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Pretest in Statics of Rigid Bodies 1. Three forces act on an eyebolt as shown. Determine the resultant of the three forces. Find the acute angle which the resultant force makes with the x axis, 4001 Ryo Dy = HE Gane + Ha fon = hOM.nay Ib Rye 2k, wY = \ey.27 Ib soi R= VRoa. A+ oy mn? = 487.198 Ib ny 20 © ‘te fre fun JAN = ay. ‘The vertical force of 240 N acts downward at A on the two-member frame. Determine the magnitude of the component of the force directed atong member AB. 1000 fig. me find Sonny Me fon uk = 6. NIg N The cable BC carries a tension of 15 kN. What is the reclangular component ofthis fore along line OB? The elbow at 4 forms a right angle is ¥ Mcdbfmmy fa eutuly goat k be 1007 fn AV Wee T Mpc! ce * bi Tee = jp chert (jo, 16> ot) +04 wok W18h4, = Bb4g- vos onc) 7 An0B7 ( (984) = IEW. Uw Me Lo 05 4 Ione yee [6st y0.09k 0G) 5. Ifthe 8-ke block is suspended from the pulley B and the sag of the cord is d = 0.2 m, determine the force in cord ABC. Neglect the size of the pulley FREO| Tors 9 (2)~18. p= Teas Cent’ (1)= 8. 4g "eug N T= 0.94 N 6. A force of 120 N acts on the handle of the paper cutter at. Determine the moment created by this force about the hinge at O if @ = 60°. | too, iy Fist bm ae =boN FefioN = Fem (o~m re Foes (0-4 No= Mo = Fy (en) = 60 (Mm) = Apo N- wi = N-iy 7. At what angle @ should the foree be applied so that the clockwise moment it creates about point O is a ‘maximum? . Tny= Sov, = sm Fm (9-m’) AMe oF > for wag, M,, Ais eo Os MHF OF (4-70") i O= 8 (4-m0") ¥~ t= Are oo ° §-™m = 7 | 1 B= 7 yw" = Bw Fur (¢~ arte) Fis cow 8. For the truss loaded as shown, find the reaction at the roller support 9. What is the force in member BF? Y= Bio's 1.99 yeStme’s ae Ruichen ah F: My0] 104) 48 (10) ~ Ey (8.604 4.00) =0 Gye 0.06 ag Fivee w OF, " " ‘ b= he tem ian han REI Nee Meo) +B @)~ 8(@)20 We i PRET Hie 10. The compound beam is supported by a rocker at B and is fixed to the wall at A. 11. Determine the total reaction of the pin at C. —— : tte hn al a6 phy “ 4p 549 be oI “ 9 oy ey cH WCF 4 a Rp 4 Ob: Myo] aes (= Oem + yGyre Gb iro] I~ Gy>0 1, Gye He Wb Re=VEry Ge = 149.18) fb ‘A force P of magnitude 350 Ib is applied to member ABCD, which is supported by a frictionless pin at A and by the cable CED passing over a small pulley at F Determine the tension in the cable Find the total reaction at 4 350N ag, Ser gree. 2000 \\ T to (M)=0 Ts 099.0 N Me s lat Y~ Aye Ae Hon ba an Aiea) Ay T-aev20 Aye Mo Bre Vaya” = Jag N Determine the location x and y of the point of application of force P = 2500 N so that the tension THC DF in 41.49") +BF Cos d\n" (C)= Ao developed in cables AB, CD, and EF is the same. Neglect the weight of the plate. Apo) A7-Pa0 5, T= Sy TMye¥] Px ~ TCA) =0 ater 9) = ER (aye t=) My=o] 4} ~Pyso aD « = ~ 1p =o yim Fa of he: 2My so}, 6(e)— He 0(4) ~ My 0 Maz 459.048 bv A 15, Two smooth balls A and B of the same diameter, each Ta =F having a mass of 5 kg. rest between the inclined o> Swap planes shown. Determine the reaction at contact point ete c Tox Ty t WX Foor = MT ays y 0" ix feats + aye’ Try = 6864.14 N 18. A. transmission tower is held by three guy wires aitached to a pin at A and anchored by bolis at B. C. and D. Ifthe tension in wire AC is 1240 Tb, determine the vertical force exerted by the tower on the pin at 4 19. What is the tension in wire AB? 20. Find the tension in wire AD. 16, Find the reaction at D. ar Feo | hall B: AE =] R- MOS sw 0"= 0 fo R= Wel N FD of bah f= 0] Re as yo"~ ta0, Ba Ree Rex MO. 4a : Fy-t| Ry ~ Ho S- Rebate Rye EN 4} m= 1.4 y ‘The force W acts on the handle of the paper cutter at A Ifthe moment created by this force about the hinge at is 24 Ib-fi, what is the magnitude of F when 0= 70°? 7. At what angle @ should the force be applied so that the clockwise moment it creates about point O is a = nA? 3. The vertical force of 240 N acts downward at A on the two- member frame. Determine the magnitude of the component of the force directed along member AC. 4a) 2 maximum? 2 4, The sion i cable BC has a component of 8000 N Mos fy (7) fi he along the line connecting O and B What is the se — ‘magnitude of F? The elbow at 4 forms a right angle. ‘ny (yd) = Fen do" (a8) > A Myy= 0.8 Sony® RMdW : ae Sp - Fas Femi ' Hh, = 0.2 006 4 50.6% hh = LUb= Oth 0.4 ooh Fre mac. My, = 110" 8. For the truss loaded as shown, find the reaction at the roller support. 