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The Mysteries of the Silent Brotherhood of

the East aka “The Red Book”

Divinely prepared by:

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

For the
Moorish Science Temple Of America
Chapter 1
Life and Works of Yehoshua in Egypt and India

And Yehoshua came to Egypt on earth and good will to

Land and all was well. He men.”
tarried not upon the coast; “Through Him shall all the
he went at once to Zoan, Nations of the earth be
home of Elihu and Salome, blessed through Him,
who five and twenty years Immanuel.”
before, had taught his And Yehoshua stayed in Zoan
mother in their sacred many days; and then he went
school. forth unto the City of the Sun,
And there was joy when met that men call Heliopolis, and
these three. When last the sought admission to the
son of Mary saw these sacred Temple of the sacred
groves, he was a babe. Brotherhood.
And now, a man had grown The council of the
strong by buffetings of every brotherhood convened, and
kind, a teacher who had Yehoshua stood before the
stirred the multitudes in hierophant. He answered all
many lands. the questions that were
And Yehoshua told the aged asked with clearness and
teachers all about his life, with power.
about his journeyin in foreign The hierophant exclaimed,
lands, about the meetings “Rabboni of the rabbinate,
with masters, and about his why come you here? Your
kind receptions by the wisdom is the wisdom of the
multitudes. gods; why seek for wisdom in
Elihu and Salome hears this the halls of man?”
story with delight; they lifted And Yehoshua said, “In every
up their eyes to heaven and way of earth-life I would
said” walk; in every hall of learning
“Our Father Allah, let now I would sit; the height that
thhy servants go in peace; for any man has gained, these I
we have seen the glory of the would gain;”
Lord” “What any man has suffered,
“And we have talked with I would meet; that I may
him the messenger of Love know the griefs, the
and of the Covenant of Peace disappointments and sore
temptations of my brother
man, that I may know just Again the master spoke, he
how to succor with those in said, “The greatest heights
need.” are gained by those who
“I pray you brothers, let me reach the greatest depths;
go into your dismal crypts; I and you shall reach the
would pass the hardest of greatest depths.”
your tests” The guide then led the way;
The master said, “Take then and in the fountain Yehoshua
the vow of secret bathed. And when he had
brotherhood; and Yehoshua been clothed in proper garb,
took the vow of secret he stood again before the
brotherhood. hierophant.

Chapter 2
Life works of Yehoshua in Yusef’s home at the age of
seven years

The home of Yusef was on dream, and in my dream, I

Marmion Way in Nazareth. stood before the sea upon a
Here Mary taught her son the sandy beach;”
lessons of Elihu and Salome; “The waves upon the sea
And Yehoshua greatly loved were high; a storm was
the Vedic Hymns and the raging on the deep.”
Avesta; but more than all he “Someone above gave me a
loved to read the Psalms of wand. I took the wand and
David and the pungent words touched the sands, and every
of Solomon. grain of sand became a living
The Jewish books of thing. The beach was all a
prophecy were his delight; mass of beauty and song.”
and when he reached his “I touched the waters at my
seventh year, he needed not feet, and they were changed
the books to read; for he had to trees, and flowers and
fixed in memory every word. singing birds; and everything
Joachim and his wife, grand- was praising Allah.”
parents of Yehoshua, made a “And someone spoke. I did
feast in honor of the child; not see the one who spoke; I
and all their near of kin were heard the voice, which said,
guests. “There is no death.”
And Yehoshua stood before Grandmother Ann loved the
the guests and said, “I had a child. She laid her hand on
Yehoshua’s head and said, “I children glad upon this day, I
saw you stand beside the sea; would be greatly pleased.”
I saw you touch the sand; and “Now there are many hungry
the waves, I saw them turn to boys and girls in Nazareth
living things; and then I knew who would be pleased to eat
the meaning of the dream” with us, at this feast, and
“The sea of life rolls high; the share with us the pleasures of
storms are great; the this day.”
multitude of men are idle, “The richest gift that you can
listless, waiting like dead give to me is your permission
sands upon the beach.” to go out and find those
“Your want is Truth; with this needy ones, and bring them
you touch the multitude, and here that they may feast with
every man becomes a us.”
messenger of Holy light and Joachim said, “Tis well. Go
life.” out and find the needy boys
“You touch the waves upon and girls, and bring them
the sea of life, their turmoils here. We will prepare enough
cease; the very winds for all.”
become a song of praise.” And Yehoshua did not wait.
“There is no death; because He ran. He entered every
the wand of Truth can change home and hut and den of the
the driest bones to living town. He did not waste his
things, and bring the loveliest words; he told his mission
flowers from stagnant ponds, everywhere.
and turn the most discordant And in a little time one
notes to harmony and hundred and three score of
praise.” happy children were
Joachim said, “My son, today following yehoshua on
you pass the seventh Marmion way.
milestone of your way of life; The guests made way; the
for you are seven years of banquet hall was filled with
age, and we will give to you Yehoshua’s guests; and
as a remembrance of this day Yehoshua and his mother
whatever you desire. Choose served.
that which will afford you And there was food enough
most delight.” for all, and all were glad. So
And Yehoshua said, “I do not the birthday gift of Yehoshua
want a gift, for I am satisfied. was a crown of
If I could make a multitude of righteousness.
Chapter 3
The Life and works of Yehoshua at the age of ten years

The great feast of Jews was This is no place for boys to

on; and Yusef, Mary and their show their wit.”
son, and many of their kin, But Yehoshua heeded not his
went to Jerusalem. The child taunts; he went at once to
was ten years old. Hillel and said to him,
And Yehoshua watched the “Rabboni, I would like to talk
butchers kill the lambs and with you. I am disturbed
birds and burn them on the about this service. I thought
altar in the name of Allah. the Temple was the house of
His tender heart was shocked Allah; where Love and
at this display of cruelty. He Kindness dwell.”
asked the serving priest, “Do you not hear the bleating
“What is the purpose of this of those lambs; the pleading
slaughter of the beasts and of those doves that men are
birds – why do you burn their killing over there? Do you not
flesh before Allah?” smell the awful stench of
The priest replied, “This is our burning flesh?”
sacrifice for sin. Allah has “Can you be kind and just,
commanded us to do these and still be filled with
things, and said, that in cruelty?”
sacrifices all our sins are “An Allah that takes delight in
blotted out.” burning flesh and blood is not
And Yehoshua said, “Will you Allah of Love; he is not my
be kind enough to tell when Father.”
Allah proclaimed that sins are “I want to find the Allah of
blotted out by sacrifices of Love; and, you, my master,
any kind?” you are wise; and surely you
“Did not David say that Allah can tell me where to find the
requires not a sacrifice for Allah of Love.”
sin? – That it is sin itself to But Hillel could not give an
bring before his face burnt answer to the child,. His heart
offerings for sin? Did not was stirred with sympathy.
Isaiah say the same?” He called the child to him. He
The priest replied, “My child, laid his hand upon his head
you are beside yourself. Do and wept.
you know more about the He said, “There is an Allah of
law of Allah than all of Israel? Love; and you shall come
with me, and, hand in hand, Then Hillel sought the
we will go forth and find Allah parents of the child, and
of Love.” asked that Yehoshua might
And Yehoshua said, “Why abide with him and learn the
need we go? I thought Allah precepts of the law and all
was everywhere. Can we not the lessons of the Temple.
purify our hearts and drive His parents gave consent,
out cruelty and every wicked and yehoshua did abide in
thought and make a Temple the Temple every day; and
where Allah of Love can every day the master learned
dwell?” from Yehoshua many lessons
The master of the great of higher life.
courts felt as though he was And the child remained in the
himself a child; and that Temple of Hillel for a year,
before him stood the master and then returned to his
of all the laws. home in Nazareth. And there
He said within himself, “This he wrought with Yusef as a
child is surely a Prophet sent carpenter.
of Allah.”

