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• Understanding humidity and resulting porosity
• Elimination of Sub-Surface Porosity in High Alloy Steels
• Case study shows effective solution for preventing subsurface porosity

Figure 1: Cartoon from Foundry

Introduction: Nothing is more frustrating in foundry Management and Technology circa 1973

operations than finding an outbreak of subsurface porosity

after costly machining operations. (see Figure 1)

Outbreaks of subsurface porosity and nitrogen absorption in

seemingly always occur during steel casting operations can
high humidity seasons, and result from alloy additions and
especially during the spring. The reactions at the mold metal
prime culprit almost universally is interface. The ability of molten
blamed on hydrogen absorption steel to absorb large amounts of
into molten steels. The hydrogen hydrogen and nitrogen is shown
atom is the smallest and in Figure 2.
simplest of all the elements. Molten steels can readily absorb
It must be noted here that hydrogen in excess of the
hydrogen can only be absorbed solubility limit. When a casting
in its mono-atomic state. Along that contains high hydrogen
with hydrogen, nitrogen can levels solidifies, subsurface
also play a significant role in porosity will inevitability result.
the development of porosity, Hydrogen pickup can occur from
especially in the production almost any source of moisture,
of alloy and high alloy steel such as refractories, green
castings. sand molds, chemical mold and Figure 2: Solubility of Hydrogen and
Both mono-atomic hydrogen core binder decomposition, Nitrogen in molten iron (1)


Figure 3:
Steel axle bracket
from a mining car
illustrating sub-
surface porosity

slag additives and atmospheric occur at or below any casting shown for comparison). Newer
humidity. Nitrogen behaves surface but will tend to occur more binder formulations have been
in a similar manner and can readily in thin and intermediate developed in recent years to
result from the processing of transition thicknesses, where re- minimize hazardous air pollutants
some ferroalloys as well as entrant angles can serve as hot (HAPs), and these modifications
decomposition products from spots. Figure 3 illustrates typical have had a direct effect on the
chemical mold and core binders. subsurface pinholes in a high alloy chemical makeup of the binder
steel casting. systems. More recently, TEOS
Appearance: Pinhole defects are
solvent systems (a silicate-based
a form of gas porosity. They are Sources of Gas from Mold-Metal
solvent combining both organic
usually small, elongated holes Interface Reactions: With few
and inorganic characteristics)
(about 1/16 in. in diameter) at or exceptions, core and mold binders
have replaced traditional
immediately below the casting used in the steel foundry industry
aromatic and aliphatic solvents.
surface with the long axis of are organic based systems. Being
The primary performance
the pinhole perpendicular to organic, they are based on the
advantages over aromatic
the casting surface. The walls elements carbon, hydrogen,
hydrocarbon or biodiesel
of pinholes in steel are often and oxygen and in some cases
solvents is reduced smoke and
smooth and bright. When the nitrogen. The approximate
odor. These newer binders can
pinholes extend to surface of chemical make-up of some of
reduce HAP's at pouring, cooling
the casting, the interior may the common binder systems is
and shakeout.
appear oxidized and show a faint shown in Table 1 (a typical Western
dendritic structure. Pinholes may Bentonite bonded green sand is At ferrous casting temperatures,
the presence of these elements
(carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and
nitrogen) and their subsequent
decomposition products can
produce a variety of casting
defects. The following gaseous
reactions are thermodynamically
possible and under the right
conditions may occur at the
mold-metal interface56.
Hydrogen is absorbed into

