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Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Missing Data, Case 2

Determine the missing parts of the lot whose other description is given below.

Line Bearing Length (m)

1-2 S 45°30’ W 44.37
2-3 N 57°15’ W 137.84
3-4 - 12.83
4-5 - 64.86
5-1 S 48°12’ E 106.72



48°12’ 106.72m
3 1


Consider sides with complete information
Line Latitude Departure
(m) (m)
5-1 - 71.13 + 79.56
1-2 - 36.12 - 25.77
2-3 + 74.57 - 115.93
? 3-5 (-) + 32.68 (-) + 62.14

Length 3-5 = √ 32.682 + 62.142 = 70.21 m

Tan ( Bearing 3-5) = dep / lat = 62.14 / 32.68

Bearing 3-5 = N 62°15.58’ E

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Consider ∆ 3-4-5

By Cosine Law 5
70.212 = 64.862 + 12.832 – 2(64.86)(12.83) cos α 64.86m β
α = 109°35.39’

4 70.21m
12.83m α
By Sine Law 62°15.58’
Sin 109°35.39’ sin θ sin β
------------------- = ------------ = ------------
70.21 64.86 12.83

θ = 60°29.80’
β = 9°54.81’

Therefore, Bearing 3-4 = N (62°15.58’ - 60°29.80’) E

= N 1°45.78’ E ANS.
Bearing 4-5 = N (62°15.58’ + 9°54.81’) E
= N 72°10.39’ E ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Missing Data, Case 3

Determine the missing parts of the traverse.

Line Azimuth (from South) Length (m)

AB 15°36’ -
BC 290°49’ -
CD 237°58’ 77.45
DA 80°43’ 75.00



A 75.00m
15° 36’ 80°43’

69°11’ 57°58’

It is always best to convert the azimuth of the lines into bearings, and considering the
lines with complete information,

Line Bearing Length (m) Latitude (m) Departure (m)

CD N 57°58’ E 77.45 + 41.08 + 65.66
DA S 80°43’ W 75.00 - 12.10 - 74.02
? AC - (+) – 28.98 (-) + 8.36
0.00 0.00


Length AC = √ (-28.98)2 + 8.362 = 30.16 m

Tan (Bearing AC) = dep / lat = 8.36 / 28.98

Bearing AC = S 16°5.49’ E

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Consider ∆ ABC
β = 180° - (15° 36’ + 69°11’) = 95°13’ 16°5.49’
α = 15° 36’ + 16°5.49’ = 31°41.49’ 15° 36’
θ = 180° - (β + α) = 53°5.51’
α 30.16m
By Sine Law
Sin 95°13’ Sin 31°41.49’ Sin 53°5.51’
------------- = ------------------- = ------------------ B
30.16 BC AB
BC = 15.91 m ANS. C
AB = 24.22 m ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Missing Data Case 4

Determine the bearing of CD and length of DE. The other description of the lot is given

Line Bearing Length (m)

AB N 50°06’ E 36.75
BC Due South 28.10
CD - 45.32
DE S 81°34’ W -
EA N 20°40’ W 43.08


Plot the traverse



Consider polygon ABCE

Line Bearing Length(m) Latitude Departure

EA N 20°40’ W 43.08 + 40.31 - 15.20
AB N 50°06’ E 36.75 + 23.57 + 28.19
BC Due South 28.10 - 28.10 0.0
CE - 35.78 - 12.99
0.0 0.0

Therefore, CE = 35.78 2 + 12.99 2 = 38.07 m

dep − 12.99
tan( Bearingθ ) = =
lat − 35.78

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Bearingθ = S19°57.21'W

Consider triangle ECD

φ = 81°34’ - 19°57.21’ β
= 61°36.79’
19°57.21’ 45.32m

φ D

E 81°34’

By Sine Law:

Sinα sin 61°36.79'

38.08 45.32

α = 47°38.88'

Therefore, β = 180° − (61°36.79'+47°38.88' ) = 70°44.33'

By Sine Law:

DE 45.32
sin 70°44.33' sin 61°36.79'

DE = 48.63 m ANS.

