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1. Subject Identity

Subject : English

Class : IX (Junior High School)

Topic : Narrative Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes (1 meeting)

Semester & Academic Year : 2/2020 (Kurikulum 2013)

KI.3/KD :

KI-3 :Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak

4.7 : Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan
tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana.

2. Lesson objectives (BLOOM’S TAXONOMY)

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define the purpose, function, and structural elements of
narrative texts (remembering)
2. Explain narrative text with oral and written (understanding)
3. Demonstrate a narrative text that has been done
3. Instructional designs
a) Pre-teaching 1) The teacher greet the students and asks
students to praying together before starting
the lesson
2) The teacher checking the students
attendances and asking thestudents condition
3) The teacher delivers the purpose of the
4) Check the students’ knowledge about
narrative text by giving questions.
5) The teacher introduce the material to be
6) The teacher gives an overview of the learning
material that will be studied
7) The teacher asks students to do
brainstorming by watching chain story video
b) Whilst-teaching 1) The teacher explains about narrative text; the
functional text, the structure, verbs, etc.
2) The teacher show a video about a Folklore of
Malin Kundang story
3) After watching the video, the teacher asks
students to identify the verb, character and
characteristics, the sequence of the story, and
the moral value.
4) Then, the teacher asks students to do a game
activity named Chain Writing Story and must
be done in a group. So, students are divided
into groups (each consisting of 4-5 people).
5) The teacher gives each group different short
stories and blank papers.
6) The students are required to read the
incomplete story.
7) After reading, the teacher asks the student to
write on the blank paper. The students should
write to complete the story till the end.
8) Later, the students need to switch the papers
to the other groups.
9) Then, each group must-read stories from
other groups that have been shared in 5
10) After 5 minutes, the teacher will ask one of
the students in each group as a
representative to tell the short story from the
other groups.

c) Post-teaching 1) The teacher asks students about the difficulty

of the material being learned.
2) Make conclusions together from the material
that has been studied.
3) The teacher gives feedback from the group
results about narrative text.
4) The teacher gives homework (narrative text)
by explaining it first.
5) The teacher closed the meeting.
4. Assessment

The students are required to make a role play video in a group with the video
duration 7-10 minutes. In the role-playing video that will be made must be
based on folklore or history that has been prepared by the teacher. Each
group representative must choose one story from five stories that the
teacher has prepared. The teacher will give time about two weeks for
making the video. They should upload their videos on YouTube and share
the link to the teacher.

5. Rubric

Aspect Score Keterangan

Fluency 3 There is no doubt in saying the sentence

2 There is little doubt in answering the

sentence, but not much

1 There are many pauses and doubts

Pronunciation 3 There are no pronunciation mistakes, every

word is pronounced with the correct

2 Obtained a little error pronunciation or

pronunciation is less accurate

1 There are many errors in the pronunciation

of words
Vocabulary 3 Use vocabulary that is precise and easy to

2 Use vocabulary that is incorrect and a little

difficult to understand

1 Do not use vocabulary according to the text


Volume 3 Speak clearly and loudly

2 Speak in a soft voice but still be understood

1 Speak in a volume that is barely audible.

Expression and
3 Always expresses emotion through voice,
body language
facial expression, and gesture.

2 Often expresses emotion through voice,

facial expression, and gesture.

1 Rarely expresses emotion through voice,

facial expression, and gesture.



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