want to attend

have been a class; as a teacher who inspires students to learn, and more importantly

school coun- gather their courage and stamina to apply their newfound communicating
selor at both skills with confidence; and finally, as a teacher who strives for that mo-

Patrick Henry ment when her students walk away with the “I did that, I created that, I

High School communicated that” attitude. I always tell my students that it takes a vil-
and Foothill lage to help us all learn, and for me, my encouragement, knowledge, and
High School skill set comes from not only our Standley “Family,” but our University

(Bakersfield) City community. Our village works together to ensure that resources are

where I supported high school students navi- available to do what is needed to bring out the very best in our students.

gating academics, college and career plan- Sir Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on

ning, and social emotional challenges. My the shoulders of giants.” It is a privilege to have won Teacher of the Year
time in the classroom included teaching kin- when we
dergarten at Emerson Bandini Elementary have so

School where I found great joy in expanding many

students’ love of learning, building “giants”

knowledge, developing their ability to get at Stand-

along with others, and exploring the world. I ley Mid-

have also been a Peer Mediation coordinator dle School. Please accept my heart-felt thank you to the many people
and ASB advisor at Patrick Henry, where I and organizations who support my vision of bringing out the best in my

focused on increasing student involvement in students, including: our Principal William Pearson, previous Teacher of

school activities and developing strong lead- the Year recipients, our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA),

ers in both programs. I am coming to Stand- Write Out Loud of San Diego, and our “giant” of a librarian who gets IT

ley from a role as a district resource teacher done - Lauryn Gates!

supporting schools and students with social
and emotional learning. Thank you for wel-
coming me to Standley, I am looking forward
to being a part of this incredible communi-
ty. Go Seahawks! - Vice-Principal Kern

A Welcome to Mr. Lee

from Principal Pearson
I would like to
officially wel-
come Mr. How Valentine's Day Began

Calivin Lee to Keigo Pilettle

our family. He
Valentine’s day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint
is the new
Valentine, is celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western
Head Custodi-
Christian feast day honoring 1 or 2 early Christian Martyrs (a person
an. He comes
that is killed because of their religion or other beliefs) named Saint
to us from
Valentine. It is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and com-
Mission Bay High School with outstanding
mercial celebration of romance in many regions of the world.
references and is super excited to be joining
There are a number of Martyrdom (the condition of a martyr) stories
us at Standley. -Principal Pearson
related to various Valentines that are connected to February 14th like
imprisoning Saint Valentine in Rome for ministering to Christians
who were persecuted under the Roman Empire in the 3rd century.
Olivia Bowen Another addition says that Saint Valentine was imprisoned because he
performed weddings for Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry.
He restored sight to a bling daughter of his jailer and after that, people added things about love to the legend because they thought it
would be better for it to be related to the theme of love.
Another 18th-century embellishment to the legend claimed that he wrote the Jailer´s daughter a letter signed ¨Your Valentine¨ as a fare-
well before his execution. The Feast of Saint Valentine or Valentines Day was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496 to be celebrat-
ed on February 14 in honor of Saint Valentine of Rome, who died on that date in AD 269. The day became connected with romantic
love in the 14th and 15th centuries and in 18th-century England, it grew into an occasion in which people expressed their love for each
other by giving flowers, offering confectionery (candies or sweets), and sending greeting cards which are now known as valentines.
Page 2 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

Crocheting and Knitting! Tricks, Tips, and Essentials For Skateboarding!