9. What is the force in member BF? 1a 1095 kins Lies YEYeYr= boy TMy=0] 12,09 y= Clis)~ Cla0)~ Cle) =0 Cye Wh-c8 bye Rig yartion of e.0-A; NYO] C (19) +6) - WPF os DFan.e kepe 10. The compound beam is supported by a rocker at B. a link at C, and is fixed to the wall at A. Determine the moment at the fixed support 4 11. Determine the reaction of the rocker B Sen w Fin 4 EC: Meo} ho Gyro Becky HET Mea = 0 LN) 0 3 Teg = Fo dU: Myo] 48, CRI (>\=0 Ws IC kN Fo] Dyty ~ey-16=0 hes kw FO a MD: TMq mo] My ~ ody~o 12. Determine the total force that pin A exert on the 2-member arch shown, 13, Determine the total force that pin C exert on the 2-member arch shown. i tye Vays A row = WGN RV Ko Tag = P00 Wb Tan = 4 wD" ~ AON” = (he SBW)” + (MOUS W) we 66.4% Wp Te Ty ttm ee aya: ae Prot pont 7 Ba) Sok Fy=T, utatik We Top™ Ty SEGLADE ty {37 Neen To Ws-Ok Fy=0) — 4 Ty 3 Tea* G Tazo —O 0) tat 41q~ 4 Ty2° —@ Fes) byt kiy + S420 —O Gihe You Hue equating Sultan cov: Tene 140107 FW ea Toys 4-16") Preboard Exam in Statics of Rigid Bodies The resultant of four forces acting on the ring shown has a magnitude of 13.5 kN at an angle of 50° counterclockwise from the positive x axis 1. Determine the magnitude of the unknown force F. 2. Find the angle @ that makes with the horizontal. y Rel vo.N Ara ec cos OY = Et Wyo ~ R= Wty Ww bys 2Fy WS Bin gO" Fy fan de" 18 4 Mo 5) Fy7 Gta Nn Pevirs Fy” Fe wigde WN Bee Ig ose 5) te 81" 3. The figure shows three coplanar concurrent forces. If these three forces are in equilibrium. then 4. The pipe is supported at its ends by a cord 4B. If the cord exerts a force F°= 12 Ib on the pipe at A, what is the component of this force along segment AC” e =sv- 2. 01g Lom k Ve AMA 4 7.00" 87 Gl 4.14) 4 4.49k te They = 10w =~ 0.%4) + osnyrt RF. Wee = (-6.Ge- 9.118) +4.24¥): Corie ory =~4,714 Co.44)+4:29% (0. 94) Fie = Gem W A post is loaded by three forces as shown. These three forces are to be replaced by a resultant force and couple moment acting at point A 5. What is the magnitude of the resultant force? 6. What is the acute angle measured from the positive x axis to the line of action of the resultant? 7. What is the magnitude of the resultant couple? r be BR a & R= # On) - x09 e 0 +> = -41G.G N HON pe SR 6100 Go tet E Fi ae ee 5 t Hj" we aa . fea [18-@) fin (VA) to (160-4 RVR + Ry* = 499.67 N fas ae eee 1 Re oe fm Be Vin fo ee N Phe wy fre bm S_ : N.@6 R = Gy Firm toe prike aos, A= "~~” = Igy Me™, = 1 (1) $V os 98" 2) ~ 0 xin m6" (0-2) ~ 2 (9)(0.8)- 4 rm) by Nk = 96,010 N-m 8. A circular hole of 50 mm diameter is cut from a circular dise of 100 mm diameter as shown. The center ‘of gravity of the section will lie $ tim line AD. 2 Ne The seri x Ys" iia ve Sy A 100-Ib force acts on a 300-Ib block placed on an inclined plane, as shown. The coefficients of friction between the block and the plane are x, = 0.25 and x= 0.20. Find the value of the friction force on the mh ght Wee 3 (am) = te bh Ws 4 (+9) = 440 wv 2 10, When a crane picks up a load from position B, a cable tension 7'= 28 KN is developed. Find the ‘moment which 7’ produces about the base O of the tae sad lo*sC+ 40 Mite of 5 Sj Be GL 4hy «(ae E~BA01 + oj Tek) te 4A + 180} — 108 k) My = 302.1641 + ler-@iy~ 7.48 k My=pace.209"+ lo, S84 F1.SYE™ = Yoo W- Rod AC is bent into the shape of a quarter circle with radius 100 mm, and supported at B and C. with 0 = 30°. Ifa load P = 150 N is applied at end A and neglecting friction and the weight of the rod, 11. determine the reaction at B. 7 WMyez 12. Determine the reaction at C. T= of rane frien Rachin of @: fr ime Aang Behe | IME Ryn ae"fin) N= Go We on ? ~ ley (iv) = 0 Tha) tu sai 2 chin. o fer B00 Fs lov- Wy = Joo ~ gy =— $0 b F= Gh Ri forte hyailale prchay Hace twee Re o.tN= ly : React ah C Hye Cy ~ Ry Gun tn’s0 = lo FAO] Ry cos M0" C,~ IO 0 Re MFG gy Cue I BE NV im For the truss subjected to the loads shown, 13, determine the foree in member LK. 14, Determine the force in member EI oe wen kN hatin: Aenictp sn e6- Aro Sesilag Oa ~$(0)~ ¢(w)=o y= Gly MH): £1K(40)- 0194 6)=0 We ln tn L 4, f ome ba Ley 17, 18, Hp] -461-¢- ET =0 woo PES G00 In the te the hoist supports the 150-kg engine, Determine the force this load creates in member BF. a 15 16. inmember BD uit j = a ou fz We (4.81) = WN Fig 6G: PMR] 2W~ 2 oF(v)=0 BF 6. GHG N FD 4 Whale Sruchme > ™M,=0} W(»)~ Ay()=0 Ay=Welne Foo g he. Med dered b= Dhy~o ort adeeb cite Pp= FI. N A bin holds three cylinders as shown. Each cylinder has a mass of 80 kg and a diameter of 500 mm. The width of the bin is | m. Assume all surfaces are smooth. ‘What is the force acting at 4? ‘What is the reaction at G? Weg (4al) cae 2LEY gen, WHEN hn Feo R= Re Feo yew cylinder: FEO} R vas te" (0) 84.226 Ry= 45%. lOG Vewer eylendae : AHO) Re ~ Ney ~ Room's o Ree lIN,1 Res tn. a7 % Cable ACDB supports the loads shown, 19. Determine the maximum tension in the cable. 