Chapter 4
Yehoshua talks with the Rabbi of the Ten Commands

Now Rabbi Barachia of “This cord is Love; and it

NAzareth and Yehoshua, the belongs to every word of all
son of Yusef and Mary met. the ten commands.”
The Rabbi was aid in teaching “If one is full of Love, he does
the son. not need commands of any
One morning after service in kind.”
the Temple, Yehoshua, as he And Rabbi Barachia said,
sat in silent thought, the “Your words are seasoned
Rabbi said to Yehoshua, with the salt of wisdom that
“Which is the greatest of the is from above. Who is the
ten commands?” teacher who has opened up
And Yehoshua said, “I do not this Truth to you?”
see the greatest of the ten And Yehoshua said, “I do not
commands; I see a gold cord know any teacher opened up
that runs through all the ten this Truth for me. It seems to
commands; that binds them me that Truth was never
fast and makes them one.” shut; that it was always
opened up; for Truth is one men; that Jews are favored
and it is everywhere.” and blessed above all other
“And, if we open up the men.”
windows of our minds, the “I do not see how Allah can
Truth will enter in and make have favorites and be just.”
herself at home; for truth can “Are not the Samaritans and
find her way through any the Greeks and Romans just
crevice, any window, any as much the children of the
open door.” Holy One as are the Jews?”
The Rabbi said, “What hand is “I think the Jews have built a
strong enough to open up the wall about themselves, and
windows and the doors of they see nothing on the other
our minds so Truth can enter side of it.”
in?” “They do not know that
And Yehoshua said, “It seems flowers are blooming over
to me that Love, the golden there; that sowing time
cord that binds the ten belongs to anyone but the
commands in one, is strong Jews.”
enough to open any human “It surely would be well if we
door so that Truth can enter could break these barriers
in, and cause the heart to down so that the Jews might
understand.” see that Allah has other
Now in the evening Yehoshua children that are just as
and his mother sat alone; and greatly blest”
Yehoshua said, “I want to go from Jewry land
“The Rabbi seems to think and meet my kin in other
that Allah is partial in his countries of my fatherland.”
treatments of the sons of

Chapter 5
Yeshohua again: His First year of Divine Ministry

“The Jewish paschal feast And he abode with one a

time came. And Yehoshua Sadducee whose name was
left His mother in Jude.
Capernaum, and journeyed And when he reached the
to Jerusalem” Temple court, the multitudes
were there to see the And then the rules said,
Prophet whom the people “Who is this Yehoshua you
thought had come to break can call Divine?”
the yoke of Rome, and The people said, “He is the
restore the kingdom of the one the Prophets wrote
Jews and the rules of David’s concerning, who would come
throne. and bring the world the Love
And when the people saw of Allah made known to men
him come, they said, “All of earth, who will deliver
hail.” Israel.”
But Yehoshua answered not. The ruler said to Yehoshua,
He saw the moneychangers “If you be the one to come,
in the house of Allah, and he then show us a sign. Who
was grieved. gave you the right to drive
The courts had been these merchants out?”
converted into marts of And Yehoshua said, “There is
trade, and men were selling no loyal Jew who would not
lambs and doves for the give his life to save this
priests. Temple from disgrace. In this,
And Yehoshua called the I acted simply as a loyal Jew;
priest and said, “Behold, for and you yourselves will bear
paltry gain, you have sold out me witness to the Truth.”
the Temple of Allah!” “The sign of my Messiahship
“This house ordained for will follow me in word and
prayer is now a den of deed.”
thieves. Can good and evil “And you may tear the
dwell together in the courts Temple down; and in three
of Allah? I tell you No!” days, it will be built again.”
And then he drove them out Now Yehoshua meant that
and over-turned the boards. they might take his life-tear
He opened up the cages of down his body Temple of the
the captive birds, and cut the Holy Breath, and he would
cords that bound the lambs rise again.
and set them free. “You men of Israel, hear! This
The priests and scribes man is more than man. Take
rushed out; and would have heed to what you do. I have
done him harm, but the myself heard Yehoshua
common people drove them speak, and all the winds were
back and stood in his still.”
“And you will see his star see the king while you press
arise, and it will grow until it sin to your hearts.”
is the full orbed sun of Love.” “This king is Allah; the pure in
And Yehoshua said, “Prepare, heart alone can see the face
O Israel, prepare to meet of Allah and live.”
your king; but you can never

Chapter 6
Yehoshua presented with his Camel, goes to Lahore
where he abides

A caravan of merchantmen Ajainin was the priest who

was journeying through the came to Yehoshua in the
Kasmar vale as Yehoshua nighttime in Benares many
passed that way. And they months before and heard his
were going to Lahore, a city words of truth.
of the land, the five-stream And Yehoshua was Ajainin’s
land. guest. He taught again in
The merchantmen had heard many things; revealed to him
the Prophet speak; had seen the secret of the healing art.
his mighty works in Leh. And He taught him how he could
they were glad to see him control the spirits of the air,
once again. the fire, the water and the
And when they knew that he earth; and explained to him
was going to Lahore, and the secret doctrine of
then across the Sindh forgiveness, and blotting out
through Persia, and further of sin.
west, and that he had no One day Ajainin sat with
beast on which to ride. Yehoshua in the Temple
They freely gave to him a porch. A bank of wandering
noble Bactrian beast, well singers and musicians paused
saddled and equippe. And before the court to sing and
Yehoshua journeyed with the play.
caravan. Their music was most rich
And when he reached and delicate; and Yehoshua
Lahore, Ajainin and some said, “Among the high-bred
other Brahmic priest received people of the land, we have
him with delight. no sweeter music than these
uncouth children of the “These wandering people
wilderness bring here to us.” form a part of heaven’s
“From whence came this orchestra; and in the land of
talent and this power? In one perfect things, the very
short life they surely could angels will delight to hear
not gain such grace of voice, them play and sing.”
such knowledge of the laws And Yehoshua taught the
of harmony and tone.” common people of Lahore.
“These people are not young. He healed their sick, and
A thousand years ago would showed to them the way to
not suffice to give them such rise to better things by
divine expressiveness and helpings others.
such purity of voice and He said, “We are not rich by
touch.” what we get and hold; the
“Men all them prodigies. only things we keep are those
There are no prodigies. All we give away.”
things result from natural “If we would live a perfect
law.” life, give forth our life in
“Ten thousands years ago service for our kind, and for
these people mastered the form of life, that men
harmony. In days of old they esteem the lower forms of
trod the busy throrough- life.”
fares of life and caught the But Yehoshua could not tarry
melody of birds, and played longer in Lahore. He bade the
on harps of perfect form.” priest and other friends
“And they have come again farewell; and then he took his
to learn still other lessons camel and he went his way
from the varied notes of towards Sindh.

