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Nearly every error on WRITING AND LANGUAGE TEST question will be traceable to one of seven major
grammatical mistakes. We call these ‘SPATIG’ the 7 DEADLY SINS
1. Subject-Verb Agreement and Trimming Sentences
2. Pronouns and Punctuation
3. Parallelism and Cohesion
4. Adverbs, Adjectives and misplaced modifiers
5. Tenses and Moods and Non finites
6. Idioms, Wrong Words, and Double Negatives
7. Graphs
In the next section, we take a much closer look at each of the 7 DEADLY SINS, complete with examples of each.

First we want to show you the four-step method we’ve developed to help you pick out where the 7 DEADLY SINS
lie in every WRITING AND LANGUAGE TEST question you face. Here’s a chart of the four steps.
Step 1 Understand the purpose of the Paragraph.
Step 2 Read and Decode the meaning of sentence and try to SENSE the SIN
Step 3 Replace the SIN, if any, with your own words or phrases.
Step 4 If there is NO SIN, go with NO CHANGE.

The same types of grammar errors pop up again and again on WRITING AND LANGUAGE TEST question. Our list
of 7 DEADLY SINS tells you what kinds of errors to look and listen for, but you also need to know precisely what
each one means. Below we provide a bit more background and plenty of examples to help make sure you’ve got
each SIN squared away in your head.

A word of advice: When going through the examples below, read them out loud to yourself. Hearing what sounds
right and what sounds wrong can help burn these grammar rules into your brain. Also, we know from experience
that it’s easy to space out while studying grammar. Talking out loud will help keep you focused. Ready to get
SIN 1: Subject-Verb Agreement [ICCS]
The fundamental rule about the grammatical relationships between subjects and verbs is this:
• If you have a singular subject, you must use a singular verb. If you have a plural subject, you must use a
plural verb.
It sounds simple, and usually it is. For example, you know that it’s incorrect to say candy are good or concerts is fun.
However, in a few instances, subject-verb agreement can get hairy. There are four varieties of subject-verb
problems the SAT Writing section loves to test:
1. When the subject comes after the verb [Inverted Sentence]
2. When you have an either/or or neither/nor construction [Correlative Conjunctions]
3. When the subject seems plural but isn’t [confusing subject]
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4. When the subject and verb are separated [Separated verb]

Remember, it’s not necessary to remember the name of the problem—you certainly don’t have to memorize this
list. It’s only necessary to check subjects and verbs carefully to see if they match up. Knowing the different ways
subjects and verbs can go astray will help you check more efficiently.
Subject After the Verb:: [Inverted Sentence]
In most sentences, the subject comes before the verb. The SAT tries to throw you off by giving you a sentence or
two in which the subject comes after the verb and the subject-verb match-up is incorrect.

1) Introductory there (Pseudo Subject)

Even though Internet is an essential tool for students to prepare assignment of their courses,
1 there is many people who refused to allow using internet, saying it might deviate students’
b) there were
c) there are
d) are there
The answer is C. The SAT frequently uses this exact formulation, so be wary if you see a comma followed by the
word there. In this kind of sentence, it’s tempting to assume that just because the word there comes before the verb
is, there is the subject—but it’s not. People is the subject. And since people is plural, the matching verb also must be
plural. Is is a singular verb, and therefore incorrect in this sentence.

2) Prepositional Phrase

Even when you don’t see the red flag of there is, don’t just assume that the subject always comes before the verb.
Look at the following sentence:

Atop my sundae, a colossal mass of ice cream, whipped cream and sprinkles, 2sits two maraschino
b) two sit
c) sit two
d) sit one

Tricky! The answer is C. Because the things doing the sitting are two maraschino cherries (plural subject), you
need to use sit (plural verb). The sentence should read Atop my sundae, a colossal mass of ice cream, whipped
cream, and sprinkles, sit two maraschino cherries. Why is this so sneaky? The subject, maraschino cherries,
comes after the verb, sits. With all the singular stuff floating around—one sundae, one mass of ice cream and
whipped cream—it’s easy to assume that the verb should be singular, too. Look out for that kind of backwards

3) Negative Adverb or adverb Phrase

Not for the world 3is the typical women going to hurt them who most often neglect their feelings.
b) are
c) are the
d) is
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REGULAR: ‘Doctors are seldom sympathetic to men who use drugs or alcohol to mask depression.’
INVERSION: ‘Seldom are doctors sympathetic to men who use drugs or alcohol to mask depression.’

