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Basic Education Department (2020-2021)


NAME: ________________________________ SCORE:____

GR. &SEC.: ___________________________ DATE:_______________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

______ 1. What do you call to the theory that Earth’s outer shell is divided into several plates
that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core.
a) Continents
b) Continental Drift
c) Plates
d) Plate Tectonics

______ 2. What do you call to this kind of mass movement that is the mixture of water, rock and
sediment that moves very quickly?
a. Fall or topple
b. Flows
c. Creep.
d. Slide

______ 3. What is the most familiar way for magma to escape?

a) As rocks formed from weathering and erosion.
b) As the mountains processed the rocks by applying heat.
c) As the rock became sediments by compacting and cementation.
d) As new ascending magmas produce additional mass and volume to the Earth’s surface
and subsurface.

______ 4. What is the leading explanation on how universe began?

a) Extrusion
b) Intrusion
c) Plutonism
d) Volcanism

______ 5. How was Pangea formed?

a) It was formed by continental drift.
b) It was formed by topographic evidence.
c) It was formed by a series of continental collisions that began in the late Paleozoic and
continued until the early part of the Mesozoic.

d) It was formed by a series of continental collisions that began in the late Mesozoic and
continued until the early part of the Paleozoic.

______ 6. How was the volcanic rock formed?

a) Volcanic rock was formed when the lava cools.
b) Volcanic rock was formed when the magma melts.
c) Volcanic rock was formed when magma rises from beneath the surface.
d) Volcanic rock was formed when lava leaves the confines of asthenosphere.

______ 7. How would you differentiate intrusion from extrusion?

a) Extrusion is when the rocks compacted. Intrusion is an erosion.
b) Intrusion is volcanic eruption. Extrusion is when the rocks are melted.
c) Intrusion is when the rock cools and solidifies. Extrusion is a volcanic eruption.
d) Extrusion is when the rock cools and solidifies. Intrusion is a volcanic eruption.

______ 8. Given below are the types of metamorphism, EXCEPT:

a) Contact Metamorphism
b) Geothermal Metamorphism
c) Hydrothermal Metamorphism
d) Regional Metamorphism

______ 9. What do you call to the method used in determining the age of stratified rocks as
shown below?

a) Absolute Dating
b) Faunal Dating
c) Radioactive Dating
d) Relative Dating

______ 10. Why was the geologic time scale developed?

a) For us to know the time before.

b) To help the people understand our present time now.
c) For Filipino people who wants to know the history of their ancestors before.

d) To help the scientists use absolute dating to determine the actual number of years ago
that events happened.

______ 11. Why is it important to know the layers of the earth?

a) It is important because of their characteristics only.

b) It is important because we need to study their differences.
c) It is important because it will help us to know and learn more about the Earth.
d) It is important because it gives clues to how Earth formed, the source of Earth's
resources, and much more.

______ 12. Why does erosion always follow after weathering?

a) because erosion involves the movement of the weathered rock.

b) because weathering makes erosion complete and it involves movement of sediments.
c) because it blows away loose particles of rocks and soil from one place to another place.
d) because of its two kinds, the physical and chemical weathering. Without them, erosion
will not occur.

______ 13. How will you know if the rock was strained?

a) If there is a change in weight.

b) If there is a change in chemical composition.
c) If there are changes in size, shape or volume of a material rock.
d) If there are no changes in their physical and chemical composition

______ 14. Your teacher in Earth Science wants you to bring non-foliated rocks with specific
chemical compositions and/or mineral assemblages for your activity in your class. Which are the
rocks that you will bring?

a) Marbles, Quartzites, Mylonites

b) Obsidian, Hornfels, Sandstone
c) Scoria, Shale, Dolomite
d) Tuff, Unakite, Flint

______ 15. A group of scientists were asked to determine the age of rock based on the
principle of superposition which enables them to arrange geological events in order. They want
to determine the age of rock by its position within the strata. Which specific method will they use
to determine the age of rock?

a) Absolute Dating Method

b) Geologic Time Scale Method
c) Faunal Dating Method
d) Relative Dating Method

Prepared by:


EScie Teacher

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