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Case Study 1 Bob Fifer

1. Map the phases of Fifer's Career. What are the key choices?

Having figured out that being your own boss and having the freedom and power to run your
own life and control your own life, and to avoid having to work for someone else is
incredibly critical produced the drive in him to be in control of his own fate and this drive
leads almost every decision he makes in his life at every levels.

Key Choices:

a. Being among top students at the prestigious Bronx High School of Science.
b. Attend Harvard College.
c. Starting two businesses while at Harvard College which although neither of them
were overly successful but gave him the idea that "He loved running his own
d. The step of trying to run two businesses helped to confirm his desire to apply directly
from Harvard to Harvard Business School.
e. Choosing consulting as rewards came quicker there and had him play at front lines of
corporate business.
f. Choosing SPA over Braxton
g. Personal Life is infinitely more important than your career and it's so hard in this
world to find the right person, so, when you do, don't let anyone stand in the way.
h. Joining hands with Kaiser.
i. Buying Kaiser's stock and becoming number one at the firm.
j. Making the decision of being with his family and completely cutting-off from the
work on set days and time.

2. What was he striving for in the career phase? How has his need and goal changed
during the course of his career?

He only strived to be his own boss and have the freedom and power to run his own life and
control over his own life. During the course of his career his needs and goals are still the
same but the way of achieving them is now optimum as he is able to sit-back and enjoy with
his family the rewards and excitement of what he has done, is doing and will do.

3. How have his relationships and environments propelled those changes or held him
His relationships and environments propelled these changes towards harmonious work-life
balance where his belief that personal life is infinitely more important than your career is
being held true and he still got time and resources to achieve what he wants and that is to
grow Kaiser, lead the firm to a much higher level and be a real visionary.

4. Map your own career choices to date.

School to College with their supplementary activities and extracurriculars and then Job and
then Life with its supplementary activities.


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