Here is a third example:

EXERCISE: invert these sentences?

1) The time has never been more opportune to consider alternative energy sources.
2) There are seldom occasions when volunteers are recognized publically.
3) We rarely see such convincing acting in Bollywood films.
4) People never even ventured beyond their village.
5) There are no circumstances where audience members may consume alcohol. (Under no circumstances)
6) Nobody has won so many matches for his team since 1994. (Not since)
7) We won't consider you for the basketball team until you grow up. (Not until)
8) The gang didn't know that the police had them under surveillance. (Little)
9) You can't use my car at any time. (At no time)

Subject and Verb Are Separated

One of the SAT’s most diabolical tricks is to put the subject here and the verb waaaaay over yonder. The test-
writers hope that by the time you get to the verb, you’ll forget the subject and end up baffled.

Sundaes with whipped cream and cherries, while good if consumed in moderation, 1 is heinous if
eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

b) are heinously
c) are heinous
d) heinous are
In this sentence, the subject (sundaes) is at the beginning of the sentence, while the verb (is) is miles away.
When this happens, it’s helpful to bracket clauses that separate the subject and the verb so you can still see
how the subject and verb should relate. If you ignore the phrase here (while good if consumed in moderation),
you’re left with sundaes is heinous. That’s grammatically heinous. So C is the right answer.

This separation can be caused by :

1) Prepositional Phrase : A preposition usually begins the prepositional phrase, is linked by an article (a,
an, the) to a noun or pronoun, which usually ends the prepositional phrase.
To them (preposition + pronoun) : The questions to them was/were difficult.
Under a tree (preposition + article + noun) : Animals under a tree is/are safe from the storm.
Through the door (preposition + article + noun) : Leaflets through the door is/are a way of advertisement.

If the conjunction AND follows the noun or pronoun, the prepositional phrase usually continues to the next
noun or pronoun.
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Between Harry and me (preposition + noun + conjunction + pronoun)
The quarrel between Harry and me was/ were bad.

2) Present Participle phrase : The girls fetching water in pitchers from a pond is/are active.
3) Past Participle phrase : The girls annoyed by a local boy is/are reporting to the councilor..
4) Infinitive phrase : The poison to stop the infestation of rats is/are dangerous.
5) Adjective Clause : The girls who fetch water in pitchers from a pond is/are active.

Correlative Conjunction
In neither/nor and either/or constructions, you’re always talking about two things, so it’s tempting to assume that
you always need a plural verb.
But if the two things being discussed are singular, you need a singular verb.
For example, it’s correct to say, Neither Jason nor Sandra acts well, because if you broke the components of the
sentence in two, you would get Jason acts well and Sandra acts well. It’s incorrect to say, Neither Jason or Sandra act
well, because if you break that sentence into its components, you get Jason act well and Sandra act well.
It can be hard to hear this error, so be sure to check subject-verb match-ups carefully when you see a sentence like
this one:

Neither Mobashshira nor Ameera 1 measure up to Dibya.

b) measuring
c) measures
d) measurable
Even though the sentence mentions two people (Mobashshira and Ameera) who don’t measure up to Dibya,
both of those people are singular nouns. Therefore, the verb must be singular. Measure is a plural verb, when it
should be a singular one, so C is the answer.
Tricky Subjects
1) Seem Plural [GEAN]
There are a bunch of confusing subjects out there that are singular but masquerade as plural. It’s easy to get
tripped up by these singular subjects and mistakenly match them with plural verbs. Here are the leading
group either audience none
each anybody amount neither
everybody anyone nobody number
everyone America no one
In this sentence, for example, nobody seems plural:
Of all the students in my class, nobody, not even me are excited about the new teacher.
Nobody is always a singular noun, so it needs to be matched with a singular verb. The answer is C. The sentence
should read, Of all the students in my class, nobody, not even me, is excited about the new teacher. Look carefully at
all seemingly plural subjects to make sure they’re not singular subjects masquerading as plural ones.
Be particularly careful with phrases like

as well as,
along with, and
in addition to.