Solei Seifert Ryder Keegan
I started crocheting because it is
a good thing to do with your Some tricks are difficult to accomplish. There is one trick that you need to know how to do before you can move on, called the
hands while working or listening Ollie. It is a very simple trick your evolving muscles you don't normally use unless you have fallen and sprained your ankle. To
to something. We happened to do this trick, you need to pop the skateboard back so the front wheels are in the air. The next step is to slide your front foot to
have a the top of the board using your little toe. Once you master this trick, you are ready to move on to the other more complicated
crochet and cooler tricks! Other tricks include Kickflip, Backside 180, Frontside 180, Nolly, Nose Nolly, Pop Shuvit, Heelflip, Casper
Flip, 360 flip, Manual, 50-50, Hippy Jump, and the hardest trick of all, Gazelle flip 360 Bigspin Kickflip (these will not be ex-
hook plained)
lot of In skateboarding you need to have the right equipment to stay safe and do the tricks well. Shoes are important because all types
yarn, so I looked up a simple of shoes have different balance points on them. For skateboarding you want flat soled shoes, which is commonly used. Vans
stitch and started learning. It's are a perfect example for this sport because they are made for skateboarding and they are flat soled, a perfect fit! Nike and Pu-
a great absent minded activi- ma also make flat soled shoes. Other optional equipment recommended to use while skateboarding is knee-pads, elbow-pads,
and wrist pads. It is also highly recommended that you wear a helmet while skateboarding or doing any other wheeled sports.
Haley Bernd The skateboard deck is the piece of wood and that is what you stand on. The griptape is what is on the wood. This is what
Staff makes your shoes "stick" to the board. The deck of the skateboard is very important because it gives you something to stand on
I have found myself with lots of free time on my hands and you need to have it there for tricks that you will end up doing.
lately and one way I WHEELS
like to spend it is knit- There are different types of wheels for skateboarding. There are rubber, plastic, hard plastic, and hardened elastic
ting. Knitting is hard wheels. There are also different hardnesses for the wheel. On my skateboard the duration (means hardness) is 72 meaning the
to explain but I am wheels are very soft, and so they are also very quiet compared to a 92 or something harder. On my old skateboard the wheels
sure that you have seen were a 92 and were made of hard plastic and the bearings were also very very very loud. When I was riding the skateboard, it
a picture of an old lady made my feet feel very weird. I highly recommend not to have loud bearings and not have 92 duration wheels.
or someone doing it BEARINGS
before. Here is a video Bearings are one of the most important essentials for skateboarding. They go inside the wheels and two go in each of the four
about knitting for be- wheels. When you are skateboarding the balls in the bearing spin and that is what makes the wheel turn and move. NEVER
ginners: EVER EVER, leave your bearings in around water. This will cause the bearings to become rusty and will not spin freely I
https:www.youtub know this from experience). When I used to live in Lake Tahoe I left my skateboard outside in the snow for about six months. Then when I moved to San Diego I tried riding the skateboard and it could barely move. I was able to fix it by cleaning the
v=Egp4NRhlMDg rust out of the bearings and then I applied WD-40 to the bearings and it was fixed. The bearings are still VERY loud but they
I do my knitting while now move and spin much more freely!
I watch movies and Harley the Chiweenie CLEANING YOUR BEARINGS
TV shows, so far I
have made 2 scarfs and a little patch of knitted yarn.
According to Bones Reds Precision Skate Bearings, they need to be cleaned when they become dirty and
All you need are knitting needles and a ball of yarn and noisy. These are the instructions for cleaning the bearings.
you’ll be ready to start knitting! " 1. Clean your bearings when they become dirty or noisey with an environmentally friendly cleaner that
is suitable for dissolving oil, grease, and removing dirt from the steel, plastic and rubber surfaces. We
have tried many cleaners and solvents and many of them can be used safely. Citrus-based cleaners can
work, but they tend to leave behind a slight residue. Solvents are dangerous to use, but often provide a
superior solution to cleaning very dirty bearings. If you use a water-based cleaner like a citrus cleaner or
You Can Still a detergent be sure to dry your bearings IMMEDIATELY and then re-coat them with lubricant to prevent
rust. Some solvents/commercial products that we have used are: pure, or almost pure, isopropyl alcohol
(The kind normally found in markets is only 10% pure and does not cut grease well.) Gumout carburetor
Checkout cleaner (found in auto part stores); acetone (found in hardware stores). If you can't find any of these sol-
vents like acetone or pure alcohol, you can use paint thinner or lacquer thinner, but these cleaners are oil
Library Books from the based and may leave an oily residue on the inner surfaces of your bearings. 2. If you use a solvent clean-
er, please wear appropriate rubber gloves and work in a safe, well ventilated area. When finished, please
Standley Library! remember to dispose of your solvent in a safe, ecologically sound manner. 3. Do not add oil to dirty bear-
ings. It will not clean the bearing, but merey flush the existing dirt further into the bearing. It may seem
like they roll faster initially, but in reality you are only spreading the dirt around, and it will still be there
See how to get books from our library below: to ruin the high precision rolling surfaces of your bearings. Clean your bearings before lubricating
To check out books from our school library them. 4. Remove the rubber cage and take the ball cavities holder out. 5. We recommend two drops of
place a book on hold in Destiny. I'll email you Bones Speed Cream per bearing for bearing balls. For Bones Swiss Ceramic Bearings, only one drop per
bearing is needed. Do not be tempted to use your bearings without any lubricant because they "spin fast-
when to pick it up at Standley Library & Media er without lubricant". Although this is partly true in a superficial way, riding your bearings without lubri-
Center. We will start with one day a week add- cant will cause them to "freeze up" which is NOT what you want to happen when you're skating!"
ing more days as needed. Thursdays from 12:00
- 2:00 pm. will be the pick up day. You can pick - Bearings
up lunch and a book at the same time! Follow - Trucks
- Deck
the grab-n-go lunch signs, then continue to - Bones Speed Cream
Building 7 (follow the fish) to the main library - Any flat soled shoe
entrance. There will be a table for the driver to - Helmet
- Knee-pads, Elbow-pads, wrist-pads (optional)
pick up the book(s). Learn how to place a hold - Shoe-laces
in Destiny by watching this video. https://
Author Lance Conrad
Speaks on his Book
Curbside Library Service
Direct link to Destiny Discover https://
Series With Mrs. Juergens Author Lance Conrad was a guest on zoom with
Mrs. Juergens’ English classes. He was engaging and academic! The students were

Destiny Discover | Follett excited about meeting an author. He was quirky and intelligent- which made it easy

School Solutions | School Pick- for him to connect to middle school students). Some of the quieter students put on

er chat how they would like to read his books. Standley PTSA purchased a set for
checkout. One of the students who was in the zoom meeting with the author was
asked to write a review after reading his series..
A short review from student, Kaylee Tichenor:
Search your school’s books, eBooks and digi- Lance Conrad’s entertaining collection of books (including The Price of Creation,
tal resources in one easy place with Destiny The Price of Nobility, The Price of Loyalty and The Price of Survival) take the read-
Discover. er through different worlds to experience thrilling adventures filled with treachery,
mystery and courage. The characters in these books are easy to identify with in real-
life situations and I never wanted to stop reading until I finished every last page! I would definitely recommend Lance Con-
rad’s books to others!
Page 3 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

Be My Sweet Valentine Snack:

Alyce Lyons
Too tired of regular chocolate all by itself? Then here are some reci-
pes to spice up your chocolate!
Kitchen comfort level: Beginner. Using a microwave, sure thing.…. zap!
Valentine Pretzel Bites
What you need:
24 pretzel snaps
24 chocolate kisses
24 candy hearts
Microwave safe plate
Instructions: Place pretzels in a row on the plate. Place a chocolate kiss on top of the pret-
zel. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds or until chocolate is soft. Gently push a candy heart
in the center of the chocolate. TIP: Use different kinds of chocolate hearts to mix it up and
share with your family.
Kitchen comfort level: Intermediate. Using the stove…..I will be careful!

