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General Mathematics
Activity Sheets
Quarter 2 – MELC 13
Analyzing the Different Market
Indices for Stocks and Bonds


General Mathematics 11
Activity Sheet No. 13
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of General Mathematics Activity Sheet

Writer: Michael M. Luna

Illustrator: Michael M. Luna

Layout Artist: Michael M. Luna

Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:

Ligaya H. Montelijao, EPS-Mathematics
Leila G. Valencia, EPS-LR
Jezereel Grace G. Tiron
Bernie P. Alcedo
Division of Iloilo City Management Team:
Ma. Luz M. De los Reyes, SDS
Ernesto F. Servillon Jr., ASDS
Arlo L. Villalva, CID Chief
Dr. Jerry M. Lego, SGOD Chief
Leila G. Valencia, EPS-LR
Ligaya H. Montelijao, EPS-Mathematics
Regional Management Team
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma,
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana,
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga,
Mr. Donald T. Genine,
Mr. Adonis Mosquera
Mrs. Rhodalyn Delcano

Introductory Message
Welcome to General Mathematics 11!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Iloilo City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The General Mathematics Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the
teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This
will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the
independent learning.

For the learner:

The General Mathematics Activity Sheet is developed to help you

continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you
with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities
and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Quarter 2, Week 5

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 13

Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade and Section: _________________

Date: _____________________________


Analyzing the Different Market Indices for Stocks and Bonds

I. Learning Competency with Code

Analyzes the different market indices for stocks and bonds. (M11GM-IIe-4)

II. Background Information for Learners

While investing your money on securities like stocks and bonds, one
need to know how they will invest effectively with minimal loss. Thus, it is
very critical to know how to use several information about the stocks and
bonds of the company posted on a market.
These information are calculated mostly based in weighted average
mathematics to gauge the movement and performance of the market
segments. This number representative is called as market index.
To use this information effectively, one has to know how to analyze the
market index of the investment holdings in the market.
Important Terminologies:
 Stocks – shares of a company that can be traded to raise money.
 Bonds – securities that pays an amount of money on the maturity date
or interests through coupons.
 Market Index – guide for the movement and performance of the market
 PSEi – the market index of PSE, in the Philippines.

Market Index

Information relative to the performance of the market is being shown in a

market site for investors to use while investing. Stock market index is a
measure of a portion of the stock market while bond market index is the
measure of portion of the bond markets.

1. Read the article Market Index by Young, J. (2020) at Investopedia. The

link to the article is

As you read the article, please be guided of the following:

a. What is a market index?
b. How are market indices used as a benchmark?
c. What are some examples of real-world market indices cited in the

The Philippine Stock Exchange

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) as one of the oldest stock

exchanges in Asia is the only stock exchange in the Philippines. PSE

involves 30 companies that represents different sectors general movement
in the market. In their website, you are prompted with data on the
performance of the market of different sectors through a table. These
performances are measured through the market index of the PSE called

1. Learn more with PSE (2018) Policy on Index Management at
%20Index%20Management.pdf. Focus only with Section 1 and 5.1.1.

Please be guided with these questions as you go along the article:

a. What is the PSE Index Series?
b. What are the different indices cited in the article?
c. What data PSE are using to compute the index level?

Stock Index Tables

The data of the performances of the market is shown through market index
and they are presented in a tabular form. To use this information
appropriately, one should know how to read and analyze the data.

1. Read the Learner’s Material for General Mathematics of DepEd (2016)

pp 217-218. Familiarize yourself with the information on the Stock index
tables. Example illustration is also given below.
2. You may visit PSE at
marketActivity.html?tab=0 for daily example of index tables or for major world indices.

