ArchestrA Training Manual Class 1

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WONDERWARE TRAINING Training Manual Wonderware® System Platform 3.0 Course - Part 1 ion Seiver £0 ene Pevice Integration Preduets IWFORIATION I THIG DOCUMENT If SUES TO SHY NTHOUT NOTICE. mind in any tome er hy any means (seston, mn 2 puipoee,iboul T¥e @isress wrlien serrriccion lore, crete, Conia T2708, e-Tal latins with ey iid 2 cording ore feral ey raghanere rated, idiewues, legos, people, places conrany, organization, product dorian cara, etal adieses, sould fs infer. Invensys nel be author(s) serum ne: emieges tesiing Fon tn’ vee of he Inonmation canieined herein, Use af ihe Invensys sot Inibie decrnant ts subjod ip ne tote 0” te. Cesporaion 2° lrver lWcense. Vee vertaniies i Hniletions of Wondenvero and lenny lebiiy Toons Glepleyed upon inlialintelstion ofthe ecivrra, ‘othe inence fe “at dsalayerd or vou require 2 ‘aditonel co3y ofthe renee, you Isenye! Soxdenvers bystnees sn spon recur caling 1.960727 8260 cr hy nening 20 exrll'> averse; Yonder ft InCceliol industislSQt Server: lnvoush; Intro: Euitetticeger, Window Weekes Tadawtinven: Cweny ayer | ‘wide, Sula, Opie lo x46 lesan sfflistes companies. [Toller bends enc product cf hele especive cx Feciony i CDRom EOE vlan wcrting i ones taku ef seieys ube be raed aed re names Mey be Tho teers croniee marks >) PIIIXIIIDFD IID DDI IIDIIIII III III J do Module Module 2 Mod! Module 4 Module: Module é of Contents Introduction Section $ ~ Course Iniroduction.. Section 2 ~ "Mand! 4 ~ Creat 20th Phatfoara Flent b tae. Seymant orl. 2at laying the Deployment Model. 247 vironment... 220 231 2a oe 25A E pplication Cb Seaton 1 ~Te ab &~ Ghange Conirel Section £~ The SAnalogDevice Object.. 8 —Wieter. : The DiscreteDevice Object. Lal) 10 ~ Valve, Pump end Motor. Seotion 6 ~ Containment... Lab 11 ~ Mixer Lab 12 Motor Speed... Section 3 ~ Introduction to QuickSoript NET... Lab 12 ~ DDESuitel. nkGien! > Keconne Lb 14 ~ Auton rence Config Alevae eid History’. ction 1 ~ ia. Lab 18 ~ Configuring Alarms Section 2 — Historization Lab 16 — Configuring History security. Section 1 ~ Security Cverv Leb (7 Securty Madule? Ce ey Melons ice Section 1 = Export Modtte 2 BI Redundancy. . Lab 16 ~ Configuring the Redundant DI Object... Section # ~ ull Node &a2Fcation, Lab 20 — Con wor Environment KA Wonderoere Application Sam B Plent Model Plenntng Diegrams Wonderware Wali Module 1 Intrecuction niroduction 13 System Pletfona 147 1-35 1-41 1-63 107 1-85 1-94 4a Intaduction fies the ntjanihves are sy basics oe Nene ‘ed coursed AB 2004 supply t ‘ervare Appicaton Server ic to lluctrate the and project utliaing oocnectia Cate proces c "y such 28 “ulorration Sijech fe cours Lovee applic Gow « Objectives Upon ccrapletion of 2 Create new projecte using Model the plant Teorusing automation objects © Slr tony contig A secarity in the © Troubleshoot Winnenwane o> ion urienee ‘on developers, eyctem integrators, ard ather ay Foe ice with ha Wonderware Peeve “The prereg © Coniplation of Geting Stared tt Wonderware Anolcation Sever web tutoral located at Iilpfvrerwonte = Menufecturing industry lakes foe this sours Mout ior 1 = Infrednetion = Course Introduction he Wonderware ® 8: jve othe eouree, in tem Platform 8.0 cource - Par! t, (Hlonderware: ded eudionen, premquiites, scription of Wendervare Products. om Platform endow of the Mendarvera Syoier FI iripartance of how itis ertical 9 pl traditional Horm, tha arcana of 4 9n owerton of the Sesed Hill end SCADA pred eilferences haw terete Leb 4—Greatings G ction Thies -Tha Archest ion ravi 2 Template Toclbox and Ape ri the oe Section / ~ Autometicn OI ‘This section provides an eyplanetion ofthe various tyoes of objects utilized in the Arve 1D cverview of wien and haw “rey are used. AccHionally, . descrines how \g are Support explanation of eri reculrerients 1d cavers Suppanl servis ction f= Application Pl Tie céction provides an exclenetian ef Keaton inaplernentation Ientiying Module # Fowl 19 Plant Model clion provides mally, pains clic ity, on caneant of haw to uillze vera model 3 Leb 3 Creating the Plant Model Section 2~Tho Deployment ihodel T sro -xplenetion of "re Deplaynne! iodel = cernanstrates 9 str ichure of i= Deployment ier nt Model Lab 4 ~ Grenting end Deploying the Reply = The Run nment 4 provides en avplaniation ofthe Runtime environment and exctains er in monitoring ‘he Runt Lab S—Using Object views Sention 4 Gonnsiting Yo‘ iis