Unit Number: Unit 8 Film Studies: Example Assessment Brief

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Unit number: unit 8 Film Studies

Example Assessment Brief

Student Name/ID
Unit 8: Film Studies
Unit Number and Title

Academic Year 2020/21

Unit Tutor L McClenaghan

Assignment Title Cinema as an art form, a science and business

Issue Date 16/11/20

Submission Date 14/12/20

IV Name & Date

Submission Format
An illustrated report of no more than 2000 words. This should be presented as a PDF file,
in a standard format (e.g. A4).
A textual analysis of a selected film genre, containing illustrative examples and fully referenced.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Assess the growth of the film industry and audiences
LO2 Discuss the history and development of narrative film, through the use of examples
and precedents
LO3 Evaluate theoretical frameworks within film studies
LO4 Analyse a selected film, highlighting the way that theoretical frameworks are
developed within the work
Assignment Brief and Guidance
You work as a writer for a small company that produces educational materials and
textbooks. The company has been commissioned to write a book on Film Studies and you
have been asked to submit materials for consideration in the form of a report and a
textual analysis. You need to show that you understand the film industry and its
relationship with its audience, as well as past and present developments within the sector.
You will need to include in your report reference to:
• Origins of the film industry
• Significant changes and technological developments from inception to the present day
• Film production in a global business context
• Challenges and opportunities and the future of the industry.

The commission also includes sections on critical film studies and narrative theories: the
client is aware that these are varied and diverse and so would like them clearly evaluated
and presented to the audience. You should include a textual analysis of a film of your
choice that makes reference to appropriate film theories and theorists.
All of the above should be made available to the client via a digital platform. Through
this, the client should be able to read reports and provide comments and feedback.
Instructions and Guidance to Candidates:
• The chosen film genre for analysis must be agreed with your tutor to ensure it allows for
appropriate depth and breadth of analysis.
• While you will not be penalised for exceeding the word count, you have been asked by
the client to write for a publication and therefore should be mindful of their needs.
• You should conduct appropriate research for information to include within your report,
you must ensure all information is clearly and appropriately referenced. Sourced
information could include:
o Charts and graphs
o Numerical data
o Images
o Imbedded links to footage.

Note: All information sources and resources, including websites used to complete this
assignment must be stated and correctly referenced. No credit will be given for
wholesale copying from
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Assess the growth of the film industry and LO1 LO2
audiences D1 Critically evaluate
changes in the film
industry and their
impact on narrative and

P1 Examine the growth of M1 Analyse the

film, focusing on major relationship between the
industry developments growth of the film industry
P2 Explore the changing and changes in audiences
audience for film

LO2 Discuss the history and development of narrative

film, using examples and precedents

P3 Identify forms of M2 Compare forms of film

narrative structure narrative, highlighting key
P4 Explore the key features and differences
developments in
narrative film
Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Evaluate theoretical frameworks within film studies

P5 Examine critical M3 Analyse the way that LO3 LO4

approaches to film study theoretical frameworks D2 Critically analyse the
P6 Evaluate theoretical inform the way that we way in which different
frameworks, using film understand and discuss film theoretical frameworks
terminology may lead to different
interpretations of
LO4 Analyse a selected film and the way that theoretical meaning in film
frameworks are utilised within the work

P7 Analyse the theoretical M4 Apply a structured

frameworks appropriate to approach to film analysis
a selected film using research techniques
P8 Evaluate a selected and subject vocabulary
film, based on research
and analysis of film
genres and theoretical

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