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Unit 1: Chawakbazar, Gulzar, Fulkoli Bhaban1st floor, Unit 2: Level 3, House 86, Road 7, O.R.Nizam R/A, GEC

Like the neither/nor construction, these phrases can trick you into thinking they require a plural verb.

The teacher as well as all the students 1 have started dancing at the party.
b) have starting
c) has started
d) has starting

The actual subject here is teacher. Since teacher is a singular subject, the verb must be singular, too. The
presence of the phrase as well as does not make the subject plural. Even though there are many people dancing, the
teacher is the only subject of this sentence. C is the answer. the sentence should read.

1 APPARATUS The divers checked their diving apparatus.

2 BISON Large herds of bison used to live on the plains of North America.

3 CORPS The officer corps have called for the troops to be withdrawn.

4 CROSSROADS The crossroads is very dangerous

5 DEER Deer are found throughout the world except in Africa & Australia.

6 FISH Several large fish live in the pond.

7 HEADQUARTERS The headquarters of this company is in our city.

8 OFFSPRING She came round on Monday with her numerous offspring.

9 TROUT Trout are similar to salmon. But they are smaller and spotted.

10 SALMON Trout are similar to salmon. But they are smaller and spotted.

11 SERIES He wrote many series of articles devoted to modern farming Methods.

12 SPECIES Mountain gorillas are endangered species.

13 SPACECRAFT How many unmanned spacecraft were sent to the moon.

14 WORKS The works has many facilities for workers

15 SHEEP Wool comes from sheep.

1 Cattle The cattle are lowing in the barn

2 Folk The folk in the country are happy.

3 Police The police are patrolling in this area.

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4 Personnel The personnel of this office are very helpful.

5 Poultry Our poultry live in much better conditions than many other people's

6 People The village people are superstitious.

7 Staff The Staff of this office are very helpful.

8 Swine These swine must be kept out of garden.

9 Vermin Vermin destroy our property and carry disease.


ABORIGINES Aborigines are members of the tribes.

ANNALS Their annals were a mere compilation of facts

ALMS Alms are given to the beggar.

Sheep’s Brains are very delicious food.

**NOTE: The brains= The most intelligent person in a group(always singular)

BRAINS Sakiba is the brains in my in-laws’ family.

All teachers sent congratulations to DIBYATANAY when he achieved 2320 in SAT


DREGS Murderers are the dregs of the society.

DEVOTIONS Devotions are best performed in silence.

EARNINGS Her earnings from flower sales were TK 20000 last year.

ENTRAILS The sofa's entrails were sticking out in places

ENVIRONS The environs of the city are even more beautiful than the city itself.

FETTERS The fetters of mortgage have removed my mental peace.

NUPTIALS Their nuptials were celebrated flamboyantly.

ODDS The odds were against them.

Student politics in Bangladesh are characterized by violence and intrigue to such an

POLITICS extent that Public Universities are no fit place for a studious student.

PROCEEDS The proceeds of today's festival belong to several local charities.

RICHES Riches often perish by some accident.

TIDINGS These tidings are of great joy.

STAIRS The stairs were covered with flowers on his wedding ceremony.

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Unit 1: Chawakbazar, Gulzar, Fulkoli Bhaban1st floor, Unit 2: Level 3, House 86, Road 7, O.R.Nizam R/A, GEC

WAGES My wages are very low

1 Bellows Bellows are used to make fire burn better

A pair Bellows is used to make fire burn better

2 Glasses My glasses are on the table.

A pair of glasses is on the tanble.

3 Jeans Jeans are liked by the young.

He put on a pair of jeans and a T shirt.

4 Leggings There were leggings on her bed.

A pair of leggings is put on.

5 Pants The pants are in the drawer.

A pair of pants is lying in the floor.

6 Pliers The pliers are in the tool box.

A pair of pliers is in his hand.

7 Scissors These scissors are dull.

A pair of scissors is found here.

8 Shears These shears are for sheep shearing.

A pair of shears is bought for sheep shearing.

9 Shorts These shorts don’t suit you.

This pair of shorts is bought today.

10 Shoes These shoes are costly.

A pair of shoes is bought today.

11 Socks These socks are comfortable.

A pair of socks is required to put on these shoes.