section provides an une Ia2ise provides an ov Fits ale ictanding 9° the Device Integration Ovjects, UO Serv fre of Dl Ot b 5 —Gonnesting ‘01 6 and explain how to Ceriue 2 tenolate, and its functionality & Ghenge Contral end Propagation r of att The cection pre locking attrisun looking end provides en ‘lust ried inet ations oF row lon 4— The SAnalogDevier Olject yoisto the won Tile cection introduce SénalopDevice object and is ‘enetionalty, vine object and fs “unetlonality. icinment and hee ikwarke with Apotication Objects ilodule # — Extending ‘ire O Section 1 UDAS Thip secficn intraduce 1 he they ore configured and Seotlon ne Quiput Functionatty ‘or Aapention Obert Extensions envriren Leb 12 = fot Section = Ininaduetion te Quick@er'zt.5 Woneara Syston Fat Thig seclion inireduces and exploine the cornting environment and tha various serinting: configuration ettrioutes cf the Anctiestion Object iteLInkCtient A ‘coonnet Lab 14 Automatic Feference Configuration rilirization of the concept of slorms and events. and Sow ArchestrA anidles the Lal 45 — Configuring Alarms ction 2 ‘This section provides: ‘orilitization vs ‘he background concept of historizat details of histerizable configura fon ane the = Configering History Module Section 4 = Security Ovenvieur arity ‘This section srovides en understanding of Security as I ralates to Anpticntion Server, Mocule xy Mel hee Section 4 - Exporting and h The section provides an wr parting Okjects Standing 0” ture ess haw to Section 2 ~ Configuring Instenc ‘This cection stevie functions desing witn G and "0070 Impert 2 smiemt Corecle are ho a configured Seotion ¢ — Networ it UN ve role of ave nging work count ene how In configure it ceamant ard he 10 Module 2 — bevice Integratlo Product dion © — Wicnsenvare LO Gervers Section 2 ~ Data Aes s fervers Thiie cection provides: farillerizalion ih O Server Serer onc fie use with Wiorderware celication c Introduction ‘and thelr une with Mondor concept of redundancy, how it can be sent this feature. It alse provides an 13 Lab 18~ Configuring Application Redan Section 2~ DI Redundancy This section provides an un: how it can be configures ati! key points to more offestivaty implement this f als provides an igur'eg the Redur 3~ Multi Note Application nundenstending of ho ‘AU the conclusion of tic aerate Sreletn Fine 0 Coee PRET vere Sofiware Solutions Worde Werdariare Software Solutions provide vohi Industriat fe tools far optimizing and standardizing your and cast seving techniques that increase ing effort end deployment, performance imerovemante thal ean reduce relag information end automation anniieations faese col stons can ele be implamentort thet you chase, The sot the enon thet & int The ent Epprocei fo Industrial & plications Quicikstar Applications vee © Microsoft Tests NET, ere eal od e: sofwiare, s0sof SO. Server, ent Thartaare and + Wonderware System Piatfocrn envi Wonderware Glient Software provide & e-viogs and capatilfies lo enble an inducta! infrastructure thet application coltion. © Function- Specific Modules riake it cacler than ever store to optimize production ant prstorm: ftom ma prods 6 Wondenvare Quickiatte provide © grephies, and Web reports, using fly factions! end docs All Wondonve-e Software Seiunions-—whstharin the areas of Supervisory Hill, Production and Performance Mengg2™eni, of Goo SCADA~tousrage the comprehensive Archete AG induct auiomson end informstion software architecture actices, pre ed dems pplication. ~ Course Infreduntion oni applicetion infrastructure. Its modular 2ocreach noi, W's “he understanding the’ the requirement coraplelely change tovscrron. w application companes’s en ihe apnlication sel, owe Functional Hoeeriere opr sustainable 8 Industrial domain servic Sommercial eperating syste © Softnars and davies connective business information source Platform onntaing en ini rottuction 2nd operations 4 Infermation-delivery and visualtection sery‘ces ter functions the’ provide infermation te ight us igi tire, 27 in “he foc i rich “hey expect it evelopment servic cnovide spsy ard intultive develonmment of industriel cofwere solutions ti nsanagerion’ and a expansion, and medication cf aes eceeces Paes eens: eee Coen eee tint wre Sytem FY Kodul = Introduction Systens Platform Components Wondes seftvare campennnts, Systems Pietform consists of @ varie eoutty, dete menipulation, remo © Wanderwere Historian (formerly known ae Indu Wondenwans Infermetion Server (formerly known