Bearing CD = S (70°44.33’ - 19°57.21’) E

= S 50°47.12’ E ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Missing Data, Case 5

Determine the length of lines 1-2 and 4-5 for the lot whose other parts are given below.

Line Bearing Length (m)

1-2 S 32°10’ W -
2-3 S 68°45’ E 88.10
3-4 Due South 39.25
4-5 N 48°56’ E -
5-6 N 29°02’ W 110.08
6-1 S 85°00’ W 64.73

Note that the description of 1
Line 1-2 = Line 3’-3 = Line 4’-4
Line 2-3 = Line 1-3’
Line 3-4 = Line 3’-4’


4’ 5
Consider lines with complete information:
Line Latitude (m) Departure (m)
5-6 + 96.25 - 53.42 3
6-1 - 5.64 - 64.48
2-3 = 1-3’ - 31.93 + 82.11
3-4 = 3’-4’ - 39.25 0.00
? 4’-5 (+) – 19.43 (-) + 35.79
0.00 0.00 4

Length 4’-5 = √ (-19.43)2 + 35.792

= 40.72 m

Tan (Bearing 4’-5) = dep / lat = 35.79 / 19.43

Bearing 4’-5 = S61°30.18’ E

Because the obtained bearing of line 4’-5 is S 61° 30.18’ E, the illustration above needs
to be adjusted as shown below considering ∆4-4’-5

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Considering ∆4-4’-5
θ = 48°56’ - 32°10’ = 16°46’ 4’
β = 32°10’ + 61°30’ = 93°40’ 32°10’ 40.72m
α = 180 – (θ + β) = 69°34’
61° 30.18’
By Sine Law α 5
40.72 Line 4’-4 Line 4-5
------------- = ----------------- = ------------- θ
Sin 16°46’ Sin 69°34’ Sin 93°40’

Line 4’-4 = Line 1-2 = 132.27m ANS. 4

Line 4-5 = 140.87m ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Missing Data Case 6

Determine the bearings of the non-adjacent sides. The other description of the lot is given

Line Bearing Length (m)

AB S 72°25’ E 12.20
BC - 12.45
CD S 47°05’ W 13.70
DE - 14.55
EA N 1°30’ W 10.52

Plot the traverse
Construct parallelogram, BCDD’, where 72°25’
Line BC = Line D’D and Line CD = Line BD’ B
Consider polygon, ABD’EA 1°30’ 12.45m

Line Bearing Length Latitude Departure E

(m) D’ C
EA N 1°30’ W 10.52 + 10.52 - 0.28 13.70m
AB S 72°25’ E 12.20 - 3.69 + 11.63 14.55m
BD’= CD S 47°05’ W 13.70 - 9.33 - 10.03 47°05’
? D’E (-) + 2.5 (+) – 1.32
0.00 0.00
Length D’E = √ (2.5)2 + 1.32)2 = 2.83m

Tan (Bearing D’E) = dep/lat = 1.32 / 2.50

Bearing D’E = N 27° 50.04’ W E φ

First Approach: (See Figure A)

θ 14.55m
Consider ∆ DD’E and adjust figure as shown D’
By Cosine law
12.45m α
2.83 = 14.55 + 12.45 – 2(14.55)(12.45)cos α
2 2 2

α = 8°4.96’
Figure A
12.452 = 2.832 + 14.552 – 2(2.83)(14.55)cos φ
φ = 38°12.59’

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

therefore, θ = 180° - (α + φ) = 133°42.45’

Bearing BC = Bearing D’D = 180 - 133°42.45’ + 27° 50.04’
= S 74°7.59’ E ANS.

Bearing DE = N (74°7.59’ - 8°4.96’) W = N 66°2.63’ W ANS.

Another approach: Figure B

Consider ∆ DD’E and adjust figure as shown

27° 50.04’
Bearing BC = Bearing D’D = 180 – (27° 50.04’ + 133°42.45’) φ
= S 18°27.51’ W ANS.
Bearing DE = N (38°12.59’ - 27°50.04’) E θ D’
= N 10°22.55’ E ANS.


