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Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.Mobile Phone Support ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Requirement on IOS ......................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Requirement on Android ................................................................................................... 3
2.Install and Uninstall of Procedure ................................................................................................. 3
2.1.Install and uninstall on Iphone............................................................................................ 3
2.1.1. Install ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2. Uninstall ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.Install and uninstall on Android.......................................................................................... 4
2.2.1.Install ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2.Uninstall .................................................................................................................. 4
3.Software operation......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.Trial Mode and User Mode................................................................................................. 4
3.2.Account Register ................................................................................................................ 5
3.3.Forget Password ................................................................................................................. 6
3.4.User Login .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.5.Add Device ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5.1.Add device by ID..................................................................................................... 9
3.5.2.Add device by scanning the network. .................................................................... 10
3.5.3Add device by wifi config. ...................................................................................... 11
3.6.Video preview & layout .................................................................................................... 13
3.7. Video interface ................................................................................................................. 14
3.7.1.Amplification and shrink video ............................................................................. 15
3.7.2. Audio .................................................................................................................... 15
3.7.3.Lock screen ............................................................................................................ 15
3.7.4.Video configuration ............................................................................................... 15
3.7.5.Capture .................................................................................................................. 15
3.7.6.Record.................................................................................................................... 15
3.7.7.Image quality ......................................................................................................... 15
3.7.8.Exit ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.7.9.PTZ control ............................................................................................................ 15
3.7.10.Remote playback ................................................................................................. 16
3.8.Grouping ........................................................................................................................... 18
3.8.1.Add video Grouping .............................................................................................. 18
3.8.2.Video Group Management ..................................................................................... 19
3.9.Demo Center..................................................................................................................... 19
3.10.Change Password............................................................................................................ 20
3.11.Helps ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.12.Check the videos and images.......................................................................................... 22
3.13.Notifications ................................................................................................................... 23
3.14. Alarm Setting ................................................................................................................. 24

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1.Mobile Phone Support
1.1. Requirement on IOS

It should be ios7.1x at least on Iphone.

1.2. Requirement on Android

It should be android 4.0 at least on Android.

2.Install and Uninstall of Procedure

2.1.Install and uninstall on Iphone

2.1.1. Install

Search “IP Pro” on Apple store and download.( As Picture 2.1)


2.1.2. Uninstall

Keep pressing the IP Pro icon and click the ×to uninstall.

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2.2.Install and uninstall on Android


Scan the QR codes to install

For mobile phone, pls scan the QR code to download and install IP Pro.(Picture 2.2 is the QR code)



Keep pressing IP Pro and slide it into the “Trash Bin” icon.

3.Software operation

3.1.Trial Mode and User Mode

Open IP Pro and the Login Page would pop out.(As Picture 3.1)

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As Picture 3.1, there are Trial Mode and Registered User Mode. Trial mode is for unregistered user.
Trial Mode: Datas would not be arranged or saved by the file server so it won’t recover if it was deleted.
Registered User Mode: Data like Added Devices and Groupings will be managed by the file server. Data can
recover even though the data were erased or the Phone was changed. Data recovery can be realized by installing IP Pro
and Login again. Besides, Registered User Mode has functions like Device Reminder, Sending Alarm Messages, etc.

3.2.Account Register

For a new users, the Register interface is same as Picture 3.2.

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(1)Input the account you want in the first box
(2)Input your password in the second box. Tips: Password length is 6 ~ 12 letters, numbers or symbols
(3)Input the same password in the third box. If your account is available and your password in two box are the
same, click the Register will pop up the picture 3.3

(4)Input your mail, click binding mail and then will show My Device interface, and will send one confirm mail
at to your mail address.
(5)Login your mail to finish your register, after that you can change password through your mail.

3.3.Forget Password

If the passwords were forgotten, click Retrieve Password to reset it.

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form0-1 Specifications
Account Input your IP Pro account
Registered Email Input your registered email
Auth cod The Auth code received in your mail
Click “Getting Auth code” and an email with Auth code and
Getting Auth code links and tips would be sent. Do as required and change the
New Passwords New Password
Confirm and finish the
Confirm new password
new password
Back Go back to last page.

3.4.User Login

(1)As in Picture 3.1, pls input the account and password, then click Login
(2)Reminder will pop out if the account or password were incorrect.
(3)When login is succeed, the page would be like Picture 3.5

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3.5.Add Device

Click on the top of the right to add devices. (As in Picture 3.6)


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3.5.1.Add device by ID.

Add device by ID means adding devices with the ID of the facility. Trial Mode would be different from the
Registered User Mode on this.
a.For Trial Mode, Click Add device by ID (as in Picture 3.6) and a page would pop out. (as in Picture 3.7)

图 0.6
b.For Registered User Mode, Click Add device by ID (as in Picture 3.6) and a page would pop out. (as in Picture

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ID The device ID of IP Pro
Description of the Device Description(For example: Device model)
User Name User name of the added device
Password Password of the added device
Channels Trial Mode would require user to choose the channels base
on the added facilities. In Registered Mode, the server will
detect the channels automatically, it is no need for the users
to pick.
Submit Click “Submit” to add devices.