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

What you need: Serving plate, bowl, mixing spoon
12 Strawberries
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Instructions: Wash and dry strawberries. Place 1 cup of chocolate chips in the micro-
wave, stir every 30 seconds until melted. Dip strawberries in melted chocolate, gently shake
and place on the plate. TIP: Use other fruit as well, pineapple, apple, kiwi and orange slic-
es. You can also decorate by using kitchen tools such as toothpicks or a drizzling stick in-
stead of dipping.

Valentine’s Day Food Puns

Will you peas be mine?
We make a great pear.
You are the loaf of my life.
Do not go bacon my heart.
Olive you so much.
I love you berry much.
You are the one pho me.

Valentines Jokes
"What do you write in a slug's Valentine's Day card?" "Be my Valen-slime!"

"What did the paper clip say to the magnet?" "I find you very attractive."

"What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?" "I’m stuck
on you!"

"Why didn’t the skeleton want to send any Valentine’s Day cards?" "His
heart wasn’t in it."

"Why did the sheriff lock up their valentine?" "She stole their heart."

"What do you call two birds in love?" "Tweethearts!"

"How can you tell when a squirrel is in love?" "It goes nuts!"

"I thought I won the argument with my wife as to how to arrange the dining
room furniture. But when I got home the tables were turned."

"I once fell in love with someone who only knew 4 vowels. They didn’t know I

"What did the calculator say to the pencil?" "You can count on me."

"How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?" "He gave her a ring!"
"What did one oar tell the other oar?" "This is so row-mantic!"

"What did the light bulb say to the other light bulb?" "You light my world up."

"How can you get arrested on Valentine's Day?" "For stealing someone's heart."
Page 4 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

Reagan Grado Olivia Bowen

Ryder Keegan

Reagan Grado

Nourhan Waly
Reagan Grado

Olivia Bowen

Ryder Keegan
Gideon Lala

Nourhan Waly

Ryder Keegan

Ryder Keegan Ryder Keegan Gideon Lala

Yohan Hanaki

Gideon Lala Ryder Keegan

These Flowers are nice, I see the rain hit the ground
And shimmer like ice,
They’re gifts for us, As it jumps back up and right back down
But not for them, The splash is satisfying like slime
When they start dying I have a rough time writing poems because it is
We throw them away, Hard like the ground the rain
We take them for granted, hits
Like we do with people today.... -Travis Cortopassi
-Brooke Gibson