etiwere for Internasviat © Wonderware Bevi ) plant deta Histories, D) nurs portet nt fend reporting over ware FA To complement ‘hes Wonder Perforation Mane petlonal Modules. ilies ed beived es iered by tue Wfenslenyrar® Syston MetTonn, aes main 11s arsan ef Produ seavisory Conti, ot Wendeniare Tromme Production aid Perfarr aos 2 proeetive exaroect to praduction and n¢ productions reticnal improvements jament. Aparapriate fer a wide rat integrated software applinations ally decreae total ocel of aumerchip. vith your exieting plant, (7 reenizalion mime, iorration 20" # powerful poriel “vet 2 Inipre expat ily Informetion sharing with edvanced tending date erly ec reaarting 41-12 Module 4 — tntradustion Product Offerings The Wonderware Production end Perormence Wenegement Softwrre Solutions coneiet of 9 vetiety of products © Wangers foundation ‘er eppliertion ioh manager Pinttorms providing © core sat ef service eects rd information deFveny Syst 2 Menutecturing irecing sofware ding product fer, erelyzo, ard predict ente for inaprovedt inns, ellowing fe ilericy Fonderwete fccry HUAI So ‘avd hybrid a itr. Th he mast Maxie jude on6i6 design, bulld, dep! vs tie Kowe ine up > mwiiple networked su hanes, and coniral systems id Yor every usar in he sy © Iniegrate plant cevie sirong securily ai he dzt-element level i praductions ert + Rapidly erp + Slendatdize on ¢ rugged bundled with powedtuly'suzii Product Offerings The ene ‘camdetion fer application covelopr ¢ InTouch humn-machine intexiece Hime oenirol coriwere ‘clware Solutions consist of « wartaly of products: vara Syeter Platform providing @ core cel of sonvice opel ant, charaiicns, ard infcrmetion tahvent Ml) vefwere for orccess “crnlzaition end contol ne Supervisory HM » Inentrat Wercuave Wats raphically Distributed Sch Ria (G Sinoe the late 19805, the Wonderware Solutions have been pre Ch Dh) Sotinens Sotto ADA) Sofwrete iar atest rirwunications, graphically Dictrbuted (Gee. (ost ewery industry including nneroriation, and ‘efe: 1 commganies Fooking to ware solution for SCM, ble SCADE oplicetions undency 108. Srchesteh erchitectur sind sorter accu thet le compa . a UoeKe '¢ design, build, deploy, and maintain standardized SCRIP. apclications . ial eystern Ienycle ovsis fare Geo- SCADA Sofia iy of produce: sare System Platfarm providing 2 core set of service capeilties pplication development, operations, ar¢ information ceiivery 1 hvmiet ins interfaces (Hill software: for c £ SCADAlein™ avant notifoatian scflivate for teel-tine elerm notification, date 207 end remote control fort ‘stecarmunication devices to industriel eulormation softnere systeras Wonsesnene Syste iMonderware Individual Softuere Product ings Ievernge the lotect Avghoctrhs ischnology and are inet andere cota ot rill the onder Production oe¢ Performan Ne SCADA, ond rare Solutions. al Se nervisory F ‘ollewing Monderweet i tivity termavide, realtime deta ecquisttin, ripulation, remote deplayment, AmshestrA Object Teall fer cre Wordenvare &colisation Server 1» InTouch humen-mackine interface (HIAI) se"tware ‘or pr + Wondernare System Platform providing 2 core set of service canmlities 2s 2 ‘sundtion fee epplicetion rd information delivery grating new funcioral cazatiities inte alfeations using 2 moduler aoproadh, ‘reludina: reduction -c¢ visutlization and contrat 2 Module out id performance Manufacturing Execution Modu! Gonneetivity Tools of /, Server “eal © Bl Analyst sielistical process an¢ quality control softwere to oredict process verietions online anjusiments ‘or improved production. © InControl reaktime control o- © Ineteh (ler ble batch m ime elerm not utsition, on devloes io Inductial e:iometion sof wat vole ring information aaplicetions in cortinucus, nufecturing environ hybrid, ar satel ms nt glen decintanvs in reel te, Wend evraric Erokesith: provides an infrastructure *r: maintenant olitying 1d eeminictralion cf dictriouled ems (SCADA), Pron batch, Henutecturing enced seni Precesirh i A Allthe genheswe ‘oni 5 Following: RP metems art © Fram vhost anv 2 core ioc © Domain Obi © Object Der Te 6 devrain 0 sired by most of mentioned © Licence management end centralized deployment . i diag scrinistration 6 Internationalization © Buen based process oF id event @ Data eenuisition end Said texices integration 2 Inter-chject communica © Report 4 Supacrt for Industry one. end meme servos dad-hee query capably ne fi ore The fchesith Framework ecneists of ¢ Configuration and