Chapter 7
Again Elihu’s lessons – The Mysteries of Egypt

Again Elihu taught; he said, forgotten in the streets; the

“The Indian Priests became rights of men were trampled
corrupt; Brahm was in the dust.”
“And then a mighty master the foot of him who draws
came, a Buddha of the cart.
enlightenment who turned He is the greater man who
away from wealth and all conquers self than he who
honors of the world, and kills a thousand men in war.
found the silence in the He is the noble man who is
graves and caves; and he was himself what he believes that
blest.” other men should be.
He taught the gospel of Return to him who does you
higher life, and taught men wrong your purest love, and
how to honor man. he will cease from doing
He had no doctrine of the wrong; for love will purify the
gods to teach; he just knew heart of him who is beloved,
man; and so his creed was as truly as it purifies the heart
Justice, Love, and of him who loves.”
Righteousness. The words of Buddha are
I quote to you a few of many recorded in the Indian sacred
of the helpful words which books. Attendeth them for
Buddha spoke. they are part of the
“Hate is a cruel word. If man instructions of the Holy
hates you, regard it not, and Breath.
you can turn the hate of men The land of Egypt is the land
to Love, and Mercy and Good of secret things.
Will. Mercy is as large as all The mysteries of the sages lie
the heavens. lock-bound in our Temples
And there is good enough for and Shrines.
all. With good destroy the The masters of all times and
bad. With generous deeds climes come here to learn.
make avarice ashamed. With And when your sons have
Truth make straight the grown to manhood, they will
crooked lines that errors finish all their studies in
draw; for error is but Truth Egyptian schools.
distorted- gone astray. But I have said enough.
And pain will follow him who Tomorrow at the rising of the
speaks or acts with evil sun, we meet again.
thought, as does the wheel

Chapter 8
The council of the Seven of the World
In every age since time The sons of men are looking
began, but seven sages lived. up for greater light. No longer
At first of every age these do they care for gods hewn
sages meet to note the out of wood. They seek for
course of nations, people, Allah not made with hands.
tribes and tongues, They see the beams of
To note how far towards coming days, and yet
Justice and love the race has comprehend them not.
gone; The time is ripe. And we must
To formulate the ode of law, fashion well these garments
religious postulates and plans for the race.
of rule best suited to the And let us make for men new
coming age. garbs of Justice, Mercy, and
An age had passed , and lo, Love, that they may hide
another age had come. The their nakedness when shines
sages must convene. the light of coming days.”
Now Alexandria was the And Vidyapati said, “Our
center of the world’s best priests have all gone mad.
thought; and here in Philo’s They saw a demon in the
home the sages met. wilds, and at him cast their
From CHina came Mengste; lamps, and they are broken
from India Vidyapati came; up, and not a gleam of light
from Persia Kasper came; and has any priest for men.”
from Assyria Ashbina came; “The night is dark. The heart
from Greece Apollo came; of India calls for light.”
Matheno was the Egyptian “The priesthood cannot be
sage, and Philo was the chief reformed; it is already dead;
of Hebrew thought. it’s greatest needs are graves
The time was due. The and funeral chants.”
council met and sat in silence “The new age calls for liberty
seven days. – the kind that makes each
And the Mengste rose and man a priest; enables him to
said, “The wheel of time has go alone and lay his offerings
turned once more. The race is on the Shrine of Allah.”
on a higher plane of thought. And Kaspar said, “In Persia
The garments that our people walk in fear. They do
fathers wore have given out. the good for fear to do the
The cherubim have woven a wrong.”
celestial cloth, have placed it “The devil is the greatest
in our hands and we must power in our land. And,
make for men new garbs. though a myth, he dandles on
his knees both youth and “The fear of evil is a myth; is
age.” an illusion and snare; but it
“Our land is dark; and evil will live until some mighty
prospers in the dark.” power shall come to raise the
“Fear rides on every passing ethers to the plane of light.”
breeze, and lurks in every
form of life.”

Chapter 9
Opening Address of Yehoshua with the Seven sages –
Seven days silence

Ashbina said, “Assyria is the true conceptions of Allah the

land of doubt. The chariot of one.”
my people that in which they “In Greece, it is rudderless for
mostly ride is labeled, every thought may be a god
‘DOUBT’”. to worship as Allah.
“Once Faith walked in “The plane of thought is
Babylon and she was bright broad, and full of sharp
and fair; but she was clothed antagonists. And so the circle
in such white robes that men of the gods is filled with
became afraid of her.” enmity, with wars and base
“And every wheel began to intrigues.”
turn; and doubt made war on “Greece needs a master-
her and drove her from the mind to stand above the
land, and she came back no gods; to raise the mind of
more.” men away from many gods to
“In form man worships Allah, Allah the one.”
the one; in heart they are not “We know the light is coming
sure that Allah exists.” over the hills-Allah speed the
“Faith worships at the light.
Temple of one not seen; but Matheno said, “Behold this
doubt must see her god.” land of Egypt of the dead.”
“The greatest needs of all “Our Temples long have been
Assyria is faith; a faith that the tombs of hidden things of
seasons everything that is time. Our Temple crypts and
with certainty.” caves are dark.”
And then Apollo said, “The “In light there is no secret
greatest needs of Greece are things. The sun reveals all
hidden truth. There are no minds with selfishness. And
mysteries in Allah.” purity in heart became a
Behold the rising sun, His myth. The people were
beams are entering every enslaved.”
door; yes; every crevice of “But when he comes who is
the mystic crypts of to come, he will proclaim
Mizraim.” emancipation for the slaves.
“We hail the light. All Egypt My people will be free.”
craves the light.” “Behold, for Allah has made
And Philo said, “The need of incarnate, wisdom, love and
Hebrew thought and life is light which he called,
Liberty.” Immanuel.”
“The Hebrew Prophets, seers “To him is given the key to
and givers of the law were open up the dawn. And here,
men of power, men of holy as man, he walked with us.”
thought; and they And then the council
bequeathed to us a system of chamber door was opened;
love that was ideal; one and the Logos stood among
strong enough to lead our the sages of the world.”
people to the goal of Again the sages sat in silence
perfectness.” seven days.
“But carnal minds repudiated
this law of love, and filled the

Chapter 10
Meeting of the Seven Sages to make Laws for the
coming Age for the Nations of the Earth.