I've been doing a lot of skateboarding with my friends

Trying to work hard and study; virtual learning? Nature
We go everywhere around UC
Going through constant non motivation and then motivation It’s a beautiful thing
We go to the mall alot
Not knowing why I run these circles like a dog chasing its tail We go outside and it’s right there
I'm just with my friends having fun.
Willing the desire to be curious with my school subjects But we do not seem to notice it
Being online is a struggle to listen as the wifi drops With trees growing all around us
Did the neighbors steal the wifi signal? Birds soaring in the air I just freestyle
Or is our modem too weak? Flowers of many colors with sweet scents Sometimes i like to jump stairs and grind
Do we need to boost our wifi ? Animals resting in the shade I can do lots of kickflips
Or should I go down stairs to get a snack ? Water flowing through rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans I can ollie
The temptation loomes before me Fish swimming in the flowing water
But I must stay on my zoom and focus Forests growing high into the sky After a long day of trying a trick they cheer
because I don’t want to miss anything important We all must try to keep it so I cheer too
Although my stomach growls in defiance. It's a beautiful thing I feel really happy
Work hard = study hard = success Nature Because im doing what i like
-Katarzyna Olsen -Maya Bailey -Emilio Arista
Page 5 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Yohan Hanaki
Also known as BOTW, this game was a popular hit right off the bat, since its release on March 3, 2017. In this game, the character Link awakens from a 100 year resurrection slumber,
and he must aid the princess of Hyrule, Zelda, in defeating Calamity Ganon, who killed Link 100 years ago. Similar to the original Legend Of Zelda game, players are given little instruc-
tion and can explore the open world freely. Tasks include collecting multipurpose items to aid in objectives or solving puzzles and side quests for rewards. The world is unstructured and
designed to reward experimentation, and the story can be completed in a nonlinear fashion, meaning you don’t have to directly do the task at hand.
According to Wikipedia. com, “Breath of the Wild received acclaim for its open-ended gameplay and attention to detail and has been cited as one of the greatest video games of all time.
Critics called it a landmark in open-world design, although it received minor criticism for its technical performance at launch. It won numerous awards, including several game of the year
honors. The game had sold over 20 million copies by 2020, making it the single best-selling Zelda game of all time and one of the best-selling video games of all time. A direct sequel is
currently in development or the Nintendo Switch, while a prequel in the style of the Dynasty W arriors games, Hyrule W arriors: Age of Calamity, was released in 2020.” When explaining
this game, I just want to geek out for a moment, mostly for appreciation on how much work was put in to make the game so realistic, like the way you would interact with objects or ene-
mies. In this image, you can reach the mountains if you traveled far enough. The world is also 12 times the size of Kyoto, Japan. As Link, players can perform actions such as running,
climbing, swimming, and gliding with a paraglider, although Link is limited by his stamina. Link can procure items from the environment, including weapons, food, and other resources.
Unlike previous Zelda games, weapons and shields degrade through use. Many items have multiple uses, for example, wooden weapons
can light fires, wooden shields can collect incoming enemy arrows, and shields can be used as makeshift snowboards. Players can obtain
food from hunting animals, gathering wild fruit, or collecting parts of defeated enemies. By cooking combinations of food or materials, the
player can create meals and elixirs that can replenish Link's health and stamina, or provide temporary status bonuses such as increased
strength or weather resistance. An important tool in BOTW is the Sheikah Slate, which can be used to mark waypoints on a map and as an in
-game camera. Over the course of the game, Link can collect powers to add to the Slate, including the abilities to create remote bombs,
manipulate metal objects, form ice blocks on watery surfaces, and temporarily stop objects in time. In combat, players can lock onto targets
for more precise attacks, while certain button combinations allow for advanced offensive and defensive moves. Players may also defeat
enemies without weapons, such as by rolling boulders off cliffs into enemy camps. Small challenges in shrines give you a spirit orb,
where you can trade 4 of them to a goddess statue for a heart container or a piece of a stamina wheel. Minibosses of Calamity Ganon are
called Blights. Each controls a certain element, like air or water. The Blights are located in ancient pieces of machinery called Divine
Beasts, and their pilots have a special ability that made them chosen to control the divine beasts. The Champions are Daruk, warrior of the
mountain- ous Goron; Mipha, princess of the aquatic Zora; Revali, archer of the birdlike Rito; and Urbosa, chief of the desert-dwelling
Gerudo. Their powers are: Daruk’s Protection, which protect you from any type of attack, Mipha’s Grace, which gives you full health
plus bonus hearts when you lose your last heart, Revali’s Gale, making an updraft and sends you into the sky, and Urbosa’s Fury, which
makes an orb of lightning, affecting any enemies in the nearby area. The Blights are:
- Waterblight Ganon, which wields a spear and defeated the champion Mipha
- Fireblight Ganon, which wields a huge axe and defeated the champion Daruk
- Windblight Ganon, which wields a blaster and defeated the champion Revali
- Thunderblight Ganon, which wields a sword and shield and defeated the champion Urbosa, which makes it the hardest Blight and a pain in the butt to defeat
There is a DLC pack that was released, and you must do a series of trials, and the reward at the end is called the master cycle zero, a sick motorcycle. It travels at 16.5 meters per second,
making it the fastest traveling item in the game. But in order to get it, each Blight must be killed with limited tools and weapons. To get an opportunity to kill the Blight, you must com-
