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Bonatelli Wines is a premier wine company based in Australia.

They are located in the heart of

McLaren Vale wine district in South Australia. They are a producer of fine quality wine. Australian
wine is known for their finishing and taste. They have been producing boutique red wines for years.
Bonatelli Wines Pty Ltd is situated on a 65-acre property in a vineyard of South Australia. Tony
Bonatelli is the owner of the company. They have been producing three types of products. These are
Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Merlot (Hughes and Wang 2014)

Mission and Vision

The mission for Bonatelli is to produce quality products. To give the wines at a reasonable rate is
their vision

Strategic Goals and aims

Bonatelli aim is to establish and maintain a thriving family business that is providing them an
enjoyable lifestyle and comfortable standard of living

Size and capabilities of Bonatelli Wines

Bonatelli Wines have 300 employees working for them. They have no branded products for sale.
They believe in exporting bulk orders. They are having the capability of producing 30,000 bottles of
wine per day. They export around 500,000 cases of wines per year (Hughes and Wang 2014)

Products of Bonatelli Wines for entering international market

They have three products. These are Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Merlot. They have a reputation
of giving quality product and value for money. Their products have huge popularity in US. They have
been offering quality wines at a reasonable price. The bonatelli wine ranges for $14 to $17 per bottle
(Thompson 2016). They are considered as the premium sector in the wine industry. They want to
enter another international market for providing better business opportunities to them. They are
restructuring their products for capturing the customer attraction. They are determined to maintain
the standard of the products for winning the customer loyalty and recognition

Global Business Environment

France is ranked as world's eighth largest economy, and it is the part of world's strongest economic
area. It offers an entrepreneurial economy for the expansion of a bank. As the country resides in the
Western Europe heart, France makes the accommodation of expanding business (Chen 2015). It is
the third largest receiver regarding foreign direct investment. It provides a large opportunity for the
banking business as its economic status is quite high. The companies and the tax system are quite
well managed in France. Commonwealth Bank of Australia can find a healthy selection in France as
all the high service standards and modern conveniences like the internet and telephone banking are
available (Thompson 2016). As French people typically prefer the French language in local banks, if
foreign banks are set up, then foreigners will get the opportunity to make transactions through
communicating in English. Bonatelli can always venture into the French economy as it is having
various opportunities

Trade Patterns, Politics and agreements

a) Trade Patterns, Politics and agreements between Australia and the chosen countries
France being a developed economy is an active participant in the world trade. After the World War
II, it saw closer ties with Germany would initiate greater economic strength and political security.
Foreign investment in France had taken a rise since 1990. The France foreign direct investment in a
form of start-ups made a creation of more than 30000 jobs in 1999, 8% higher compared to 1998
(Lin, Wu and Nga 2013). The trend was likely due to the skilled labour force of France combined with
the government's efforts for making France attractive to the foreign investors. The banking field
created 15% of new jobs going France is the fourth largest receiver of the international investments.
It has ensured that French government has much bank balance. Their people lead a healthy and
trendy lifestyle. A Premium class of Australian wine can only add the aristocracy of the people in

b) Potential effects of the patterns, policies and agreements on marketing and business

Environmental matters

Every society has to make maintenance of few links with the past that deals with future challenges
and the present. The societies which is a less scorer on this dimension in generally have preference
to maintain time-honored traditions while societal change with suspicion such as France (Thompsom
2013). Those having a culture that has high scores encourage thrifts in modern education like

Human rights

The difference in labor cost between Australia and France is an important issue to set up business in
the French nation. It has been seen that the labor costs are comparatively high in France than
Australia. In the year 2015, the labor cost index of France and Australia were 106.24 and 102.5
points respectively (Thompson 2013). As a result, Bonatelli Wines will incur more costs during
production if it hires employees from France. Thus, the margin of profit will be reduced if employees
are recruited from among French people

Labor relations

Labor Requirement from Australia: </strong>For handling the issue regarding higher cost of labor,
Bonatelli Wines should recruit majority from Australia in their production unit at France so that the
overall manufacturing cost gets decreased in totality leading to better profit margin. The company
should hire only a few from France, those who are considered essential for the growth of the


