BSBMKG606 Assessment Task 1

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Assessment 1

Record of Assessment Outcome

Unit of Competency: BSBMKG606 Manage international marketing programs
Name of Student:
Student ID Number
Term and Year:
Overall, the student provided evidence of the following Assessment Tasks Yes No
Assessment 1 Marketing program
Assessment 2 Management plan
Assessment 3 Marketing performance
Overall, the student was assessed as:

Competent Not yet competent

Did the student meet the criteria for the following elements of competency? yes No
Assessment 1: Marketing program- Satisfactory/ Not Yet Satisfactory

The student requires the following skill(s) development before re assessment:

Feedback to student on overall performance during assessment:

I have been provided with feedback on the evidence i have provided. I have been informed of the
assessment result and reasons for the decision
Student Name

Student Signature: Date:

The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and the reasons
for the decision.

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature: Date:

BSBMKG606 Manage international marketing programs: Assessment 1 Feb_2020_V 1.0

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Overview of Assessments
Assessme Assessmen
Description ent
nt t method/s
Analysis of
Marketing Candidates need to review the strategic directions of your organisation 1
response to
program and develop marketing objectives for international marketing activities case studies.
that reflect the organisation. For the objectives described, they also Assessment
need to define how they will be measured and justify how they are of written
aligned with organisational strategic directions. They will then need to reports.
evaluate and select a marketing approach and operational structure
appropriate to the market and product or service.
Analysis of
Managem Candidates are required to develop plans for managing the 2
response to
ent plan international marketing activities for the organisation, with specific case studies.
attention paid to the integration of marketing and sales activities and Assessment
the delegation of roles and responsibilities to individuals and teams of written
within the organisation. They will need to develop materials to Oral
communicate the marketing objectives and management processes to questioning.

Marketing This task requires candidates to review the progress of an international 3 Analysis of
performan marketing program against established KPI’s and document proposed response to
ce improvements. case studies.

In this Unit of Competency, to achieve the overall grade of “Competent” a candidate must satisfy all assessment items AND must satisfy all
Elements and Performance Criteria. Candidate may be reassessed and given feedback within the time period allocated in case of non
satisfactory performance in any of the tasks.

BSBMKG606 Manage international marketing programs: Assessment 1 Feb_2020_V 1.0

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Assessment 1: Marketing program
Assessment Instructions
Prior to assessment:
 Candidate needs to discuss with assessor for any individual needs.
 Candidate must attain permission to use their work place document or any other type of evidence. They
also should discuss with trainer and have all work place documents ready prior to assessment.

Assessment Resource
● Access to a computer lab with Microsoft Office.

Instructions for Candidate

The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify change requirements for an
Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will identify strategic change needs, review existing
policy, monitor trends in the external environment that impact on the organisation’s objectives, identify
operational change objectives, prioritise change requirements, consult with experts or specialists to assist in
identification of requirements and opportunities, and consult management to review change requirements. The
candidate will then write a report to management outlining the change requirements.

Arrange a time with the candidate to discuss the portfolio of work and establish authenticity.

Planning the assessment

● Recommended date for assessment: After Session 1.

● The candidate must provide:

○ one report detailing change requirements for the simulated organisation.

● Ensure you arrange a time with candidate to:

○ review and prioritise change requirements (in the role of manager)

○ provide assistance in identification of major change requirements and opportunities (in the role of
change management expert/specialist).

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Performance objective
In this Assessment, you are required to review the case study materials provided and develop international
marketing objectives for the organisation. You must also evaluate and select an appropriate marketing approach
and operational structure.

Assessment description
You need to review the strategic directions of the organisation and develop measurable marketing objectives for
international marketing activities that reflect the organisation. For the objectives you describe, you also need to
define how they will be measured and justify how they are aligned with organisational strategic directions. You
will then need to evaluate and select a marketing approach and operational structure appropriate to the market
and product or service.

This assessment can be completed in a candidate’s own time as they work through the related topics in either the
Student Workbook, or under the guidance or their assessor.
The assessment will be due for completion at the completion of Section 2 of the Student Workbook, or on
advice from the unit assessor.
Candidates should:
● read the instructions carefully

● check with the assessor whether it is appropriate to use a computer for preparation and submission of the
report (preferred), or if the assessor requires a manual presentation
● check your work and its requirements carefully, before handing or sending in to your assessor

● if unsure of any requirements, consult the assessor.

You must provide:
● your completed marketing program and/or files (on a CD, flash drive or by email
as advised)
● your assessor will advise when this assessment is due and in which format (physical or electronic) it is to
be submitted.

Your assessor will be looking for the following.