Table 1. Approximate chemical compostion of current foundry binders systems Continued on next page

nitrogen (0.030%) produced
severe pinholes. This pattern
indicated that in type 410 stainless
steel, even with nitrogen as low
as 300 ppm (0.03%), hydrogen
to the extent of 7 ppm level was
molten steel from moisture Sources of Gas from Alloying excessive. This anomaly has come
in atmosphere and refractory Materials: The solubility of to be known as complex nitrogen/
materials, deoxidation and alloying nitrogen in chromium alloys hydrogen pinholing.
elements, and slag additives. can be quite high, unless the
Elimination of Sub-Surface
Because hydrogen is such a small foundry specifies the need for
Porosity in High Alloy Steels:
atom, it can diffuse rapidly once a low nitrogen ferrochrome
Research work conducted in the
it's absorbed, creating pinholes. grade. In one reported instance,
late 1960's identified that the use
Hydrogen absorption can also a stainless steel foundry was
of ferroselenium can substantially
result from the decomposition of experiencing severe subsurface
eliminate subsurface porosity in
water vapor in green sand molds, porosity and upon further
green sand molds (6). At the time
from chemical mold or core binder investigation, it was found that
of the research, chemical binder
decomposition or from high the low carbon (0.05% carbon)
technology was in its infancy so
humidity conditions on the melt ferrochrome that was being used
none of binders systems shown in
deck. Increased usage of recycled contained over 10,000 ppm (1.0
Table 1 were investigated. However,
metallic borings containing pct) nitrogen. The foundry had
it has since been found that the
residual cutting fluids will also no idea that they should put a
addition of ferroselenium can also
contribute to hydrogen pick-up. nitrogen specification on the low
be effective when using chemically
carbon chrome that they were
Nitrogen can also readily be bonded sand.
absorbed in molten steels from One of the primary uses of
gaseous decomposition products Nitrogen and hydrogen are also
ferroselenium in the foundry
from mold and core binders as very soluble in manganese alloys
industry is the control of hydrogen
well as certain charge materials. so great care must be taken by
porosity. Small amounts of FeSe
Roach and Simmons (3) reported the foundrymen to specify low
can virtually eliminate hydrogen
that all stainless steels will tend to hydrogen and nitrogen grades,
porosity (pinholes) in carbon,
pick up nitrogen when melted in particularly with electrolytic
medium, and high alloy cast steels,
air. The ability to retain nitrogen grades of manganese metal.
wear resistant iron castings such
has been shown to be dependent Hydrogen has also been found to
as Ni Resist, and stainless steels
on chrome and manganese levels be present in electrolytic nickel
poured in green sand or chemically
in steel. Higher chromium and cathode squares.
bonded molds. Typical addition
manganese will permit retention of The observation that hydrogen rates are 0.005% Se to 0.02% Se
great amounts of nitrogen. and nitrogen are additive (0.10 lbs to 0.40 lbs per ton) but as
Nascent or mono-atomic in promoting porosity is much as 1 lb. per ton can be added.
hydrogen and nitrogen are readily supported by some analytical Because such small additions are
soluble in molten irons and steels. data. Rassbach, Saunders, et used, FeSe is briquetted into a
While the first four reactions are al (5) found in experimental uniform shape to facilitate accurate
likely to generate both surface and heats of type 410 (11 to 13% Cr) weight additions. It is generally
subsurface porosity defects, the stainless steels containing 230 believed that selenium prevents
last reaction usually results only ppm nitrogen (0.023%) and pinhole porosity by its influence
in surface defects, such as surface 5 ppm hydrogen (0.0005%) on the surface tension of the
pockmarking or more often, were sound. Increased nitrogen melt, so that solid surfaces are
lustrous carbon laps and surface levels of 300 ppm nitrogen not wetted and the probability
wrinkles (4). (0.030%) and 4 ppm hydrogen of heterogeneous gas bubble
were also sound. However, an nucleation is reduced.(6) It is also
increase of 3 ppm in hydrogen reported that selenium additions
(7ppm or (0.0007 total) on of 0.10% can reduce the rate of
the heat containing 300 ppm nitrogen absorption in liquid steel.

Figure 4:
Macrophotographs of sub-
surface pinholes found in
high chrome nickel valves.
Top of valve head and
longitudinal section.

