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Dear Families,

At Centennial, we begin each morning with our “morning meeting” - a time that is dedicated to building our
classroom community by learning about character traits, having open and honest communication, and
maintaining a judgement free space. We encourage you to continue this at home during this time, and will be
providing daily prompts to use with your family. Feel free to adjust the prompt as needed to fit your family - this
is only a guide!

Here are the “Morning Meeting Guidelines” that we use at Centennial and some details to help you understand
what they mean. Your student should be familiar with these guidelines!

Speak from the heart: ​Share only your experiences, perspectives, feelings-not those of others
Listen from the heart: ​Be open and non-judgmental. Use good listening skills.
What is said in the circle stays in the circle: ​Do not use information shared to spread gossip.
Say just enough: ​ Be considerate of the time when sharing
Respect the talking piece​: At school, we use a “Talking Piece” to ensure that only one student speaks at a
time. This can be any object you wish, but the rule is that only the person with the talking piece can speak. The
talking piece is passed around the circle so that everyone has a chance to share!

Date  Prompt 

5/11/2020  Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one from last 
week if you didn’t reach it!) 

5/12/2020  Tell about a time you played a game and won. How did it feel to win? What did you 
do to be successful? 

5/13/2020  Failure can help us build perseverance. Tell about a time you lost in a game. How did 
it feel? How did you overcome it? 

5/14/2020  Think about all the challenges you have faced this year. Share one that you have 
worked to overcome. How did you do it? Was it easy or hard? What made you 

5/15/2020  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, celebrate!! If not, 
discuss some ways you can improve for next week! 
Date Prompt

5/4/2020 Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one from last week if
you didn’t reach it!)

5/5/2020 “Just because you haven’t found your talent ​YET​doesn’t mean you Don’t have one.” - Kermit
the Frog

What does this quote mean to you?

5/6/2020 What is another phrase you can use instead of saying “I can’t”? Why is that important?

5/7/2020 Give an example of something that was once challenging for you, but now isn’t. What do you
think made this task “easier” for you now?

5/8/2020 Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, celebrate!! If not,
discuss some ways you can improve for next week!

Date  Prompt 

4/27/20  Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one from 
last week if you didn’t reach it!) 

4/28/20  How can we help family members and friends use perseverance when things get 

4/29/20  “Once you quit, it becomes a habit” - Vince Lombardi   

What does this quote mean to you? 

4/30  How do you feel when you see someone give up and not persevere? Why? 

5/1  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, celebrate!! If 
not, discuss some ways you can improve for next week! 
Date  Prompt 

4/20/20  Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one from 
last week if you didn’t reach it!) 

4/21/20  “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius 

What does this quote mean to you? 

4/22/20  Grit is defined as “Passion and perseverance for long-term goals”. What is a long 
term goal you have? 

4/23/20  Think back to the “long term goal” you shared yesterday. Share some of the 
steps you will take to reach this goal. What will you do when you encounter 
a challenge? 

4/24/20  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, celebrate!! If 
not, discuss some ways you can improve for next week!  

Date Prompt

4/14/20  Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one from 
last week if you didn’t reach it!) 

4/15/20  Change can be difficult, but it is important to focus on the positive things that 
come from change to help us persevere. Share something you have enjoyed 
about learning from home so far!   

4/16/20  How can you persevere through a difficult assignment? Who can you go to for 
help? What strategies can you use? 

4/17/20  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, celebrate!! 
If not, discuss some ways you can improve for next week!  

Date  Prompt 
4/6/20  Every Monday, our students set a WOW (Within One Week) goal as a class. 
We reflect on what we could have done better from the week before and 
agree on something to improve upon. You may even decide on a family 
reward if you reach your goal!  
Set a WOW goal as a family this week! (Don’t be afraid to set the same one 
from last week if you didn’t reach it!) 

4/7/20  Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about 
What does stress mean to you? Give some examples of things that might be 

4/8/20  Tell about a time you worked through something stressful. How did it feel?  

4/9/20  Stress can make you feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid, which can lead 
to headaches and stomachaches. Tell about a time this happened to you.  

4/10/20  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, 
celebrate!! If not, discuss some ways you can improve for next week!  

Date  Prompt 

3/30/20  Every Monday, our students set a WOW (Within One Week) goal as a class. 
We reflect on what we could have done better from the week before and 
agree on something to improve upon. You may even decide on a family 
reward if you reach your goal!  
Set a WOW goal as a family this week!  
Some examples might be: 
● Have the whole family make our beds every day this week 
● Take a walk or exercise every day  
● We will all put our dishes in the sink after eating  

3/31/20  How can you tell if someone has perseverance? What will you see them 
doing? What types of things will you hear them say? 

4/1/20  A ​growth mindset​ is the belief that intelligence improves through 

study and practice. How do you think this relates to “perseverance”?  

4/2/20  When we have perseverance, we see failures as an opportunity to 

grow. Tell about a time you failed at something the first time but 
didn’t give up!  

4/3/20  Reflect on your WOW (Within One Week) goal. Did you reach it? If so, 
celebrate!! If not, discuss some ways you can improve for next week!  
Date  Prompt 

3/23/20  Our character trait for the last nine weeks is perseverance. ​Perseverance is 
the act of continuing to do something even when it is difficult​.  
What does perseverance mean to you? 

3/24/20  Tell about a time you worked hard to reach a goal and achieved it! How 
did it feel?  

3/25/20  Perseverance is about working toward a goal, even if it is hard! Share 

about a challenge you faced that made you give up. What do you think 
stopped you?  

3/26/20  Share a strategy you use to persevere through a challenge! How do you 
overcome and push through to reach your goal?  

3/27/20  Tell about a time you showed perseverance THIS WEEK!  

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