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Computer Systems Servicing
Module 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
Week 1, Quarter 1



A Joint Project of the

and the
TVL – Grade 11
Support Material for Independent Learning Engagement (SMILE)
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
First Edition, 2020

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What I Need to Know

COURSE TITLE: Computer Systems Servicing NC II

MODULE TITLE: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

In this module, you will learn the characteristics of an entrepreneur

and the entrepreneurial competencies of a successful entrepreneur related in
Computer System Servicing within your community. You will also have
several activities that will align your competencies with those of successful

Specifically, this module is expecting you to learn the following

competency upon completion:
1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs)
needed in computer systems servicing.

Moreover, the whole first quarter of this course Computer Systems

Servicing will be delivering different learning outcomes with series of modules
where will you able to:



LO 1: Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs)

needed in computer systems servicing

LO 1.1. Compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur

LO 1.2. Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
LO 1.3. Assess one’s PECs
LO 1.4. Assess practitioner’s PECs


LO 2. Develop and strengthen personal competencies and skills (PECs)

needed in computer systems servicing
LO 2.1 Identify areas for improvement, development and growth
LO 2.2 Align one’s PECs according to his/her business/career choice
LO 2.3 Create a plan of action that ensures success of his/her
business/career choice



LO 4. Develop a product/service in computer systems servicing

4.1 Identify what is of “value” to the customer
4.2 Identify the customer
4.3 Explain what makes a product unique and competitive
4.4 Apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable
4.5 Employ a USP to the product/service


LO 6. Develop a brand for the product

6.1 Identify the benefits of having a good brand
6.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province
6.3 Enumerate criteria for developing a brand
6.4 Generate a clear appeal



LO 1. Assess quality of received materials

1.1 Obtain work instruction in accordance with standard operating
1.2 Check the received materials against workplace standards and
1.3 Identify and isolate faulty materials related to work
1.4 Record and/ or report defects and any identified causes to the
supervisor concerned in accordance with workplace procedures
1.5 Replace faulty materials in accordance with workplace procedures


LO 2. Assess own work

2.1 Identify and use documentation relative to quality within the
prescribe standard
2.2 Check completed work against workplace standards relevant to the
task undertaken
2.3 Identify and isolate errors
2.4 Record information on the quality and other indicators of
production performance in accordance with workplace procedures

2.5 Document and report cases of deviations from specific quality
standards in accordance with the workplace’s procedures


LO 3. Engage in quality improvement

3.1 Participate process improvement procedures in relative to
workplace assignment
3.2 Carry out work in accordance with process improvement
3.3 Monitor performance of operation or quality of product of service to
ensure customer satisfaction

What I Know

In this activity your prior knowledge and experience related to personal

entrepreneurial competencies will be assessed.


A. Poll of Words/Phrase

Directions: Choose from the poll of words or phrases the personal

entrepreneurial competency being described in each item below. Write your
answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

Creative profit-oriented disciplined

hardworking confident excellent planner
sound decision maker possesses people skills
ability to accept change committed

_______________1. working diligently and being consistent about it

_______________2. find ways to have an edge over the other competitors
_______________3. always stick to the plan
_______________4. believing in one’s ability and skills
_______________5. see to it that business will earn
_______________6. strategic thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives
_______________7. solid dedication to make business successful
_______________8. ability to draw wise decision
_______________9. flexible and adaptable to change
_______________10. effective and efficient communication

B. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read and study the situation that describes entrepreneurial

characteristics. Then write your answer on the same paper you used in
answering Pre-Test - A. Poll of Words/Phrase.

Mr. Santiago asks help to develop his PECs because he wants to open a
business. He believes that his personal entrepreneurial characteristics are
insufficient to be successful. Help him by answering the questions below.

