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Rishabh Software Pvt. Ltd.

Document Category :External

Project : Virtual Market Document Type :Project Documentation

INDEX Page No.

1. Document Control
2. Introduction
2.1. Purpose
2.2. Scope
2.3. Application Definition
2.4. Requirements Summary
2.5. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
2.6. References
3. Overall Description
3.1. Product Perspective
3.2. Product Features
3.3. User Classes & Characteristics
3.4. Operating Environment
3.5. Design & Implementation Constraints
3.6. User Documentation
3.7. Assumptions & Dependencies
4. Functionality Description
4.1. Use Case Diagram
4.2. Use Case Summary Table
4.3. Use Case –User Management
4.4. Use Case –Rights Management
4.5. Use Case –Catalogue Management
4.6. Use Case –Market Place Management
4.7. Use Case –Order, Invoice, Payment Management
5. System Design
5.1. Class Diagram
5.2. State Chart Diagram
5.3. Activity Diagram
5.4. Sequence Diagram
5.5. Table-Relationship Diagram
6. Data Dictionary
7. System Features
7.1. Registration
7.2. Restricting Unauthorized Access
7.3. Tracking user
7.4. Configurable product entries

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7.5. Searching a product

7.6. Auctioning(Reverse and Forward)
7.7. Order Processing
7.8. Invoice Generation
7.9. Payment Handling
8. Screen Shots
8.1. Home page
8.2. Registration Page
8.3. Select Subscription Page
8.4. Add Subscription Page
8.5. View Profile Page
8.6. Update Profile Page
8.7. Login, Change Password and Forgot Password Page
8.8. Add Products Page
8.9. Category Display Page
8.10. Highly-ordered Page
8.11. Suppliers Home Page
8.12. And so on…
9. Test Cases
9.1. What are Test cases?
9.2. Who has been doing this work?
9.3. And So on..
10. Other Requirements
11. Out-of-Automation Boundaries

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1. Document Control

Document History
Ver. Date Author Changes from previous Version
1. 20/03/07 Jojo John Danial -

Document Review & Approval

Srl. Reviewer Approver
1. Mrs. Anjali Jivani
Mr. B. S. Bhavsar
2. Mrs. Nilima

Document Objective
Srl. Description
1. The purpose of this document is to give the complete information about the
complete system we have been developing. The main objective of this document is
to identify the purpose, scope and boundary of the system being developed. This
document also specifies the functional, non-functional or any other requirements of
the system.

Actions to be taken
Srl. Description
1. Reviewing
2. Approval

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose

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The purpose of developing this Supply Chain Management System is to create part of the
backend and GUI of a virtual market space which will be used by Business enterprise,
Customers, Manufacturers and Suppliers.

2.2. Scope
The scope of the Supply Chain Management as an application could be briefly specified on
the basis of different module:

Market Place Module:

 The system includes B2B, B2C & C2C market place.
 The system provides functionality of direct shopping or forward/reverse
auctioning for the customers.

Catalog Management Module:

 Supplier can make their own categories and also can classify item according to their
need and even maintain relationship between different products.
 The complete product's list will be displayed to the user on the basis of his search for
the particular categories or brand as specified by user.

User Management:
 User are been given the access to the system based on the different user roles
provided by the access control module.
 User can also get access to the different product even with out registration which are
basically the product that don’t require registered user.

Access Control Management:

 Main goal of RMS is that, it provides security to the different modules of Supply
Chain Management as the roles are given to the user based on the different types.

OIP Module:
 It accepts the order from the shopping cart calculates the final cost and
generates a Performa Invoice for the customer.

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After the order is confirmed, an invoice is generated which is displayed to the customer
and then the payment details are passed to the Payment Gateway, which approves or
rejects the payment after account verification.

2.3. Application Definition

2.3.1. What is the application supposed to be?

The Supply Chain Management System portrays a GUI of an e-market space which
facilitates users in the form of Business enterprise, Consumers and Suppliers to
view, buy, sell and auction either products, accessories, information or services.

2.3.2. What is the application supposed to do?

 Registration – Priority: High
 Restricting Unauthorized access– Priority: High
 Tracking User– Priority: High
 Configurable to Product Entries– Priority: High
 Searching a Product– Priority: High
 Auctioning– Priority: High
-Forward Auction
-Reverse Auction
-Direct Purchase
 Order Processing– Priority: High
 Invoice Generation– Priority: High
 Payment Handling– Priority: High

2.4. Requirements Summary

User Management Module:

 Users register themselves using the registration process.
 In order to register the User provides his personal details, password, security

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question-answer, birth date, postal code and alternate e-mail. He also accepts
to the terms and conditions in order to complete the registration.
 Once the profile is submitted the system maintains profiles of the registered
 A registered user can directly login through the login screen using his Login id
and Password.
 The other options that a registered user can avail:
 Edit Profile and Change Password
 Forgotten username/password can also be retrieved by a simple and
secure process.
 The registration process sets an expiry date for every user being
registered. A notification through email is sent to the user when
expiry date approaches.
 Re-activation before expiry is also an easy process for the user.

Access Control Module:

 Users can access our system based on the role assigned to them.
 Default role is of a visitor, who has a general set of privileges and certain
actions are restricted.
 Whenever a user violates a role, he is prompted with a proper message.

Catalogue Management:
 The catalogue can contain products, product accessories, information or
 Supplier can enter their items and its details. The interface is designed such a
manner that supplier can enter their list of items and define their set of
parameters for respective items.
 Supplier can add his product in available categories and also add his own
categories and keep his products in that category.
 For each and every item, a supplier can specify if he wants the customer to be
registered in order to purchase that particular item.
 Supplier can maintain relation between the items so that user can be given
relative options.

