Palaad, Jamaica S. (Philosophy of Realism)

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Palaad, Jamaica S.

Explain the Philosophy of Realism

Realism, reality exist independent of the human mind. World of physical objects ultimate
reality. What realism is trying to say is what actually exist and what you see is real and
the ultimate realism is the physical object. So everything that you see, touch, feel, are
real. It is the view that a "reality" of material objects, and possibly of abstract concepts,
exists in an external world independently of our minds and perceptions.

What are the ideas of Realism according to Aristotle and St.

Thomas Aquinas

Aristotle teach was to move away. What you can see, feel and experience is the
“real” which is we need to understand. He said that if we don’t propagate our
ideas, if we don’t transform it into the world and if we don’t share it to somebody
else the ideas will remains within us.

St. Thomas Aquinas teach is how will you reconcile religion and science, faith
with reasons. Refusing either to lose faith or mindlessly believe. He developed a
new understanding place of reason and human life. His monumental contribution
was to teach that any human being could have access to great truth whenever
they use Gods greatest gift to human beings which is the reason.
St. Thomas Aquinas universalize intelligence for everyone.

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