20. Determine the minimum tension in the cable oi M470) Typ, (0)~ Ton, 8) ~ oo (1) 0 Fieo (iv) ~ lo () = 1 Too =U. Wb bi! <( a "eg Top, = 24.06 Ib ob . yo} " (nea) \~ Teayeo Ta, = 6.94 lb Top V4.1 + ts.9417 te = ,oag To %>0) Teo, — They =O Vege 94.206 Ih Ao] ay t They Treo Tre, = 94.659 Ths, wee. T= 0.0 Wer V4. 08" 4 £4,084" win, T= 40.046 W = WAR Wb ¥\b 3 4. 3 6 Pretest in Dynamics of Rigid Bodies ‘The position of a particle on a straight line is given by s=t3—9t? +15¢ , where s is in ft and ¢ is in seconds. eae es ceV 441 uum tog, $= 04 V4 (0) <-K $ ‘Find the total distance it travels during the 6-s time men afewt shen teo, Sp 0 a ae te, S29 x" Bir. ie (ek ve ato EAC 2G, Gs~18 02 At ety ic ‘ ra Soa2ls-ol esl lo, cham +|S.-Se| dade eis £ = Mem ba truck ci 220 m in 10 s while being decelerated at constant rate of 0.6 mvs Daniels initial velocity G Gor vot 4 bok? MNo= oF%, (V8) a (-0.6) (icy e216 % Find it final velocity \po We aes oe Vewtat Wis 142-016) (M0) =U -0.6(\d) Ve 9 =19%° What is the distance traveled during the first 1.5 seconds? g= 8, ruetttat” otal! 4d Co.gyQc) A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of ve=150 m/s off the roof of the building. Determine the range where it suikes the ground at B. y 4a ts) +i % a) = 90% t= 150m Fm A he: Pa Yo Yet Vagt rk -Is osgotrd C480 = 19.986 Second A> Vogt = Ho (286) 4= WGI 7. A car moyes around a circular race track at constant speed. It finishes 10 laps in 20 minutes. If the radius of the track is 1.0 km, determine the centripetal acceleration of the car. Distance tanelen ww lage: _ S= Av (io) = 2H (10) (10) = Aon T Comsat, Velocity : Sevt oe v-(10)(40) Ve 14M = amy yow Oy = Demy "Yer A string is tied to box A and passed over a frictionless pulley, Box B is attached to the other end of the string. Box A has a mass of 2.5 kg while box B has a mass of 3 kg. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between box A and the tabletop is 0.6, diogemmgae tho sooleratnel of the system. iY OAE Ne y= a T uw of ]¥"eo Box Ars NS, CON fp 0-6 (44,020) 14H heen Bex B: Femme = Mga Tees et 14. T= 91 Te MMCE2EA —O Tran 90 Fquik 020: Wee $ 1.60. = 14.497- 9.0 we LOW Ya 9. Ifthe car decelerates uniformly along the curved road from 25 ms at A to 15 mis at C, determine the acceleration of the car at B. Fon A toe. reyes 1a, € W's 14 298) wm Os 0.6Ey “ Firm hh Bs ie n=30m a a yee Hoe” =04n We ne +7.0.667) (160) Pe a p= 1,098 % 10, ‘The'v-t graph of a car while traveling along a road is shown in the figure. What is the acceleration of the car when ‘= 10 seconds? wera vim 5 13. Atnoon, a ship 4 is 10 kilometers due cast of another ship B, and is traveling at 14 km/h in a direction 30° west of north. The ship B is traveling north-east at 10 km/h, Find the velocity of ship A relative to ship B. We lolh eH Hh Y % = Hii mo! UH OnE) Sat Vuh) A a o- aed Jowengs’t + lo ogc) = LOW 4-00) Va~% 5 Va~ "pe ls rm ‘he qa teary) ~ (ronty 091 )) Wome +6 04) Y Wy on|” + £0” hy ie mae Heh 14. Block B starts from rest and moves downward with a constant acceleration. After slider block A has moved 108, slqe of VU cone 400 mm, its velocity becomes 4 mvs, Determine the . acceleration of B. i; ) A= 0. 1S. Find the velocity of Rafter s » Hr rG=b a — 4%. a ff A lift goes up to a height of 900 m with a constant Yt ONE? Bleck fr: 0) Icy acceleration and then the next 300 m with a constant dy ee eockraorrontcomes to ea Ay, 4A St1a,5 11. Find the maximum velocity of the lift if the time ae ot ps 204144 (0 taken to travel is 30 seconds. 98,= NIE, 12. What is the acceleration of the lift? h Wt ° ye AO yso Fim Abo B: ~W4 Ay = =0 (if Bi deonvewet, A hy Hee w fe Ws = Ma s Verva tot, Aes 6.06 Mw MS; yew) Ob eh, ots (ae) ny = 040 by | Ayan © Seconds rer = ‘er pe Ve tat ani 12, pia 4 ay =O ee | Fee BC + 6.067%) *Ohwe YEN 4 AS Merve, VB= Ip.295 % n Vy 1702) (91) 0 = Vig Oe by Wy Nim = 6G, —@ ba ee = 0 oe aaah, OL. Wigan Ving = Ba, —© A= GV 00,20, —© Ning, Vin 4g SM © AO: (Rays tea, Ay Wat 1)" Oe, ays Ae Ze Vine 16. A curve in a speed track has a radius of 1000-ft and arated speed of 120 mish, Find the banking angle 0. -we) Ayo) Dee 0 4 ut wie FSM) may, Noms = a, . mR” Wings ¥E gana oR 4@ Ting= © ft iy vs lo MA art = LN) vs me Yh, 17. Packages having a weight of 50 Ib are delivered to the chute at vs = 3 f/sce using a conveyor belt their speeds when they reach point D. = jo Work Amme by the wory hbo: Us sulk) = Bere Frm the principle of wk Ord egy AMVy + Us Aamo” We Ue WIC) =cW w ¢ Maer ay oA 4 fal yt ana may“? Yr My YY 6 18. