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Encyclopedia of Perception

Chapter · January 2010


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2 authors:

Roger Cholewiak Steven A. Cholewiak

Princeton University University of California, Berkeley


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Tactile perception as a function of body site View project

Cutaneous communication View project

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e. bruce goldstein
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Encyclopedia of perception/edited by E. Bruce Goldstein.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4129-4081-8 (cloth)
1. Perception-Encyclopedias. 2. Senses and sensation-Encyclopedias. I. Goldstein, E. Bruce, 1941­

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Rolf A. Janke
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Mark Addis Michael Bach John D. Bonvillian

Birmingham City University University of Freiburg University of Virginia
Michael A. Akeroyd David Baguley Richard T. Born
MRC Institute of Hearing Cambridge University Hospital Harvard Medical School
Lorraine E. Bahrick John Brabyn
Mark V. Albert Florida International University Smith-Kettlewell Institute
Cornell University
Jason J. S. Barton Oliver Braddick
Robert S. Allison University of British Columbia University of Oxford
York University
Daphne Bavelier David H. Brainard
Torin Alter University of Rochester University of Pennsylvania
University of Alabama
Roy R. Behrens Myron L. Braunstein
Dima Amso University of Northern Iowa University of California, Irvine
Weill Medical College of
Marlene Behrmann Mary Bravo
Cornell University
Carnegie Mellon University Rutgers University
Ulrich Ansorge Peter A. Brennan
University of Osnabrueck Fabrizio Benedetti
University of Turin Medical University of Bristol
L. Gregory Appelbaum School Paul A. S. Breslin
Duke University Monell Chemical Senses Center
Sliman Bensmaia
Ian A. Apperly Johns Hopkins University Farran Briggs
University of Birmingham University of California, Davis
Tonya R. Bergeson
Aries Arditi Indiana University School of James R. Brockmole
Lighthouse International Medicine University of Edinburgh
Pablo Artal Lynne Esther Bernstein Peter Brugger
Universidad de Murcia House Ear Institute University Hospital Zurich
F. Gregory Ashby Geoffrey P. Bingham Isabelle Biilthoff
University of California, Indiana University Max Planck Institute of
Santa Barbara Biological Cybernetics
Olaf Blanke
Janette Atkinson Ecole Polytechnique Federale Dwight A. Burkhardt
University College London de Lausanne (EPFL) University of Minnesota

xx Contributors

Elke K. Buschbeck Colin W. G. Clifford Amy S. Desroches

University of Cincinnati University of Sydney University of Western
Laurel J. Buxbaum David Cole
Thomas Jefferson University University of Minnesota, Diana Deutsch
Duluth University of California,
Patrick Byrne San Diego
York University Han Collewijn
Erasmus University P. De Weerd
Gianluca Campana Maastricht University,
University of Padova ]. Enrique Cometto-Muniz The Netherlands
University of California,
Laura A. Carlson San Diego Vincent Di Lollo
University of Notre Dame Simon Fraser University
Christopher M. Conway
Catherine E. Carr Indiana University Patricia M. Di Lorenzo
University of Maryland Binghamton University
Erik P. Cook
Marisa Carrasco McGill University Hubert Dinse
New York University Ruhr-University Bochum
Joel M. Cooper
Joseph Carroll University of Utah Jochen Ditterich
Medical College of Wisconsin University of
Daniela Corbetta
California, Davis
E. Carstens University of Tennessee
University of California, Davis Tim Donovan
Lawrence K. Cormack
University of Cumbria
Vivien A. Casagrande University of Texas
Vanderbilt Medical School Barbara Dosher
Brian D. Corneil
University of
Craig A. Champlin University of Western Ontario
California, Irvine
University of Texas at Austin. Beverly J. Cowart
Richard L. Doty
Roger W. Cholewiak Monell Chemical Senses Center
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University School of Medicine
Trinity B. Crapse
Steven A. Cholewiak University of Pittsburgh
W. Jay Dowling
Rutgers University John Douglas Crawford University of Texas
Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard York University at Dallas
University of Southern Jody C. Culham Judy R. Dubno
Denmark University of Western Ontario Medical University of
Charles Chubb South Carolina
Delphine Dahan
University of California, Irvine University of Pennsylvania Grant E. DuBois
Susana T. L. Chung Coca-Cola Company
James L. Dannemiller
University of Houston Rice University Frank H. Durgin
Jennifer Church Chris Darwin Swarthmore College
Vassar College University of Sussex Matthew W. G. Dye
Thomas A. Cleland Charles Derby University of
Cornell University Georgia State University Rochester
Cutaneous Perception 343

