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Hashoo Foundation...... Legal Issues... "The Situation in Gaza.....

Continued from front page
Continued from front page Baylor. After finishing a most versa- The charter allows for naval block- Continued from front page in the week".
production company. Sadruddin tile career with Pakistani Military and ades, but the effect of the blockade on on the Turkish-registered lead ves- Five of those on board are Irish,
Hashwani later on started the Hashoo UNO, Major General Bajwa contin- civilians must be proportionate to the sel. Mr Erdogan has described the assault including Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Foundation to give back to the socie- ues to serve in the private sector with effect on the military element for the as a "bloody massacre" and said must be Mairead Maguire, prompting Irish Prime
ty and his daughter Sarah Hashwani is Hashoo Group, while also patronizing blockade to be legally enforceable. A punished. He said Israel should not test Minister Brian Cowen to appeal for its
presently the Chairperson. Hashoo the humanitarian work of Hashoo ship trying to breach a blockade can be Turkey's patience. safe arrival in Gaza.
Foundation got world recognition, Foundation. boarded and force may be used to stop Turkey, formerly a close ally of "If any harm comes to any of our cit-
when we won the BBC World Major General (Retired) Anis it as long as it is "necessary and pro- Israel, has been one of the states most izens it will have the most serious conse-
Challenge 2008 for the Women Bajwa has the distinction of being portionate". The Israeli Defense Forces vocal in its condemnation of the raid. quences," he told parliament on Tuesday.
Empowering through Honey Bee Vice Chief of Pakistan Army General say soldiers acted in self-defense. An Diplomatic sources in Ankara have said He said Dublin had asked Israel to
farming project, where 82 women bee Staff; Director of Military Operation investigation, either by the UN or by at least four of those killed were Turkish. ensure the boat "complete its journey
keepers have been trained up till now, Pakistan Army; and Managing the ship's flag-carrier Turkey, is US President Obama has spoken to unimpeded and discharge its humanitari-
increasing the household income by Director of Pakistan Tourism required to find if the use of force was Turkish PM to offer condolences over an cargo in Gaza".
32% and giving incentive for the chil- Development Corporation. For a proportionate to a claim of self defense. Gaza flotilla deaths. Israel seized more than 670 people
dren of these women to pursue stud- short while, he was Chief of Staff to In other developments, Israel says it with the ships and deported 50 early on
ies. This Women Empowerment and the President of Pakistan General Flotilla Pakistanis..... will release all the foreign nationals Tuesday. But officials faced mounting
children education became possible Pervez Musharraf (but he does not seized on board an aid flotilla trying to calls on Tuesday to free those still be
through one project, which received like to be related to this position Continued from front page break its blockade of Gaza. The office of detained.
the world top award from BBC. because he was most of the time at three Pakistanis have been handed over to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "All foreign nationals who were on
Honey from this project is bought at odds with the past president because Jordanian ambassador to Israel. said it hoped deportations would be com- board the fleet and were arrested will be
good price by all of Hashwani of his policies and he strongly feels Jordanian ambassador along with pleted within 48 hours. deported from Tuesday night," Mr
Groups’ Hospitality Industry (hotels) that other than giving independent Syed Talat Hussain, Raza Agha and At least nine pro-Palestinian Netanyahu's office said in a statement.
and other such industries worldwide. media to Pakistan, General Musharraf Nadeem Ahmed has left Tel Aviv for activists died when Israeli commandos The expulsions would be carried out
Presently we are working on 27 proj- has done several disservices to King Hussein Bridge Jordan where he raided the six-ship convoy early on by Thursday, according to Israeli military
ects in Pakistan, including Gawadar, Pakistan). He served with the United will hand over the three Pakistanis to the Monday. Amid international criticism radio.
Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Pakistani ambassador to Jordan. All the Israel says its troops acted in self- Eyewitness accounts of the raid from
Murree, Balakot, Gilgit, Mansehra, East Timor, Georgia, and Somalia. three Pakistanis will be returning to defense, but campaigners deny this. some of those activists released earlier
Chitral, and Chakoti. Our core pro- Before joining Hashoo, he worked for Pakistan on Wednesday, the channel The incident has sparked widespread cast doubt on Israel's version of events.
gram areas are Economic about five years at UNO added. Earlier Executive Director Aaj concern and led to calls for Israel to lift Israel said its soldiers were attacked with
Development, Special Needs Headquarters in New York in Change News Talat Hussain’s wife Tehmina its blockade of the Gaza Strip. Israel has "knives, clubs and other weapons" when
Children (Umeed-e-Noor), Education Management; & Policy, Evaluation, Hussain had said that her husband has maintained control of Gaza's airspace they landed on the Turkish passenger
& Skills Development, and Social and Training. “Media and Civil fulfilled his duty with courage. While and territorial waters, as well as most of ship Mavi Marmara and had opened fire
Welfare & Emergency Relief. We Society have to keep working hard to appreciating her husband efforts, its land borders, since withdrawing in self-defense.
have Hashoo Foundation Schools, bring enlightenment across the globe, Tehmina said that Talat had gone for a troops and settlers from the territory in German politician Norman Paech
Basic Health Center, Youth especially in Pakistan as I belong cause and now the entire nation is praying 2005. According to the UN, Gaza said he had only seen wooden sticks
Development Center, Dairy from there and bring much happiness for his safe return. She was talking to Aaj receives about one-quarter of the sup- being brandished as troops abseiled on to
Development Projects, Human & development to the whole humani- News morning show AAJ SUBH. plies it used to receive in the years before the deck of the ship. And Israeli Arab MP