plete 3 shrines for each divine beast.
Now for some good old glitches and tricks for those who play BOTW. If you don’t play, stop reading. Now here are my instructions for each glitch or tip:
- In order to get the hylian shield after it’s broken, you must complete the “from the ground up” side quest at Tarrey Town in the Akkala region. You will need to have 3K rupees and the
side quest must be triggered by buying a house to the left of the shrine in hateno village.
To activate a hold weapon at any time glitch, you must:
#1: place square remote bomb in front of you
#2: hold weapon then press B
#3: while link is in the animation of putting away his weapon, quickly open inventory (+)
#4: equip and unequip shield
#5: pick up and throw bomb
- To create a flying machine, take 2 minecarts from the death mountain area and stack one against the other one’s back wall, making
the bottom minecart tilt 45 degrees upward. Use magnetisis on the bottom one, and “nudge”(move) link slightly forward so you don’t
take a spill. When lifting off. Link must counteract the motion of whichever direction he is turning to.
- To activate a glitch that makes guardians shoot at the camera, equip shield, strafe (move with shield out), and then strafe, and crouch
and enable camera rune and press x while strafing. If done right, Link can walk around while the camera selfie mode is enabled. Hint,
the guardian will shoot the camera if the camera is closer than Link.
- To wind bomb, leap off a cliff, enter bullet time by tapping (not holding) the bow button, and place a spherical bomb, and then place
a square bomb. When the bombs line up with the small of Link’s back, detonate the round bomb. When done right, Link will get hit,
- Slingshotting from enemies is an easier method of fast land travel, just freeze any bokobolin that is not red and shield surf and bullet time in midar. You must be overhead the frozen
enemy to slingshot. Here is a quick tutorial on how this works: BotW Glitches & Tricks: Bullet-Time Physics, & "Spaceships"
- Spaceships are explained in the video, but are very hard to make.
- A shortcut to Ganon in BOTW is to have 2 items required: the zora armor chestplate or full set, and Revali’s Gale. Then All you need to do is climb Ganon’s evil pillar to the right of the
entrance, maybe Shekiah travel from the shrine to the left of castle town, and you only need to fight 1 guardian on the way there. Then once you climb/ fly on top of the pillar (since it’s so
steep), glide to the lake on the right of the bridge to the sanctum. Then refresh stamina, and climb up the waterfall once the guardian skywatcher has flown past.
- And this is my last tip/glitch: BotW Glitches & Tricks: Dynamic Object Glitch, & Arrow Farming
See more on Games on the Game Page, Page 6
Grand Canyon Isabel Oseguera
Ryder Keegan Staff
I'm walking down the dirt trail at Did you know, that NASA’S
the Grand Canyon at 4:00 pm Nourhan Waly
plant biologists are finding new
and I'm surrounded by tall Staff
ways to feed astronauts out space
trees. I see a deer. I look I have an idea to make
by using LED lights? DR. Roy
around. I see a mountain lion your room look pretty!
Wheeler states that using LED
hiding in the brush. It looks Why not try LED lights?
lights to grow food was an idea
like it's ready to pounce. It at- You can easily purchase
that came from the late
tacks the deer. Have you ever them on Amazon. You
1980s. Because of this it helps
been to the Grand Canyon? The can place these on furni-
conserve energy and not wasting
Grand Canyon is amazing be- ture such as beds, dress-
a lot of water.
cause it is enormous and has a ers, and nightstands.
If you want to do what NASA
wide variety of rocks and animals. You can also put them
did by growing your own plants
Thanks to the enormous size, the canyon is home to about 600 ani- on your wall/ceiling!
by using LED lights follow these
mals. The canyon has a lot of animals from soaring condors to tiny But, how do you pick
five easy steps
bunnies. It is home to 6 venomous rattlesnakes. It also has a lot of the colors? You usually
1. Set your LED lights to the
desert animals. Some are mountain lions and coyotes. The canyon have the option to either
color Red or blue
has mules. You can ride the mules in the canyon. have a remote, or down-
2. Place your LED lights to 18
The Grand Canyon is so big that astronauts can see it from load the app. Some LED
hours per day
space. Also, the Grand Canyon can fit about 5 Empire State Buildings strips even have options
3. For 6 hours turn off the lights
inside it. The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon for 277 to make it light up to the
4. Water them
miles. You can die from hiking down the canyon and back in one day rhythm of music!
5. Monitor the growth, if it goes
because of the huge change in elevation. well, you will grow a strong and
The Grand Canyon has 12 different layers of rock. There are 3 healthy plant.
types,sedimentary,igneous and metamorphic. There are 2 ideas that
tell how the canyon was made: the first is the Colorado river carved its
Have fun and good luck
way through over 550 million
years the second is that a
worldwide flood happened
and the rock eroded quickly. Nana, Reagan pictures + small
The canyon has fossils of
shells and some sea animals
in the rock. If you take a rock
without asking a park ranger, Adopt Me!
you're breaking the law. Reagan Grado
The Grand Canyon is aston- Staff
ishing because it has a won- Roblox, growing by the day, is a popular gaming platform for all ages. Players can create and
derful variety of rocks and animals. The canyon's habitat is ideal for code their own worlds for the public to see. One game, now the most visited game on the
many animals. The canyon is marvelous because it is bigger than Roblox platform, has over 18 billion visits. A dopt Me! Is a roleplay game where you can
Rhode Island. The many layers of rock make it interesting to learn adopt other players, build in your own home, and take care of pets. Created in July of 2017,
about. About 5 million people visit the Grand Canyon every year be- the game has risen to fame and gathered a whopping 8 billion visits since July of 2020. Other games, such as
cause it is so amazing. Meep City and Royale High are also gaining popularity, having the same roleplay genre.
Page 6 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