personality psychology, as well as for cognitive Further Readings

psychology. The reasons are threefold. First, the Berlin, B., & Kay, P. (1969). Basic color terms: Their
cross-cultural examination of human perception universality and evolution. Berkeley: University of
allows us to examine in what ways, and to what California Press.
extent, our perception is flexibly structured and Chua, H. F., Boland, J., & Nisbett, R. E. (2005). Cultural
influenced by systems associated with sociocul­ variation in eye movements during scene perception.
tural experiences. Some researchers maintain Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
that basic visual processing exists independently USA, 102, 12629-12633.
of socioculturally shared beliefs. Their findings Kay, P., & Regier, T. (2007). Color naming universals:
suggest that the physical and structural systems The case of Berinmo. Cognition, 102, 289-298.
of visual perception are sufficient for under­ McCauler, R. N., & Henrich, J. (2006). Susceptibility to
standing human perception. However, under the the Muller-Lyer illusion, theory-neutral observation,
rubric of "new look psychology," which empha­ and the diachronic penetrability of the visual input
sizes influences of beliefs and values on visual system. Philosophical Psychology, 19, 1-23.
perception, researchers maintain that our per­ Nisbett, R. E., & Masuda, T. (2003). Culture and point
ceptions, even perceptions of so-called neutral of view. Proceedings of the National Academy of
stimuli, are fully influenced by our knowledge Sciences USA, 100, 11163-11175.
structures, which in turn are based on our expe­ Park, D., & Gutchess, A. (2006). The cognitive
riences. The underlying processes have not been neuroscience of aging and culture. Current Directions
fully investigated, however, and further research in Psychological Science, 15, 105-108.
IS necessary.
Roberson, D., Davis, I., & Davidoff, J. (2000). Color
categories are not universal: Replications and new
Second, social and cultural psychologists who
evidence from a stone-age culture. Journal of
have identified cultural variation in social cognition­
Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 369-398.
such as causal attribution, self-perception, judg­
Winawer, J., Witthoft, N., Frank, M. c., Wu, L., Wade,
ment, inference, and categorization-have long
A. R., & Boroditsky, L. (2007). Russian blues reveal
awaited more objective measurements than previ­ effects of language on color discrimination.
ously existing quasi-experimental and quasi-survey Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
data collection, which was based mainly on par­ USA, 104, 7780-7785.
ticipants' self-reports. Current technological Witkin, H. A. (1967). A cognitive-style approach to
advances allow cross-cultural researchers to scruti­ cross-cultural research. International Journal of
nize underlying processes of these variations in Psychology, 2, 233-250.
human behaviors.
Finally, the theoretical frameworks of percep­
tion research do not sufficiently account for the
functions of emotions, motivation, and psycho­
logical states. Since the emergence of new look CUTANEOUS PERCEPTION

