Indirect Excercise

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Direct speech (kutipan langsung) adalah kalimat yang mengutip kalimat lisan dari
orang lain secara tertulis persis apa yang dikatakan. Kalimat kutipan terdiri dari dua
bagian :
Kal.pengantar Kal.Isi.
Kalimat Pengantar terdiri dari Subject + Predicat + Object
Subject adalah orang yang dikutip contoh : The teacher,the student, the girl etc.
Predicate adsalah kata herja verbal (saying verb) contoh : say/said,
tell/told,state/stated,add/added,comment/commented, claim/claimed.
Kalimat Isi terdiri dari :
 Kalimat Pernyataan (statement) - S + Auxilary + P + O + Adverb.
 Kalimat Yes/No question  auxilary + S + P + O + Adverb ?
 Kalimat Wh- Question  Wh. Question + Auxilary + S + P + O + Adverb ?
 Kaliamat Perintah berbentuk positid  Verb 1 + O + adverb !
Gambit Polite request + V1/Verb ing + O + Adverb !
 Kalimat perintah berbentu negative  Don’t + V1 + P + O + Adverb!
Never + V1 + P +O + Adverb !
No + verb ing + O + Adverb !
 Kalimat seru (exclamation)
 How + adjective + the N + is/are!
 What + Noun Phrase + Pronoun + Is/are!
Contoh kalimat kutipan langsung :
1. Bob said ,” I will help you”.= Bob said that He would help me Statement.
Bob says ,” he will help me”. She says that he will help me. Statement
“Do you need a pen?” Annie said = Ani said if/whether I needed a pen.
Yes/No Question.
2. Jennifer asked, “What do you want for your breakfast?”= Jennifer asked
what I wanted for my breakfast. Wh-Question.
3. She asked, “Are you hungry now?”=…She asked if I was hungry then.
“ I want sandwich”, Jennifer said = Jenifer said that she wanted sandwich.
4. “ I am going to move to Ohio”, said Bruce
Bruce said (to me) that he was going to move to Ohio.
5. The boy said to his friend, “ Where will you study after you pass from Senior
High School?”. The boy said to his friend where he would study after he passed
from Senior High School.
6. The head master asked the the student , Come early tomoorow, there will be a
7. My parents said to me , Never disturb you brother when he is studying!”
8. The tourist exclaimed ,” How nice the scenery from here is!” Exclamation.
9. The touris said to me , What a beautul scenery it is!”.

Cara mengubah dari kalimat kutipan langsung menjadi kutipan tidak langsung.
1. Buang tanda koma ganti dengan kata sambumg .
 Kalau kalimat isi adalah statement hata sambungnya adalah that.
 Kalau kalimat isi adalah yes/No Question kata sambungnya if/whether
 Kalau kalimat isiny adalah Wh-Question kata sambungnya Wh- question itu
 Kalau kalimat isnya adalah kalimat perintah berbentuk positif kata
sambungnya adalah to
 Kalau kalimat isinya adalah kalimat perintah berbentuk negatif kata sambunya
adalah not to
 Kalau kalimat isinya adalah kalimat seru(exclamation) kata sambungnya
adalah How/What
2. Lihat kalimat Pengantar. Kala reporting verb/verbal verb dalam bentuk
present, present future/present perfect maka dalam kalimat isi terjadi
perubahan pronoun saja.
Contoh : I , We, dan you dan turunannya.
Pronoun I mengacu pada subjek kalimat pengantar
Pronoun We mengacu pada subjec kalimat pengantar
Pronoun you mengacu pada Objek pada kalimat pengantar
3. Kalau dalam kalimat pengantar verbal verbnya past tense maka dalam kalimat
isi terjadi perubaha :
 Pronoun
 Tenses
 Keterangan Waktu , tempat atau keterangan penunjuk
Perubahan pronoun mekanismenya sama dengan yang diatas
Perubahan Tenses mekanismenya adalah perubahan mundur.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Go went
Is going was/were going
Went had gone
Spoke had spoken
Will visit would visit
Can come could come
Is going to come was/were going to come
Shall comply should comply
May visit might visit
Have gone had gone
Has gone had gone
Would attend would attend
Should attend should attend
Might come might come
Must had to
Was had been
Were had been
Had been had been
Had + Noun had had +Noun
Had+V3 had + v.3
Ought to V1 Ought to + V1
4. Perbuahan keterangan waktu/Tempat/penunjuk
Direct Speech Indirect speech
Now then/ at the moment
Yesterday the day before/the previous day
Next ___ the following ___
Last ____ the _____ before/ the previous __
___ ago The ____ before/the previous ___
Next ___ the following _____
Today That day
Tonight The following night
Tomorrow The following day
Next Saturday The folowing Saturday
Here There
This___ that ____
These those
These ____ those
That that.
Those Those
5. Susunan kalaimat tanya berubah menjad susunan kalimat pernyataan.
Ciri susunan kalimay tanya letak auxilary didepan subjek
Ciri susunan kalimat pernyataan letak auxilary di belakaqng subjek.
English Exercises