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Market Place:
 In the B2B market place, suppliers or the sellers are trying to sell their product
using the reverse auctioning which means that the product is available to the
buyer at the cost he had quoted. Here the load factor, which is different for
each product, is also taken into consideration while selecting the winning bid.
The lowest amount of the different prices quoted by the different buyers wins
the product.
 In the C2C market place, consumers acting as seller are trying to sell their
using the forward auctioning. Here the highest amount of the different prices
quoted by the other buyers wins the product. Each bid increases by the
predefined multiplicity factor.

 In the B2C market place, suppliers or the seller are trying to sell there product
using the forward auction or direct selling. In direct selling product is available
to the buyer at the cost fixed by the supplier in product’s price tag.

Order, Invoice and Payment Module:

 The order from the shopping cart is accepted, the final cost is calculated and a
Performa Invoice for the customer is generated which gives the user an
estimate of the final pricing.
 After the order is confirmed, an invoice is generated which is displayed to the
customer and then the payment details are passed to the Payment Gateway,
which approves or rejects the payment after account verification.

2.5. Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations

 SCM – Supply Chain Management

 B2B provides the reverse auction functionality for the suppliers to sell its related
products by bidding the lowest bid.
 B2C provides the direct transactions/forward auctioning for the customers.
 C2C provides the forward auction functionality for the consumers to buy the
products by bidding the highest bid.

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 Auction Sniff ring means the anonymous users participate in the bidding process
and thus restrict the interested user to purchase/sell the product at that max/min bid
and thus the interested consumer gets the product at some higher range than it
should be.
 Load Factor means the extra expenses incurred to the system are counted and they
are added to the total cost of the product in reverse auctioning.
 Multiplying Factor means the factor using which the consumer has to bid in
forward auctioning.
 Catalogue where the different products are being displayed and where in they are
 Product could basically be any thing that can be considered for sale.
 Supplier is the one whole is been registered to our application for outing his
products on our application.
 Consumer/Visitor/User is basically the one who is coming to our application and
requesting for the product to be shown to him and w\even the one who just come to
our application for viewing purpose.
 RMS: Rights Management System
 REQ: Code for Requirement
 Roles: Specific set of rights and privileges.
 Special Users: A user who has additional rights as compared to general user.
 OIP – Ordering, Invoicing and Payment
 REQ: Requirement. Code for Requirement
 COD- Cash on Delivery
 POD – Payment on Delivery
 E-Mail – Electronic Mail

2.6. References
For reference we have gone through many websites who maintain a catalogue section.
Some of them like

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 Software Engineering by Pankaj Jalote, Roger Pressmen
 E-Business 2.0 Roadmap for Success, by Ravi

3. Overall Description

3.1. Product Perspective

 The system will inhabit the backend of a huge internet web site.
 Each and every user of this system will be assigned a role by the Access Control
 User can move freely in the catalogue. He can also search for his specific item on
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the web site and our product will display the correct matches. 
 Any supplier/manufacturer/retailer can associate with our product and attach his
catalogue or put his items for sale/auction in the marketplace.
 If a supplier wants the customer to be registered to buy his item, then our User
Management module handles the registration process and maintains a record of all
registered users.
 All items selected by the users are placed in a shopping cart and then ordering,
invoicing and payment is done.
 After every confirmation action, the customer is given an option to take a print,
email or save the data view (reports).

3.2. Product Features

The product features of our system can be categorized based on the sub-systems.

 User Management Module

 Users can register themselves through registration process.
 Maintains profiles of the registered users and allows add, edit, and update

 Access Control Module

 Each and every user is assigned a role, based on which he will be given
access to our system.
 Whenever a user violates a role, he is prompted with a proper message.
 Catalogue Management Module
 The catalogue can contain products, product accessories, information or
 Supplier will be able to add his product in certain categories as well as add
his own categories and keep his products their in that categories.
 The different users are even provided with the different marketplace option
based on the product
 For each item, a supplier can specify if he wants the customer to be
registered to purchase that particular item.

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 Marketplace Management Module

 Every item in the catalogue can be purchased directly or by forward
 The option of reverse auctioning is also provided for the users to sell the
 The mode of selling every product can be defined at product level.

 Ordering, Invoicing and Payment Management Module

 Whenever an order is placed a Performa Invoice is shown to the user, which
gives the user an estimate of final pricing including taxes.
 Option is provided to the customer to either print or email the report in
different formats like Excel sheet/PDF.
 Different modes of payment are given to the user based on their

3.3. User Classes & Characteristics

User Classes:
 Organizations/Business Enterprises in the form of buyer/seller
 Suppliers
 Manufacturers
 Retailers

Types of Users:
 Subscribed Users – Special facilities selected by user are offered to the
subscribed user
 Registered Users – Special discounts, Offers and other few privileges are
given to registered users
 Visitors – Visitors can just view the site and leave without making any kind
of transaction with the system

3.4. Operating Environment

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Client Side:
 Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, NT
 Browsers: Internet Explorer , Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox

3.5. Design & Implementation Constraints

Design Constraints:
 The design of the system should be flexible to be displayed in the
resolution of the monitor (i.e. specified in %).
Implementation Constraints:
 The display of the different categories of the product will be based on the
application’s view.
 The different attribute that a supplier want to specify has to follow certain
data type and basic properties.
 Auction sniff ring cannot be handled.
 Complex distributed transactions are not handled by our system.
 Cannot integrate with the other Market Place following different standards
and protocols.
 The invoice generation does not depend on the delivery of the product.
 There is a fixed generic format for invoice.
 Only COD and Credit card payment modes are supported.

