Newsletter For July 2015 Final

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Hickory Stick Gazette

Ogle-Lee and IRTA – Your Link To Springfield

July 2015

Our next meeting is set for Tuesday, July 14th at Retired teachers had warned the legislators
Hickory Grove Banquet and Conference Center, and Gov. Quinn that passing any such bill would
1127 North 7th ST, Rochelle, IL. It is on the corner eventually be found unconstitutional, but only after
of Routes 251 and 38. (A map is on page 2 of the great expense and wasting of time to find legal rem-
newsletter. The red dot is Hickory Grove.) Doors edies for Illinois’ financial crisis. The retired and ac-
open at 11:00 AM, with the business meeting at tive workers who brought the five suits against the
noon, followed by lunch at 12:30 pm and then the State spent a combined $3 million. As taxpayers, we
program will follow after lunch. also paid for the legal costs incurred by the attorney
RESERVATIONS are required. Your contact person general’s office. Millions of dollars were wasted so
will call you for your reservation. If you have not re- the politicians could “test the constitutional waters”.
ceived a call by July 3rd, please call Marvel Blomberg Our $500,000 in attorneys’ fees were paid out of
at (815) 562-2884. your contributions (Thank You!) to the Legal De-
REMINDER: We must pay for your meal if you made fense Fund (LDF) which has a current balance of only
a reservation, even if you can’t attend. The cost of $86,000. The fund must stay solvent to continue to
the meal is $15. The menu will include BBQ pulled protect our futures, if need be. Please consider a
pork sandwich, coleslaw, au gratin potatoes, fresh contribution to the LDF by mailing a check to IRTA’s
baked cookies and tea, coffee or water. new address: IRTA, 828 S. Second St., 4th Floor,
Springfield, IL 62704.
HB3763 Senate Amendment 1 was passed in
both the House (66-44) and Senate (34-20) along
If you reserve a meal and find that you
party lines. This bill if signed into law would fund
will not be able to attend, please call
TRS and TRIP health insurance for fiscal year 2016
Marvel Blomberg (815/562-2884) in or-
(FY2016). A “Motion to Reconsider” was approved
der to cancel your earlier reservation. It
to delay the 60-day window for a potential gover-
will be too late to cancel your reserva-
nor’s veto. This strategy is used to hopefully work
tion after July 7th. If this occurs, please
on a compromise in order to pass a state budget.
send $15 to Ogle-Lee Treasurer, Linda
The democrats still hold a super-majority to over-
Kenney, P.O. Box 314, Rochelle, IL 61068.
ride a governor’s veto.
Please do not call the restaurant to
Technically, the state’s contributions to TRS
make or cancel a reservation. If you are
and TRIP are both ‘continuing appropriation bills’
planning to attend the July 14th meeting,
which allow TRS and Central Management Services
you will be able to pay for your meal
(CMS) to request the maximum amount owed ac-
when you arrive.
cording to statute even if the money isn’t budgeted.
July Program – Our Scholarship recipient, Brianna However, the legislature can create a law to negate
Koenig, is unable to join us that day. She has been the continuing appropriation but that would identify
hired to teach in Tucson, AZ, and that will be her and require specific legislators to actively curtail
first day on the job. Carol and Warren Reckmeyer funding to our constitutionally-protected benefits.
and Mike Flick will entertain us with their musical Currently, for FY2015 (ending June 30, 2015) the
talents. Also present will be Chris Gluck, AMBA state is contributing $101 million to TRIP for retiree
Representative and Loryann Eis, our Area I Repre- health insurance and $3.4 billion to TRS for our pen-
sentative. sions. It is important that we identify the legislators
****************************************** who support retired teachers and contribute to
July 2015 – Legislative Update – Keith Erhart those who support us. Please consider joining IRTA-
On May 8, 2015, the Illinois Supreme Court unani- PAC (Political Action Committee) $1 a month dona-
mously upheld Circuit Court Judge John Belz’s Nov. tion deduct. Thank you.
21, 2014 decision to declare PA98-0599 (SB1) un-
constitutional. IRTA’s law firm, Tabet, DiVito and ******************************************
The State Convention for IRTA will be held in Spring-
Rothstein, were the lead attorneys for the five suits field on October 26th and 27th. Jean Hoff and Jean
brought against the state. IRTA paid one-half of our Whipple will be representing our Unit.
legal team’s $1 million fee to fight and win this at-
tack on our benefits. This cost was split with the Il- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
linois Association of School Administrators (IASA) The Ogle-Lee RTA Executive Board is looking for
who partnered with IRTA in this lawsuit. new members. The current officers’ terms will be up
at the end of 2015. We will need a President or
Co-Presidents and a Vice President. Jean Hoff
and Jean Whipple are willing to “guide” a new Pres- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ident through the first year of their term. Please con- 2014-2015 Ogle-Lee RTA OFFICERS
tact Jean Hoff (815.732-3818) or Jean Whipple Co-Presidents Jean Hoff
(815.222-2681) if you are willing to serve. OGLE- Jean Whipple
Vice-President Ferol Empen
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary Elke Grennan
Treasurer Linda Kenney
New address for IRTA: Membership Richard Wood
IRTA 828 S. Second St., 4th Floor Member Benefits Phillip Bratta
Legislative Keith Erhart
Springfield, IL 62704 Contact Coordinator Marvel Blomberg
Phone: (217) 523-8488 or Historian Loretta Bell
(800) 728-4782
Fax: (217) 523-8493 October 13 – LOMC, Oregon
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Program – Deb Cheek and Bill Hare


There will be a basket at the July 14th meeting for September 8 –Byron Library
your contributions to the Legal Defense Fund. You November 10 –Byron Library
may write a check or have cash. Please make your
check payable to IRTA and write “Legal Defense
Fund” on the check memo line.

We are very happy to welcome the following new
members to the Ogle-Lee RTA:
Marijo Boyle
Kristine Gustafson

IRTA and Ogle-Lee your link to Springfield

Dick Wood
P. O. Box 156
Leaf River, IL 61047

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