1. If he wants to ensure a profitable business operation, what characteristic

will she maintain?
a. Commitment b. Goal oriented
c. confident d. Profit-oriented
2. What PECs must she possess if there are customers who complain about
the quality of his product?
a. Ability to accept change b. Hardworking
c. Committed d. All of the above
3. He tells Andrew, her best friend, that he is putting himself in a position
where he is responsible for the failure or success of her business. What PECs
has been demonstrated by Mrs. Santiago?
a. Hard work b. Has the initiative
c. Self-confidence d. Risk- taking
4. Mr. Santiago follows the advice of a friend to be flexible especially if she
intends to open a business. What PECs has been demonstrated by Mr.
a. Self- confidence b. Reliable and has integrity
c. Ability to accept change d. Persistent
5. Which of the following is NOT considered as a characteristic of an
a. Has the initiative b. Dependent
c. Planner d. Disciplined

Personal Entrepreneurial
Upon completing this module, you will be able to:

• Compare one’s PECs with those of an entrepreneur

• Align one’s PECs with those of an entrepreneur
• Assess one’s PECs
• Assess practitioner’s PECs

What’s In

Unlocking of Difficulties

Below are the terms you will encounter upon going through this

• Hardworking - works diligently

• Confident - self-reliance in one’s ability
• Disciplined - always stick to the plan
• Committed - solid dedication
• Ability to accept changes – adaptable
• Creative- innovative to have edge over other competitors
• Profit-oriented - always looking for an opportunity to
have/earn income
• Excellent planner - strategic thinking and setting of goals
• Possess people skill - effective and efficient communication
skills and relates well to people
• Sound decision maker - makes wise decisions towards the set

What’s New

Activity 1. Word Search

Directions: Find at least five (5) words which are essential characteristics of
a good and effective entrepreneur. Explain why these characteristics are
important to possess of an entrepreneur. Copy the Word Puzzle and write your
answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

Characteristics of good entrepreneur

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________


What is It

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)

Lujero, et. al, (2014) cited the different characteristics/ traits/attributes

of a good entrepreneur as discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.
Entrepreneurial competencies according to them refers to the important
characteristics that should be possessed by an individual in order to perform
entrepreneurial functions effectively. In this module, you will learn some of
the most important characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and traits of a
successful entrepreneur or an employee to be successful in a chosen career.

Below are few important characteristics / traits / attributes of a good

entrepreneur as cited by Lujero, et. al.:

✓ Hardworking: One of the important characteristics of a good

entrepreneur is hardworking. This means working diligently and being
consistent about it. Hardworking people keep improving their
performance to produce good products and/or provide good services.
✓ Confident: Entrepreneurs have self-reliance in one’s ability and
judgment. They exhibit self-confidence to cope with the risks of
operating their own business.
✓ Disciplined: Successful entrepreneurs always stick to the plan and
fight the temptation to do what is unimportant.
✓ Committed: Good entrepreneurs assume full responsibility over their
business. They give full commitment and solid dedication to make the
business successful.
✓ Ability to accept change: Nothing is permanent but change. Change
occurs frequently. When you own a business, you should cope with and
thrive on changes. Capitalize on positive changes to make your
business grow.
✓ Creative: An entrepreneur should be creative and innovative to stay in
the business and in order to have an edge over the other competitors.
✓ Has the initiative: An entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put
yourself in a position where you are responsible for the failure or
success of your business.
✓ Profit-oriented: An entrepreneur enters the world of business to
generate profit or additional income. The business shall become your
bread and butter. Therefore, you must see to it that the business can
generate income.

Listed below are the important skills of a successful entrepreneur:

✓ Excellent planner: Planning involves strategic thinking and goal

setting to achieve objectives by carefully maximizing all the available
resources. A good entrepreneur develops and follows the steps in the
plans diligently to realize goals. A good entrepreneur knows that
planning is an effective skill only when combined with action.
✓ Possesses people skills: This is a very important skill needed to be
successful in any kind of business. People skills refer to effective and
efficient communication and establishing good relationship to the
people working in and out of your business. In day-to-day business
✓ interpersonal skill can make a huge difference between success and
failure of the business.
✓ Sound decision maker: Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to
think quickly and to make wise decisions towards a pre-determined set
of objectives. No one can deny that the ability to make wise decisions is
an important skill that an entrepreneur should possess. Sound
decisions should be based on given facts and information and lead
towards the pre-determined objectives.

The PECs above are keys to succeed in a business enterprise. Before

engaging on a business, think it several times evaluating your own
preparedness for entrepreneurship. Try to examine your own personality and
compare it with the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of a
successful entrepreneur. Ask yourself if you are ready to enter the world of
business. If your answer is yes, take this reminder: “Successful entrepreneurs
always develop and improve their entrepreneurial competencies”.