3.6. User Documentation

Following user documents will be provided:

 User Manual
 System Manual
 Online-Help will be provided

3.7. Assumptions & Dependencies


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 Actions such as rollback of transaction and deletion of any information are

not permitted to any user.
 The product which a supplier has added in his product categories is
assumed to be there in their inventory.
 Availability of the product mentioned in the catalogue is the concern of
supplier of that product.
 The user who has access to the catalog has been given certain roles that
are defined, so that they cannot make any changes to the catalogue they
are not intended to.
 The inventory of each product is managed by the respective supplier.


1. Privileges and roles are directly dependent on type of user that has logged

4. Functionality Description

4.1. Use Case Diagram

User Management Module

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User Subscription


Subscription Policy Edit


Login Logout


Search User

Edit Profile

Forgot Password

Change Password

Rights Management System

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Create Action Edit



Manage Transaction

Action n
Manage Roles


Defining Rights
User Transaction2

Transaction n

Manage User Rights


Create Roles


Assigning Roles to Subscription Policy

Rights n

Catalogue Management Module

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Organization Structure



Products Edit


Search a Product

Save Product as Draft


Relate Products Edit


View Products

User Category/Classification Edit



Tagging a Product Edit


Display related product

Compare Different Product

Manage Ads

Market Place Management Module

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Shopping Cart Edit



Confirm Order Edit


Make Payment


Conduct Reverse Auction Edit

User Delete

Bid in Reverse Auction


Conduct Forward Auction Edit


Bid in Forward Auction

Close Auction

Order, Invoice and Payment Module

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Edit Order

Receive Order

Cancel Order


Generate Performa

Generate Invoice

Generate Reports

Payment Gateway
Search Order


Execute Payment

4.2. Use Case Summary

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User Management Module:

ID Actor Use Case Description

UC-1 User Register new user

UC-2 User Request New Password

UC-3 User Edit User Profile

UC-4 User View User Profile

UC-5 User Login

UC-6 User Logout

UC-7 User Delete User

UC-8 User Subscription Policy

UC-9 User User Subscription

UC-10 User Edit Subscription

UC-11 User Update Subscription

Access Control Management:

ID Actor Use Case Description

UC-12 User Create Action

UC-13 User Manage Transaction

UC-14 User Defining Rights

UC-15 User Create Roles

UC-16 User Manage Role Profile

UC-17 User Manage User Rights

UC-18 User Assign Roles to Subscription Policy

Catalogue Management Module:

ID Actor Use Case Description

UC-19 User Add/Edit/Delete Organization Structure

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UC-20 User Add/Edit/Delete Products

UC-21 User Save Product Drafts

UC-22 User Relate Different Products

UC-23 User View Product

UC-24 User Add/Edit/Delete Category/Classification

UC-25 User Search a Product

UC-26 User Relative Item Displayed

UC-27 User Compare Different Products

UC-28 User Maintaining ads

Market Place Management Module:

UC-29 User Manage Shopping Cart

UC-30 User Manage Confirm Order

UC-31 User Manage Forward Auction

UC-32 User Manage Reverse Auction

UC-33 User Make Payment

UC-34 User Bid For Forward Auction

UC-35 User Bid For Reverse Auction

UC-36 User Close Auction

Order, Invoice and Purchase Module:

UC-37 Market Place Receive Order

UC-38 Market Place Edit Order

UC-39 Market Place Cancel Order

UC-40 User Generate Performa

UC-41 User Generate Invoice

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UC-42 User Generate Reports

UC-43 User Search Orders

UC-44 User Execute Payment

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1.1. Use Cases-User Management

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Register New User
Project : Virtual Market Document Type :Project Documentation

Use Case ID : UC-1 Use Case Register New User

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update -
Actor User
Description The system will need to register new users in this
web application.
Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority Expected
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Once per user
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User can visit 1. system records new user
"user accounts" information, displays
page updated user-profile
2. click to create page and sends email
new user confirming login
3. see user profile information to user
4. enter identifying
email, real
name, password
(twice) and set
permissions for
database access
5. submit form

Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses

1. Username is 1. See error message
already taken. requesting new values
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2. User is does not and user accounts page.
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have rights. 2. Click to cancel error.
3. Perform UC1 new user:
Register new user, steps
3. system displays error
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Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
Add/Edit/Delete Confirm Order1. In case the 1. Subsequently the whole
userid is not process from 3 and 4 is

Use Case ID : UC-30 Use acceptable

Case Name to Managerepeated
Created By : Jojo the user it
Last Update By -sends
Created On : 22/02/2007 Lastthe
Update On -
new option
Actor User for userid
Description It helps the user to add, edit and delete the purchased
product orders
Includes -
Preconditions -
Special Requirements -
Post Conditions -
Assumptions -
Priority Essential
Notes & Issues -
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Request of
NewUsePassword Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Use Case ID : UC-2 Use Case Name Request New Password
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
1. User tries to add, 1. System adds modifies or
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor edit or delete
User deletes the product order
Description Ifproduct
a user order
forgets their password, the administrator
Alternative Course Actor Actions System
can edit the user profile Responses
to create a new one.
Preconditions - - -
Post Conditions Actor
- Actions System Responses
Priority - Desired -
Includes -
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Manage Forward Auction

Use Case ID : UC-31 Use Case Name Manage Forward Auction

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to conduct Forward auction
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Preconditions -
Post Conditions Start time ,end time, duration, multiplicity factor,
minimum bid
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tries to sell 1. System gives him the
a product. purchaser’s bids
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Manage Reverse Auction

Use Case ID : UC-32 Use Case Name Manage Reverse Auction

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to conduct reverse auction
Preconditions Load factor
Post Conditions Start time ,end time, duration
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often