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 20-kg block and the inclined plane is us ~ 0.2. Ifthe block is traveling up the inclined plane with constant velocity vj =5 mis, determine the power of force F- A yan Fyso] N- Puvces 7° =0 N= WA.4lG Ree ON = 7.998 WI FE a0] F~ Fy 461m mg? = 6 FH A WBD~ 146.1, ern? =O FS YH.o%» N P= Fv = 191,009 (5)= 660.014 W ‘The Mlatbed truck which carries an 80-kg crate staris from rest and attains a speed of 72 kph in a distance of 75 m on a level road with constant acceleration. The coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck bed is 0.30 while the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.28. 19. What is the constant acceleration of the crate? 20, Caloulate the work done by the friction force acting ‘on the erate during this interval. Fe vet Fpl weeny Ty Rar coed doce ual wwe, the acce loverhin equal te Hu acceleration 4 doe tevce. yrs wr erat WW = 0410 (I). as 2.067 % Fama = € (Libat) = Um, Frith, = Warm N) Been Fr 0. (@) (4.81) = 4c, 4y YF Varece, crate deer it iastalde F< 109m ye Wark dow, Ws RSs Ur. (TR) = etm Nm Posttest in Dynamics of Rigid Bodies The equation of motion of a particle moving in a straight line is given by s = 18¢ + 3¢? — 2c? where s is in meters and ¢ is in seconds. ‘The velocity atthe start Se Wet amen by 4- WeeGt- Ove jpact~ab when be0, wale % Find the maximum velocity of the particle ve kp ot-2C yy = M6 (0e\-6 0.0 Gt ea wy re o~y we o= GMb $=0.86 A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 15 Determine the time of flight when it retums to its original position How high will the ball travel? veo veVetat or Kk aeyt + be IM Tol hue. > 4,088 ¢ Weg trac oF e%4 164.21) h i= is 468m term dr ‘Two automobiles 4 and B are approaching cach other in adjacent highway lanes. At ‘=0, A and B are | km apart, their speeds are vs ~= 108 knv’h and v» = 63 km/h, and they are at points P and Q, respectively. Knowing that A passes point Q 40 s after B was there and that passes point P 42 s after A was there, determine the uniform acceleration of 4 When will the vehicles pass each other? 7108 kmh = ty 4 ¢ — So Lt» ——I? Gah: Se vibe Late low = fo po) + 3,4 (H0)" ays ~ 01a" 4 Corb: [We Ie W+La, (wy ae 0¥ as force F? ; W es i W kmh = yc he & Geter ed (- 0.10) +” Sencts Loa St Sp = lem Fre S Cores met th (0.1) nw 0.00 €'+ HEE ~ 10 =0 t= Wg 7. A projectile is fired upwards at an angle of 30° with a velocity of 40 m/s. Find the range of the path of the projectile. Fim 0 Ves eVyb tbat ae 0:¥, tint 9b te AW, nt Re bevonyt pe AU AS fine t ae Reig 8. A S0-kg block is being pushed horizontally with a constant force F such that its acceleration is 1 ms’. The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is 0.40. What is the magnitude of the constant Fo) N-weo N= 504.81) = 440.6 R f= 0.W0N= 14,00 ema FYR= ma Fe ervt ort) Fe Woh 9. The tension Pin the cable causes the 100-Ib block a steady acceleration up the incline. Determine the acceleration of the block if P= 50 Ib. Jo 20 N~Weesmn't Poa 40 = 0 N= |p vavme'0y Goin 0” N= 6h 609 \b ReOWwNe ig bb A= Mad Ps Pos ne'- Wein me'~ Fy = nay 40> CaM" ow Sy Io" .ge IQ Wn Os 9,984 & 1 ‘The figure shows the v-f curve of a particle moving along a straight line. Ifthe particle’s position is s = 0 when (= 0, what is the constant acceleration of the particle? + occelerachinn = cbope of vb wre + He parkcle Was ace \rakion fam tafe po bane pa SS ma a 11. The automobile has a speed of 25 m/s at point A and an acceleration a having a magnitude of 3 m /s*, acting in the direction shown. Determine the radius of curvature of the path at point 4 y= OG Mr” On = 4 Svinro® WS) = Heer | 2. At the instant 4 = 45°, the athlete is running with a constant speed of 2 mv/s. Determine the angular velocity at which the camera must tum in order to follow the motion, an when $s Ye? dr org = Hoary de vowray” *teme gy stored 4s a(4. % a 4 13. Aman walks at 5.5 knv/h in the direction of a 18 km/h ‘wind. [raindrops fall vertically at 8 km/h in still air, determine the