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Dating Apps (from chosun news)

Dating apps are now increasing and it caters now to mature audience too not just
teenagers. Although, they have tighten the requirements and now they need to submit a
certificate of employment.

There are also apps for divorcees who are looking for a new love in their life, and only
people who have previously been married can join. Most people said they do it because
they do not know enough members of the opposite sex around them, or are shy to put
pressure on acquaintances to find them blind dates. 

However, there is also danger of deception as anyone can fabricate their profile if they

There is fun and as well as risks in this kind of game if you wish to hook up with anyone
you’ve never met before.


Cater- to offer
Audience- group of viewers or listeners of a work of art or entertainmen
Demographic- social statistics
Acquaintance- a person who one knows
Blind date- a social engagement or date with a person one has not previously met
Deception-trick, fraud
Deceive-to mislead, victimize, to be unfaithful
Fabricate- to fake, to forge
Hook up-to receive a good or service as a favor; to meet or begin to work with another person
or other people or to make out.
Booming- to grow or develop, increase


Who is the target market of these dating apps?

Why do you think dating app is booming nowadays? Heinlee/

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dating apps?

Why is there a risk on meeting an acquaintance or blind dates?

Have you tried to hook up with someone you don’t know?

What applications are useful for you and why?

Have you ever deceive or been deceive before in your life? What did you do?

How do you think the society know thinks of dating apps since Korea’s culture is
reserved? Are they now more open to new possibilities of meeting partners?

What do you think of fixed or arranged marriage?

What do you think of divorce?
Are you in favor or divorce?

Zika virus News

Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The most common symptoms
of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, headache.

The World Health Organization has declared Zika to be global public-health


 Zika virus could pose a threat similar to that of Ebola, which caused more than 11,000
deaths in West Africa. It is transmitted person to person via infected bodily fluids and
kills about 50 percent of its victims. 

Zika gets its name from a forest in Uganda where the virus was first identified in 1947.
The virus has spread worldwide, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, which also causes
dengue and chikungunya disease.

What must we do to prevent it?

Governments must stop the disease at its source by removing stagnant water where
mosquitoes breed and fumigating houses to kill the mosquito. 

Stagnant- not flowing

Breed- to produce
Fumigating- to treat (something contaminated or infected) 
Ebola- is caused by a virus family also found in west Africa, also a mosquito born virus.
Aedes- [ey-ee-deez] yellow fever mosquito
What are the common virus that you can get from mosquito?

Mers virus- virus you can get from camels

How can we prevent these mosquitoes to multiply and affect people?

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