How Video Games Could be Good

Yohan Hanaki
Just a small warning before you read this article: I
know your parents nag you about it, but for good
reason. More than an hour or two of video games a 100 Thieves Win VALORANT First Strike Championship
day can prove to be dangerous to your health, not The 2 month old roster wins First Strike against TSM
kidding. Someone has died from too many video Benicio Dailey
games. Now that that’s out of the way, here is the Staff
article. Most video games are actually bad for you In one of the greatest underdog stories ever, 100 Thieves (100T) won the
with a few exceptions. Some are known to actually VALORANT NA (North American) Major, defeating the favored team, TSM.
help with life, such as a popular game called Mine- The 100T roster, consisting of “Hiko”, “nitr0”, “Asuna”(yes, he’s named after
craft. It helps with creativity, and also using some- the Sword Art Online character), “Dicey”, and “Steel”, was only put together 2
thing to your advantage, such as putting water on months before then and before the tournament was announced. Before that, the
lava to create obsidian. other games like my person- roster consisted of “Hiko”, “Pride”, “Valliate”, “venerated”, and”YaBoiDre”.
al favorite, The Legend Of Zelda, Breath Of The However, that team unfortunately did not work out, as they placed poorly in
Wild. In this game, strategy and map reading come multiple tournaments. Not many people know why this team didn’t work out,
into play, with a bit of physics, such as how much but I personally think that part of the reason is because all of the players except
an arrow would fall as it was shot, or how much Hiko, were former PUBG (PlayerUnknown Battle Grounds) professionals,
damage you would take from falling or getting hit which probably set their skill farther behind Hiko’s who was a former CS:GO
by a weapon. This game will probably be unfamiliar (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) professional, which is a game that VAL-
to you, partly because you play too much among us ORANT is heavily based off of/. Soon after these multiple defeats, 100
(which is also good for you, but just slightly). It is Thieves made the bold decision to drop the entire 100 Thieves roster except Hiko, who was the newly appointed team captain
called Line Rider. In this game, a small person on a alongside the newly signed nitr0, who was also a former CS:GO pro. Soon, they signed steel, who was also a former CS:GO pro-
sled rides on lines, and physics and interaction come fessional. They later on signed Dicey and Asuna.
into play. f you hit a slope at a 90 degree angle at The first tournament the team played together in was the NSG (Nerd Street Gamers) Tournament, where they placed 8th in the
too fast, your rider will fly off. Then there’s the qualifiers. They qualified for the tournament, placing 2nd overall. They lost 0-3 against Team Envy, in the grand finals. After that,
popular game, Among Us. This game is an excep- the VALORANT First Strike Major was announced on September 23, 2020. 100 Thieves decided that they were done losing and
tion, because even though it helps with map reading would bring their A-game. So on December 4th, 100 Thieves were up against T1, a team that hadn’t been doing too well recently,
and puzzle solving with the addition to common but still had better placement then 100T. 100T ended up beating T1 on the maps Haven and Bind, securing the win 2-0. Next up in
sense, there is a piece of mild violence in it. Now, the semifinals, 100T was up against Sentinels. Now, Sentinels was definitely a scarier team than T1. Sentinels had placed 1st in
some of you are hyped to play the new map, but be multiple events such as the Gamers For Equality event, PAX Arena Invitational, the 30Bomb Summer Cup, and the Pop Flash
warned that people can deceive you on there, like a tournament. They also placed 2nd in the FaZe Clan Invitational. But 100T put their heads down and managed to win 2-1, manag-
22 year old claiming they’re 12. Another game that ing to win on the last map, Bind, after losing on the 2nd map, Haven. 100 Thieves managed to secure a place in the grand finals
is productive is a game called Sim City. In this against TSM.
game, the player must figure out the problems in Let me give you some idea of what 100 Thieves were up against. TSM never placed anywhere under 3rd EVER. (And they still
urban planning and learn how to counter them. You haven’t) They won the T1 X NSG Showdown, the Lof X DTS invitational (they also placed 1st in qualifiers), the Immortals First
must expand, and solve recurring problems like Light tournament, and the Counter Logic Gaming Blitz Cup #2. ALL IN A ROW. They also won the FaZe Clan Invitational and
sewage, fire management, water, and electricity. the Pittsburgh Knights Invitational. I think it’s pretty clear who was the favored pick here. But 100 Thieves did the same as they
Once you upgrade a certain amount, you can com- did with T1, put their head down and play.
pete with other online players and see who is the First map, Split. 100 Thieves was not expected to win on this map, as they have not won a single game on this map in any tourna-
best architect. The last game is on a gaming plat- ment. and for the first few rounds, it looked grim. But 100 Thieves put up a great performance and managed to clutch up in the
form called Cool Math Games. A specific game final round. Second map, Bind. Both teams have played well on this map, but 100T played better and took the map. Now usually
called copter royale can be played, and in this game, 100T would’ve won, but in the grand finals, 5 maps are played instead of 3. Next up was Ascent. Again, no team was better or
you must pop (shoot) the other online players and worse on this map, but TSM was favored to win on this map, which they did, making the score 2-1. Now it all comes down to this
remain the last one standing. the 4th map, Haven. Can TSM tie it up or can 100 Thieves take the cake? The first round starts off strong for 100T, as Hiko man-
Roblox - Flee the Facility ages to save the first round for 100T by single handedly taking out the last 3 TSM players with the help from Dicey, successfully
stopping the bomb defuse. From there, 100 Thieves keep a heavy lead until the end. 100 Thieves win the VALORANT First Strike
Nourhan Waly
Grand Finals, 3-1.
Run! Run! The beast is behind you! Don’t get hit! Oh,
you see that vent in the wall? Crawl in the room so Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity
the beast can’t hit you! Maybe go hide in that lock- Yohan Hanaki
er! ...Quiet…. Quiet… okay, no more heartbeats or Staff
intense music playing, they left! Now you can go A new game was released on November 20, 2020, which quickly escalated to the favorite game for Zelda fans, especially the
hack that computer. Don’t mess up! Breath of the Wild ones. This game was a prequel to Breath of the Wild (Also known as BOTW), where a small Guardian (robot)
Wait, what beast? What is going on? named Terrako travels back in time, where he helps Link and Zelda defeat Calamity Ganon, who took over Hyrule in his time. He
Well, welcome to the world of Flee the Facility, a was not the only thing that traveled back in time, as some of the Calamity traveled with him. It then infected the Terrako of the
Roblox game (you can learn more about Roblox in past, making Harbinger Ganon.
our last issue). Your goal, as a survivor, is to hack all In the first battle, you start off as the character Link, taking down mob after mob of monsters. You can then play with another