D Figure B

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Example: Stadia Surveying

Occupied Station X has an elevation of 35.755 m above sea level. With HI = 1.450 m,
three points were observed. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the
stadia sights, and the elevations of the observed points. Additional data obtained are
shown in the table below. Assume K = 100 and C = 0.305 m. (40 pts)

Station R.R. S VCR H.D. V.D. Elevation

Occ. Obs. (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 0.758 0.421 + 4°30’ ? ? ?
X 2 0.423 0.860 0° ? ? ?
3 1.950 1.885 - 5°48’ ? ? ?


The problem could best be solved with the aid of a figure, as shown below.

α=+4°30’ 1
2 VD3


Consider observed pt. 1 For Class EI

+ α = + 2°30’
HD1 = KS cos2α + C cos α Hence:
= 100 (0.401) (cos 4°30’)2 + 0.305 cos 4°30’ HD1 = 42.145 m
= 42.020 + 0.305 VD1 = 3.317 m
= 42.325 m ANS. Elev. 1 = 39.764 m

VD1 = (1/2)KS sin 2α + C sin α

= (1/2)(100)(0.421) sin [2(4°30’)] + 0.305 sin 4°30’
= 1.835 + 0.013
= 1.848 m ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

Example Problems in Higher Surveying

Elev. 1 = Elev. X + HI + VD1 – RR1

= 35.755 + 1.450 + 1.848 – 0.758
= 38.295 m ANS.

Consider observed pt. 2

HD2 = KS + C
= 100 (0.860) + 0.305
= 86.0 + 0.305
= 86.305 m ANS.
VD2 =0 ANS.

Elev. 2 = Elev. X + HI – RR2

= 35.755 + 1.450 – 0.423
= 36.782 m ANS.

Consider observed pt. 3

HD3 = KS cos2α + C cos α

= 100 (01.885) (cos 5°48’)2 + 0.305 cos 5°48’
= 186.575 + 0.303
= 186.878 m ANS.

VD3 = (1/2)KS sin 2α + C sin α

= (1/2)(100)(1.885) sin [2(5°48’)] + 0.305 sin 5°48’
= 18.952 + 0.031
= 18.983 m ANS.

Elev. 3 = Elev. X + HI - VD3 – RR3

= 35.755 + 1.450 + 18.983 – 1.950
= 16.272 m ANS.

Higher Surveying Notes of AM Fillone, DLSU-Manila

• Similar to differential leveling
• Except that the line of sight may be
inclined from the horizontal
• Well-suited in rolling or hilly country
Sample Problem
• Complete the stadia level notes shown
below and perform arithmetic check.
Assume that K=100
K 100 and C=0
C 0.
Sample Problem

Backsight Foresight DE Elev

sta s (m)
( ) α RR VD s (m)
( ) α RR VD (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
BM1 1.245 -4°25’ 2.42 75.0
TP1 2.044 3°20’ 1.08 1.515 8°18’ 1.55
BM2 1.438 -3°25’ 3.06
Backsight Foresight DE Elev
sta s (m) α RR VD s (m) α RR VD (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
BM1 1.245 -4°25’ 2.42 9.56 75.0
TP1 2.044 3°20’ 1.08 11.86 1.515 8°18’ 1.55 21.64 32.07 107.07
BM2 1 438
1.438 -3°25’
-3 25 3 06
3.06 8 55 -22.39
8.55 -22 39 84 68


DE = 2
42 + 9
56 + 21
64 – 1.55
1 55 DE = 1
08 - 11.86
11 86 – 8.55
8 55 – 3.06
3 06
DE = 32.07 DE = -22.39
Backsight Foresight DE Elev
sta s (m) α RR VD s (m) α RR VD (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
BM1 1.245 -4°25’ 2.42 -9.56 75.0
TP1 2.044 3°20’ 1.08 11.86 1.515 8°18’ 1.55 21.64 32.07 107.07
BM2 1 438
1.438 -3°25’
-3 25 3 06
3.06 -8 55 -22.39
-8.55 -22 39 84 68