direction in which the drops appear to fall with respect to the man, Assume the horizontal speed of the raindrops is equal to that of the wind, % Ves Wi-ey ‘os, J Vou, 2 OE U 83 vaVece® = 104 14. Ifend A of the rope moves downward with a speed of 18 fi/s, determine the speed of cylinder B. Rape CAD: GL Gey B~Sorby aay dS am? W™-Ner0 Pop EODRCB: Ves Wh SAS taratatS=L, Sot GPA by, ne 5 dy a dk +020 AVE EO (mM) +% *O Vere Wan ele f Vp> ~4(i)=~10 # 2 15. ‘The motorcycle has a mass of 520 kg and a negligible size, It passes point 4 traveling with a speed of 60 km/h, which is inereasing at a constant rate of 1.2 m/s". Determine the resultant frictional foree exerted by the road on the tires at this instant. 1 Re (i) =- UN R= YUEN 16. A curve in a speed track has a radius of 300 m with a banking eal of 38°. Find the rated speed of the & fe =o) Ni egg ag™~ W= 0 5 vets me ae AR ws — -wyY aa fina’ ue tong? 4\ (90) ve w.acy s =I. 6 byl 17. Packages having a weight of 50 Ib are delivered to ‘The man having the weight of 150 Ib is able to run the chute at vx = 3 fVsce using a conveyor belt. up a 15-ft-high flight of stairs in 4 s, ‘Neglecting friction, determine the normal force of 19. Determine the power generated. the chute on the packages at C. ae ‘ 4 Wonk ae by He tea, bs may Why 9B. WO cre ett xa v + ' wl Fim Ato. T+ ue Te Pe 01 hy £ WY W(coormet)e 3M Vy,” 20. Hows ld a 100-W light bulb have to b wnat 9 W (Come = gg Ne Senta nee wea %, a » The + Ne tieN an ve fo _ 2H Nowe s Lhe are any W= Soon8' + 57 Gg enh 4 = HO. Seconds 18, At the instant shown, Pa? onthe rata a velocity of 12 m/s which is increasing at a rate of 6 mvs*. Determine the power input of motor M at this instant if it operates with an efficiency ¢ = 0.8. The mass of block 4 is 50 kg. Gt yak \S ms yO Me 44 My pee tee «WIM R Se Ma Meny 0, + 1A,=0 Fr the Wook: cenegcoll ass meke The negate, inci jou aT-W= MOq negehn Sig gag AT = 8 (4.&1) + 0 (2) Ts Move N r= let. 2849 Vag = Moun (12) ear = hey W Yan = 4809.95 W Preboard Exam in Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 1. The ideal angle of banking provided on the curves on . Tait roads depends upon Yor @, Gevt+l gt 1g 7 the square of the velocity ofthe vehicle he ve (sc)44 . Ni aa et (4.0) +4 (4.91) (4.0) he 4.eyy —@ ~ Ww a t+ A.4 Nest Equale O ard ; Tye An] Neng = may WO GIN, + WG. 016 = AAV, + Go. 4 wo, wy Vos o.006 M% my haps $e he 44.41 wm fata 2. A body with weight 750 N, resting on bOrough 5. Iftwo bodies A and B are projected upwards such that horizontal plane (u; = 0.25 and 4e= 0.20), is pushed by the velocity of A is twice the velocity of B, then the a force P = 300 N inclined at 30° from the horizontal. height to which the body A will rise will be. ‘the Determine the acceleration of the body. height to which the body B will rise. No Pst fe WS Vy 429S oo tel Li . Ga ma Bes Bev oor he” o= y~ 1g) Sy —— ¥ i 4 3 UCM, 608 N Oreky Bast 14.65 ee N Pye dre gn 0° ce ae 7 Fer} N~NOtyso = IN hye, Ge Car » G4 N= 4ov 6 Two ships leave a port tk the same lime. The fst . «< steams North-West at 32 km/h while the second Far linpending inh * steams 40° South of West at 24 km/h. After what time snap will they be 200 km apart? Rae OW N= MEW AP, heme, yam Wray rmcves arteries mings the Fas OWN = [90 W ; BD Yeti ve can} = ma} 209, 49- Veo = TE a a hoy J ve fa tow Ve =H Oss yo ~ : gee eee ol pee aS agi THN Caw ang in 5,64 seconds. A second stone, thrown down from > 18.8. 16, yay the same tower with the same initial velocity reaches the ground in 3.6 seconds. 3. Determine the height of the tower in meters. \y> %- 4, Find the inital velocity of the stones. |go= 48, 1at teh (14 Wwe, A body starting from rest, moves in such a way that its acceleration is given by a = 3— 0.15", where a is in ‘m/s* and is in seconds. 7. Find the time when the body comes to stop. 8, What is the distance travelled during this an d= 5-06.10" ysat- act? ee one fas 0\ W~ Wear 20 te he fre 1, Nz Wes <1 ae N= 0-44 W Re0-7N= 0.4 W TR, = may Wmg-h = ma Wom Cp’ — 0.647 = 7 3, = mai] a ma Feo tin sia)" a4 (0. on) 0.099 - 0.64] = = eee Fs p-4ee lp & = We Wes P= Fr = jo. fog (3) = (Ogre aThoge be ° Gy+6 ©1866) 6 Poh Gac st S= M1. m Wg the pres Var ard : ese ay TU (Win $-R)e = (Warn 6.11" - o,canW) ¢ =(0.094 W ~ 0,64 W) 5 tM = Ty A wy” +(0, 01qW-0.647W) 6 = 0 Wiha val 3) * (wom W~o.canw)S=0 c= M%. 