Now when the sages were estate. They saw the highest
refreshed, they opened up Allah-Ideal that the race
the book of life and read could comprehend.
They read the story of the life Upon the seven postulates
of man; of all his struggles, these sages were to
losses and gains, and in the formulate the law of life of
light of past events and the coming age that souls
deeds, they saw what would may rest.
be best for him in coming Now Mengste was the oldest
years. sage. He took the chair of
They knew the kind of law chief, and said,
and precepts suited to his
“Man is not far enough Then Mengste wrote the
advanced to live by faith. He first.
cannot comprehend the “All things are thought; all life
things his eyes see not.” is thought-activity. The
“He yet is child; and during all multitudes of beings are but
the coming age must be phases of the one great
taught by pictures, symbols, thought made manifest. Lo,
rites and forms.” Allah is thought, and thought
“His God must be a human is Allah.”
God. He cannot see Allah by Then Vidyapati wrote the
faith.” second postulate.
“And he cannot rule himself. “Eternal thought is one. In
The king must rule, the man essence it is two –
must serve.” intelligence and force; and,
“The age that follows this will when they breathe a child is
be the age of man- the age of born; this child is Love.”
faith.” “And thus the Triune Allah
In that blest age the human stands forth, whom men call
race will see without the aid father, mother, son.”
of carnal eyes; will hear the “This Triune Allah is one; but
soundless sound, will know like the one of light, in
the Spirit-Allah.” essence he is seven.”
“The age we enter is the “And when the Triune Allah
preparation age; and all the breathes forth, lo, seven
schools must be designed in a spirits stand before his face.
simple way that men may These are Creative
comprehend.” attributes.”
“And man cannot originate. “Men call them lesser gods,
He builds by patterns that he and in their image they made
can see. So, in this council, man.”
we must carve out patterns And Kaspar wrote the third.
for the coming age.” “Man was a thought of ALlah
“And we must formulate the formed in the image of the
gnosis of the empire of the Septonate, clothed in the
soul which rests on seven.” substance of soul.”
“Each sage, in turn, shall form “And his desires were strong.
a postulate; and these shall He sought to manifest on
be the basis of the creeds of every plane of life. And for
men until the perfect age himself he made a body of
shall come.” the ethers of the earthy
forms; and so he descended “And so man sought the soil
to the plane of earth.” of carnal life; and in the
“In this descent he lost his darksomeness of earth he
birth-right, lost his harmony found a place where he could
with Allah, made discordant germinate and grow.”
all the notes of life.” “The seed has taken root and
“Inharmony and evil are the grown full well.”
same. So evil is the hand- “The tree of life is rising from
work of man.” the soil of earthy things, and,
Ashbina wrote the fourth. under natural law, is reaching
“Seeds do not germinate in up to perfect form.”
light. They do not grow until “There are no supernatural
they find the soil and hide acts of Allah to life a man
themselves away from light.” from carnal life to spirit
“Man was evolved a seed of blessedness. He grows as
everlasting life; but in the grows the plant; and, in due
ethers of the Triune Allah, time is perfected.”
the light was far too great for :The quality of soul that
seeds to grow.” makes it possible for man to
rise to spirit life is purity.

Chapter 11
Yehoshua reveals the marriage law of Man and Wife
from Allah

The law forbids adultery; but, What is a marriage tie? It is

in the eyes of the law, not what the priest may say
adultery is an overt act; the or do. There is but one true
satisfaction of the sensuous marriage; and Allah alone can
self, outside the marriage perform this marriage.
bonds. It is the love of Allah that
Now, marriage, in the sight of finds its way into the two –
the law, is but a promise man and woman’s hearts;
made by man and woman, by and that is all ever to be. Your
the sanction of the priest, to priests cannot cause this to
live together until death. be.
No priest or officer has the Is the promise of the two that
power from Allah to bind two they will love each other until
souls in wedded Love. death.
Is love a passion that is Whom Allah has joined
subject to the will of man? together, man cannot part.
Can man pick up his love as Whom man has joined
he would a gem, and lay it together lie in sin.
down or give it out to But lo, I say that he who in
anyone? the heart desires to possess
Can love be bought and sold that which is not his own, is a
like sheep? thief in the sight of Allah. The
Love is the power of Allah things which men see not
that binds two souls and with eyes of flesh are of more
makes them one. There is no worth than the thing that
power on earth that can men can see.
dissolve this bond. A good name is worth a
The bodies may be forced thousands times a mind of
apart by man or death for just gold; and he who says a
a little time, but they will word, or does a deed that
meet again. injures or defames that name
Now, in this bond of Allah, we is a thief.
find the marriage tie. All Upon the table of the law we
other unions are but bonds of read, “thou shalt not covet
straw; and they who live in anything.”
them commit adultery. To covet is an all consuming
But more than this; the man wish to have anything that is
or woman who indulges not right for anyone to have;
lustful thoughts commits and such wish in the spirit of
adultery. the law is theft.

Chapter 12
Yehoshua explains to Kaspar the meaning of silence
and the wisdom of Allah in Man

Now, in the early morning came, and what is the

Yehoshua came again to meaning of the light.
teach and heal. A light not And Yehoshua said, “There is
comprehended shown about a silence where the soul may
as though some might spirit meet its God-Allah; and there
overshadowed him. the fount of wisdom is; and
A Magnus noted this and all who enter are immersed
asked him privately to tell in light and filled with
from whence his wisdom wisdom, love and power.”
The magnus said, “Tell me If you would find this silence
about this silence and this of the soul, you must yourself
light that I may go and there prepare the way. None but
abide.” the pure in heart may enter
And Yehoshua said, “The here.
silence is not circumscribed; And you must lay aside all
it is not a place closed in with fears and doubts and
walls or rocky steeps, nor troubled thoughts.
guarded by the swords of Your human will must be
man. absorbed by love divine; then
Men carry with them all the you will come into a
time the secret place where consciousness of the Holy
they meet Allah. Breath.
It matters not where men You are within a holy place,
abide; on mountaintop, in and you will see upon a living
the deep vale, in the marts of shrine the candle of Allah
trade or in a quiet home, they aflame.
may at one time fling wide And when you see it burning
the door of the soul and find there, look deep within the
the house of Allah. It is within Temple of your brain; you will
the soul. see it all aglow.
One may not be so much In every part from head to
disturbed by noise of foot are candles all in place,
business and words and just waiting to be lighted by
thoughts of men it goes all the flaming torch of Love.
alone into the valley or the And when you see the
mountain pass. candles all aflame, just look
And when life’s heavy load is and you will see, with eyes of
pressing hard, it is far better soul, the waters of the fount
to go out and seek a quiet of wisdom rushing on; and
place to pray and meditate. you may drink and there
The silence is the kingdom of abide.
the soul, which is not seen by And the curtains part; and
human eyes. you are where the Ark of
When in silence, phantom Allah rests, whose covering is
forms may flit before the the mercy seat.
mind; but they are all Fear not to lift the sacred
subservient to the will. The board; the tables of the law
master soul may speak, and are in the Ark concealed.
they are gone. Take them and read them
well; for they contain all the
precepts that man will ever will may enter in and find his
need. own.
And in the Ark the magic Now Kaspar heard the
wand, for they contain all Hebrew master speak and he
prophecy, lies waiting for our exclaimed, “Behold, the
hands. It is the key to all the wisdom of Allah has come to
hidden meanings of present, men
future and past. And Yehoshua went his way,
The Cherubim have guarded and in the sacred grove of
well for every soul this Cyrus was met. He taught and
treasure box; and whosoever healed the sick.