Click to go back to My Device.

Or scan the QR code to add device.

3.5.2.Add device by scanning the network.

When within the same network, the phone can detect the device and add it. Click “Add device by network”
(as in Picture3.6) to search for the available device.

If devices were found, click “add”. Tips will show up if failed.
Complement 1. Detect succeed: Click Completed and back to My Device page.
2. Detect failed: Exit the operation and back to My Device page

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Cancel the operation and back to My Device page.

3.5.3Add device by wifi config.

This method is for wireless devices, like compact digital camera. Input the wifi account and password, a QR
code with wifi information would created. Scan the code and after the connection was done, the device would be
added. Click Add device by wifi config(as in Picture 3.6) and a page would pop out(as Picture 3.10). Then enable
the DHCP, a new page(as Picture 3.11) would pop out.

Form 3-4 is Instruction of Add Device by Network Config., user can input the parameter as the instruction in the form.
SSID Wifi account which the mobile connects to
Passwords Wifi account which the mobile connects to

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Form3-5 is the instruction for DHCP(IP address will be distributed automatically).
DHCP The Phone will get the Network Configuration automatically and
in defaulted ON status. Manually operating is as in Picture 3.11
IP Address IP address of host, host is that computer that set up wifi router.
subnet mask Video recorder’s subnet mask
gateway Video recorder’s gate way
DNS Video recorder’s DNS

After settings, click “next” to show the QR code, as picture3.12 showed, click “next ” and enter the network setting
menu3.13, then will add device successfully.

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3.6.Video preview & layout

After adding device, pls go into “my device ” and choose different layout styles. As 3.14 showed:

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The layout styles can be changed by clicking

Under login mode ,there will be “offline ” prompt if the device is offline, if online, there will be no prompt.
Under Trial mode, no prompt of device online or offline
“Device ”& “Group” can be altered by sliding from left to right or right to left.

3.7. Video interface

Video interface is about video playing and device controlling , click the thumbnail view to show the video preview
interface, as 3.15 showed:

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3.7.1.Amplification and shrink video

double- click one window of video can reach full screen, double- click again can reach original shape

3.7.2. Audio

Click , open or close audio

3.7.3.Lock screen

click open or close lock screen

3.7.4.Video configuration

click this icon, can set different ways of video configuration, when channel is more than quantity
chanel show, can slide to change channel


click capture will take a Picture and save in your phone


click record will recording, click again will stop recording and save in your phone)

3.7.7.Image quality

can choose standard definition or high definition


double click return key exit video

3.7.9.PTZ control

click PTZ control

Note: It can realized PTZ control when connected the PTZ equipment.

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Form 0-6 function
direction key can control the angel of take a picture
camera automatically take a picture

patrol key
return interface
zoom can control the range of take a picture
iris adjust camera iris
focus adjust camera focus

3.7.10.Remote playback

click remote playback, will show the interface,as picture 0.17

Tips: the NVR,DVR which have HDD can recording and remote playback, IPC can’t playback video

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Form 0-7
play/ pause




return video preview interface

record trace choose record trace

channel click channel to change video channel, playback the channel
Time selection click to pop up the Time selection to choose the time to
Timeline Drag the Timeline to choose playback time

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3.8.1.Add video Grouping

As shown in Picture 3.18, click on the top right corner to add video, check it in Picture 3.19 interface, then enter
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the group name, check the device, and click "submit" to generate a video group.

3.8.2.Video Group Management

As shown in Picture 3.18, click on the "group" to see video grouping management interface, as shown in Picture

Form 0-8 Function Description

t video arrangement

Click refresh to gather data

Edit Modify the video group

Delete Delete the video group

3.9.Demo Center

The video in demo center is carefully selected for the user. Users do not need to add the device to watch
the live video .Click on the "demo center" to check the video, as shown in Picture 3.21

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Click arbitrary thumbnail preview to the demo interface, as shown in Picture 0.22.


3.10.Change Password

Enter into “me”, as shown in Picture 0.24.

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As in Picture 3.24, click “Change Password”, a page would show up as following, Picture 3.25 :


Old Password Pls use the present password
New Password Pls use the new Password you want

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Confirm To ensure two inputs of new passwords are correct.
Submit Submit the password changing application
Back Cancel out of the password changes and go back to Home Page


As in Picture 3.24, click “Help” to materialize the screenage, as Picture 3.26

图 0.24

Slide horizontally to switch the screenages and click on the top of left to exit.

3.12.Check the videos and images

Click “Local Records” as Picture 3.24. Click “Image/Video” and the pages would appear the image/video interface, as
Picture 3.29 and 3.30. You can check out the screenshots and videos if click Image/Video.

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As Picture3.24, click the page of “Notification” , which will display all alarm message. Click to get the newest
alarm message.

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3.14. Alarm Setting

As Picture 3.24, Click the page of“Alarm Setting” , as Picture 3.32. Enable the Alarm setting to receive alarm
messages if open”Alarm setting”.


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