Example of FeSe additions at • Adding iron ore and nickel oxide and 0.06% ferrotitanium did the
Foundry X: To illustrate how to initiate a moderate carbon porosity problem disappear. It
effective the addition of FeSe boil appeared likely that the subsurface
to a high chrome-nickel alloy porosity was the result of complex
• Deoxidation practice using
valve casting (nominally 1.6% C, hydrogen/nitrogen interactions.
various CaSi, CaSiBa, Aluminum
21% Cr, 6% Mn, 4% Ni, 0.2% N) and Misch Metal additions Conclusion: The addition of
is shown in this example from small controlled amounts of
Foundry X. Nitrogen (2000 ppm) • Additions of ferrozirconium,
ferroselenium (up to 0.02%) and
is intentionally added to stabilize ferrotitanium and a complex
keeping the charged nitrogen on
austenite and added as a nitrogen alloy consisting of (Fe-Si-Mn-Al)
the lower end of the specification
bearing FeCr. Foundry X is a shell • Reducing the charged nitrogen was the only foolproof method
sand foundry pouring a variety levels that was effective in preventing
of high chrome-nickel stainless
steel castings. In the spring To determine the effect of charged subsurface porosity at Foundry X.
during the rainy (high humidity) nitrogen, heats made without
season, outbreaks of subsurface nitrogen additions contained
porosity would inevitably occur. 0.05% to 0.07% (500 to 700 1. W. O, Philbrook and M. B. Bever (Eds.).
ppm) nitrogen. Three factors were Basic Open Hearth Steelmaking, Physical
Due to the seasonal nature of Chemistry of Liquid Steel. Chap. 16. 621-
this problem, finished scrap has responsible for the increase in
690. AIME New York 1951
occasionally risen to as high as nitrogen levels:
2. Courtesy of Doug Trinowski, HA
80% for a given month. During 1) melting in air (3), 2) nitrogen International.
the investigation it was thought pickup from the shell molds and 3)
that complex hydrogen/nitrogen 3. D. B. Roach and W. F. Simmons,
increased nitrogen solubility from
"Effects of Nitrogen Additions to
pinholing arising from breakdown chrome and manganese in the Stainless Steels", DMIC Technical Note,
of the nitrogen-bearing synthetic alloy. Even at these lower nitrogen Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus,
resin binders used for shell molds levels, intermittent porosity still Ohio, 1966.
was partly responsible for the occurred.
4. Naro, R.L, "Formation and Control of
porosity. Examples of the type of
Extensive analytical work was Lustrous Carbon Surface Defects in Iron
subsurface porosity are shown and Steel Castings," Silver Anniversary
conducted along the way to
in sectioned valve castings (see Paper, ASI International, Ltd, AFS
determine if nitrogen and/or
Figure 4). Transactions, paper 02-154, (2002).
hydrogen was responsible for
In an effort to reduce overall gas subsurface defects, extreme 5. H. P. Rassbach, E. R. Saunders and W.
levels, Foundry X embarked on an care was taken in analyzing for L. Harbrecht, "Nitrogen in Stainless Steel,
extensive study of variables that Electric Furnace Steel Proceedings of
hydrogen. Test castings were
the AIME", Vol. 11, 1953.
might be the cause of the sub- immediately quenched and stored
surface porosity. This included: in liquid nitrogen to prevent 6. A. M. Hall, C. E. Sims, "Reducing
Pinhole Porosity in High Alloy Steel
• Varying metal pouring diffusion of hydrogen from the Castings by Additions of Selenium",
temperatures from 2800oF to samples. Battelle Memorial Institute, American
3050oF Almost without exception, no Society for Metals, Technical Report
P9-41.2, Presented at the 1969 Materials
• Melting under a protective definitive variable was identified Engineering Exposition, 1969
argon cover as the culprit for the sub-surface
pinholes. Only when adding Contact:
• Rapid melting and minimizing 0.02% FeSe to the ladle after ROD NARO
metal holding times deoxidation with 0.10% aluminum

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