I. Change the following sentences into indirect speech

10. Bob said ,” I will help you”.= Bob said that He would help me
Bob says ,” he will help me”. She says that he will help me.
“Do you need a pen?” Annie said = Ani said if/whether I needed a pen.
11. Jennifer asked, “What do you want for your breakfast?”= Jennifer asked
what I wanted for my breakfast.
12. She asked, “Are you hungry now?”=…She asked if I was hungry then.
“ I want sandwich”, Jennifer said = Jenifer said that she wanted sandwich.
13. “ I am going to move to Ohio”, said Bruce
Bruce said that He was going to move to Ohio.
14. Connie asked, “Did you enjoy your trip?” = Connie asked if I had enjoyed
my trip.
15. Dick asked,” What are you talking about” = Dick asked what I was talking
16. Nancy asked, Have you seen my grammar book? = Susan asked if I had
seen my grammar book. Susan said,” I don’t want to go to your village”.=
Susan said that she didn’t want to go to my village.

Sam asked David,” Where is Amanda?”=………………………….

17. “Can you come to my party?” asked David= ………………………
“I may be late”, said Mike = …………………………………….
18. Felix said ,” You should study harder to face your examination”.=
Barbara said,” I have to go downtown to see my grandparents”.
19. My young daughter asked me, ”Why is the sky blue?= …………………
20. My mother asked, “Why are you very tired after you practice exercises?” =
“I will come to the meeting ,” said Jhon =
Mr.Adam just asked,” Will you be in the classroom?
The sun rises in the east,” said Mr.Clark = Mr.Clark said that the sun rises
in the east…………………………………………………
II. Complete the following sentences to make indirect speech.
1. “Have you ever met Mr.Powell?” His friend asked
His friend asked if I had ever met Mr.Powell. Anak kalimat dalam reported
speech harus kalimat statement………………………………………………….
2. “ I am going to postpone the examination”, The teacher said
3. “Someday we will be in the contact with being from outer space”,
The scientists predicted, ……………………………….
4. “I think we will go to the library to study”,
Joe said that ………………………………………..
5. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
Sally wanted to know …………………………………
6. Does Jim know what he is doing?”,
I wondered ………………………………
7. Is what I have heard true?”,
He wanted to know …………………………….
8. Is what I wrote correct?”,
Maria wanted to know …………………………..
9. “I need to go to the market before it is closed”’
Janet suddenly remembered …….
III. Make the following text into indirect speech
“Where are you from?”, asked the passenger sitting next to me in the
plane..”Chicago”,I said.”That is nice. I am from Mapleton. It is a small town in the
northern of Michigan.
“Oh,yes.I have heard of it, I said. “Michigan is a beautiful state.I have been
there on vacation many times”.
“Were you in Michigan on vacation this year?’
“No,I went far away from home this year. I went to India,I replied.
“Oh,that is nice.Is it a long drive from Chicago to India?’ she asked me. My
mouth fell open. I didn’t not know how to respond.Some people certainly need to
study geography.

Kutipan imperative
Contoh : “ Budi,Clean the blackboard now!” ,the teacher asked.
The teacher commanded Budi to clean the blackboard then.
Mother asked Rudi,”Don’t disturb your brother when he is studyimg!”
Mother asked Rudi not to disturb his brother when he was studying.
Father asked Rudi,”You musn’t stop studying now.
Father asked Rudi not to stop studying then.
Father asked Rudi that he hadn’t to stop studying then.
The boy asked me,”Where is Budi’s house?”
The boy asked me adv P Subject
The boy asked me where Budi’s house was.
Did the teacher ask you,” Must we collect our homework now ?”.
Did the teacher ask you if we had to collect our homework then?’

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