psychology, however, substantial numbers of stud­

ies have suggested that such factors play an impor­ The skin, far from being just a passive wrapping
tant role in perceptual processes. Again, the for the body, provides a wealth of capabilities
findings of cultural influence on perception mutu­ that combine to allow for extraordinarily com­
ally accelerate further investigation into the com­ plex patterns of perceptual experience. Although
plexity of human perception. cutaneous perception might be taken for granted
by most persons, for individuals with visual or
Takahiko Masuda auditory disabilities, their impression of the
See also Aesthetic Appreciation of Pictures; Attention and
world can depend heavily on their senses of
Emotion; Color Perception; Eye Movements and touch. Cutaneous perception results from combi­
Action in Everyday Life; Eye Movements During nations of responses from skin receptors, evoked
Cognition and Conversation; Individual Differences in by mechanical and thermal stimuli, and, occa­
Perception; Nonveridical Perception; Social Perception; sionally, chemical and painful events. Historically,
Visual Illusions; Visual Scene Perception there has been some question about the structures
344 Cutaneous Perception

and mechanisms that mediate these percepts, par­ their babies' bathwater, have always known) than
tially because it is so difficult to isolate the sus­ other areas of the arm.
pect components, and because some sites (such as The skin has two broad divisions-glabrous
the cornea of the eye) are sensitive to touch, tem­ (smooth) skin, such as the fingertips, and hairy
perature, and pain, yet do not possess specialized skin, which covers most of the human body.
structures. Nevertheless, converging data from Distinctions between these two skin types include
anatomy, physiology, and experiments using the presence or absence of hairs and the intricate
"psychological dissection" have led to strong labyrinthine fingerprints. Most research studies of
contemporary models of underlying structural­ the skin and its capabilities have concentrated on
functional relationships. glabrous sites, particularly the fingers and hands.
Mechanical stimuli include static pressure, From these experiments, physiological models of
movement-such as stroking and vibration-and cutaneous perception that relate particular char­
even skin stretch. Thermal stimuli can result from acteristics of tactile experience, such as roughness
warming or cooling shifts in skin temperature, or stretch, have been proposed (Joel Greenspan
with extremes that produce pain. Even chemical and Sandy Bolanowski provide a detailed history
stimuli, such as pain-relieving salves, generate and description). Because of differences in the
numerous sensations, including cooling from men­ receptor populations between the skin types, these
thol and heating and irritation from capsaicin. models based on glabrous skin should be extrapo­
And electricity, the great nonspecific stimulus, can lated to areas such as the limbs or trunk, only
evoke similar perceptual experiences, bypassing with great caution. This entry discusses cutaneous
receptors to activate nerve fibers directly, mimick­ perception in relation to intensity, space, and time
ing sensations produced by normal ("adequate") and describes real and virtual tactile surfaces and
stimulation of the skin. To complicate matters fur­ environments.
ther, these qualities can combine to evoke complex
illusory percepts-for example, cold pressure stim­
Cutaneous Perception and Intensity
uli can feel wet (like touching mercury), and the
perception of movement can be produced by a Research has shown that tactile perception of
rapid sequence of touches. simple points, or "asperities," can be extraordi­
Cutaneous perception can result from passive narily acute-we can feel (and localize) 1 microm­
contact with static or moving point-like ("punc­ eter "bumps" on an otherwise smooth surface
tate") stimuli, such as a mosquito lighting on our with our fingertips. Our experience of feeling
arms, or extended 2-dimensional surfaces, such as imperfections along the surface of an automobile
sandpaper, the tines of a comb, or even dense or piece of furniture attests to this ability. Place
vibrotactile displays like the Optacon, a machine that bump into motion by vibrating it, and our
that blind people use to read print. Similarly, we sensitivity can improve a great deal, under certain
are sensitive to changing stimuli, such as the warm­ conditions. Vibrating an area on the fingertip the
ing of a coffee cup, and are aware, through the size of a pencil eraser at a frequency of about 250
whole body's surface, when the ambient room tem­ hertz (Hz) can be felt at signal amplitudes of much
perature drops several degrees. More complex less than a micrometer. The fingertips, sometimes
percepts can be evoked from active exploration of characterized as the "retina" of the skin, are the
simple or multidimensional stimuli, as when we try most sensitive to vibration. Move that stimulator
to identify a Braille character, determine a tomato's to the palm of the hand, the wrist, forearm, or
ripeness, or assemble a wristwatch. Sensitivities to chest, and sensitivity drops by a factor of as much
stimuli vary across the body, leading to different as 100. One of the underlying mechanisms for this
perceived qualities. This situation holds because sensitivity gradient is the reduction in the number
the structures that subserve tactile experience, the of receptors and changes in receptor types. For
cutaneous receptors, differ in type and density from example, Roland Johansson and Ake Vallbo report
one site to another. For example, the elbow has that there are more than 130 Meissner's corpuscles
recently been empirically shown to be a more sensi­ per square centimeter (cm l ) in the skin of the index
tive site for thermal stimuli (as mothers, testing fingertip, whereas at the base of the thumb, there
Cutaneous Perception 345