computers with your teammates; 4 survivors for 5 person because you unlock two characters. Mid- fight, you can switch characters, or order them around, so you can all go to one
computers, 3 survivors for 4 computers, and 2 survi- place, or stretch over the whole map. A small feature is that you can play as the divine beasts, powerful machines that can com-
vors for 3 computers; there are also some extra com- pletely kick butt. In addition to the combat, cooking, and weapon similarity to BOTW, there is the Sheikah Slate, a small comput-
puters you can hack to get more points. Additionally, er that can give you superhuman abilities.
you have to avoid the beast, the one stopping you In this game, you can play as the divine beast’s pilots, also known as champions. There is Mipha of the aquatic Zora, Daruk of the
from escaping and hacking. If one survivor is cap- mountainous Goron, Urbosa of the desert-dwelling Gerudo, and Revali of the birdlike Rito. As ancient technology researchers
tured, their health starts to decrease, and you need to Robbie and Purah finish analyzing the Guardian's memory, they are captured by Yiga spies, an ancient enemy of the Sheikah, but
free them; otherwise, they will freeze to death. You the Guardian escapes with the Sheikah Slate and delivers it to Zelda just as the Calamity arrives. As Link, Zelda, and a friend
have 15 minutes with a head start of 15 seconds. On Impa retreat from the castle, King Rhoam of Hyrule seemingly sacrifices himself to cover their escape. With Calamity Ganon
the other hand, as the beast, your goal is to capture all emerging from the castle, Impa shows Zelda the Sheikah Slate, revealing that Ganon had taken over the Divine Beasts in the other
the survivors. To do this, you have to use your ham- timeline. Believing the same is happening to them as well, the group moves out to aid the rest of the Champions. Meanwhile, Mi-
mer to hit the survivors. You have about 15 seconds pha, Daruk, Urbosa and Revali are about to be killed by Calamity Ganon's Blights same as it happened in the original timeline,
to drag them to blue tubes before they get back up and but Sidon, Yunobo, Riju and Teba from the other timeline appear via time portals created by the Guardian, buying enough time
run away. These tubes will drain their health, but, if for Link and his allies to help defeat the Blights. With the Champions saved and the Divine Beasts at their disposal, they begin to
you “camp”, or stay within a certain range of the help reclaim Hyrule and clear the way to Hyrule Castle.
player freezing, their health does not go down. One A magician that is helping Calamity Ganon named Astor sees that he is going to be defeated, and kills the yiga clan to revive the
advantage as a beast is that you can run, but a disad- Blights. The leader of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga is so upset that he joins the others to help bring down Calamity Ganon. In
vantage is that you can not crawl like survivors. case you were wondering, here are the blights, each named after one of the elements:
Earlier I mentioned the heartbeats and intense music, - Waterblight Ganon, who attacks with a spear and Mace, made to defeat the Champion Mipha
right? Well, when the beast is near, you can hear - Fireblight Ganon, which attacks with a huge, fiery axe, made to defeat the Champion Daruk
heartbeats. When the beast is closer to you, like a few - Windblight Ganon, who attacks with a blaster, made to defeat the Champion Revali
inches, there is intense music playing. Obviously your - Thunderblight Ganon, who attacks with an electrified scimitar and shield, made to defeat the Champion Urbosa and is still by far
sound/volume needs to be up for a better chance of the hardest Blight ever
winning. Wait, where do we play? You are given 3 With their allies gathered, Purah uses the Sheikah towers to transport them all outside of Hyrule Castle and begins their final bat-
maps to vote on in your 40 second intermission in the tle against Calamity Ganon. Although the Divine Beasts weaken Ganon's spirit form, Astor arrives along with Harbinger Ganon,
lobby. There are a total of six maps: Facility, Aban- the Terrako from the current timeline infected with the Malice that came back from the future, only to be defeated by Link, Impa,
doned Facility, Abandoned Prison, Homestead, Li- Zelda, the Champions, and the future heroes. Astor attempts to summon Calamity Ganon to destroy them but is instead consumed
brary, and Airport. The map with the most votes is as Harbinger Ganon manifests itself into Calamity Ganon. Calamity Ganon corrupts Terrako from the past and turns him against
used. the group, forcing them to fight their friend.
Now, let's top things off with the points, credits, lev- Upon its defeat, Zelda remembers she activated the little Guardian as a child, naming it Terrako, which became her companion
els, and VIP (in a separate paragraph). You can earn after her mother died before her father took it away so she would focus more on her training after Ganon's return was prophesied.
XP points for the numbers of computers you hacked, Link and his allies confront Calamity Ganon, but are unable to damage him until Terrako uses the last of his strength to self-
people you saved, and from if you escaped. Each cat- destruct, weakening Calamity Ganon. Now vulnerable, Calamity Ganon is defeated by Link, and Zelda uses her power to seal the
egory gives you points with 100s: so 100 XP, 200 XP, Calamity once and for all. With Calamity Ganon defeated, the future heroes are returned to their timeline while Link, Zelda and
300 XP, and so on. These can help you level up. You their allies look out at the now peaceful Hyrule. In a secret ending, Purah and Robbie repair Terrako and reactivate him, reuniting
can also earn credits, the game’s currency, which you Zelda with her old friend.
can use to buy appealing hammers and gemstones.
There is also a VIP gamepass, which has many bene- Product of the Month: Nintendo Switch
fits to it. Costing 420 Robux (Roblox currency, the Sawyer Landrey
gaming platform Flee the Facility is on), which is Staff
about 5 US dollars, you receive: VIP hammer, VIP The Nintendo Switch is both a powerful and versatile console, as it has three modes, tabletop, handheld, and
gemstone, VIP badge, VIP chat tag, 2x your map TV. Tabletop mode Stands the screen in the middle of the Nintendo switch up, allowing multiplayer gaming
vote, +15% Bonus Credits, and +15% Bonus EXP. without hooking the console up to a TV. Handheld mode only allows 1 player play, by using the two Joy-
With all of these challenging parts to Flee the Facility, Con controllers on the sides of the middle screen. Finally, TV mode requires you to hook up the Nintendo
why don’t you give it a try if you haven’t already? switch to your TV, Allowing multiplayer fun on a big screen!It costs $300, but its clarity and versatility
This game is great for those who love action games makes it well worth the money. There is also a cheaper version called the Nintendo Switch Lite for only
that can be a bit scary. The game itself is much better $200, however the Joy-Cons attached to the side of this small console can’t be removed, meaning it can
than you can expect! only be played in handheld mode. I give this product five stars because of the quality and graphics of the
Nintendo Switch, it’s portability as well as adaptability. It’s unique modes make it very versatile, as well as co-op friendly. In a
nutshell, this product not only has good graphics, but is versatile, and whether you need a portable game, or want to have some
fun with your friends or family, this console suits all of your gaming needs.
Page 7 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