Illustration of Stock Table:

Example 1: Carmella visited the website of a stock market. The website
shows an index table presented below. In order for Carmella to decide for
her investments, she needs to know how to read and analyze the said
table. Help Carmella in reading the table below and answer the questions
provided as your guide. (Data are hypothetical)

Index Val Chg %Chg

PSEi 6,300.12 32.80 0.52

All Shares 3,233.00 23.64 0.73
Financials 5,091.54 -11.39 -0.22
Industrial 11,287.09 132.10 1.17
Holding Firms 1,267.99 10.81 0.85
Services 2,879.11 27.43 0.95
Mining and Oil 9,756.24 -9.76 0.10
Property 7,002.18 54.89 0.78

Guide Questions:
1. What is the PSEi index value?
2. How do we identify the %Chg of each sector?
3. How did we get 0.78 %Chg on the property sector?
4. Which of the sectors has the highest index value?
5. Which of them has the least change ratio?
6. Among the sectors, which of them perform better?
7. On what sector will you invest the least for today? Why?

1. The PSEi index value indicated in the table is 6,300.12Php.
2. The %Chg is the ratio of Chg to Val which can be solve as Chg divided
by Val multiplied by 100.
3. To get the %Chg on the property sector or on any sector, we divide
54.89 by 7,002.18 then multiply by 100 which is equal to 0.78.
4. Industrial sector got the highest index value of 11,287.09
5. Financial sector got the least ratio which is -0.22
6. Industrial sector performed better since the change ratio is higher than
the rest.
7. For now, financial sector will be the least investment because of its
decreasing index value.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Education Sites

Department of Education (2016). General Mathematics: Learner’s Material,
pp 217-221. DepEd-BLR, Philippines.

Young, J. (2020). Market Index. Investopedia. Retrieved from

The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (2019). Philippine Stock Exchange

Index. Retrieved from

The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (2018). Policy on Index Management.

Retrieved from

IV. Activity Proper

General Directions: In answering the exercises in the Learning Activity
Sheet (LAS), please do not write anything in the LAS. All answers must be
written in a separate sheet of paper. Read each problem carefully and
answer it systematically. If solution is required, encircle your final answer.

1. Activity 1: PSEi. From the readings above, summarize the

characteristics of the Philippine Stock Exchange index. For your
guidance, please visit the site


Characteristics PSEi

Index Members

Base Value

Calculation Frequency

Computation Method


Please be guided by the following questions when completing the table on

the summary of key differences of the markets.
a. Who are involved in the index of the PSE?
b. What is the base value of the PSEi
c. How often does the PSE calculate the indices?
d. On what computation method did they base their calculation?
e. What currency does the PSE are using?

2. Activity 2: Stock Index Table. The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)

is the only equity market in the Philippines. The table shows indices of
the different sectors. Solve for the %Chg of each sector and answer the
questions below based on the given data. (Data are hypothetical)

Index Val Chg %Chg

PSEi 8,513.83 13.20

All Shares 4,123.00 6.59
Financials 11,902.12 7.89
Industrial 2,010.22 2.13
Holding Firms 10,278.45 -3.89
Services 2,109.92 1.01
Mining and Oil 9,002.34 -1.5
Property 12,772.21 23.77

Answer the questions:

Guide Questions:
1. What is the PSEi index value?
2. Which of the sectors has the highest index value?
3. Which of them have their index decrease?

4. Among the sectors with increased change ratio, which of them
performed the least?
5. Between industrial and services sectors, which of them perform
6. Which among holding firms and mining & oil performed lesser?
7. What sector is the most favorable to invest for today? Why?
8. Which of them are you going to invest the least? Why?

V. Reflection
Instruction. Reflect on the following questions and write your response on
your journal.

1. What important idea/s have you learned from the learning activity
2. What important value/s has been embedded to you by the lesson?
3. In what way can you apply or use the lessons learned in your daily life
as a student or in the future?

VI. Answer Key

decreasing and the least of all sectors.

Holding Firms since its percent change is
value (%chg).
highest even its ratio of change to index
Property since its index value is the
Mining and Oil
Holding Firms and Mining and Oil
Property Activity 2: Stock Index Table
Val = 8,513.83 Php
Activity 2: Stock Index Table

Activity 1: PSEi

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