DE = 2
42 – (-9.56)
(-9 56) + 21
64 – 1.55
1 55 DE = 1
08 - 11.86
11 86 + (-8
55) – 3.06
3 06
DE = 32.07 DE = -22.39
• The principal characteristic of a stadia traverse
is the use of the stadia method in measuring the
length of the traverse lines instead of the tape
• The following quantities are obtained:
– Horizontal length of each line of the traverse
– Direction of each line which may be a bearing or an
– Elevation of the stations of the traverse and their
differences in elevation
Sample Problem
Following are stadia intervals and vertical
angles for a transit-stadia traverse. The
elevation of station A is 461
08m stadia
interval factor is 100.0 and C = 0.0. Rod
readings are taken at height of instrument
Compute the length of each course, the
traverse perimeter
perimeter, and the elevations of
the traverse stations.
Sample Problem
Station Obj Stadia Vertical
Interval Angle
B A 2.59 0°46’
C 1.33 8°15’
C B 1.32 -8°16’
D 3.80 -2°25’
D C 3.78 2°20’
E 2.19 -1°33’
Topographic Maps

This presentation was modified to fit a specific classroom’s goals.

Original presentation was provided by
What is a map?
 It is a representation
of something (Earth,
stars, solar system, a
building, etc…
Uses of Maps
 To determine where you are going.
 To act as a model of Earth’s surface.
 Used to locate various places
 To show the distribution of various
features or types of materials.
 The lay of the land.
 Shows relief using contour lines.
– Relief- highs and lows of Earth’s surface.
– Relief can be calculated
 Take the difference between the highest point and
the lowest.
 Ex: Mountain peak 20 m. lake 10m
– 20m- 10m= 10m
– The relief of this area is 10m
Reading a topographic map-
Contour Lines
 Lines on topographic maps.
 Connect points of equal elevation.
– Everything connected to that line has the
same elevation.
– Elevation- the distance something is above
sea level. Sea level= 0m or 0ft.
Reading a topographic map-
Contour Intervals
 Contour interval- gives the difference in
elevation between 2 contour lines.
– Another indicator of height.
– Shown on maps as C.I.= 10ft.
– Used to count contour lines.

How it will look on a map

C.I.= 1000ft
Reading a topographic map- Index
 A index contour is a contour line that is
accentuated in thickness and is labeled with the
appropriate measure of elevation.
 Index contours occur every fifth contour line.
 Help the map user read elevations on a map.

Red arrows indicate location

of index contours.
Reading a topographic map-
 The direction a streams is flowing
is shown on a topographic map
by the way a contour line crosses
the stream.
 Streams are shown as a blue line
on maps.
 When contour lines cross a
stream it looks like an upside
down V.
 The point in the V points
upstream. It opens in the
direction the water is flowing.
Reading a topographic map-
Depression Contours
 Depression contours
show areas of lower
 Drawn like contour lines
with marks on the
 Hachure marks- tick
marks on inside of
closed circle.
Reading a topographic map- Hills
 Hills are represented on a topographic map by a
series of concentric contour lines in a rough
Reading a topographic map- Slope
 Closely spaced contour lines represent steep
 Widely spaced contour lines represent gentle
Reading a topographic map-
 A benchmark is a place where exact
elevation is known.
– Shown by a B.M. on map
– Ex: BM 60
Reading a topographic map- Colors
 The colors on a topographic map are symbolic of
different map features.
– Blue = water
– Green = forest
– Brown = contour lines
– Black = cultural features (buildings, place names,
boundary lines, roads, etc.)
– Red = principal roads
– Pink = urban areas
– Purple = revisions to an older map, compiled from
aerial photos. If an area has become urbanized, this
may be shown as purple shading on the new, revised
Reading a topographic map- Map
 Map scale indicates your distance
along the ground, or the amount
of ground covered by the map.
 USGS- United States Geologic
– Ratio- 1:24000
– one unit on the map is equal to
24,000 units of the same size on the
 Ex:1 inch on the map = 24000 inches on
– Or after converting 1 inch = 2000ft.
 Bar scale-indicated by a line or
bar with distances marked in
miles, feet, or kilometers.
Reading a topographic map- Map
Reading a topographic map-
 A topographic profile is a cross-sectional view
along a line drawn through a portion of a
topographic map.
– It is like taking a slice out of a portion of the
Earth and looking at it from the side.

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