For the organisation outlined in the case study materials provided, review the strategic directions of the
organisation and develop marketing objectives for international marketing activities that reflect the organisation.
For the objectives described, you will need to define how they will be measured and justify how they are

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aligned with organisational strategic directions. You will then need to research international marketing
opportunities, and evaluate and select a marketing approach and operational structure appropriate to the market
and product or service.
You need to prepare a marketing program outlining the following for each objective:
● Objective: clearly state what is to be achieved and to what extent. Ensure you:

○ relate the objective to the product/service being marketed and the country or international grouping
being targeted
○ describe how the objective is compatible with the organisation’s strategic direction and purpose
○ describe how the objective is consistent with the capabilities and resources of the organisation.
● Performance: what key performance indicators will be used to measure progress and achievement of the
objective? Ensure performance indicators are related to the product/service being marketed and the
country, region or cultural group being targeted.
● Risk: identify any potential risks that may prevent objectives being achieved and develop relevant
contingency plans to ensure objectives can be met. Your contingency plans must meet the requirements of
the organisation.
● Approach: outline the marketing approach you will use for promoting the products or services of the
organisation that will achieve the objective. Ensure your approach covers each element of the marketing
mix. You must identify the conditions of the market, and consumer preferences, and describe how the
approach takes into account these conditions and preferences.
● Marketing opportunities and structures: investigate marketing opportunities and operational structures
that will facilitate achievement of the objective. Include an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of
the structure, and select a structure best fits the product/service being marketed. Evaluate the business
culture and consumer preferences in the identified market and outline how the structure fits the market.
● Requirements: describe the impact of any Australian or international standards, legislation or guidelines
that may affect your contingency plans, selected approach and operational structure. This must include an
assessment of guidelines and codes of practice related to e-commerce.

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Case study – Bonatelli Wines Pty Ltd
Bonatelli Wines is located in the heart of the McLaren Vale wine district in South Australia. A producer of fine
boutique red wines, the winery is located on a 65 acre property surrounded by estate vineyards producing
Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz
and Merlot.
The business is owned and operated by Tony Bonatelli and the mission is simple: produce quality boutique wine
at a reasonable price, with the aim of building customer loyalty and securing repeat purchases. Tony’s goal is to
establish and maintain a thriving family business that provides an enjoyable lifestyle and comfortable standard
of living.
In Australia, Bonatelli Wines has no branded product for sale, initially selling its produce in bulk to larger
wineries. However, they have now successfully launched a range of bottled red wines onto the US market. The
objective was to sell 25,000 cases in the first year (2006) however actual sales were well beyond expectations at
200,000 cases. The winery has the capacity to produce 30,000 bottles a day and now in the second year expects
to sell 500,000 cases. Bonatelli Wines currently operates with 300 employees.
Australian wines carry a reputation in the US for offering value for money, providing good quality at a
reasonable price. The Bonatelli wine range retails for US$12–15 per bottle, which is considered to be in the
premium sector of the market.
As the USA has a three tier system for wine distribution – importers, distributors and retailers/customers – Tony
has had to work to build relationships across all three tiers and gain support for his brand. The wines are sold
mostly through supermarkets and liquor retailers.
With the success of Bonatelli wines in the USA, Tony is now looking to explore opportunities in new markets,
particularly South-East Asia.
As the marketing manager you have been asked to prepare for and implement a marketing program to establish
Bonatelli wines in a South-East Asian market you believe offers the best opportunity for expansion.
You currently have two staff members in your department: Maria, who is responsible advertising and
promotions, and Thomas, who manages liaison with the current US distributors. You also frequently use the
services of freelance web designer, Rob Balkin, to maintain and update the Bonatelli website.

Marketing plan extract

Target market
Bonatelli Wines proposes to target export markets, as opposed to the domestic market in Australia, where
demand exists for boutique premium wines. International markets where Australian products are recognised and
valued are the primary target, with the potential to also include smaller markets where Australian products are
yet to be introduced.

● Bonatelli produces three varieties of red wine: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
and Shiraz.
● Labels will be designed with a Koala in green and gold in order to clearly evoke recognition of Australian
product by potential consumers.
● Wines will be bottled and fitted with a screw-top lid to protect wine from cork taint and maintain quality.

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● Wine will be boxed in cardboard cases each holding twelve bottles.

Wines will be priced competitively within the premium range for the selected market, representing value for
money based on the quality of the wine. Production costs will be kept low to keep pricing down, with the aim
being high volume sales rather than large profit margins per bottle.

Promotion will occur primarily through relationship building with key distributors. To launch the products, wine
tastings and demonstrations will be held regularly to develop product recognition and familiarity with
distributors. Samples of products will also be made available to distributors to gain business from retailers and
food outlets.
Limited advertising will occur through specialist food and wine magazines and publications.
Promotion will focus on highlighting the boutique nature and Australian origin of product.

Place (distribution)
Distribution of product will be facilitated through sourcing local distributors. Wines will be exported in bulk to
distributor in the region and onsold to retailers. Wines will not be sold direct to public.

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