February Fashion
Anais Meylan

If your new year’s resolution was to be more into fashion, you’ve come to the right
Must-haves for every day outfits!
 Some cool-colored pants
 A plain turtleneck or buttoned-up shirt
 Carpenter pants
 Flannels
 Accent glasses
 Beanie
 Puffer jacket
 College sweatshirt
 Pastel-toned items
 Baguette/side bag
 Bucket hat
 A minimalistic tank top
 A plain sweatshirt

Valentine’s day is coming up! February is the perfect time to fill your ward-
robe with everything pink and hearts. These can definitely be worn all year
long, and are such great finds to add to your wardrobe! Gingham pattern may
remind you of your grandma’s old sweater, but it can always look really good.
Wether it’s pants, sweaters, or tiny little accessories, you will LOVE your
Page 8 Standley Spectrum February Issue 2021

70 Random Fun facts!

Keigo Pilette& Ryder Keegan D.B Cooper
Staff Ryan Krause
1. The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer. Staff
2. Some metals are so reactive that they explode on contact with water
3. A teaspoonful of neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons. Prologue
4. North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola. A businessman. A bank manager. A lawyer. There is almost nobody in the air-
5. The hottest chili pepper in the world is so hot it could kill you port, but if someone did notice him, he would leave no impression at all. Wearing
6. The entire world's population could fit inside Los Angeles a business suit,black raincoat, brown shoes, white shirt, black tie,mother of pearl
7. Humans are the only animals that blush. tie pin, and carrying a briefcase, no probably wouldn’t even notice him. You defi-
8. A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death. nitely wouldn’t think he’s about to in less than 30 minutes time he’s about
9. Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb, was afraid of the dark. to perpetuate one of the most audacious feats of criminality known to man. You
10. The little plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are known as aglets. certainly wouldn’t guess he’s going to cause a 45 year manhunt consisting of over
11. A shrimp's heart is in its head. 4,000 suspects, and a case file about the length of an average school bus. And
12. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. yet, before the day is done, he most certainly will.
13. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is believed to be the toughest tongue twister in the Eng- This is the true story of D.B. Cooper.
lish language.
14. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
15. The Curiosity rover on Mars sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to itself every year. Probably the loneliest Part One: The Heist
birthday in the solar system. November 24, 1971, Portland Oregon,Portland
16. Tomato sauce was sold in the 1800s as medicine.
17. A donkey will sink in quicksand, but a mule won't. (¨ The donkeys, due to their fear and anxiety, struggles to escape
International Airport. One day before Thanks-
from the quicksand and thereby get trapped deep in the quicksand to death. On the contrary, the mule is said to remain calm and relaxed when it is giving.
caught in quicksand.¨) A man walks up to the counter for Northwest Orient Airlines and pays for a short,
18. Coca-Cola was originally green. 30 minute flight to Seattle under the name Dan Cooper. He boards a Boeing 747
19. Playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes 100 and takes his seat, 18c. He lights a cigarette, orders a bourbon and soda, and
20. Bees Can Detect Bombs beckons over a flight attendant. Cooper hands the flight attendant, Florence
21. Your brain can't feel pain Schafner. Undoubtedly used to this sort of behavior from single men with phone
22. You produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools in a lifetime numbers, Schaffner merely puts the note in her pocket and makes to turn away,
23. The hottest pepper used to be Carolina reaper but is now the Dragon´s breath when Cooper leans over and says “ Miss you’d better look at that note, I have a
24. Earth is not flat, but it's not perfectly round either. Earth has never been perfectly round bomb.” The shocked flight attendant unfolds the note, which said : “ I have a
25. Goosebumps are meant to ward off predators bomb in my briefcase, I want you to sit beside me” stunned and confused,
26. The majority of your brain is fat Schaffner complies, taking the seat next to Cooper. Cooper opens his briefcase,
27. The ear, with the only three bones (hammer, anvil, stirrup) in the body that remains the same size showing her a glimpse of some red sticks of dynamite and several wires all con-
from birth to death. nected to a battery before snapping it shut. He looks at her and says “ I want
28. Grapes light on fire in the microwave 200,000 by 5:00 p.m. In cash, put in a knapsack. I want two back parachutes and
29. Spaghetto, confetto, and graffito are the singular forms of spaghetti, confetti, and graffiti two front parachutes. When we land I want a fuel truck ready to refuel. No funny
30. McDonald's once created bubblegum-flavored broccoli stuff or I’ll do the job.” In today's money 200,000 dollars equals about 1.2 million
31. 40% of the food produced in the world goes to waste. dollars. Schaffner returns to the cockpit, where she informs the crew, and the pi-
32. George Washington did not have wooden teeth. He had a mix of Walrus and Narwhal horns/ lots notify air traffic control for Seattle Tacoma airport who in turn, contact the
tusks, fellow human and other animal tusks/teeth. Now that's a mouthful! FBI. The plane circled for two hours, with passengers being told there was a mi-
33. You can never buy an unused mirror nor mechanical difficulty. On the ground, authorities decide to meet Cooper’s
34. Almost every grocery store puts a layer of editibul wax on their apples so they look shiny demands and are putting together the requested supplies. Meanwhile Cooper cam-
35. According to George Lucas, "Darth" is a variation of "dark," while "Vader" means "father." ly orders another bourbon and soda, telling the flight attendant to keep the change.
36. Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year! At 5:39 pm the aircraft lands, and a man called Al Lee delivers the money and
37. The Nobel Prizes are named for Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. parachutes. Cooper releases the passengers and two of the flight attendants, then
38. The largest living organism in the world is a fungus. It is in Oregon, covering 2,200 acres and is tells the pilot to take off, this time heading for Mexico city. Cooper requested that
still growing. the plane fly at 10,000 feet at the lowest possible speed, with the cabin unpressur-
39. Snails take the longest naps. They can sleep up to 3 years! ized. The pilots informed him that the plane would need to refuel once more, and
40. Kangaroos can not walk backwards. Nevada was chosen. Followed by several military planes, the Boeing rose into the
41. The shortest war in history lasted for only 38 minutes. sky, and headed out into the night. The last person to see Cooper alive was a 22
42. Sea Lions have rhythm. They are the only animal able to clap to a beat. year old flight attendant named Tina Mucklo, he ordered her to return to the cock-
43. While you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells. pit. The last she saw was him tying something around his waist. In the cockpit an
44. Some tumors can grow hair, teeth, bones, even fingernails. alarm notified the crew that the aft airstair apparatus had been deployed. When
45. The smallest country in the world takes up .2 square miles: Vatican City. the plane landed, the hijacker had vanished into thin air.
46. Your fingernails grow faster when you are cold.
47. Applesauce was the first food eaten in space by astronauts.
48. The average person spends two weeks of their life waiting at traffic lights
49. Fish can cough
50. A typical cough is 60 mph while a sneeze is often faster than 100 mph.
51. Goats do not have circle pupils. They have rectangle ones.
52. There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.
53. Cans of diet soda will float in water but regular soda cans will sink.
54. Birds can not live in space – they need gravity to be able to swallow.
55. Some perfumes actually have whale poop in them.
56. Your feet typically produce a pint of sweat every single day.
57. The snow on Venus is metal.
58. Baby koalas are fed poop by their parents after they are born which helps them digest Eucalyptus
leaves later in life.
59. Many mammals, including cats and dogs, walk on their toes in contrast to humans, who walk on
the soles of their feet
60. The most difficult-to-pronounce town is in Wales: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrob-
61. A tsunami can travel as fast as a jet plane.
62. There is a 50% chance that in a group of 23 people, two will share the same birthday. In a group
of 367 people, it is a 100% chance. But only 70 people are required for a 99.9% chance.
63. All babies are born with blue eyes.
64. When you look at a bright sky and see white dots, you are looking at your blood. Those are
white blood cells.
65. Your small intestine is the largest internal organ in your body.
66. Love carrots? Don’t eat too many or you will turn orange.
67. Cows can walk upstairs but not down them.
68. Tiger shark embryos begin attacking each other in their mother’s womb before they are even
69. The surface of Mars is covered in rust, making the planet appear red.
70. The surface of Russia is greater than the surface of Pluto

Olivia Bowen

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