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(Always, Often, Sometime,

Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tries to 1. System gives him the
purchase a suppliers bids
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Make Payment

Use Case ID :UC-33 Use Case Name Make Payment

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to make payments of the purchased
Preconditions The order is confirmed
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tries to 1. System gives him the
purchase a invoice and payment terms

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Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Bid for Forward Auction

Use Case ID :UC-34 Use Case Name Bid Forward Auction

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to bid for a product put for forward
Preconditions Start time ,end time ,duration, multiplicity factor,
minimum bid
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tries to bid 1. System prompts the user
for a product. whether to bid higher or
lower from his current bid
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -

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Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Bid for Reverse Auction

Use Case ID : UC-35 Use Case Name Bid for reverse Auction
Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to bid for a product put for reverse
Preconditions Start time ,end time ,duration, multiplicity factor,
minimum bid
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tries to bid 1. System prompts the user
for a product. whether to bid lower from
his current bid
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Close Auction

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Use Case ID :UC-36 Use Case Name Close Auction

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 22/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description It helps the user to close for a product put for auction
Preconditions Start time ,end time ,duration, multiplicity factor,
minimum bid
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. User tracks the 1. System prompts the id of
bids the winning user
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

4.7. Use Case –Market Place Management

Receive Order

Use Case ID : UC-37 Use Case Name Receive Order

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor Marketplace
Description Accepts the order for products in Shopping cart placed
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by user through marketplace.

Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority High
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Always
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. Marketplace 1. Accepts the order
enters items to 2. Generates a Performa
the shopping invoice.
cart. 3. Displays Performa to the
2. Clicks on Order user.

Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses

- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Edit Order

Use Case ID : UC-38 Use Case Name Edit Order

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor Marketplace
Description The order can be edited if the user needs to make any
additions/subtractions to the order list.
Preconditions There should be an existing order
Post Conditions -
Priority Optional
(Essential, Expected, Desired,

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Frequency of Use Sometime
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. With the 1. The user is shown an
Performa editable page.
Invoice, Edit
Order option is
2. User clicks on
Edit Order
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Cancel Order

Use Case ID : UC-39 Use Case Name Cancel Order

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor Marketplace
Description The order can be cancelled before confirmation.
Preconditions There should be an existing order
Post Conditions -
Priority Optional
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Sometime
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)

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Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses

1. With the 1. A confirmation for canceling
Performa order is asked from the
Invoice, Cancel user.
Order option is
2. User clicks on
Cancel Order
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Generate Performa

Use Case ID : UC-40 Use Case Name Generate Performa

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description A Performa Invoice will be generated and shown to the
user and user will confirm his order.
Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Always
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. The user will 1. Total will be calculated.
enter the items 2. Performa Invoice will be

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to shopping cart. generated.

2. Then he will click
on Order button.
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. The user clicks 1. The System will generate
the Cancel Order the appropriate report
button. selected by users.
2. The user clicks
to print the
3. The user clicks
to email the
4. The user clicks
to save the page
as PDF/Excel.
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
1. There is no item 1. An error message will be
in shopping cart shown to the user.
and user clicks
on Order button
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Generate Invoice

Use Case ID : UC-41 Use Case Name Generate Invoice

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description A Final Invoice will be generated and shown to the user
and user will confirm his order.
Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
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(Essential, Expected, Desired,

Frequency of Use Always
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. With the 1. A final Invoice is generated
Performa and displayed to the user.
Invoice, the user
gets option to
Confirm Order.
2. User clicks on
Confirm Order.
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. The user clicks 1. The System will generate
to print the the appropriate report
page. selected by users.
2. The user clicks
to email the
3. The user clicks
to save the page
as PDF/Excel.
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Generate Report

Use Case ID : UC-42 Use Case Name Generate Reports

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description The user can request a report for any data view.
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Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority Desired
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Often
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. A user will 1. The system will ask the user
request for in which format the report is
report by needed.
clicking on the 2. The system will then
Get Report generate appropriate report.

Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses

1. The user clicks 1. The System will generate
to print the and display the appropriate
page. report.
2. The user clicks
to email the
3. The user clicks
to save the page
as PDF/Excel.
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
1. Inappropriate 1. The system will display the
data is filled. appropriate messages.
Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Search Orders

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Use Case ID : UC-43 Use Case Name Search Orders

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User
Description The user can search for required order details from the
order history.
Preconditions -
Post Conditions -
Priority Desired
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Sometimes
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. A user will 1. The system will ask the user
request for to specify search criteria.
search options 2. The system will then
by clicking on generate and display
Search Orders appropriate report.

Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses

1. The user clicks 1. The System will generate
to print the and display the search
page. result.
2. The user clicks
to email the
3. The user clicks
to save the page
as PDF/Excel.
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
1. Inappropriate 1. The system will display the
search criteria appropriate error messages.
are filled.

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Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

Execute Payment

Use Case ID : UC-44 Use Case Name Execute Payment

Created By : Jojo Last Update By -
Created On : 23/02/2007 Last Update On -
Actor User, Payment Gateway
Description After final confirmation of the order the payment
details are sent to the Payment Gateway.
Preconditions The order should be finalized.
Post Conditions -
Priority Essential
(Essential, Expected, Desired,
Frequency of Use Always
(Always, Often, Sometime,
Rarely, Once)
Normal Course Actor Actions System Responses
1. Once the order is 1. The system shows the
finalized, the various modes of
user clicks on payment.
Make Payment 2. The user clicks on the
Button. suitable mode of
3. An e-mail notification is
sent to the user after the
payment is made.
Alternative Course Actor Actions System Responses
- -
Exceptions Actor Actions System Responses
1. Any invalid entry 1. The system will display the
is made by the appropriate error messages.