61 w Pretest in Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 1. Abbar of solid circular cross section is loaded in tension 4. Determine the average compressive stress along the by forces P. The bar has a length 1 = 18 in. and contact area defined by BC. diameter d ~ 0.50 in, The material is a magnesium ea alloy having modulus of elasticity E = 6.4 x 10° psi S62 ~—— = 116.669 m The allowable stress in tension is 17,000 psi and the Way elongation of the bar must not exceed 0.05 inch. What is the maximum allowable value of the load P? 5. Find the average shear stress along the horizontal fH < rR plane sels by mee y “~~ ys lo . oF TD) = W444 pe ? “ (3) lm = ——— 0.0¢ = An overhanging beam is loaded as shown in the figure. o 6. Where does maximum moment occur, with respect to F (oxy 5 (065 4x0) the left support? f= 4490. 6G b 7. What is the maximum moment? Pe Hni.ay0 Wb wor Wan. 9 9887.46 tb © amy * Taam ing wiser meas CD00 sa} moan) lt = eases ‘80 Nem is por . Khaw bp ok te Ry= Iw (Wd) +k &O.Y a f 7 -ine 1 REMo b t (o.01)" ( v) la Iwao ra shear: x2 DE Sc g = 0.0604 rod Inve = 4g? Max. rome 21M ay? 3 Or.) (row) = Bric fbb copes ecerts0b ~ Many = L00 CF) a ive along the SEE ote gaitin dnl eH a = (6) poe Mae wt Nic octal 80,07 [bff i = . Take woke: under a nh y Hache vuded, Ved b ey he 2) ow wali mae ; fe (i) eM fae. 0 \y> 0%, = Yo pa ay DSR, a ook ye MB 4 Ve 8. A simply supported wood beam of rectangular cross- section and span length 1.2 m carrics a concentrated load P at midspan in addition to its own weight. The cross section has width 140 mm and height 240 mm. ‘The weight density of wood is 5.4 kN/m’. Calculate the maximum permissible value of the load P if the allowable shear stress is 800 kPa {osm t Tao'mm I we 4 (0.09\ (0:4) = 18. 44 Yin = eae) £ v Dre te weigld « \ we mS A = log. 66q 0.5 P vs Wd 4, (VOR. 864 4 0«P) (0.19) (0-44) Pe M6M.G VN ‘ O8410 = D dlnleae sotcaly orumeed teow saci of Yio, = BOR). wo. ha 10q a The area of rod CD is 125 mm* and E = 200 av p= lt. 448 Hf aes Fiow der: fue By aN 0.8% 10% = —E—_ <* afoor\a) V=nyso Wy wut yo Me e oy AC; a a] EMqr0] Gio Nog FO P20 nas = wo (420) | We Caet ey - p= Sn “ For Ye Fussy of Ariongle yo cn | A From bombing a diner ee A 0% mm Po. Go” May. p= 1h. 649 a 15 Timber joists of 75 mm % 300 mm cross section are placed on a spacing of 0.40 mon centers. Their ends rest upon steel beams of 150 mm flange width and on a spacing of 4.25 m on centers. Compute the ‘maximum allowable working load per square meter that the joists could carry including the weight of joists and floor so that it will not exceed the allowable bending stress of 12 MPa. so that it will not exceed the allowable shearing stress of 0.83 MPa. so that it will not exceed both the allowable bending siress and shearing stress A prismatic bar with a circular cross section is loaded by tensile forces P = 75 KN. The bar has length L = 2.0 m and diameter 35 mm. It is made of aluminum alloy with modulus of elasticity £ = 75 GPa and Poisson’ ratio v= 1/3 14. Find the increase in length of the bar. 15, Find its final cross-sectional area. LES EN ‘gw : ba x) shout + tn) = 1.074 wm Me Fined (0) chart tn Hamers Fuad) a 2-098 he } -o.0101) - v 4 = Ky = eh ace nw FOF) Me ~0.ofri mim A rod consisting of two eylindrical portions AB and BC is restrained at both ends. Portion AB is made of steel (E, = 29 10° psi, a = 6.5 * 10°F) and portion BC is made of aluminum (E,= 10.4 * 10° psi, 3» 10°F), The rod is initially unstressed 16. Determine the normal stresses induced in portion AB by a temperature rise of 70°F. 17. What is the corresponding deflection of point B? Pee ets z in diameter Hf chameter Due to vincremes ta emg, 5. Gx 60 OCT) [D4 s 29 wi“ (00) (90)= 14,40 15" in. Due fo vaduerk lard 2 58 oer xi64 74," x0 = 20M Po pndna P= 0,406 Viper ~gt_et a 8-80 = 8-8, * “ 2 loAvnto 52.0814 10” (Aono) = G9 At” me 18. A box beam is constructed of four wood boards as shown. The webs and flanges are joined by screws for which the allowable load in shear is = 250 Ib per screw. Calculate the maximum permissible longitudinal spacing of the screws if the shear force is 1200 Ib. 5 ou ks Tet (9()- £@? = 14.4 ww = GLI) (8) = 71 iy” ce 1 (24) (140,99) Wr (4) = bom iv, sha Pe PON eg asa” tone FE (aacy Gane") He P Pw 4 She Tra TL xto P a ai y A beam with the section shown consists of a wood member that is reinforced by steel plates at top and bottom. It is subjected to a bending moment of 25050 Ib-ft. The modulus of elasticity of steel is H, = 30 * 10° psi and for wood is Ey= 15 «10° psi 19, Find the maximum bending stress in the wood member. 