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2.00 µ C –4.

00 µC
Figure P23.7 Problems 7 and 18.

8. Suppose that 1.00 g of hydrogen is separated into elec-

trons and protons. Suppose also that the protons are
placed at the Earth’s north pole and the electrons are
placed at the south pole. What is the resulting compres-
sional force on the Earth? Section 2
9. Twode
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada - Facultad identical conducting small spheres are placed with their
Ciencias 13. What a
Taller de Ley de coulomb y Fuerza eléctrica- 0.300 m apart. One is given a charge of 12.0 nC that wi
and the other a charge of ! 18.0 nC. (a) Find the electric proton
force exerted by one sphere on the other. (b) What If? 14. An obj
The spheres are connected by a conducting wire. Find form e
the electric force between the two after they have come to the ma
1. Dos esferas de 3 g están suspendidas del techo insulating rod, extending from the origin to the 15. In Figu
mediante hilos finos de seda de masa desprecia- 10. Two small beads having positive charges 3q and q are fixed
point x = d. As shown in Figure, a third small ity) at w
at the opposite ends of a horizontal, insulating rod, ex-
ble. Los hilos tienen una longitud de 80 mm cada charged bead is free to slide on the rod. At what
tending from the origin to the point x " d. As shown in
uno y están atados en un punto en común en el position
Figure is the
P23.10, thirdsmall
a third beadcharged
in equilibrium? Can
bead is free to itslide
techo. Qué carga debe ponerse en cada esfera si be in stable equilibrium?
on the rod. At what position is the third bead in equilib-
la separación horizontal resultante debe ser de rium? Can it be in stable equilibrium?
50 mm?
2. Si 4 cargas puntuales de 6µC se ubican sobre los
+3q +q
4 vertices de un cuadrado de 10 cm de lado, de-
terminar las fuerzas que actúan sobre una carga?
d 16. An airp
3. Tres cargas puntuales se encuentran a lo largo
Figure P23.10 2 000 m
del eje x, La carga positiva q1 = 20,0µC y está
en x = 5,00m, la carga positiva q2 = 8,00µC está charge
en el origen y la fuerza neta que actúa sobre q3 plane a
de carga negativa, que se ubica entre q1 y q2 es 11. Review problem. In the Bohr theory of the hydrogen concen
cero. Cuál es la coordenada x de q3 ? atom, an electron moves in a circular orbit about a proton,
!10 electric
where the radius of the orbit is 0.529 $ 10 m. (a) Find
4. a) La separación entre dos protones en una molé- the electric force between the two. (b) If this force causes 17. Two po
−10 the centripetal acceleration of the electron, what is the a char
cula es de 3,8010 m. Hallar la fuerza eléctrica
speed of the electron? charge
ejercida entre ellos b) Cómo se compara la mag- charge
nitud de esta fuerza con la de la fuerza de gravi- 12. Review problem. Two identical particles, each having
2keQ /a
tación que existe entre ambos protones? c) Cuál charge % q, are fixed in space and separated by a distance
deberá ser la relación carga-masa de una partícu- d. A third point charge ! Q is free to move and lies initially
at rest on the perpendicular bisector of the two fixed 18. Three
la si la magnitud de la fuerza gravitacional entre as show
charges a distance x from the midpoint between the two
dos de estas partículas es igual a la magnitud de fixed charges (Fig. P23.12). (a) Show that if x is small com- the po
la fuerza eléctrica que ejercen entre ellos? pared with d, the motion of ! Q will be simple harmonic ! 4.00-
along the perpendicular bisector. Determine the period of termin
5. En las esquinas de un triángulo equilátero exis-
that motion. (b) How fast will the charge ! Q be moving 19. Three
ten tres cargas puntuales, como se ve en la figura. when it is at the midpoint between the two fixed charges, P23.19
Calcule la fuerza eléctrica total sobre la carga de if initially it is released at a distance a && d from the and !
valor 7.00 µC. Problems 731
midpoint? (b) Fin

y 7.00 µC
+ +q

0.50 m
+ – x
2.00 µ C –4.00 µC
Figure P23.7 Problems 7 and 18.
6. Two small beads having positive charges 3q and
q 8.
are fixed that
Suppose at the
1.00 gopposite ends
of hydrogen of a horizontal,
is separated into elec- Figure P23.12
trons and protons. Suppose also that the protons are
placed at the Earth’s north pole and the electrons are
placed at the south pole. What is the resulting compres-
Ley sional forceyonFuerza
de coulomb the Earth?
eléctrica Section 23.4 The Electric Field
Taller Agosto 2020
9. Two identical conducting small spheres are placed with their 13. What are the magnitude and direction of the electric field
centers 0.300 m apart. One is given a charge of 12.0 nC that will balance the weight of (a) an electron and (b) a
and the other a charge of ! 18.0 nC. (a) Find the electric proton? (Use the data in Table 23.1.)
force exerted by one sphere on the other. (b) What If? 14. An object having a net charge of 24.0 #C is placed in a uni-
The spheres are connected by a conducting wire. Find

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