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Includes -
Special Requirements -
Assumptions -
Notes & Issues -

5. System Design
5.1. Class Diagram

5.2. State Diagram

5.3. Activity Diagram

5.4. Sequence Diagram

5.5. Table Relationship Diagram

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6. Data Dictionary

1.00 User Master(scm_user_mst)

Srl Col. Name Data Type s Remarks Ref. Table
bigint Identity
1.01 sum_user_id PK Seed  
1.02 sum_user_nm varchar (255) Not Null    
1.03 varchar (255) Not Null    
1.04 varchar (255)      
sum_gender bit
sum_birth_dt datetime
1.07 varchar (255)      
1.08 varchar (255)      
1.09 varchar (500)      
1.10 varchar (500)      
1.11 varchar (500)      
1.12 varchar (500)      
1.13 varchar (500)      
1.14 varchar (500)      
1.15 sum_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
1.16 sum_created_by bigint FK   User Master
1.17 sum_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
1.18 sum_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
1.19 sum_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
2.00 Contact Detail (scm_contact_detail)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
2.01 scd_sum_user_id FK 1.01 User Master

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2.02 varchar (500)      
2.03 varchar (500)      
2.04 varchar (4000)      
2.05 varchar (500)      
scd_postal_code bigint
2.07 varchar (500)      
2.08 varchar (500)      
2.09 varchar (500)      
2.10 varchar (500)      
2.11 varchar (500)      
2.12 varchar (500)      
2.13 varchar (500)      
2.14 varchar (4000)      
2.15 scd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
2.16 scd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
2.17 scd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
2.18 scd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
2.19 scd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
3.00 Subscription Rule (scm_subscr_rule)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
3.01 ssr_subscr_id bigint PK Seed  
3.02 ssr_subscr_for varchar (500)      
3.03 ssr_subscr_from datetime      
3.04 ssr_subscr_upto datetime      
3.05 ssr_qty      
3.06 ssr_dur      
3.07 ssr_cost      
3.08 ssr_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master

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3.09 ssr_created_by bigint FK   User Master

3.10 ssr_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
3.11 ssr_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
3.12 ssr_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
4.00 User Subscription(scm_usr_subscr)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sus_user_id bigint
4.01 FK 1.01 User Master
sus_ssr_subscr_id bigint Subscription
4.02 FK 3.01 Rule
4.03 datetime      
4.04 datetime      
sus_qty bigint
sus_duration bigint
sus_cost bigint
3.08 sus_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
3.09 sus_created_by bigint FK   User Master
3.10 sus_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
3.11 sus_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
3.12 sus_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
5.00 Role Master (scm_role_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
srm_role_ID bigint Identity
5.01 PK Seed  
srm_role_Type varchar(20)
5.03 srm_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
5.04 srm_created_by bigint FK   User Master
5.05 srm_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
5.06 srm_updated_by bigint FK   User Master

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5.07 srm_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

6.00 Action Master (scm_action_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sam_action_id bigint
sam_action_type varchar(100)
6.03 sam_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
6.04 sam_created_by bigint FK   User Master
6.05 sam_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
6.06 sam_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
6.07 sam_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
7.00 Transaction Master (scm_transc_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
stm_trnsc_id bigint Identity
7.01 PK Seed  
stm_no_of_trnsc bigint
stm_prg_page varchar(500)
7.04 stm_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
7.05 stm_created_by bigint FK   User Master
7.06 stm_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
7.07 stm_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
7.08 stm_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
8.00 Right Master (scm_right_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
srtm_right_id bigint Identity
8.01 PK Seed  
srtm_stm_trnsc_id bigint Transaction
8.02 FK   Master

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srtm_action_id bigint
8.03     Action Master
8.04 srtm_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
8.05 srtm_created_by bigint FK   User Master
8.06 srtm_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
8.07 srtm_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
8.08 srtm_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
9.00 Role Detail (scm_role_detail)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
9.01 bigint FK   Role Master
9.02 bigint FK   Right Master
9.03 bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
9.04 srd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
9.05 srd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
9.06 srd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
9.07 srd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
User Profile (scm_user_profile)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sup_sum_user_id bigint Identity
10.01 FK Seed User Master
sup_srtm_right_id bigint
10.02 FK   Right Master
10.03 sup_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
10.04 sup_created_by bigint FK   User Master
10.05 sup_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
10.06 sup_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
10.07 sup_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

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11.00 User Role Link (scm_usr_role_lnk)

Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
surl_sum_user_id bigint
11.01 FK   User Master
surl_srm_role_id int
11.02 FK   Role Master
11.03 surl_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
11.04 surl_created_by bigint FK   User Master
11.05 surl_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
11.06 surl_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
11.07 surl_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
12 Parameter Master (scm_param_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
12.01 smp_param_id bigint PK Seed  
12.02 smp_param_name varchar (255) Not Null    
12.03 smp_parent_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
12.04 smp_group_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
12.05 smp_type bigint FK 2.01 Master
12.06 smp_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
12.07 smp_created_by bigint FK   User Master
12.08 smp_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
12.09 smp_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
12.1 smp_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

13.00 Catalog Structure Master (scm_cat_str_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
13.01 sscm_prod_id bigint PK Seed  

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13.02 scsm_short_nm varchar (255) Not Null    