20. Find the maximum bending stress in the steel plates %—Twanefrrneed sachin Tar pe (is) + als (ie) (0.76) + No (0,78) (c.s%Y | = 464.195 tnt : ‘i : — Me _ Kos (esas banding drags w Wyd » te > Sean ae f= G6. 886 pe jeg, Shree ), fh . Me _ wos (re) ee 1 7Kag. Ins fye D94e.169 pn Posttest in Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 1. A steel rod that is 1.6m long stretches | mm when an 8-KN tensile load is applied to it. Knowing that E= 200 GPa, determine the normal stress caused by the load. Seon E 2. A shaft 25 mm in diameter, 1.5 m long, with shear modulus G= 80,000 MPa is subjected to a torque 7: If the rotation or twist is 5°, find 7. de Tk Je sh ._ Th n> +g To, f 7? og) "(go x10") 3. Three 18-mm-diameter steel bolts are to be used to attach the steel plate shown to a wooden beam. Knowing that the plate will support a 110-KN load and that the ultimate shearing stress for the steel used is 360 MPa, determine the factor of safety for this design. x10 ad DF (hx el % = thy, 041 Ma wow = FRO ag Way. 041 4, A steel bar of length 2.5 m with a square cross section 100 mm on each side is subjected to an axial tensile force of 1800 KN. Assume that = 200 GPa and v = 0.3. Determine the change in the volume of the bar. be. 4, n> ~ 9 Gay Gn) % AcS-0, 00) Baikal valunes \k = (Ino) (ror) =U 10° vu val walter = (\ro~o.ovhy (aw 1,20) = 1460099¢4,6) wn? ave Vy-Vu = 9994.67 wm » Ts (n8.ggq Nem 5. Three wires are used to suspend the plate shown. Aluminum wires of 1/8-in. diameter are used at A and B while a steel wire of 1/12-in. diameter is used at C. Knowing that the allowable stress for aluminum is 14 ksi and that the allowable stress for steel is 18 ksi, determine the maximum load P that can be applied, For aluinum, £, = 104 = 10° psi and for steel, E,=29 «10° psi Worbang Ares, HG Wb or = 4.1076 bn C4 bn Soe) Oy = O71) Oy Arial Voc Groh Meta] EAT] = a i Vor to malt: W= Ca: (OrKf) (ovr) = HBL ag Moy a we + = Bv0v(1) + = Hom. 064 N-m $= M4. Glromcea) wa oso 48.90% Mo, sf uw wax, V $+ + Be a ) = ey na (1) = 0108, 964 fre Y= Srotee, gs) vd 0.19) (0-9) fer 84.17 Fa. A stepped shaft ABCD consisting of solid circular segments is subjected to three torques, as shown. The material is steel with shear modulus of elasticity G=80 GPa. 10. Calenlate the maximum shear stress in the shaft I1. Calculate the angle of twist at end D. MOON appoKm SDN 0 mm Je 60 ms bse ne ot Tras Tee Nom Tyce Sov 4am a8 Nem Thp= 8D ee 00 Nom Gear Gre ger oa eh =e v. (en) bo” F (oof ~ Tag % ~ KLE) ov fe e 4 (0.06) Vy= HED, = or. cee ta F(0.0ay” May. UY = 66.00 Mf a aaa be: a ‘o.8) Teale) y « Yr(0.8) 7 a ec Zoot [a YC x10 = 4.0K x10 eal y= alos) a (0.08) (oox 6) at hs TH WACOS xO = yy" 4 = 19.840 x10 vad 20 A steel bar with diameter 12 mm is subjected to a tensile load P= 9.5 KN. What is the maximum shear stress in the bar? What is the maximum normal stress? é- 12mm ee qf 4a wun 1A UE (aaa Mo g 40 CO Ue 204A) lr) = 0. 6eH,1, wy Ah ire» 10%(4s9) (89) 0.66609 wu Due fo lend ; Bs Poe P 10 [0e)0” ~gexo4 atti) oP Jer (M0) srg wt & = 8, nS 0. 6\4AL + 0. 86608 ~ ocaatoe ot Fm lies aur a 19. A beam with the section shown consists of a wood ‘member that is reinforced by steel plates at top and bottom. The modulus of elasticity of steel is f= 30 x 10 psi and for wood is By = 1.5 * 10° psi. Ifthe allowable stresses in steel and wood are 13.5 ksi and 600 psi, respectively, find the maximum allowable bending moment when the beam is bent about the z axis, For the sehen Yau ror bs prt M4 eH tal. Tye 440.1 in * Kyat Wao" i M(6n0) Ps v.24 EN) oh te een ote 26, -8) Me V10904,06( vin = Msn. ‘hep > 0,694 ~ 170.849 (400), Fo Wondain ut: [ov (10. iow (IF) hohe , hsw = Mi (6)(40) = OER wm 164 I Mz 4101.97 va-lh 3 Wyrm, Sy We 18. A box beam is constructed of four wood boards as shown. The webs and flanges are joined by screws and the shear foree = 1200 Ib. Find the maximum spacing of the screws if the allowable load in shear of each screw is F'= 250 Ib, rae Wet hin rT ta] OY we Max, Ms fm. Bt top 20. Determine the bending moment at a cross section located 16 ft from the left-hand end A of the beam with an overhang shown in the figure. ayna amen nach ean 20) toy (1) (ar) - a Red Rye Moo Wb Mga = VeRq ~ Yow (10) (at) = Ve (A4ab) ~ Yoo (10) 00) M = Ky lb-ft Preboard Exam in Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 1. A vertical cylindrical storage tank 28 m in diameter is filled to a depth of 20 m with