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Class 5

Fish—backbone, fins, scales, lays eggs, gills

Amphibian—backbone, damp skin, lays eggs, gills, lungs
Reptile—scales, lays eggs, lungs
Birds—backbone, lays eggs, feathers, lungs
Mammals—backbone, has live babies, hair, milk glands, lungs

3. animal/plant group
fern adiantum
mouse mammal
mushroom fungi
dolphin mammal
beetle insect
rose angiosperm
trout fish
snake reptile
earthworm segmented worm
sea weed algae
frog amphibian
amoeba protist
pine tree gymnosperm
bacteria monera
robin bird
moss algae and fungi
octopus molluscs
starfish echinoderm
4. organisms characteristics
virus simplest living organism
protist cannot be classified as plant or animal
bacterium smallest living things made up only one round elongated or spiral cell
alga green plant that usually live in water
fungus non-green plant made up of hyphae
lichen consist of algae and fungi living together
moss bear tiny pear-shaped capsules that contain spores
fern their leaves are called fronds
gymnosperm seed-bearing, non-flowering plant
angiosperm seed-bearing, flowering plants
5. sponge, crab, starfish, centipede


Answers to questions 1. Climate affects how we live: the kind of houses we live in, the food
we eat, the clothes we wear, our activities and work, and the way we spend our time indoors and
outdoors. 2. There are no forests to cut down for wood, nor is stone available to build houses in the
Arctic region. The only building material available is snow. 3. The Arctic and Antarctic Circles, the
tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and the equator. 4. The temperature, the amount of rainfall, the
direction and frequency of winds, and the presence of hills and mountains are factors that influence
the climate. Work Page A 1 The hill station of Murree: 1789.3 mm 2 Nok Kundi: 35.3 mm 3
Quetta: -2.0°C 4 Jacobabad: 36.9°C 5 a) The average winter temperature in Quetta can go as low as
-2°C, and the average temperature in summer can also go high to 25.6°C, whereas Murree’s average
winter temperature is 3.7°C and maximum temperature in summer is 20.6°C. b) Murree gets 1789.3
mm of rain annually and Quetta gets 260.8 mm. Both the places have low temperatures. However,
Murree gets a lot more rain than Quetta. B 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 5 False


1. Three. 5. She had frostbite on her toes.

2. She rang them on a satellite phone. 6. Nobody.
3. None. 7. He heard an engine noise, from a huge ship.
4. It was very cold—minus 50 degrees Centigrade. 8. Because they were hungry.

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