13.03 scsm_long_nm varchar (255)      
13.04 scsm_smp_parent_id bigint FK 12.01 Master
13.05 scsm_type bigint FK 2.01 Master
13.06 scsm_description varchar (500)      
13.07 scsm_keywords (4000)      
13.08 scsm_tags (4000)      
13.09 scsm_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
13.10 scsm_created_by bigint FK   User Master
13.11 scsm_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
13.12 scsm_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
13.13 scsm_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
14.00 Catalog Data Master (scm_cat_data_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
14.01 cdm_id bigint PK Seed  
14.02 cdm_scsm_prod_id bigint FK 12.01 Master
14.03 cdm_content_catg_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
14.04 cdm_content_type_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
14.05 cdm_title varchar (255) Not Null    
14.06 cdm_content (4000)      
14.07 cdm_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
14.08 cdm_created_by bigint FK   User Master
14.09 cdm_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
14.10 cdm_updated_by bigint FK   User Master

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14.11 cdm_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

15.00 Catalog Attribute Details (scm_cat_attr_dtls)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
15.01 cad_id bigint PK Seed  
Catalog Str.
15.02 cad_scsm_prod_id bigint FK 12.01 Master
15.03 cad_attr_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
15.04 cad_attr_value varchar (255)      
15.05 cad_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
15.06 cad_created_by bigint FK   User Master
15.07 cad_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
15.08 cad_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
15.09 cad_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
16.00 Catalog Category Details (scm_cat_catg_dtls)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
16.01 ccd_id bigint PK Seed  
Catalog Str.
16.02 ccd_scsm_prod_id bigint FK 12.01 Master
16.03 ccd_catg_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
16.04 ccd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
16.05 ccd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
16.06 ccd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
16.07 ccd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
16.08 ccd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
17.00 Catalog Data Details (scm_cat_data_dtls)
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Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table

17.01 cdd_id bigint PK Seed  
Catalog Data
17.02 cdd_cdm_prod_id bigint FK 13.01 Master
17.03 cdd_spec_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
17.04 cdd_uom_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
17.05 cdd_uoe_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
17.06 cdd_val_catg_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
17.07 cdd_val_type_id bigint FK 2.01 Master
17.08 cdd_value1 varchar (255) Not Null    
17.09 cdd_value2 varchar (255)      
17.10 cdd_remarks varchar (500)      
17.11 cdd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
17.12 cdd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
17.13 cdd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
17.14 cdd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
17.15 cdd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
18.00 Catalog Pricing Details (scm_cat_price_dtls)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
18.01 scpd_id bigint PK Seed  
Catalog Str.
18.02 scpd_scsm_prod_id bigint FK 12.01 Master
Catalog Attr.
18.03 scpd_supp_id bigint FK 14.04 Master
18.04 scpd_wef_dt datetime      
18.05 scpd_price_cmpnt_id bigint FK 2.01  
18.06 scpd_calc_factor int     -1 / +1
18.07 scpd_calc_on bigint FK 17.01  

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18.08 scpd_calc_type varchar (1) Not Null    

18.09 scpd_price_amnt bigint      
18.10 sscpd_remarks varchar (500)      
18.11 scpd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
18.12 scpd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
18.13 scpd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
18.14 scpd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
18.15 scpd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
19.00 Auction Master (scm_auc_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sam_auction_id int
19.01 PK    
sam_name varchar(255)
19.02 Not Null    
sam_desc varchar(500)
sam_remark varchar(4000
19.04 )      
sam_sum_user_id int
19.05 FK 1.01  
sam_prod_id int
19.06 FK 12.01  
sam_posted_on datetime
sam_from_date datetime
sam_to_date datetime
sam_mul_fct int
sam_auction_type bit
sam_ceiling int
19.13 sam_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
19.14 sam_created_by bigint FK   User Master
19.15 sam_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
19.16 sam_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
19.17 sam_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
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Auction Details
20.00 ScopeofWork(scm_auc_dtl_sw)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sads_scopeofwrk_id int
20.01 PK    
sads_sam_auction_id int
20.02 FK 18.01 Auction Master
sads_scopeofwrk_desc varchar(50)
sads_remark varchar(50)
sads_scopeofwrk_type bit
20.06 sads_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
20.07 sads_created_by bigint FK   User Master
20.08 sads_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
20.09 sads_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
20.10 sads_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
21.00 Auction Details LoadFactor(scm_auc_dtl_lf)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sadl_loadfactr_id bigint
21.01 PK    
sadl_sam_auction_id bigint
21.02 FK 18.01 Auction Master
sadl_loadfactr_desc varchar(50)
sadl_remark varchar(50)
sadl_loadfactr_amt money
21.06 sadl_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
21.07 sadl_created_by bigint FK   User Master
21.08 sadl_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
21.09 sadl_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
21.10 sadl_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
22.00 Auction Details Bidder(scm_auc_dtl_bdr)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table

