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Our position in the society has an effect on how we interact with others, regardless that

with have different statuses. Interaction with others develops our personality on how we see
and think the behavior of others towards us. This is where socialization comes through, when
we get to know and meet different peoples and individual’s regardless the age. For others
socializing with other is somewhat easy because they can get easily adapt to the situation or
with the people around them. But for me socializing or socialization is somehow difficult for me
at first.

Talking about socializing, when I was in elementary socializing was a really challenge for
me because of my situation in school. Every other year I have been transferring from one
section to another section due to my grades. I was always misplace to put on the lower section
even my grades are not that low but when the time my adviser get through or seen my grade
my adviser will reconsidered it and transferred me to the higher section. And I was surprised, I
managed to know some of classmates and my adviser to and that was because of my mother.
Since my mother is a housewife and she was always staying at the school she had the chance to
talk with my adviser and get close to them. Although in the eyes of others it was wrong but for
my mother this situation was an interaction of superior and inferior status that my mother
needs to be respectful and I was amazed of that. Seeing and knowing that side of my mother
helped me gradually develop my socializing skill.

With that development I carried it throughout my high school journey. All people say
that “high school life is the best years of someone’s life” and I would say it is. I was enrolled in a
private school and I was used to the environment that who your classmate from first year until
fourth year they will still your classmates. I could say that time socializing was not hard for me
because I used to be with my friends only without the thought of socializing with my other
classmates. Being in that kind of environment for four years was really my comfort zone until I
get in to college. College life is the real deal! If when I was in high school socializing was easy for
me but when I started to get in to college was the opposite.

I have been in to two universities, first was in the Cavite State University and second was
in the De La Salle University – Dasmariñas which I was currently enrolled. My college socializing
life began when I entered Cavite State University on my own without anyone I know. It was a
big challenge for me but I do thank God because on my first day of school I get to know my first
friend I don’t how it just happened until I get to know some. I was complacent that time
because the way I socialized on my high school days it is still the same when I was in CavSU. The
real deal happened when I transferred to DLSU-D due to my personal reason. On my first day in
La Salle it was really hard for me to socialize with the other student. It was hard for me to find a
person that has the same interest like mine. But eventually as time goes by I get used to it with
the help of my status in DLSU-D. Due to my irregular status I was forced to interact with people
since most of my subjects needed to be working in a group. That stepping stone made
something in my life that step by step I develop myself on how I should interact or socialized
with other people.

Being amazed with my mother’s character I truly say that family has the important part
of socialization process because it shapes me as a person. My family also teaches me on how to
take care of myself and how close relationships really works. Even though most of the story that
I had to tell was all about on how I socialized inside the school I could say that the values and
beliefs that I learned from my family did not affect my values and beliefs in terms of socializing
with other people or simply making friends, instead I used it to help and inspire my friends or

Every one of us is connected with other people and makes all decisions in accordance
with the principle “we influence those who is influencing us”. That is why my second dominant
agent in socialization and one of the most important influences in my life next to my family was
both school and peers. Each of us had to be acquainted with the rules of the social group
because being socialized means being aware of everything in a way that helped me to develop
my social behavior. To develop as a human we need to go through some critical times just like
what I have experienced in order to develop properly. That is why it is important to realize that
we are all different and unique in some ways and trusting someone is one of the essentials to
interact with other people because no matter what our background and what we are taught to
we need be to be a productive members of the society and be well prepared for the serious
adult life.

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