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The Dependence of Today’s Teenagers on Technology and Gadgets

Olsen (2016) states that today’s generations are full of different kinds of growing
technologies. Most of the people nowadays are attached with technology such as using
laptops, cell phones, tablets, televisions, iPod and many more. Digital technology has
been a part of everyone’s life. Just for example, the different digital platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Wattpad, are today’s “buddy” of the teens
and adults. As time goes by, technology evolves and become more interesting. Due to
its evolution time by time, millions and millions of people had been engaged with it,
including Filipinos. Due to this, technology has been considered as part of their lives
and it can be seen anywhere and anytime.
Digital literacy is an ability to work in media. It is also an example of Information
Communication Technology (ICT) that informs and communicates the netizens about
different topics and issues. There’s a lot of instrument that considers digital literacy,
such as laptop, televisions, tablets, and a lot more. In manual, such as books,
magazines, newspapers, and others are printed but digital literacy are like the manual
but the difference is, the former is tangible.
Boyd (2014) includes that the experiences of the youth to help the elders, which are the
parents, teachers, and other adults to be aware with the effects of social media and
technology on the lives of the teens. Even teens are already attached with technology;
the spending of time using technology will be the basis in order to say that one teen is
Alter (2017) told that the reason behind experiencing addiction on technology is
because it finds out that it spent a lot of time using the mobile phone and trying to limit
it. It observed that the impact of this is a lack of time in different aspects, just like
sleeping, work, personal habits, and a lot more, as well as the changing of behavior.
Simply put, it is not easy to control- it involves process and considers different views.
The dependency of people on these technological gadgets and services provided by
these has reached at such a level that, without these, they are unable to think a step
forward in the direction of their growth. The degree of dependency is leading to
addiction of the tech-devices and services. Youth (15-24 years) is the most vulnerable
group among the population to be addicted to technology (Kumar, et al 2018).


This paper aims to have answers regarding the following problems:

• Why are teenagers of this generation very much dependent on technology?
• What do they do and get from all the hours they spend on their gadgets?
• What are the ways to improve and/or reduce their gadget usage?
• How can it be said that teenagers today are technology-dependent?


University of Southern California (2018) argued that the quantitative research is a wide
area of scientific method. It allows everyone to explicate the object statistically. This is
focusing on different ways of classification, exploration, comparison, and in others, in
numeric variables. This kind of method uses various types of computational and
statistical method of analysis.
Descriptive research is a study intended to collect information without changing the
environment (Posinasetti, 2014) in this type of research, nothing is manipulated. It is
used to describe what currently exists. It doesn’t control any data or information
Since, the researcher use the descriptive research as their design, it proved to be great
convenience and provided great ease to their study. The researcher was able to gather
sufficient and accurate data with this design as their skeletal basis. It allows the
researcher to organize and sort out the information needed to get across to make the
topic clear which revolved around the dependency of today’s teenagers on technology.
It also provides a clear background and a precise statement to seek the answers for the
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.) define the survey as a gathering of data to process
the analyzations from the group of people.
What did the researcher do on the survey? First, the researcher created a GoogleForm
with the survey questions which stated before starting that the respondents’
confidentiality will 100% be guaranteed as compliance to the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

English Oxford Living Dictionary (n.d.) define that the probability is the expansive
wherein the occurrence is able to happen, it measures through the ratio of the
convenient cases to the whole number of cases probable.
Dhar (2015) define that the simple random sampling is a statistical population wherein
all the subsets has equal chances of winning.
All of the respondents of the survey were teenagers from different places in the
Philippines. No qualifications, favoritism, acquaintances, and so forth as long as they
are teenagers residing in the country.
Collins Dictionary (n.d.) elucidate that frequency distribution is the role of allotment of a
sample reciprocal to the possibility thickness of the population and focus to it while the
dimension of sample is increasing, the series of allied frequency of sample points falling
inside due to distance of the set of random variable.
The researcher used Microsoft Excel to make the job easier. First, the researcher tallied
the responses. Next, the researcher gets the sum of the responses from the 5 scales.
Lastly, the researcher gets the sum from 5 scales and the percentage as well.
McLeod (2018) mentioned that the questionnaire is an example of instrument that has
alignment of questions for the reason of collecting information from the respondents. It
can be affective in measuring the characters, attitudes, choices, etc.
The instrument used by the researcher is a survey questionnaire with 10 statements
and 5 rating scales which is the 1 for strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for neutral, 4
for agree, and 5 for strongly disagree. For this, it can help the researcher to identify and
provide answer those statement of the problems they want to give an answer.