Development Resource Centers, ty. Military in Pakistan has always Tehmina thanked the government and the blockade was tightened in 2007. Haneen Zuabi told a press conference
Special Needs Children wanted to stay where the constitution media for its efforts and said that the Israel and Egypt sealed off the territory that troops began firing while still in the
Rehabilitation Centers; and our head- asks them to remain. But mainly it has whole nation has stood by her during this after militant group Hamas seized power helicopters hovering over the ships.
quarters in Islamabad and USA head been politicians, who have on many hour of need. Raza Hussain’s wife Urooj there in 2007. Meanwhile, another ship The six ships, carrying more than
office in Houston. Hashoo occasions, asked the military to come Agha urged the government to take effec- carrying aid has set sail for Gaza intend- 100 tonnes of aid and 700 campaigners,
Foundation has also given back to the forward and make difficult decisions tive steps for the safe return of all three ing to challenge the Israeli blockade, had sailed from Cyprus in a bid to break
community in USA by being the for them and to run the affairs of the Pakistani nationals. She said that she organizers said. Greta Berlin, of the Free Israel's blockade of Gaza. Israel had
salient partner of Former Mayor Bill country. There is need for institution would not be satisfied until direct contact Gaza Movement, said on Tuesday the warned organizers that the flotilla would
White Expectation Graduation development in Pakistan and for that is established with her husband. MV Rachel Corrie would "be there with- not be allowed to arrive.
Program, where 50 at-risk HISD stu- we need leaders in Pakistan, who
dents were supported to graduate rather than relying on military can Continued from front page First Pakistani to win Houston SCORE- Counselors to
from High School bringing hope & muster their own intelligence and States Small Business Administration. American Small Business, They are the
encouragement in the society.” executive skills to run the affairs of Dr. Baloch is privileged to win this
SBA Award resource partner of the US small busi-
All this was related by Major the county,” remarked Major General award not only for his company awardees for 2010 are as follows: ness administrations (S.B.A), and
General (Retired) Anis Bajwa of (Retired) Anis Bajwa. International Clinical Trial Network Small Business person of the year: S.B.A is playing a vital role in helping
Hashoo Group of Companies and For more information on Hashoo but also for the Pakistani community at Jennifer Lewis of JNP Technologies the small start-up business owners.
Executive Director of the Hashoo Foundation, once can visit large. He had his family (Mr. & Mrs. Inc . Jeffrey Butland Family owned Sponsors of tehe event were: Platinum
Foundation USA, Cristal Montañéz www.HashooFoundation.Org. Nawab Saifuddin Laghari) , their col- business of the year: Fernando Guzman Sponsors: Capital One Bank, Metro
leagues , Pakistani-American media : , Rosario Guzman, Felipe Guzman of Solutions, Port of Houston Authority.
Climate Change Champion AL Gore Pakistan Chronicle and Pakistan
Journal, United Central Bank Top
Prime Eco Group Inc. Financial
Service Champions of the year: Vince
Gold Sponsors: Houston Galveston
Area Consuls. Silver Sponsors: Amegy
Separates From Tipper After 40 Years Executive including Nasr Khan who
flew from Chicago, as well as the
Calicchia of Woodforest National
Bank. Minority Small Business
Bank, American Inter-Continental
University, Frost Bank, Houston CPA,
Consul General of Pakistan (Houston) Champion of the year : Nawab Farooq Statesman business advisor, United
Continued from front page close miss at the presidency, and his Mohammad Aqil Nadeem. The award Baloch of International Clinical Trial Central Bank, University of Houston
The 2000 Democratic presidential eight years in office as vice president. was presented by the Honorable Mayor Network, who took his business from Small Business Development center.
candidate and his wife cited "a mutual Donna Brazile, his 2000 cam- of City of Houston, Annise Parker. Hundred thosands to few milion. Small Special Recognition: BRDA , PLLC ,
and mutually supportive decision", in paign manager — single at the time — Mayor spokes very high about small Business exporter of the year: Laura and Woodforest National Bank.
an E-Mail to friends. Mr Gore, Bill once said it was the couple's intense business, their role, specially their rev- Isaza of Equipsaw Enterprises Corp, HMBDC was also present at the event.
Clinton's vice president, won the 2007 love for each other that made her real- enue and their employment contribu- SBA Young Entrepreneur award: Most of the Houston's Prominent
Nobel Peace Prize for his work on cli- ize what she was missing in her life. tion. They play major role in paying Patrick Laport, Tim Verborgh of Business Community leaders were also
mate change. Mrs Gore is a longtime The couple, who were both born taxes and she claims that Houston is the Aerospace Applications of North present. Pakistani- American are all
advocate on mental health issues. The in the Washington area and met there, 4th largest city, and it’s economy is America, Inc. Veteran Small Business very proud of Dr. Baloch's achieve-
couple married in May 1970. has been living in Tennessee. In an E- going strong because of these small Champion of the year: John Vaughn of ment. We Pakistani community at
Today's announcement by the Mail to friends and supporters businesses. Congressmen from US 9th Vaughn Medical LLC. Women in large, Pakistan Chronicle, Pakistan
couple must come as a huge blow to obtained by US news organizations, Congressional District Al-Green was Business Champion of the year: Journals entire team, sponsors, readers
anyone still left in the "happily-ever- the couple said they had decided to also there. He also applauded the role Kristen Cooley of Berryblend. This and the Consul General of pakistan,
after" camp. The Gores enjoyed a separate after "long and careful con- of small businesses. He also mentioned event was coordinated by Kim Davis of Mr. Aqil Nadeem would like to con-
fabled relationship that withstood sideration". that he is bringing 32 billion dollars to KPRC- Local 2. To make this event gratulate the entire family for getting
Tipper's depression, their six-year-old They asked for privacy and said the banks. In addition small business successful, this event was organized by this milestone.
son's near-fatal accident, Al's painfully they intended no further comment.

