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Code Policy

Employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and present a neat, professional
appearance at all times. Whether or not your job responsibilities place you in direct guest contact, you represent the
company with your appearance as well as your actions. The properly attired individual helps to create a favorable image
for the company to the public and fellow employees.
Any staff member who does not meet the attire or grooming standards set by his or her department will be subject to
corrective action and may be asked to leave the premises to change clothing. Hourly paid staff members will not be
compensated for any work time missed because of failure to comply with designated workplace attire and grooming
Certain staff members may be required to meet special dress, grooming and hygiene standards, such as wearing uniforms
or protective clothing, depending on the nature of their job. Uniforms and protective clothing may be required for certain
positions and will be provided to employees by Salata.
Although it is impossible and undesirable to establish an absolute dress and appearance code, Salata will apply a
reasonable and professional workplace standard to individuals on a case-by-case basis. Management may make
exceptions for special occasions or in the case of inclement weather, at which time employees will be notified in advance.
An employee unsure of what is appropriate should check with Human Resources.

The following are Dress Code Guidelines that must be followed by all employees who work at the restaurants or
Dressings facility on a daily basis.

• Neat and clean Salata uniform must be worn at all times.

• Non-slip black shoes must be worn at all times.
• Hair must be clean and pulled back in longer than chin length.
• Only jewelry that is complimentary to uniform may be worn, provided it is health code compliant.
• Hands must be cleaned and manicured at all times.
• False fingernails are not permitted.
• Colored nail polish is not permitted.
• Avoid use of scented lotions and excessive use of perfume and cologne.
• Attend to personal hygiene to prevent body odor and halitosis.
• No bright colored hair is permitted.
• Beard, mustache, and sideburns must be neatly trimmed and groomed at all times.
• Facial piercings are not permitted while at work.
• Body art must be covered and non-visible.
• A BIG smile is the most important part of your appearance.

The following are Dress Code Guidelines that must be followed by all employees who work at the Corporate office.
Business Casual attire will apply to Salata’s office environment, except on Fridays, when Casual Dress attire will be
permitted. Examples of acceptable Business Casual attire include slacks, khakis, skirts and dresses that are at least mid-
thigh length, polo or golf shirts, and blouses. However, Business Casual does not include the wearing of jeans, athletic
clothing, shorts, non-company branded T-shirts, bareback clothing, hats, tennis shoes, flip flops and similar items of
casual attire as they do not present a businesslike appearance.

Casual Dress attire will be permitted on Friday and on other specific days designated by management, except if meeting
with external partners or during special events, such as Grand Openings or other specified and announced periods when
Casual Dress attire will be suspended and Business Casual attire will be required. Examples of acceptable Casual Dress
attire include well-tailored jeans, tennis shoes and T-shirts.
Dress Code Policy


If a staff member’s poor hygiene or use of too much perfume/cologne is an issue, the supervisor should discuss the
problem with Human Resources. Human Resources and supervisor will discuss the problem with the staff member in
private and point out the specific areas to be corrected. If the problem persists, supervisors should follow the normal
corrective action process.

Reasonable accommodation of religious beliefs

Salata recognizes the importance of individually held religious beliefs to persons within its workforce. Salata will
reasonably accommodate a staff member’s religious beliefs in terms of workplace attire unless the accommodation
creates an undue hardship. Accommodation of religious beliefs in terms of attire may be difficult in light of safety issues
for staff members. Those requesting a workplace attire accommodation based on religious beliefs should be referred
Human Resources.

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