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Alicia Cancino F 11 A


Privacy, what an interesting concept. It gives you the time to reflect upon your
world.  Most of the times people are not open about showing others their personal lives,
after all being known and understood in every sense gives the person some kind of
vulnerability and in that way i consider privacy a gift. All of the time we are surrounded by
people, friends, family, strangers, etc. That is why i prefer being indoors during my leisure
time. Indoor places give you privacy and it is easier to find a spot to be alone when you are
not outside exposed.

Free time, it is used to do enjoyable things. Those that relax you and can even make
you happy in the most interesting and peculiar ways. Some use it to play a challenging and
fun sport, others to do a more sedentary activity like painting, writing or reading. If you use
it to play a sport maybe your place to be is outdoors but that is not my case i usually like to
read, write or paint and for these activities i need being alone in a calm place, one where I
am not exposed to climate conditions, one where I will have the complete control of my

Most of the times young people are surrounded by others. Company is one of the
greatest consequences of human affective relationships but anything in excess is bad and
this is not the exception. Humans need time for themselves. Time to reflect, to be yourself
and a perfect time to do it is while you are doing the things you love. Being indoors
facilitates the process, in those kind of spaces you would not have any king of surprise
encounter, there you will have complete control of your surrounding and of the things you
do there.

People can enjoy outdoor spaces all of the time but indoor spaces are usually used to
do more technical stuff. On the other side changes are necessary, boredom can easily take
upon your life if you don’t make little interesting changes in your routine. It is not a
“human rule” that outdoors are for fun and indoors are not. Indoors can also be amusing
and pleasing places. Not only because of the privacy and control you will get but also
because it is a way of getting out of your typical routine.

In conclusion, even though outdoor places are usually chosen when talking
about where to spend your free time, indoors can also be great places because of the control
they give you of the things that surround you, because of privacy and also because it is not
the regular location, it is innovative and interesting.

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