are fewer than 30/cmI, and they don't seem'to exist the "coolness" of the tip. On the back of the hand
at all in hairy skin. most touched points will be felt as neutral, but occa­
The maximum intensity that can be felt depends sionally, "cold spots" will brightly announce their
on a number of stimulus conditions, including site, presence. These demonstrate that the distribution of
frequency, contactor size, and age. Usually pain or cutaneous receptors is neither dense nor uniform.
tissue damage defines the upper limit, but a usable There is an interaction between this punctate sensi­
dynamic range between just noticing a stimulus tivity and perceived intensity: The skin's sensitivity
and a comfortably "loud" level can be as much as to warmth (as well as to higher-frequency vibra­
10,000:1. Despite this large range, if we wanted to tions) depends on the area of stimulation. Specifically,
use tactile signals-say, in a cardiac emergency the larger the region warmed or the size of the con­
code indicating a range of importance from "Check tactor, the "louder" the sensation, a characteristic
your blood pressure" to "Call 911!"-eognitive called spatial summation.
limitations restrict the number of useful intensity The ability to distinguish whether one or two
levels to three or four, even though we can dis­ points have been touched depends on how far
criminate many more differences when directly apart they are, increasing from about a millimeter
compared. Roger Cholewiak consulted on this on the fingertip to several centimeters on less-sen­
kind of problem in the development of an implanted sitive areas such as the abdomen or thigh.
cardiac monitor, the AngelMed Guardian, in Interestingly, there are certain "anchor points"
which subcutaneous tactile feedback is used to near which localization is better. Although the
warn the user of the severity of an identified condi­ limb joints serve this function, the midline of the
tion. Finally, Joseph Stevens and his colleagues body-front and back of the trunk-have recently
have quantified changes over body loci that occur been shown by Roger Cholewiak and his col­
with aging. These are generally attributed to the leagues to anchor near-precise localizations.
reduction in number and "health" of the most Finally, as Stevens and his colleagues have shown,
sensitive touch structures in elderly persons. spatial acuity deteriorates with age, as do many
perceptual functions.
A one-dimensional stimulus such as a vibrating
Cutaneous Perception and Space
point might be employed for a kind of tactile
Of the spatial modalities, touch falls between vision Morse code, or to signal the presence of an event,
and audition in its acuity, being less precise than but the temporal characteristics of the skin limit
vision but more precise than 'hearing. It is not diffi­ transmission rates for complex streams. More use­
cult to locate an insect on the arm because it bends ful information can be communicated to a person
hairs while it walks about. Generally, the ability to with two-dimensional displays, such as Braille cells,
localize vibrations on the 2 square meters (m2 ) of incorporating spatial information. Experienced
the skin can be quite good, as long as they can be Braille readers can read at 60 words per minute
felt. This ability has been tested empirically with (wpm), although 300 wpm rates have been
both active and passive presentations of stimuli. reported. (Visual rates range from 250 to 400-600
Active exploration mimics the typical way we use wpm.) What limits the processing of tactile pat­
our skin in everyday life ("haptics"). Passive stimu­ terns? One important factor is masking, in which
lus presentations, however, allow the researcher to stimuli preceding or following a pattern degrade
control the signal more precisely, but at the expense its processing. This degradation can take the form
of losing the richness of kinesthetic and motor feed­ of changes in sensitivity, or in the ability to recog­
back that enhances "everyday" spatial percepts. In nize the pattern. In the latter case, depending on
the same way that sensitivity to a stimulus varies the relative shapes and the timing between pat­
over the body, so does our ability to localize an terns, features can be dropped, added, or distorted.
event: Touch the fingertip lightly with a pencil point For example, a "P" might be perceived as an "F,"
and it will be felt every time; on the back of the or an "H" felt as an "A," as James Craig's exten­
hand it will be felt often, but not always, whereas sive work has shown. These interactions typically
on the chest a light touch might be missed at many occur when presentations occur within 200 milli­
loci. A sidelight of this demonstration is to attend to seconds (ms) of one another, regardless of whether
346 Cutaneous Perception