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sadb_user_id int
22.01 FK    
sadb_sam_auction_id int
22.02 FK 1.01 Auction Master
sadb_sam_loadfactr_id int Auction Detials
22.03 FK 3.02 LoadFactor
22.04 sadb_status_id bigint FK 1.01 Status Master
22.05 sadb_created_by bigint FK   User Master
22.06 sadb_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
22.07 sadb_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
22.08 sadb_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
23.00 Auction Details Attachments(scm_auc_dtl_attch)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sada_record_id int
23.01 PK    
sada_sam_auction_id int
23.02 FK 1.01 Auction Master
sada_attach_file varchar(20)
sada_attach_filedesc varchar(50)
sada_path varchar(30)
23.06 sadb_status_id bigint FK 1.01 Status Master
23.07 sadb_created_by bigint FK   User Master
23.08 sadb_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
23.09 sadb_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
23.10 sadb_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
24.00 Auction Bids(scm_auc_bids)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sab_bid_id Int
24.01 PK    
sab_sam_auction_id int
24.02 FK 1.01 Auction Master
sab_sadb_bidder_id int Auction Details
24.03 FK 4.02 Bidders
sab_bid_amt money
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sab_bid_datetime datetime
sab_loadfactr_amt money
sab_winner_flag bit
24.08 sab_status_id bigint FK 1.01 Status Master
24.09 sab_created_by bigint FK   User Master
24.10 sab_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
24.11 sab_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
24.12 sab_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
25.00 Shopping Cart(scm_shop_cart)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
ssc_shoppingcart_id bigint
25.01 PK    
25.02 ssc_scsm_id FK    
ssc_added_on datetime
ssc_qty bigint
ssc_prod_status_flag bit
25.06 ssc_status_id bigint FK 1.01 Status Master
25.07 ssc_created_by bigint FK   User Master
25.08 ssc _created_dt datetime   sysdate  
25.09 ssc_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
26.00 User Shopping Cart Link(scm_usr_shop_cart_lnk)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
26.01 suscl_sum_user_id FK 1.01 User Master
suscl_ssc_shoppingcart_id bigint
26.02 FK 25.01 Shopping Cart
26.03 suscl_status_id bigint FK 1.01 Status Master
26.04 suscl_created_by bigint FK   User Master
26.05 suscl _created_dt datetime   sysdate  
26.06 suscl_updated_by bigint FK   User Master

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27.00 Order Master (scm_order_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
som_order_id bigint Identity
27.01 PK Seed  
27.02 som_ssr_subscr_id FK    
27.03 som_scpd_supp_id FK   User Master
som_shoppingcart_id bigint
som_order_Date datetime
som_order_given_by varchar(20)
27.06 FK   User Master
som_order_given_to_supplier varchar(20)
27.07 FK   User Master
som_payment_mode bit
som_creditcard_type varchar(20)
som_creditcard_no bigint
som_creditcard_holdernm varchar(20)
som_creditcard_expiry datetime
som_order_amnt bigint
som_remarks varchar(20)
27.15 som_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
27.16 som_created_by bigint FK   User Master
27.17 som_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
27.18 som_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
27.19 som_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
28.00 Order Detail (scm_order_detail)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sod_ssc_shppingcart_id bigint
28.01 FK   Shopping Cart
sod_sscm_prod_id   Catalog
28.02 FK   Master

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sod_order_date datetime
sod_price_on_order money
sod_order_quantity bigint
28.06 sod_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
28.07 sod_created_by bigint FK   User Master
28.08 sod_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
28.09 sod_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
28.10 sod_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
29.00 Sub-Order Detail (scm_suborder_detail)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
ssd_suborder_id bigint Identity
29.01 PK Seed  
ssd_som_order_id bigint
29.02 FK   Order Master
ssd_suborder_supplier_id bigint
29.03 FK   User Master
29.04 ssd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
29.05 ssd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
29.06 ssd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
29.07 ssd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
29.08 ssd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
Sub-Product Details (scm_subproduct_details)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sspd_suborder_id bigint
30.01 FK   Sub-Order Detail
sspd_scsm_prod_id bigint Catalogue
30.02 FK   Master
sspd_prod_price money
sspd_prod_quantity bigint
30.05 sspd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master

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30.06 sspd_created_by bigint FK   User Master

30.07 sspd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
30.08 sspd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
30.09 sspd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
31.00 Invoice Master (scm_invoice_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sim_invoice_id bigint
31.01 PK    
sim_invoice_date datetime
sim_sod_order_id bigint
31.03 FK   Order Master
sim_description varchar(50)
sim_remarks varchar(50)
31.06 sim_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
31.07 sim_created_by bigint FK   User Master
31.08 sim_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
31.09 sim_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
31.10 sim_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  
32.00 Sub-Invoice Master (scm_invoice_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
ssim_subinvoice_id bigint
32.01 PK    
ssim_sim_invoice _id bigint
32.02 FK    
ssim_ssd_suborder_id bigint
32.03 FK    
ssim_subinvoice_amnt money
ssim_description varchar(50)
ssim_amnt money
32.07 ssim_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
32.08 ssim_created_by bigint FK   User Master
32.09 ssim_created_dt datetime   sysdate  

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32.10 ssim_updated_by bigint FK   User Master

32.11 ssim_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

33.00 Order Shipping Details (scm_ordr_shppng_details)

Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
sosd_som_order_id bigint
33.01 FK    
sosd_billto_fname varchar(255)
sosd_billto_mname varchar(255)
sosd_billto_lname varchar(255)
sosd_billto_cmpny varchar(255)
sosd_billto_addr varchar(255)
sosd_billto_city varchar(255)
sosd_billto_pincode bigint
sosd_billto_state varchar(30)
sosd_billto_country varchar(30)
sosd_billto_phone varchar(15)
sosd_shipto_fname varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_mname varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_lname varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_cmpny varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_addr varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_city varchar(255)
sosd_shipto_pincode bigint
sosd_shipto_state varchar(30)
sosd_shipto_country varchar(30)
sosd_shipto_phone varchar(15)
33.22 sosd_status_id bigint FK 33.01 Status Master
33.23 sosd_created_by bigint FK   User Master
33.24 sosd_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
33.25 sosd_updated_by bigint FK   User Master

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33.26 sosd_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

34.00 Status Master (scm_status_mst)
Srl Col. Name Data Type Constraints Remarks Ref. Table
34.01 sms_status_id bigint PK Seed  
34.02 sms_status_name varchar (255) Not Null    
34.03 sms_status_desc varchar (255) Not Null    
34.04 sms_created_by bigint FK   User Master
34.05 sms_created_dt datetime   sysdate  
34.06 sms_updated_by bigint FK   User Master
34.07 sms_updated_dt datetime   sysdate  

7. System Features
7.1. Registration Feature

7.1.1. Description & Priority

In Users Management system users can register themselves through

registration process. For registration purpose user has to fill up their
registration profile. The user has to provide information like first name, last
name, gender, email-id, and password, retype password, security question-
answer, birth date, postal code, alternate e-mail, registration code and finally
acceptance of the terms. Once the profile is submitted the Users Management
system maintains profiles of the registered users. Then the users can register
through their username and password.