Chapter 13
Yehoshua’s Holy answer to Lamaas

Now, after they had dined, “The nations are corrupt.

the guests and Yehoshua all They sleep within the arms of
were in a spacious hall in death, and they must be
Mary’s home. aroused before it is too late.”
And Lamaas said, “Pray tell “In life we find antagonists at
us, Yehoshua, is this the work. Allah sent me here to
dawn of peace?” stir unto its depths the
“Have we come forth unto waters of the sea life.”
the time when men will war “Peace follows strife. I come
no more?” to slay this peace of earth.
“Are you indeed the prince of the prince of peace must first
peace that holy men have be prince of strife.”
said would come?” “This leaven of truth which I
And Yehoshua said, “Peace have brought to men will stir
reigns today; it is the peace of the demons up, and nations,
death.” cities, families will be at
“A stagnant pool abides in peace with themselves.”
peace. When waters cease to “The five that have been
move they soon are laden dwelling in a home in peace
with the seeds of death. will be divided not; and two
Corruption dwells in every shall war against three.”
drop.” “The son will stand against
“The living waters always his sire; the mother and
leap and skip about like daughter will contend. Yea;
lambs in spring.”
strife will reign in every the Holy Breath; but you shall
home.” know.”
“Then self and greed and “The storms of wrath come
doubt will rage into a fever on. The carnal man will seek
heat. And then, because of a cause to hale you into
me, the earth will be baptized court, and cast you into
in human blood.” prison cells.”
“But right is king; and when “And, when these times shall
the smoke is cleared away, come, let wisdom guide; do
the nations will learn war no not resent. Resentment
more. The prince of peace makes more strong the wrath
will come to reign. of evil men.”
“Behold, the signs of what I “There is a little sense of
say are in the sky’ but men Justice and of Mercy in the
can see them not.” vilest men of earth.”
“When men behold a cloud “By taking heed to what you
rise in the west they say a do and say, and trusting in
shower of rain will come; and the guidance of the Holy
so it does. And when the Breath, you may inspire this
wind blows from the south, sense to grow.”
they say the weather will be “You thus may make the
hot; and it is so” wrath of men to praise
“Lo, men can read the signs Allah.”
of earth and sky, but they And Yehoshua went his way
cannot discern the signs of and came unto Bethsada and

Chapter 14
Yehoshua receives the Mystic name and number and
passed the first brother-hood test

The master took down from Seven is the number of the

the wall a scroll on which perfect man.
was written down the The logos is the perfect word;
number and name of every that which creates, that
attribute, character; and he which destroys, and that
said. which saves.
“The circle is the symbol of This Hebrew master is the
the perfect man; and the Logos of the Holy One, the
Circle of the human race, the hour; but I have come to save
Seven of the time.” your life.
And in the record book, the You are the victim of a cruel
scribe wrote down, “The plot. The priest of Heliopolis
Logos, Circle, Seven,” and are jealous of your fame, and
thus was Yehoshua known. they have said that you will
The master said, “The Logos never leave these gloomy
will give heed to what I say. crypts alive.
No man can enter into light The higher priests do not go
till he has found himself; go forth to teach the world; and
forth and search till you have you are doomed to Temple
found your soul and then servitude.
return.” Now, if you would be free,
The guide led Yehoshua to a you must deceive these
room in which the light was priests; must tell them you
faint and mellow like the light are here to stay for life.
of early dawn. And then you will have
The chamber walls were gained all that you wish to
marked with mystic signs, gain, I will return; and, by a
with heiroglyphs and sacred secret way, will lead you
texts; and in the chamber forth that you may go in
Yehoshua found himself peace.”
alone where he remained for And Yehoshua said, “My
many days. brother man, would you
He read the sacred texts, come here to teach deceit?
thought out the meanings of Am I within these holy walls
the hieroglyphs and sought to learn the wiles of vile
the import of the master’s hypocrisy?
charge to find himself. Nay, man; my father scorns
A revelation came. He got deceit; and I am here to do Hi
acquainted with his soul. He will.
found himself; then he was Deceive these priests? Not
not alone. while the sun shines! What I
One night he slept, and at have said I have said. I will be
midnight hour a door that he true to them, to Allah and to
had not observed was myself.”
opened and a priest in And then the tempter left,
somber garb came in and and Yehoshua was again
said, alone; but in a little time a
“My brother, pardon me for white -robed priest appeared
coming in at this unseemly and said,
Well done. The Logos has hand a scroll on which was
prevailed. This is the trial written just one word;
chamber of hypocrisy.” And “SINCERITY”. And not a word
then he led the way, and was said.
Yehoshua stood before the The guide again appeared
judgment seat. and led the way, in the
And all the brothers stood. spacious room replete with
The hierophant came forth everything a student craves,
and laid hands on Yehoshua’s was Yehoshua bade to rest
head and placed within his and wait.