they are static or scanned across the finger. described as temporal summation. But not only do
Another type of spatial interaction, reviewed by stimuli briefer than about 200 ms have to be pre­
Lynette Jones and Susan Lederman, is related to sented at higher intensities even to be felt, for dura­
patterns "drawn" on the skin's surface (graphes­ tions far below than this, vibration will hot feel
thesia), and the position of the body part in space. periodic (nor will sound have tonal quality-the
Here, identification of similarly shaped letters "atonal" interval). However, because the more­
(such as b, d, p, q) drawn on the hand, arm, thigh, sensitive skin receptors tend to respond best to
or forehead can depend on the limb's orientation transients, even more durative stimuli (either pres­
and "point of view" (egocentric vs. allocentric) sure or vibration) won't necessarily be appreciated
taken by the viewer. These data suggest that as being proportionally stronger and might lead to
mobile body sites should be used for tactile dis­ the sensory phenomenon known as adaptation.
plays only with caution. The torso has been chosen That is, like the constant pressure of the clothes on
to present tactile information about the environ­ our body, prolonged vibration leads to a reduction
ment for navigation in cases of sensory disability, in apparent intensity.
or for displays for situation awareness (such as So, the changes in the several perceptual quali­
Angus Rupert's aircraft Tactile Situation Awareness ties associated with temporal summation lead to a
System) to augment overloaded "major" senses. recommended upper limit for vibrotactile bursts of
about 200 ms, beyond which sensation magnitude
can fall. There is a similar range of thermal sensi­
Cutaneous Perception and Time
tivity (our "physiological zero") that occurs over a
Regarding temporal acuity, the skin again takes limited span of ambient temperatures where we
the middle ground, this time being more acute than may feel neither warm nor cool, given enough time
vision but less acute than audition. Tests of tempo­ to adapt. All our sensory systems are tuned to
ral order indicate that there is some parity among respond to changes, considering constant stimuli
these modalities (the chemical senses usually being less informative: Sitting still provides little infor­
considered far slower), so that regardless of the mation about our clothes, but move the arm and
stimulus, a separation of about 20 ms is required we can become aware of the fabric around our
to identify the order of two events (brief clicks, sleeve, if we pay attention. Given these limitations,
flashes of light, or taps on the skin). We are also a vibrotactile Morse code could result in commu­
able to detect gaps in prolonged single-frequency nication with relatively slow transmission rates
vibration or vibrotactile "noise" (where many fre­ (Hong Tan and Nat Durlach showed that at most,
quencies are combined), but again, depending on a about 20 wpm can be achieved tactually, the ama­
number of factors, such as age and stimulus inten­ teur level for acoustic Morse).
sity, gaps shorter than 250 ms are difficult for Interestingly, when trying to determine whether
observers to appreciate. one or two points have touched the skin, introduc­
Like vision and audition, tactile perception is ing a difference in time can make the task trivial.
limited to a narrow range of temporal variation Even when identifying the orientation of two-di­
(frequencies). Whereas the other mechanical sense, mensional gratings (similar to the tines on a
audition, has a useful frequency range from 20 Hz . comb), if the fingertip can stroke the surface rather
to about 20 kilohertz (KHz), that of the skin is than have it passively touched, the array becomes
more limited, from about 20 to 300 Hz. There are a spatiotemporal display and the groove orienta­
instances of low frequency sensitivity, say to sway­ tion becomes immediately obvious. Research has
ing of a tall building, but those experiences are shown that grid orientation tasks clearly show the
often ephemeral and the sensations confused with influences of aging on the ability to distinguish
internal body functions. And, like vision and audi­ texture, as long as stimuli are passively presented.
tion, a tactile stimulus has to stay on for some However, allow the finger to stroke the surface
minimal time before the richness of its qualities and there is no difference between a 10-year-old
can emerge. A pressure pulse (a "touch") can be and an octogenarian.
felt if it is as brief as 2 ms, and increases in per­ Because movement is a change in location
ceived intensity with duration, a phenomenon over time (spatiotemporal), it has a number of
Cutaneous Perception 347