12 Tongs Tongs are used to put coal in fireplace.

A pair of tongs is bought for fireplace.

13 Trousers Trousers do not match with T shirt.

A pair of trousers is prepared for you.

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Unit 1: Chawakbazar, Gulzar, Fulkoli Bhaban1st floor, Unit 2: Level 3, House 86, Road 7, O.R.Nizam R/A, GEC

14 Tweezers Tweezers are essential for watchmaker.

A pair of tweezers is found here.

Tights are worn by young girls

15 Tights A pair of tights is bought for Tina

Foreign Plural


1 Axis Axes

2 Analysis Analyses

3 Basis Bases

4 Crisis Crises

5 Parenthesis Parentheses

6 Oasis Oases

7 Hypothesis Hypotheses

8 Thesis Theses

9 Agendum Agenda

10 Datum Data

11 Erratum Errata

12 Medium Media

13 Referendum Referenda

14 Memorandum Memoranda

15 Bacterium Bacteria

16 Continuum Continua

17 Alumnus Alumni

18 Focus Foci

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Unit 1: Chawakbazar, Gulzar, Fulkoli Bhaban1st floor, Unit 2: Level 3, House 86, Road 7, O.R.Nizam R/A, GEC

19 Hippopotamus Hippopotami

20 Locus Luci/Locuses

21 Radius Radii/Radiuses

22 Syllabus Syllabi/Syllabuses

23 Terminus Termini/Terminuses

24 Alumna Alumnae

25 Formula Formulae/Formulas

26 Persona Personae

27 Antenna Antennae

28 Appendix Appendices

29 Vertex Vertices

30 Criterion Criteria

31 Phenomenon Phenomena

32 Genus Genera

33 Bandit Banditti/Bandits

34 Cherub Cherubium/Cherubs

35 Bureau Bureaus/Bureaus

36 Seraph Seraphim

The first and most important step in detecting subject-verb relation and analyzing sentences is
identifying clauses. Every sentence contains at least one clause, which consists of a subject and a verb.
The subject is the noun or pronoun that is "performing" the verb, and the verb indicates state, possession,
position or action of its subject.

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The subject-verb unit of any clause conveys the core idea of that clause. For instance, if we take the
sentence “As the sun slowly set, the desperation of the sailors revealed itself in their sullen glances.”
and isolate just the subject and verb, we still retain the core idea: “The desperation revealed itself.”

Sentences can also elaborate the main clause with modifiers or link clauses with conjunctions.

1[Although] 2[generally regarded as the most daunting course in the undergraduate science curriculum],
3[Introduction to Organic Chemistry] 4[not only]5[provides a necessary foundation in the principles of
physical chemistry], 6[but also] 7[introduces students to important experimental methods at the heart
today's most promising areas of medical research]

1[Subordinating conjunction] 2[participial phrase],3[subject], 4[conjunction part 1] 5[ predicate 1]

6[conjunction part 2] 7[predicate 2].

Let’s trim the sentence:

My chief concern with this budget, which has otherwise been well considered, are the drastic cuts in school

Step 1: Cross out all nonessential prepositional phrases.

Step 2: Cross out all interrupting modifiers.

Step 3: Cross out any other nonessential modifiers.

So now we have the core:

My concern are the cuts.

Obviously, the subject and verb disagree: ‘concern’ is a singular subject, but ‘are’ is a plural verb. So you
have to change the verb:
My concern is the cuts.

But that's no good either, because now the sentence has a number shift: the singular ‘concern’ is equated
with the plural ‘cuts.’ So, we have to revise the sentence:

‘Although the budget is otherwise well considered, I object to its drastic cuts in school funds.’

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Notice that this revision not only corrects the grammatical problems, but it also makes the sentence
stronger, clearer, and more concise.