7.1.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

If a user is a registered user, then he’ll be taken to the login screen and
asked for login id and password. If a user is a new user then he’ll be taken to

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the registration page where he will provide his personal details. He will also be
provided with the option of editing his profile, changing his password etc.

7.1.3. Functional Requirements

In this process following features may be required:
 User Signup
 Approval Before Access
 Activation From Email
 Basic Password Protection
 User Expiry
 User Activation/Deactivation
 Group Based Security
 Level Based Security
 IP Security
 Multiple Login Security

5.2 Restricts unauthorized access:

5.2.1. Description & Priority

Only an authorized user can have proper access to the components.

Priority: 3

5.2.2. Functional Requirements

Appropriate checks are required to be made at every transaction.
Use of stored procedure or triggers may be made of.

5.3.Tracking users with their roles

5.3.1. Description & Priority
Every user should have some specific rights/privileges assigned. This
information may be required any time while a user logs in.

Priority: 2

5.3.2. Functional Requirements

Maintain the table with necessary information in terms of rights and roles

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5.4. Configurable to product entries

5.4.1. Description & Priority

Supplier can enter their items and its details. The interface is designed such a
manner that supplier can enter their list of items and define their set of
parameters for respective items. Also supplier can choose the mode of selling
such as forward auction, reverse auction or no auction. So priority is high so
that any item can be entered and should be configurable.
Priority: High

5.4.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

Supplier select an item to enter it may be of any type or pattern. So to
maintain consistency he should give some specified parameter which can
distinguish the item from others and these parameters to be made
configurable to the data type. Supplier can maintain relation between the
items so that user can be given relative options.

5.4.3. Functional Requirements

Supplier should name their category with respect to the tagged name that are
defined or set common parameters that can be easily identified by any user.

5.5. Search for an product

5.5.1. Description & Priority

User should enter the product name to be searched in such a way that it
should be specific with respect to defined tag. It even prompts the user for
the particular word that was previously searched for.
Priority: High
5.5.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences
In this feature we are going to first keep just a simple text box on the some
part of the page, where in the user can give the search for different products.
Here in when a user is say typing any thing he will be provide with the option

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of say previous searched item say any product and categories name seems to
be matching will be given as a prompt to get the user with the certain facility.
For certain details the result will be displayed on the other page, showing
different product matching the search criteria.

5.5.3. Functional Requirements

The basic requirement is that the search criteria needs to be a meaning full or
say a word that can be pertaining to the different categories option available,
say for clothes we can specify both pants and trousers.

5.6. Auctioning
5.6.1. Description & Priority
An Auction is the process of buying and selling things by offering them up for
bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. Auctions can
also be with minimum bid, if the bidding does not reach the minimum, there
is no sale.
Priority: High

5.6.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

The user views the items in the catalog system & then after his selection he
enters into the Marketplace for purchasing/selling those items. Thus the users
directly or through auctioning purchase/sell the products and send its details
to the Order management system.

5.6.3. Functional Requirements Normal Purchase

In direct shopping the customers is given its register id and based on that he
purchases the product s by ordering it. Reverse Auction
In reverse auctioning the suppliers is given its register id and based on that
he sells its related products by bidding the lowest bid. The Load factor is also
being considered while bidding the item and accordingly the item is sold. Forward Auction
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In forward auctioning the consumers enter the Auction Engine through his
unique register id. The Auction is based on parameters such as Start date,
End date, and Duration and Multiplicity factor. So thus the consumer who bids
the maximum at that time is allowed to purchase the product.

5.7. Order Processing

5.7.1. Description & Priority

Accepts the order, calculates the final cost, generates a Performa Invoice for
the customer.
Priority: High

5.7.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

The Shopping cart provides the OIP with the item details (item id, price,
structure, buyer and supplier). The OIP accepts this input and displays a
Performa invoice. Next, order confirmation is given to OIP.

5.7.3. Functional Requirements

Item details (item id, price, structure, buyer and supplier information).
Interact with a temporary shopping cart table to get the list of items that are
ordered. Get item details from the Catalogue. Give options to the customer to
either print or email the Performa invoice (Order) or save the Performa
invoice as Excel sheet/PDF.

5.8. Invoice Generation

5.8.1. Description & Priority

After the order is confirmed, an invoice is generated which is displayed to the
Priority: High

5.8.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

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After order is processed, all the details in the order and entered into the invoice
and invoice is generated.

5.8.3. Functional Requirements

Item details (item id, price, structure, buyer and supplier information). Total
cost calculated when the order was processed. Give options to the customer to
either print or email the invoice or save the invoice as Excel sheet/PDF.

5.9. Payment Handling

5.9.1. Description & Priority

After the invoice is generated, the payment details are passed to the Payment
Priority: High

5.9.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

After confirmation of order, customer details, mode of payment and payment
details are sent to the Payment Gateway.

5.9.3. Functional Requirements

Item details (item id, price, structure, and buyer and supplier information).
Total cost calculated when the order was processed. Give options to the
customer to either print or email the final invoice or save the invoice as Excel

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8. Screen Shots
8.1. Home Page

8.2. User Option Page

8.3. Registration Page

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9. Test Cases
9.1. What are test cases?

9.2. Who has been doing this work?

9.3. Other Testing Details.

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