perceptible qualities in those domains, such as underlies tactile perception of texture. Additional
direction, distance, and velocity. Greg Essick has information, such as from vision, can form an
shown that movement can be generated on the even stronger percept.
skin in a variety of ways (such as a brush dragged Combinations of these spatial and temporal
across the skin or a series of taps on individual qualities in tactile exploration can make us aware
vibrators), and that we are good at identifying its of a number of physical surface qualities, including
direction, unless the movement is very fast. Our stiffness, force, and friction. To assess the ripeness
perception of extent and "straightness" also of a pear, it's often helpful to squeeze the fruit and
depend on velocity: If the sequence is too fast, feel its stiffness. Stiffness-the force exerted by a
perceived extent may be foreshortened, but if it surface proportional to the distance it is com­
is too slow, the path may wander. With appro­ pressed or stretched-ean be perceived because of
priate controls, illusory motion (akin to vision's the mechanical stimuli (static pressure and move­
"Phi") can be observed with only two tactile ment) and the proprioceptive feedback of the
stimuli, such as vibrations at locations separated joints. Force is a bit more difficult to distinguish
by 10 em and 100 ms. A different illusory experi­ from other characteristics because the static pres­
ence, described by Frank Geldard, is evoked bY' a sure sensed by the cutaneous receptors is supple­
sequence of, say, five taps at one site, followed mented by skin stretch and displacement. Some
by a sixth at a second site about 10 centimeters attributes of a surface, such as friction, might be
(em) away, with inter-tap intervals of about 50 appreciated using vision, but the skin often pro­
ms. In this case (sensory saltation), the series will vides information that would be otherwise imper­
be felt evenly distributed between the two sites. ceptible, such as the stickiness of flypaper. Although
In all of these, the sensations of movement can vision helps to guide the extremities, haptic infor­
generate tactile "vectors" within virtual environ­ mation ultimately provides information about the
ments for communication systems and appear to complex forces (e.g., weight and friction) and com­
have correlates in the central nervous system. pliancy of surfaces, as Steven Cholewiak, Hong
Tan, and David Ebert have shown. These qualities,
as well as texture, are important for appreciating
Tactile Surfaces and Environments:

surfaces in everyday and virtual realities.