Bonatelli Wines have enhanced the packaging. They are giving 12 bottles of wines per case. The
bottles are exported in cardboard boxes. It is giving the company a reputation for their good

Risk Management

The French economy has recovered gradually after contending with relatively little growth in the
recent years. The economic activity was not able to decrease the unemployment that has risen
steadily and is currently above 10%. France's deficit in goods trading narrowed from 58.3 billion
pounds in 2014 to 45.7 billion pounds in 2015 (Sonnet, Olsen and Manfredi 2014). The public
finances remain a big challenge with the debt ratio close to 100% of GDP. There is no restriction on
the right for a strike as the French employees treat it to be an acceptable action, which is a potential
danger to the foreign banks

Environmental factors



The government of France has a high centralization, and it makes a strong administrative control.
The debt of government has reached 90% of its GDP.;


After the world recession, all the European countries were going to bankrupt. The government of
France makes a continuation to impose heavy taxes on its people. They spend that income on the
state expenses like development projects in majority that in 2010, the expenditure on public
reached 56% of GDP (Sonnet, Olsen and Manfredi 2014). The tax rate is 40% more in the business
community, which is compared to the world rest. Due to this high taxation, France had a high
unemployment level because the disparity identified put the companies out of competition against
their competitors from foreign. The country has an enormous potential for doing great in banking
industries. Bonatelli Wine can enter the French market, as there is an added preference for quality
products. French people love wine and the quality of Bonatelli can ensure that they can enter the
French market without any hesitation


The most pressing issue that the French people face is of income and social class disparity. This gives
the rise to the crime rates where the youth started getting involved in the criminal activities
destroying their potential future (Cull, Demirguc-Kunt and Morduch 2013). Most of the time workers
are in strike hampering productivity. The racial violence is witnessed in the recent past


In the year 1995, total developmental expenditures and research of France was amounted to a huge
sum of 190 billion Francs that is 25% of the GDP. In 1998, high-tech exports were $54.2 billion. It was
accounted for manufactured exports ; 23 per cent


France is an industrial economy that faces the water pollution issue. The environment ministry does
the implementation of the related laws (Nguyen, Mai and Nguyen 2014). It eleventh nation in
highest level of industrial carbon dioxide emission in the world as per the reports in 1992


The main law enforcing body of France is the police. The French police take care of the control of
local crime. If a person is arrested there, it is advisable for asking for the attorney and giving no
statement without his supervision

The French geopolitical strategy is influenced by the country geography. The geopolitical situation
can be characterized by safety (Lin, Wu and Nga 2013). Its former enemies have become allies. Since
last hundred years, there were no such threats; it set the condition for France to have massive
resistance from its population. Nationalism and socialism are deeply rooted in the society of France

b) Technical and e-commerce factors for the country identified

As the country has a large area, the native people attitude is quite varying towards the foreigners.
They are not tolerant of them (Martin &amp; Chaney, 2012). The country distinguished individuality
is the important characteristic of culture that is encapsulated by French passion for freedom of
opinion and uniqueness, both in the business and society. The import of Australian Wine can
enhance their reputation as the vendor of premium class wines. The combination of French
etiquettes with Australian flavour and quality can add the persona of the wine industry. E-commerce
business has exploded to an unusual extent in recent years. Bonatelli should invest in electronic
systems to send bulk orders to France

c) Impact of these factors on business

The culture of France has a good level of influence in its business. The nation possesses a low
tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. As the French have the mental set up to take risks, they
welcome the people who have the plan to establish a business there (Rothlin &amp; McCann, 2016).
It is quite essential to know the country culture if any company wishes to enter the business
environment of France

d) Difficulty and barriers for entering market

There is a high threat from terrorism in France, which can hamper the business (Davoine and Ravasi
2013). Due to the ongoing threats by the ISIS militants, the government has given warning to the
people to be extra vigilant and has made reinforcement in its overseas and domestic measures