Chapter 15
Yehoshua passes the second brother-hood test –

The Logos did not care to these fearful dens, and we

rest. he said, “Why wait in have come as friends to bring
this luxurious room? I need you light and show the way to
not rest; my father’s work liberty.
upon me presses hard. We, once like you were in
“I would go on and learn my these dens confined, and
lessons all. If there are trials, thought that through these
let them come; for every weird, uncanny ways we
victory over self gives added could attain to blessedness
strength.” and power;
And then the guide led on. But, in a luckful moment, we
And in a chamber dark as were undeceived, and
night was Yehoshua placed making use of all our
and left alone. And days were strength, we broke our
spent in this deep solitude. chains; and then we learned
And Yehoshua slept; and in that all this service is
the dead of the night, a corruption in disguise. These
secret door was opened, and priests are criminals just hid
in priest’s attire two men away.
came in, each carrying in his They boast of sacrificial rites;
hand a little flickering lamp. they offer to their gods, and
Approaching Yehoshua, one burn them while alive, poor
spoke out and said, “Young birds and beasts; yea
man, our hearts are grieved children, women and men.
because of what you suffer in
And now they keep you here; No man can judge for me;
and at a certain time, may and if I judge before
offer you in sacrifice. testimony all is in, I might not
We pray you brother, break judge aright.
your chains. Come go with us; Nay, men; by whatsoever
accept of freedom while you way you came, return. My
may.” soul prefers the darkness of
And Yehoshua said. “Your the grave to little flickering
little tapers show the light light like these you bring.
you bring. Pray, who are you? My conscience rules. What
The words of man are worth these, my brothers have to
no more than is the man say, I will hear; and, when the
himself.” testimony all is in, I will
“These Temple walls are decide. You cannot judge for
strong and high; how gained me, nor I for you.
you entrance to this place?” Be gone! You men, be gone!
The men replied, “Beneath And leave to me this
these walls are hidden ways charming light; for, while the
and we who have been sun shines not, within my
priests spent months and soul there is a light
years within these dens and surpassing that of sun and
know all of them” moon!”
“Then you are traitors!” Then, with an angry threat
Yehoshua said; “A traitor is a that they would do him harm,
friend who betrays another the vile tempters left; and
man, is never a man to trust. Yehoshua was alone.
If one has only reached the Again the white-robed priest
plane of treachery, he is a appeared and led the way;
lover of deceit, and will and Yehoshua stood again
betray a friend to save his before the hierophant.
selfish self. And not a word was said; but
Behold, you men, or in his hands the master
whatsoever you be, your placed as scroll on which the
words fall lightly on my ears. word “JUSTICE” was
Could i prejudge these inscribed.
hundred priests, turn traitor And Yehoshua was the
to myself and them, because master of the phantom forms
of what you say, when you of prejudice and of treachery.
confess your treachery?
Chapter 16
Yehoshua passes the third brother-hood test – faith
your teachings please the
The Logos waited seven days; common people more than
and then was taken to the those of Socrates.
Hall of Fame, a chamber rich Why seek for mystic light
in furnishings, and lighted up within these antiquated
with gold and silver lamps. dens? Go forth and walk with
The colors of it is ceiling men, and they will honor you.
decorations, furnishing and And, after all, these weird
walls were blue and gold. initiations may be myths; and
It’s shelves were filled with your messiah hopes but
books of masterminds. The illusions of the hour.
paintings and the statues I would advise you to
were the works of highest renounce uncertain things,
art. and choose the course that
And Yehoshua was entranced leads to certain fame.
with all this elegance and And thus, the priest – a
these manifests of thought. demon in disguise – sang
He read the sacred books, siren songs of unbelief. And
and sought the meaning of Yehoshua meditated long
the symbols and the and well on what he said.
hieroglyphs. The conflict was a bitter one;
And when he was absorbed for king ambition is a sturdy
in deepest thought, a priest foe to fight.
approached and said, For forty days the higher self
“Behold the glory of this wrestled with the lower self.
place! My brother you are And then the fight was on.
blest. Few men of earth so FAITH rose triumphant;
young have reached such unbelief was not; ambition
heights of fame.” covered up his face and fled
Now, if you do not waste away. And Yehoshua said,
your life in search for hidden “The wealth, the honor and
things that man can never the fame of earth are but the
comprehend, you may be baubles of the hour.
founder of a school of When this short span of
thought that will assure you earthly life has been
endless fame. measured out, man’s
For your philosophy is deeper bursting baubles will be
far than that of Plato; and buried with his bones.
Yes; what man does for his And he lifted up his eyes to
selfish self will make no heaven, and said,
markings on the credit side of “My Father Allah, I thank
life. thee for this hour. I ask not
The good that man for other for the glory of myself; I fain
men shall do, becomes a would be a keeper of the
ladder strong, on which the Temple gates, and serve my
soul may climb to wealth and brother-man.”
power and fame of Allah’s Again was Yehoshua called to
own kind that cannot pass stand before the hierophant.
away. Again no word was said; but
Give me the poverty of men; in his hands the master
the consciousness of duty placed a scroll on which was
done in love; the approbation written, “FAITH”.
of Allah, and I will be And Yehoshua bowed his
content.” head in humble thanks and
went his way.

Chapter 17
Yehoshua passes the fourth brother-hood test; takes
the fourth degree of Adept
The wise man is the one who
The choicest viands and most seeks for pleasure, and can
delicious wines were on the find it everywhere.
boards. And maids in gay At best, man’s life on earth is
attire served all with grace short. And then he dies and
and cheerfulness. goes he knows not where.
And men and women richly Then let us eat and drink and
clad were there. And they dance and sing; let us get joy
were wild with joy. They of life, for death comes
sipped from cheery cups of apace.
mirth. It is but foolishness to spend
And Yehoshua watched the a life for other men. Behold, I
happy throng in silence for a die and lie together in the
time; and then a man in garb grave where none can know,
of sage came up and said, and none can show forth
“Most happy is the man who, gratitude.”
like the bee, can gather But Yehoshua answered not.
sweets from every flower. Upon the tinseled guests, in
all their rounds of mirth, he I cannot see myself apart
gazed in silent thought. from that poor man who you
And then among the guests, so scorned and crowded to
he saw a man whose clothes the wall’
were coarse, who showed in Nor from the one in female
face and hand, the lines of garb, who came up from the
toil and want. haunts of vice to ask for
The giddy throng found sympathy and love; and who,
pleasure in abusing him. They by you, was so ruthlessly
jostled him against the walls pushed back into her den of
and laughed at this sin.
discomfiture. Nor from that little child you
And a poor frail woman drive from your midst to
came, who carried in her face suffer in the cold, bleak winds
and form, the marks of sin of night.
and shame. And, without I tell you, men; what you
mercy, she was spit upon. have done to them, my
And a little child, with timid kindred, you have done to
ways and hungry men came me.
in and asked for just a morsel You have insulted me in your
of their food. own home. I cannot stay. I
But she was driven out will go forth and find that
uncared for and unloved; and child, that woman and that
still the merry dance went man, and give them help until
on. my life’s blood all has ebbed
And when the pleasure- away.
seekers urged that Yehoshua I will call it pleasure when I
join them in their mirth, he help the helpless, feed the
said, hungry, clothe the naked,
“How could I seek for heal the sick, and speak good
pleasure for myself while words of cheer to those
others are in want? How can unloved, discouraged, and
I think that, while the depressed.
children cry for bread, while And this that you call mirth is
those in haunts of sin call out but a phantom of the night;
for sympathy and love, that I but flashes of the fire of
can fill myself too full with passion painting pictures on
the good things of life? the walls of time.”
I tell you, nay! We all are kin, And while the Logos spoke
each one a part of the great the white-robed priest came
human heart.
in and said to him. “The a scroll on which was written,
council waits for you.” “PHILANTHROPY”.
Then, Yehoshua stood again And Yehoshua was a victor
before the bar. Again no over selfish self.
word was said. The
hierophant placed in his hand