Real and Virtual

There is particular interest in using cutaneous

Because of the interest in applying tactile displays perception and haptics to enhance skill learning
to enhance virtual environments, as well as for in many virtual environments such as telesur­
sensory substitution and augmentation, it has gery. Telesurgery, performed using a human­
become important to study the ability of the skin controlled robot, relies on surgeons' abilities to
to appreciate physical dimensions of real-world map their movements with controllers to the
surfaces and structures. As children, we would lay three-dimensional locations of the robot's
paper on the ground and create patterns with appendages. It requires long and tedious practice
crayons, the tip rising and falling with the under­ proficiency. Any features that could make the
lying surface. This texture was transmitted to surgery more "life-like" can potentially smooth
cutaneous receptors via the crayon's vibration, the transition. By providing haptic force and
and the surface roughness perceived through two cutaneous feedback (e.g., texture, pressure, tem­
primary sources. The vibrotactile information, perature, stiffness), learning time may be reduced
spatial variation over time, conveys something and the procedure taught to a wider array of
about a surface's features, but alone does not pro­ individuals, who may have avoided the technol­
vide enough information to form the percept of a ogy because of its perceptual sterility.
texture (e.g., a vibrating cell phone does not feel
like sandpaper). Adding proprioceptive feed­ Roger W. Cholewiak and Steven A. Cholewiak
back-information from muscles and joints­
gives egocentric knowledge of the relative locations See also Cutaneous Perception: Physiology; Haptics;
of each body part. The combined information Texture Perception: Tactile; Vibratory Perception;
from vibrotactile and proprioceptive sources Virtual Reality: TouchlHaptics
348 Cutaneous Perception: Physiology

Further Readings
Angel Medical Systems. (2008). The AngelMed Guardian
System. Retrieved August 24, 2008, Angel Medical
Systems Product page, http://www.angel-med.coml
A major challenge in neurobiology is to under­
stand how the brain constructs mental images of
Blankenburg, F., Ruff, c., Deichmann, R., Rees, G., &
the world around us. The mental images that arise
Driver, J. (2006). The cutaneous rabbit illusion affects
human primary sensory cortex somatotopically. Public
from the sense of touch are based on continuously
Library of Science, Biology, 4, 369. changing patterns of electrical activity called
Cholewiak, R. W., Brill, J. c., & Schwab, A. (2004). action potentials that are evoked in the nerves that
Vibrotactile localization on the abdomen: Effects of innervate the skin, muscles, and joints. The
place and space. Perception & Psychophysics, 66(6), dynamic patterns of action potentials that come
970-987. from the skin are the basis of cutaneous percep­
Cholewiak, S. A., Tan, H. Z., & Ebert, D. S. (2008). tion. These patterns are sent to the central nervous
Haptic identification of stiffness and force magnitude. system via two main nuclei located in the brain
Proceedings of the Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for stem and thalamus. Once the information reaches
Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 87-91. the cortex, it is systematically transformed through
Craig, J. (2002). Identification of scanned and static several processing stages into an alternate trans­
tactile patterns. Perception & Psychophysics, 64(1), formed pattern that is matched against previously
107-120. stored patterns to evoke mental images of objects
Craig, J., & Sherrick, C. (1982). Dynamic tactile displays. and surfaces in contact with the skin. The chal­
In W. Schiff & E. Foulke (Eds.), Tactual perception: A lenge facing neurobiologists is to understand the
sourcebook (pp. 209-233). Cambridge, UK: anatomical pathways and neural circuits that
Cambridge University Press. transform the patterns from the initial pattern into
Essick, G. (1998). Factors affecting direction the representation that underlies memory, in other
discrimination of moving tactile stimuli. In J. Morley words, the challenge is to understand the neural
(Ed.), Neural aspects in tactile sensation (Vol. 127, pp. code(s) that underlie behavior.
1-54). New York: Elsevier. When exploring and manipulating an object
Geldard, F. (1982). Saltation in somesthesis. with our hands, we readily appreciate many quali­
Psychological Bulletin, 92, 136-175. ties or features of the object. These features include
Greenspan, J., & Bolanowski, S. (1996). The characteristics such as its size and shape, the tex­
psychophysics of tactile perception and its peripheral ture of the surface, its weight, and dynamic prop­
physiological basis. In L. Kruger (Ed.), Pain and touch
erties, such as whether it is stationary or is moving
(pp. 25-104). San Diego, CA: Academic.
in our hand. Many studies have shown that our
Heller, M., & Schiff, W. (1991). The psychology of
ability to discriminate and identify objects is based
touch. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
on a rapid pattern recognition mechanism. For
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