Political, Financial stability, and corruption risks for the country identified

France potential danger and risks

The French economy has recovered gradually after contending with relatively little growth in the
recent years. The economic activity was not able to decrease the unemployment that has risen
steadily and is currently above 10%. France's deficit in goods trading narrowed from 58.3 billion
pounds in 2014 to 45.7 billion pounds in 2015 (Sonnet, Olsen and Manfredi 2014). The public
finances remain a big challenge with the debt ratio close to 100% of GDP. There is no restriction on
the right for a strike as the French employees treat it to be an acceptable action, which is a potential
danger to the foreign banks. Moreover, there is a high threat from terrorism in France, which can
hamper the business (Davoine and Ravasi 2013). Due to the ongoing threats by the ISIS militants, the
government has given warning to the people to be extra vigilant and has made reinforcement in its
overseas and domestic measures


Identify current market trends including key industry areas, significant trade partnerships and
consumer characteristics
France potential opportunities

As it is the fifth largest economy in the world, located in the centre of the European Union, there is
intense competition for the share of market in all the business sectors of France (Reinhart and
Rogoff 2013). Being in the position at the centre of the largest market in the world, France makes an
offering of an environment, which is favourable to the potential investors. It is considered to have a
well-developed economy and has highest Human Development Index in the world (Chong 2014). The
economy is based on both private sector and national economy and has made a tremendous
opportunity for the new business set up for the externals

Identify new and emerging business and electronic commerce markets, and assess opportunities
to enter and influence markets

The French government has also imposed a tax rate, which is quite reasonable to make a good profit
margin from the sales of automobiles (Anderson 2015). As France is the member of European Union,
they receive a healthy economic support from the other nations for industrial development. E-
commerce markets have various opportunities currently in France. They are enjoying mass
popularity as well. Wines can now order through websites. If Bonatelli can introduce websites and
can set up inventories in those countries, they have huge potential in French market. The per capita
income of France is higher which leads to more investment by the customer to the branch of a
foreign bank leading to more opportunities for doing business in various dimensions.

Legal and regulatory requirements

Role of OCED

The indulgence always stands for the society that makes the allowance, which is relatively free
gratification of basic and natural human drives that are related to the enjoyment of life like Australia
(Dabbous &amp; Diot, 2013). The restraint says that society makes the suppression of gratification
needs and makes regulation of it using strict norms of society like France. The mission of
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is to make sure that the country is
secured in importing and exporting

Key provisions of relevant legislations and codes of practice

The country is located in the heart of European Union and is financially more stable. Such stability
helps to build a branch of a bank having headquarters in overseas. Being a nation of European
Union, France can provide domestic customers as well as customers from the other members of EU
to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Though the country prefers talking in their native language
during business communication that is French, still it cannot be a significant barrier to an expansion
of business as French are much more cooperative. However, France is currently going through
militant attacks but still it has the capability of controlling terror by its superior legal system. The per
capita income of France is higher which leads to more investment by the customer to the branch of a
foreign bank leading to more opportunities for doing business in various dimensions

Analysis and rating of the acceptability of risks, regulatory requirements and trade barriers

France is a large country that has full of opportunities for the purpose of business expansion. The
country has a potential of excellent growth. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development says that France economy will have a steady growth rate of 1.7% at the end of 2016
(Cook 2013). The European Commission has made a grant of two-year period of grace, which is non-
negotiable so that France can manage to bring its deficit within 3 percent of its GDP. The economic
experts have given the prediction that like other industries, there are full chances for the automobile
industry to grow

Impact of risk factors in international business cycle and economic conditions

The French citizens have a strong taste for products and services. France has its fragrance brands
and wines, which have worldwide fame well accredited in the nation as well as all over the world
(Cook 2013). If Bonatelli can grab the market with proper positioning of their wines meeting their
customers; demands, then there will be a high chance for them to stay competitive with their rivals.
Apart from that, several companies are available to make joint ventures with the company regarding
manufacturing and assembly. Sufficient areas are available in France for building factories and offices
for making premium boutique wines

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