gasoline whose unit weight is 7260 N/m’. Ifthe allowable stress of the shell plating is 100 MPa, calculate the required wall thickness of the tank = Sh= M0 (16) = tev fo. no tea 7 wets te ‘Sa Pee $2.4 uM Myia\ wad : Tah G * fu pede posters nd Fad eo Tas Tym 6 deformation of the bar. +t j—250 em te Fe — les Jow- ¢ ae hres of tui iH 4-S00mn' ome 4 Tall) a5 E=206P. p= g3 Ps Zo.’ baw’ shir Ty tial Verde. =p EN (T) oe) (4¢x90") T= Po bw (cy » «Tito ~¥ Vagermnateons = (oo (aena') = (Naty x10 G- Bs REO ~ ow min (lergobes) a Sn (mn) 2 (OWS Sy Vo(ane) %, T ee NRT (Ine B= OCS) «9 ce way (oontmel) 5 (01m) (20 0") lows (ga) Aaa = OSI O-1NE = 0-41 wm (shrug) The figure shown is the shear diagram of a beam. 3. Where does maximum moment occur, measured from the left end? 4, What is the magnitude of the maximum moment? ee 1” i Fm ZA Nung= (+ 3 ('5) 08) = 6.609 Fim ‘A shaft composed of segments AC, CD. and DB is fastened to rigid supports and loaded as shown in the figure, For bronze, G = 35 GPa; for aluminum, G = 28 GPa; and for steel, G= 83 GPa Find the reaction 7 Determine the maximum shearing stress developed in the aluminum shaft ys ot 4,72 os LANie 15° Ty + Late (T, ~2) ~ Teed « 16 * (106TH) TyS HOCUC iw y eta _ te ( 06.246) aad? Ta.ery Tas 4.974 Ma The frame of the figure shown is pin-connected at all joints. Assume an allowable shear stress of 70 MPa in the pin connectors and an allowable normal stress of 110 MPa in compression and 140 MPa in tension of member AB. Neglect the weight of the frame. Find the diameter of the pin at B, assuming thet it is in single shear. Find the diameter ofthe pin at D fit is in double shear. 9. Determine the area of member AB. a1 A right-angled rigid pipe of negligible weight is fixed to a wall at Q and is supported by a cable BC as shown, The tension in the cable is 120 Ib 10. What isthe largest shearing force at B? 11. What is the maximum bending moment at 07 ~ yk ¥s mae =e 90) 4k FR of Wounber CD: % A: me Ve VRS WMy=o} Jo (v1) - ‘e Mp (Wee) <0 rie Mg 18-804 EH MeV Wa, Wb Fy F8yg~ Py=0 DS ew Tes Ox F Fs] Lhe B20; dso dos et wire ml . 21,9 N ijk — ‘ a N= ~unk +2] = tj - yuk tea sd Jo xo > Tart = Pe oer byt ds W, 89 wm Draweter of pee Toxo = 8 er AE TY ay old «10 brea ee fe. ay Wo x oO" er can +, Ar 200, 246 wu A100 mm * 250 mm timber beam is reinforced with two 50 mm * 6 mm steel plates attached on top and bottom of the timber with screws. The beam is loaded with 9 kNim over a 4m span. If the modulus of clasticity is 200 GPa for steel and 16 GPa for timber. determine 12. the maximum bending stress in timber. 13. the maximum bending stress in stee). 14. the spacing of screws in the longitudinal direction if each screw can resist 1750 N. ig a IK ne = =e —— Taairrmed Sechien ‘Traustoreard sein > a pli) oss} ayes oy 4K (\(ne¥] 2 ‘The connection shown in the figure consists of five 25 mm * 6 mm stce! plates, joined by a single 8-mm diameter bolt. The total load transferred between the plates is 6000 N, distributed among the plates as shown. Calculate the largest shear stress in the bolt, disregarding friction between the plates. Calculate the largest bearing stress acting against the bol. Determine the maximum normal stress in the plates. Huse dre, on Hoo oat: Yo HO ea. 8) me 1 @rp® ri Ys ey Wha we 1 hy Ma = (Sxp* = A.A 510 mm on. Y= AC. 81 Ma. ay Ps om Bors Nm deanivg sive; 7 os Wax, load = Hor W Fi Hew : «Me, fox aa h 7h. Wate Came * ie =t8 Wormal ofrege - f= 8.889 Ma. up. [red > BOW HI Fer Sel: Mc Io (041m) te 4s a tec Hy (oni) how pa qT t a AGRE 44, Mri i )(o)nie © $= WG. dc) MPa O24 Wha Spy ate ye Qe: OPER Fine e \ ~ = Bon N 3 (4. Wrte® Ye Weer ao S= SV) wm ' sof 3 The rigid member AF is supported by two links BC and DE which are both made of steel (F = 29 * 10° psi) and are 1/2 in. wide and 1/4 in. thick, as shown. A force ? = 800-Ib is applied at point 4 on the rigid member. 18, Determine the change in length of hink BC 19, Determine the change in length of link DE. 20. Find the corresponding deflection of point A. TTT Mh: de be te eA Wad BC olorgater arr Pop af wausher AP: 0 ventiache™ “ Me=o) 1 Foe + Py, ~ (0) =0 Tye t Pac joo —-O Deporinatorn Magn : Pte > Sve ; S—p2 Ove yO he® we) he) He Ke ‘ ; Wyo= Ne —O he © and D Kimora : Bbchiin of pat GVA. Laie PB Pon te Si faity Pamgler; 7 er 07.707 bo br Bee 4 _— i: t A= 18, = nn 7 hee in. 4 oc a 314) ax =4.4M x10 i. 5. - Sh a 3(4) Gano") a. = 0s1% x10 Wa

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