Chapter 18
Yehoshua passes the fifth Adept Degree – Heroism

The sacred Temple groves And then he laughed and

were rich in statues, said, “The chains that bind
monuments and shrines; men to the caracasses of
here Yehoshua loved to walk earth are forged in fancy’s
and meditate. shop; are made of air and
And after he had conquered welded in illusion’s fires.
self, he talked with nature in If man will stand and use the
these groves for forty days. power of will, his chains will
And then the guide took fall like worthless rags; for
chains and bound him hand will and faith are stronger
and foot, and cast him into a than the stoutest chains that
den of hungry beasts, of men have ever made.”
unclean birds and creeping And Yehoshua stood erect
things. among the hungry beasts and
The den was dark as night. birds and said, “What is this
The wild beasts howled; the darkness that envelopes
birds, in fury, screamed, the me?”
reptiles hissed. ‘Tis but the absence of the
And Yehoshua said, “Who is it light. And what is light? ‘Tis
that did bind me thus? Why but the breath of ALlah
did I meekly sit to be bound vibrating in the rhythm of
down with chains? rapid thought.”
I tell you, none has power to And then he said, Let there
bind the human soul. Of what be light!” And, with a mighty
are fetters made?” will, he stirred the ethers up,
And in his might, he rose; and and their vibrations reached
what he thought were chains the plane of light; and there
were only worthless cords, was light.
that parted at his touch.
The darkness of that den of creeping things, he will rise to
night became the brightness walk in light.
of a new-born day. And Yehoshua saw a ladder
And then he looked to see made of gold, on which he
the beasts and birds and climbed; and at the top of the
creeping things. Lo, they white-robed priest awaited
were not. him.
And Yehoshua said, “of what Again he stood before the
is soul afraid? Fear is the council bar. Again no word
chariot in which man rides to was said. Again the
death! hierophant reached for his
And when he finds himself hand to bless.
within the chamber of the He placed in Yehoshua’s hand
dead, he learns that he has another scroll. And on this
been deceived; his chariot one was written “HEROISM”.
was a myth, and death a The Logos had encountered
fancy child. fear and all his phantom
But some day all men’s hosts; and, in the conflict, he
lessons will be learned. And achieved the victory.
from the den of unclean
beasts and birds and

Chapter 19
Yehoshua takes the sixth degree and passed the sixth
adept chamber of the eastern sages.

In all the land there was no gained the right to enter

place more grandly here.
furnished than the beauty The guide led on the way.
parlors of the Temple of the And, after passing many
Sun. richly furnished rooms, they
Few students ever entered reached the hall of harmony,
these rooms. The priests and there was Yehoshua left
guarded them with awe, and alone.
called them halls of Among the instruments of
mysteries. music was a harpsichord. And
When Yehoshua had attained Yehoshua sat in thoughtful
the victory over fear, he mood, inspecting it, when
quietly a maiden of
entrancing beauty came into Her touch thrilled all his soul;
the hall. and, for a time, forgot the
She did not seem to notice work that he was sent to do.
yehoshua as he sat and Few were the words the
mused so busy with his maiden said. She went her
thoughts. way; but then the heart of
She found her place beside Yehoshua had been touched.
the harpsichord. She touched A love-flame had been
the chords most gently, and kindled in his soul, and he
she sang the songs of Israel. was brought to face the
And Yehoshua was sorest trial of life.
entranced; such beauty he He could not sleep, nor could
had never seen, such music he eat. The thoughts of the
he had never heard. maiden came; they would
The maiden sang her songs. not go. His carnal nature
She didn’t seem to know that called aloud for her
any one was near. She went companionship.
her way. And then, he said, “Lo, I have
And Yehoshua, talking with conquered every foe that I
himself, said out, “What is have met, and shall I now be
the meaning of this incident? conquered by carnal love?
I did not know that such My Father sent me her to
entrancing beauty and such show the power of love-
queen-like loveliness were divine; that love that reaches
ever found among the sons of every living thing.
men. Shall this pure universal love
I did not know that voice of be all absorbed by carnal
angel ever graced a human love? Shall I forget all
form; or that seraphic music creatures else, and lose my
ever came from human lips.” life in this fair maiden?
For days he sat entranced. Though she is the highest
The current of his thoughts type of beauty, purity and
was changed. He thought of love.”
nothing but the singer and Into its very depths, his soul
her songs. was stirred; and long he
He longed to see her once wrestled with this angel-idol
again and, after days, she of his heart.
came. She spoke and laid her but when the day was almost
hand upon his head. lost his higher-ego rose in
might. He found himself
again, and then he said,
“Althought my heart shall And then in sorry and in tears
break, I will not fall in this my the maiden went away; and
hardest task. I will be victor Yehoshua was alone again.
over carnal love.” Instantly the great bells of
And when again the maiden the Temple rang. The grotto
came and offered him her blazed with light.
hand and heart, he said, The hierophant himself
“Fair one, your very presence appeared, and said, “All hail
thrills me with delight. Your triumphant Logos; Hail the
voice is benediction to my conqueror of carnal love
soul. My human self would fly stands on the height.”
with you, and be contented And then he placed in
in your love. Yehoshua’s hand a scroll on
But all the world is craving for which was written, “LOVE
a love that I have come to DIVINE”
manifest. Together they passed from
I must then, bid you go, but the grotto of the beautiful
we will meet again. Our ways Temple, and in the banquet
on earth will not be cast hall a feast was served, and
apart. Yehoshua was the honored
I see you in the hurrying guest.
throngs of earth as minister
of love. I hear your voice in
song that wins the hearts of
men to better things.”