What’s More

Activity 2. Align My PECs with the Entrepreneur

Direction: Conduct an interview on one of the successful entrepreneurs

related to Computer Systems Servicing in your community. Focus your
questions on PECs and other business-related attributes that helped them
become successful. Based on that interview, list your own PECs and of that
of the entrepreneur you have interviewed. Find the differences and similarities
of your PECs by completing the Venn Diagram below. Write your answer on a
one whole sheet of paper.

My PECs Entrepreneur’s
Our PECs

Figure 1. Venn Diagram on Similarities and Differences of PEC

What I Have Learned

o Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) refer to the

important characteristics that should be possessed by an
individual to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively. Many
of the successful entrepreneurs exhibit these competencies and
they develop it to sustain their business.

o PECs such as hardworking, creative, disciplined and committed

are just some of the competencies which really of important to
acquire to an aspiring entrepreneur like you.

o If you really want to be a successful entrepreneur someday, you

may assess entrepreneurial skills of some known successful
entrepreneur and align your competencies to theirs. Do not be
contented of what you have. Always remember the saying
“Successful entrepreneurs always develop and improve their
entrepreneurial competencies”.

What I Can Do

Activity 3. Define the PECs

Direction: Given the following PECs, define each in a single word or a short
phrase. Copy the table and write your answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

Table 1: Define PECs

Personal Entrepreneurial
My Definition
Competencies (PECs)

2. Confident
3. Disciplined
4. Committed
5. Ability to accept changes
6. Creative
7. Profit-oriented
8. Excellent planner
9. Possess people skill
10. Sound decision maker




A. Poll of Words/Phrase

Directions: Choose from the poll of words or phrases the personal

entrepreneurial competency being described in each item below. Write your
answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

Creative profit-oriented disciplined

hardworking confident excellent planner
sound decision maker possesses people skills
ability to accept change committed

_______________1. working diligently and being consistent about it
_______________2. find ways to have an edge over the other competitors
_______________3. always stick to the plan
_______________4. believing in one’s ability and skills
_______________5. see to it that business will earn
_______________6. strategic thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives
_______________7. solid dedication to make business successful
_______________8. ability to draw wise decision
_______________9. flexible and adaptable to change
_______________10. effective and efficient communication

B. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read and study the situation that describes entrepreneurial

characteristics. Then write your answer on the same paper you used in
answering Evaluation - A. Poll of Words/Phrase.

Mr. Santiago asks help to develop his PECs because he wants to open a
business. He believes that his personal entrepreneurial characteristics are
insufficient to be successful. Help him by answering the questions below.

1. If he wants to ensure a profitable business operation, what characteristic

will she maintain?
a. Commitment b. Goal oriented
c. confident d. Profit-oriented
2. What PECs must she possess if there are customers who complain about
the quality of his product?
a. Ability to accept change b. Hardworking
c. Committed d. All of the above
3. He tells Andrew, her best friend, that he is putting himself in a position
where he is responsible for the failure or success of her business. What PECs
has been demonstrated by Mrs. Santiago?
a. Hard work b. Has the initiative
c. Self-confidence d. Risk- taking
4. Mr. Santiago follows the advice of a friend to be flexible especially if she
intends to open a business. What PECs has been demonstrated by Mr.
a. Self- confidence b. Reliable and has integrity
c. Ability to accept change d. Persistent
5. Which of the following is NOT considered as a characteristic of an
a. Has the initiative b. Dependent
c. Planner d. Disciplined

Additional Activities

Activity 4. Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Complete the puzzle below. Copy the puzzle and write your
answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

A. Poll of Words/Phrase
1. hardworking
2. creative
3. disciplined
4. confident
5. profit-oriented
6. excellent planner
7. committed
8. sound decision maker
9. ability to accept change
10. possess people skills
B. Multiple Choice
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. b
Activity 1 – Answers may vary
Activity 2 – Answers may vary
Activity 3 – Answers may vary
Activity 4. Crossword Puzzle
1. committed
2. planner
3. confident
4. creative
5. disciplined
6. hardworking
Answer Key

Lujero, R., et. al, (2014). Computer Hardware Servicing – Grade 10 Learner’s
Material First Edition. Pasay City, Philippines. Department of Education-
Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS).

Milambiling, O., et. al, (2013). Computer Hardware Servicing – Grade 9

Learner’s Material First Edition. Pasay City, Philippines. Department of
Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS).


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