Continued from front page

wants to send message of commiseration to
Ignorant are being used to create undue.... conducted by those who neither believe in
humanity nor any religion," Mr Gilani said.
the Ahmedi community worldwide. the mosque attacks, who was being treated at the police uniforms, and opened fire on the nine The gunmen fled after this latest attack,
The authorities said they were pursuing the hospital. "The operation is over," an official, policemen who were guarding the captured mili- police said. "They escaped from the scene,"
suspects after one was wounded in an exchange Shafiq Gujar, told AFP news agency. "It appears tant, killing at least four of them, officials said. Lahore commissioner Khusro Pervez Khan told
of gunfire with police. Earlier the police said that the attackers wanted to kill or release the Six people, including a woman and her four- Reuters. "We are in hot pursuit. We are chasing
up to eight people had been killed in the attack in accused." Javed Ikram, chief executive of Jinnah month-old baby, were injured in the attack, them. One of them was wounded."
the hospital. hospital, told Reuters news agency that the gun- police said. Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Lahore has been battered by a series of dead-
The gunmen were said to have failed in an men had "barged into the hospital building and Raza Gilani has condemned the attack. ly attacks in the last year by militants who have
attempt to reach a captured militant, injured in opened indiscriminate fire". They were wearing "Such inhuman act of brutality could only be declared war on the government.

Page 21 For the latest news, events, sports and more visit PAKISTAN CHRONICLE • Friday, June 04, 2010

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