Trim each sentence. Then revise it to make it clear and concise, changing the subject and verb, if necessary.
1) The team of advisors, arriving slightly ahead of schedule were met at the airport by the Assistant
Prime Minister.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) The flock of birds darting over the rolling lake look like an opalescent whirlwind.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) Carmen, not to mention her unsympathetic sisters, were unaffected by David's pleas.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) Juggling the demands of school, family, and work often seem too much for a young mother to bear.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) Others on the committee, like chairman Sanders, is concerned about the lack of attention given to
school safety.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) Every one of my friends, including the boys, has supported my decision.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) The fact that human institutions have been responsible for so many atrocities have forced some historians
to adopt a cynical perspective on human nature.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) The progression of a society, or at least that popularly regarded as advancements are a result of gradual
modifications, not sudden drastic overhaul.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) The development of the new country's government and social institutions were affected in a negative
regard by the lack of cohesiveness within the revolutionary army.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) This report is intended for presenting arguments in opposition to what I took to be the less than optimal
response of the administration to the most recent crises in the Middle East.
Trimmed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. The flock of geese (was/were) startled by the shot gun blast.
2. The data on my computer (was/were) lost when the hard drive failed.
3. Neither of the twins (is/are) allergic to penicillin.
4. Much of what I hear in those lectures (go/goes) in one ear and out the other.
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5. Amy, like her friends Jamie and Jen, (wants/want)to go to Mount Holyoke College.
6. Among the lilies and wildflowers (were/was) one solitary rose.
7. Either the chairperson or her assistants (is/ are) going to have to make the decision.
8. There (is/are) hardly even a speck of dirt left on the carpet
9. In every teaspoon of soil (are/is) over two million tiny microorganisms.
10. There (is/are), in my opinion, far too few primary physicians working in this district.
11. Beyond that hill (is/are) hundreds of bison.
12. Never before (have/has) there been such voices heard on the public airwaves.
13. Every player on both teams (was/were) at the press conference after the game.
14. There (has/ have) been a theater and a toy store in the mall ever since it opened.
15. There (is/a re) a great many production problems to iron out before show time.
16. The proceeds from the sale of every auctioned item (goes/go) to charity.
17. There (is/are) more than three years remaining on her contract.
18. Neither of the girls (was/were) frightened by the small animals that scurried past their tent.
19. This technology developed by the military for field communications, (have/ has) become essential to
private industry as well.
20. Every player on both teams (was/were) concerned about the goalie's injury.
21. The company's sponsorship of mentorship programs (has/have) garnered many accolades from
other philanthropic organizations.
22. Neither the children nor their parents (utter/utters) a word when Mrs. Denny tells her stories.
23. How important (is/are) strength training and cardiovascular training to your daily fitness regimen?
Practice in Establishing Noun–Verb Agreement
1. Tucker’s talent in chess and weight lifting, two of our school’s most popular teams, prove his mental and physical strength.
2. The book told stories of thirteen young heroes, each a member of a firefighting team, who dies fighting forest fires.
3. At the end of the season, the team, regardless of whether they win the championship, are splitting up.
4. Either Don or you is going to lead the class discussion on Tuesday.
5. Jane and Mark, who began their yard cleanup business last spring, have decided to hire two new helpers.
6. There is many levels on which a reader will be able to enjoy this book.
7. Admission proceeds from the concert is going toward rebuilding the gazebo, burned down by vandals during the summer.
8. The newspaper reports that a rescue team experienced in climbing rugged mountains are expected to arrive at the site of
the crash tomorrow morning.
9. Before they were laid off by the company, neither the assistant managers nor Mr. McCallum were told that their jobs were in
10. Many Democratic senators contend that reforms in the tax system has not brought about the economic growth that had
been predicted.
11. Learning to read the daily box scores printed in the newspaper is a desirable thing to do by any fan who expect to develop
a deep understanding of baseball.
12. Politics on both the national and local level have always been one of Dave’s passions.
13. Charles Darwin, along with his contemporary, Abraham Lincoln, are among the most impressive figures in nineteenth-
century history.
14. Katie Green, one of the hottest jazz pianists in town and known for something she calls “3-D playing,” and her accompanist
Lenny is planning to tour the South in May.
15. Nancy, along with her friend Sluggo, appear to be coming down the escalator.
16. The sale of computers in a market that has nearly a billion potential customers have created enormous hope for the
company’s future.
17. Here’s the two statutes to which the defense lawyer referred during the trial.
18. The commissioner’s insistence on high ethical standards are transforming the city’s police force
19. No one in the drum corps, in spite of how they all feel about the issue, want to participate in the rally.
20. According to school policy, there is to be two security guards stationed in the playground during recess to protect the

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