This is quite an indicator that gadgets and technology in general have really become an
essential in people’s daily lives. They use it from the moment they wake up and most
likely for the majority if not the rest of the day.
Since today’s teenagers are always connected, the means to stay updated is made
easier and more accessible. Even credible news platforms such as ABS-CBN, The
Philippine Star, Daily Inquirer and others have established their digital footprints.

This further suggests that teenagers’ daily lives are hugely spent on their gadgets. This
also supports the fact that they always want to be aware of the latest trends and
happenings in the virtual realm.
This is given more relevance in the midst of the worldly crisis we are facing. Under the
new normal, the means of education has adapted through technology and the pandemic
has even allowed people even teenagers to start their small businesses thanks to the

A lot of teenagers play e-games as a means of entertainment. This also allows them to
stay connected with their friends.
Since classes are being conducted online, the Internet has become a necessity for
students to comply with their academic duties and requirements. Organizations’
activities within universities are also being done online.

The fear of missing out is a prevalent thing in today’s young generations. Since the
Internet has allowed convenience and accessibility, information flows faster and easier
in turn making you want to always be connected and never missing out.
This is how teenagers cope with the downside of technology in terms of mental health.
Teenagers have the tendency to internalize information they read and it can badly
impact their self esteem-deactivating really helps in times like this.

Since everyone these days have their own personal gadget, the online world is how
they stay connected with one another especially during this crisis. Technology has
made each and everyone’s life more convenient and no doubt has it provided ease.
This is understandable in the midst of this crisis. Since going out is still not the best
option to do, staying connected with one another through the Internet is the next best

In recent years, technology is being applied to many schools because of the
development and globalization. This advancement made a huge difference to the way
the world works especially the way of life of today’s teenagers. The digital literacy is one
thing that is practiced. Alongside that, it can’t be denied that dependence on gadgets
and technology is also prevalent among teenagers. Based on the survey computation,
many teenagers really see technology having a big impact on their everyday lives.

Using the uses and gratification theory on this particular study is really helpful because
it shows the effects of media on the consumers and viceversa. In this case those
elements are the teenagers and their technology and gadget dependence.

Even though the result shows that many teenagers are digitally dependent, their
usage and reasons behind the said spectacle varies. Some of them use it to
communicate and cope with the new normal’s way of education as well as other
important duties. On the other hand, the number of teenagers who use it for
entertainment and other leisurely activities is also quite a huge number. Though this is
how life works for most of today’s teenagers, they should also set limitations to gadget
dependence because everything that is consumed in excess amounts is no doubt
Technology should not fully take up the hours that make up human lives.
Teenagers should know the difference between the real world and the virtual one. They
must also use the internet wisely because information is not always accurate.


Cardinus. (2018, January 03). A Story of Technological Addiction, Young People and
the Future of Work. Retrieved from
Cook, G. (2017, March 07). Warning: Your New Digital World Is Highly Addictive.
Retrieved from
Dhar, M (2015). What is the difference between random sampling and simple random
sampling? Retrieved from
Frequency Distribution | Definition of frequency distribution in Collins Dictionary.
Retrieved from
It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Law, S. (2012, December 11). Classic Works of Literature still have a place in Today's
Classrooms. Retrieved from
Kumar, A. (2018, July 10). Assessment of gadgets addiction and its impact on health
among undergraduates. Retrieved from
Mcleod, S. (2018, February 02). Questionnaire. Retrieved from
Olsen, J. (2016, February 23). Are Young People really “Addicted” to Technology or is
something else at Work? Retrieved from
Posinasetti, N. (2014). Share and discover research. Retrieved from
Probability | Definition of probability in English by Oxford Dictionaries. (n.d.). Retrieved
Survey | Definition of survey in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.) Retrieved from
University of Southern California. (2018, October 5). Research Guides: Organizing Your
Social Sciences Research Paper: Quantitative Methods. Retrieved from

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