Chapter 20
The Adept Chamber of the dead. The Mysteries of

The senior course of study When he had finished all the

now was opened up. And studies of the senior course,
Yehoshua entered and he went into the chamber of
became a pupil of the the dead that he might learn
hierophant. the ancient methods of
He learned the secrets of the preserving from decay, the
mystic lore of Egyptland, the bodies of the dead, and here
mysteries of life and death he wrought.
and of the world beyond the And carriers brought the
circle of the sun. body of a widow’s son to be
embalmed. The weeping With duty done comes
mother followed close. Her happiness and joy. And
grief was great. gladness cheers the hearts of
And Yehoshua said, “Good those who have passed on.”
woman, dry your tears. You The weeping woman turned
follow but an empty house. and went her way to find
Your son is in it not. happiness in helpfulness; to
You weep because your son is bury deep her sorrows in a
dead. Death is not a cruel ministry of joy.
word. Your son can never die. Then other carriers came and
He had a task assigned to do brought the body of a mother
in garb of flesh. He came; he to the chamber of the dead.
did his work; and then he laid And just one mourner
the flesh aside; he did not followed, she, a girl of tender
need it more.. years.
Beyond the human sight, he And as the cortege neared
has another work to do, and the door, the child observed
he will do it well and then a wounded bird in sore
pass to other tasks. And by distress. A cruel hunter’s dart
and by he will attain the had pierced its breast.
crown of perfect life. And she left following the
And what your son has done, dead, and went to help the
and what he yet must do, we living bird.
all must do. With tenderness and love she
Now, if you harbor grief and folded to her breast the
give your sorrows vent, they wounded bird, then hurried
will grow greater every day. to her place.
They will absorb your very life And Yehoshua said to her,
until at last you will be “Why did you leave your
naught, we down with bitter dead to save a wounded
tears. bird?”
Instead of helping him, you The maiden said, “This
grieve your son by your deep lifeless body needs no help
grief. He seeks your solace from me. My mother taught
now as he has ever done; is me this.
glad when you are glad, is My mother taught that grief
saddened when you grieve. and selfish love and hopes
Go bury deep your woes, and and fears are but reflexes
smile at grief; and lose from the lower self.
yourself in helping others dry
their tears.
That what we sense is but this highest truth that man
small waves upon the rolling can learn on earth; and here
billows of a life. a child, fresh brought to
These all will pass away. They earth, has told it all in one
are unreal. short breath.
Tears flow from hears of No wonder David said, Oh
flesh. The spirit never weeps; ALlah, our Lord; how
and I am longing of the day excellent is thy name in all
when I can walk in the light the earth!”
where tears are wiped away. “Out of the mouth of babes
My mother taught that all and sucklings hast thou
emotions are sprays that rise ordained strength.”
from human love and hope And then he laid his hand
and fears; that perfect bliss upon the maiden’s head and
cannot be ours till we have said, “I am sure the blessings
conquered these.” of my Father Allah will rest
And in the presence of that upon you, Child, forever.”
child did Yehoshua bow his
head in reverence. He said,
“For days and months and
years I have sought to learn

Chapter 21
Yehoshua, The Prophet had finished his tasks, and
must now go to the sons of men with love divine and
peace on earth
The work of Yehoshua was And then one said to
done; and now he must go Yehoshua, “Brother-man,
to teach the sons of men. most excellent of men, in all
And in the Temple he stood the Temple tests you have
and said, “The son of man won out.
has come to bring the light – Upon your brow I place this
the light of life.” diadem; and in the great
And all the brothers stood assembly of all the world and
and said, “This is a royal day heaven, you are the
for all the hosts of the earth; mastermind of all.
for salvation has come to all Now man can do no more;
the children of men. Six times but Allah himself will speak
before the bar, six times a and confirm your title. Go
your way and teach peace on journeyed on his way, a
earth, good will to man.” conqueror.
And while the hierophant yet
spoke the Temple bells rang
out in love; and the Logos

Chapter 22
Yehoshua addresses the seven sages – goes to galilee

The seven days of silence to comprehend within the

passed. And Yehoshua, Temple of Allah; so the work
sitting with the sages said, that Allah gave me to do is to
“The history of life is well teach men to build the
condensed in these immortal Temple of Love within.
postulates. These are the I am sent to be a pattern of
seven hills on which the Holy the Temple that man must
City shall be built. These are build within.
the seven sure foundation My task as builder lies within
stones on which the Temple my native land. And there
shall stand. upon was the Temple of
In taking up the work might Allah made known –
assigned for me to do, I am the Allah in man.
full conscious of the perils of And from the lower estate of
the way. The cup will be a men, I will select seven men
bitter one to drink; and who will represent the
human nature well might Temple of Love – Allah in
shrink. man.
But I have lost my will in that The house of Judah, my own
of Holy Breath. And so I go my kindred in flesh, will
way to speak and act as I am comprehend but little of my
moved to speak and act by mission to the world;
the Holy Breath. And so I go And they will spurn me, scorn
my way to speak and act as I my work, accuse me falsely,
am moved to speak and act bid me, take me to the
by the Holy Breath. judgement seat of carnal
The words I speak are not my men who will convict and slay
own; they are the words of me.
Him whose will I do. But man can never slay the
Man is not far enough truth. Though banished it will
advanced in sacred thought come again, in greater
power; for truth will according to the pattern
subjugate the world. given.
The Temple will live, though The time has come. I go my
carnal men will prostitute its way unto the world; and, by
sacred laws, symbolic rites the power of living faith, and
and forms for selfish ends; by the strength that you give
and make it but outward me.
show. The few will find And in the name of our God-
through it the kingdom of the Allah, the kingdom of soul
soul. shall be established and
And when the better age seven hills.” And all the sages
shall come, the Temple will said, “Amen”, and Yehoshua
stand upon the seven went his way.
postulates, and will be built

Chapter 23
Yehoshua received the news of his Fathers death;
writes a letter to his mother
One day as Yehoshua stood beside the Ganges busy
with his work; a caravan returning from the west drew

And one approaching my native land has brought

Yehoshua said, “We come to me word.
you just from your native My mother, all is well. Is well
land, and bring you welcome for father, is well for you.
news. His work in this earth-round
Your father is no more on is done; and it is nobly done.
earth; your mothers grieves; In all the walks of life, men
and none can comfort her. cannot charge him with
She wonders whether you deceit, dishonesty, nor
are still alive or not. She longs wrong intent.
to see you once again.” Here in this round, he
And Yehoshua bowed his finished man heavy tasks;
head in silent thought. And and he has gone hence,
then he wrote; of what he prepared to solve the
wrote, this is the sum: problems of the round of
“My mother, noblest of soul.
woman kind, a man just from
Our Father Allah is with him And if you lose your life in
there as he was with him serving life, you will be sure
here. And there his angel to find it in the morning sun,
guards his footsteps, lest he the evening dew, in songs of
goes astray. birds, in flowers and in the
Why should you weep? Tears stars of night.
cannot conquer grief. There In just a little while our
is no power in grief to mend problems of earth-round will
a broken heart. be solved; and, when your
The plane of grief is idleness. sums are all worked, it will be
The busy soul can never pleasure unallowed for your
grieve; it has no time for to enter wider fields of
grief. usefulness, to solve the
When grief comes trooping greater problems of the soul.
through the heart, just loose Strive, then, to be content;
yourself, and plunge deep and I will come to you some
into the ministry of love, and day and bring you richer gifts
grief is not. of gold or precious stones.
Yours is a ministry of love; I am sure that John will care
and all the world is calling out for you; supplying all your
for love. needs. And I am with you
Then let the past go with the always.”
past. Rise from cares of Signed,Yehoshua
carnal things and give your And by the hands of one, a
life for those who live. merchant going to Jerusalem,
he sent this letter on its way.

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