Geployment Related Comp: abject repasitary (ca ane chjedt deployment like any cilver inv ar is © Runtivie Component cofwrere apolicatlons (Engines) end objects (Pramsio% Ot mmawork related fuacisnallly. Trece sompovents ere centraly deployed and administered, in Pisin Sf Goren Pet = Indentione itt ble = Wondiware tg par BOM! Object Oriented develop racist: of ie Nor nce of hawr ih is ort envicory ion ad 1¢ Production and Performance Mian fon personnel. Il provides @ comaman 2 re evicting system. platfarra estrh® vere lainable production 4rd comprehen capability areas: (ideal don Syolem management acd exiensibilly ssrvices inductrlal Domain Services The Wonderware System Flatforra overs Industral domain services that are not aroidded [ox commercial operating = power niressirclin Wondonvara System Peliamm 20 Comee Pat 148 ihodule * — Infreduction Wonderware custer 6 Ih inductee! api yeu have ne knowledge of computer aplication Cunesions are quictty ouster Programming or consider your you *6 corvueniently intern reduction of personel monitors and deploys m Industrial Domain Services provie! enabling instant responses plications © High computing avellebiliy 2nd recundaney ‘0° eritical 2 Contelized sane ard swent-senitori © Dete-tewel security o protect pent © Pad logging ered 2 y pre end sy intenance, pereonnel Pager, mobile phon operational mionitering © Susingle global Nemespace lo access dala len nywhere, without tee lintietions caciel hehavior ° Pla responses: information end sucervicony “undlions to low ender interaitient date ne & coranmunicetion to virwaly any pian information Unitying dives rating business 0 incre Pent ayeler cariguretions Easy impor a inlo structures « 2 Conversion ef non-etructured devicecommuntes Incresse te rneinteinebilty of a plications end syst # Connectors and cnnrunication servers toe central including = Sui applicetions ane extern ‘end Hit ion devices, contol sy © Histexiane ene relations sel = Sunlly and meintensnees vystene . ret (ERP) . (wes) Informesion end bate Manegement services Furthermore, the Wondervaes Cvelem hatonn enagement of sl eelinn information mena hictorice! infomation —- iaging date trsnsfermetion sid slog capebilly can increase 6 plant's profitability because 1 ansbles immediat performance ini ‘and alerm notifications: tors (KPIs); SPC, dows istorical More effective Infoamation and cnt nd snhance plant perlarmanos. Far instance System Patra srovic only cate visualization, bull ectione ices. batch i € preduction wrenitoring = Information and Date rove Jon, sich reduces disk slowage end maker. more dala ins = Dale compres 5 An historical archive inal ng Suplicats 2 Citing a heneting ter: * (ole israel unit (RTU) er vironme + Conelation of evens and alesms lin production history © bate irrnefemetion anc normelization id Store & Forward fertures pewerful process: ewenl monitoring buffering # Simple ond fest configu Inforicticn Meliveny end Arestied he right te, end in the form fn which “hey ve Syetam Pletform, 3 ‘Monmetion, are’ ¢ Delivering is right information, 1 ie right user, expect ifs key serviee provided iy the Yeons oh conetiiendy vistilize nienufecturing and ousines hangs Se reach thelr business 0 yer cially ‘plement sfarmietion scing the anen ard casyeto-unes MMA Plant sysiarss. Proactively evhenes vour plants sine ord historical dete ro un rezons, ever ff 1 Platform can sven “els you Gickly access ronttime =nd Nistor het sectnlesste integrates wth legacy profitabiily by (king sclion on information in real tris, beyond! (ie boundaries of the seccred process retwerk. Or ye have ne SOL daiebese khowledge, Te Worderreare Syst reohiove ropuleatory compliance vl:h ckyple and escurete aulomater reports, 420 Module 4 — Introduction a hi i fF © Mulliple lient interfaces [io., Thi . inetion and HUA pesenord ercryetion Comorehensive: ducts E aie methods . ref retiwel modes pllestios Develo piv The Wonderware Syciemn Metfonn ard ite underlying Srehecir® tachralegy arevids aegy and iniuilive devolopment cf modular inductril covers salitians, which cen 0 It, eu cans tive stand nd using them evs , re result is 2 decrees In the ‘with creating, modifying, Ini Jorer inemet browser System Furthermore, 12 Wonderware Sys iodification of epplicalions crf aah during “eit nt, expancian 2 merle a youl the Wet a vette teeclogialevtion operating syst d del Deoreace Ifenycle on sepand your system as whale wthout disruption, System Managerent and Extensibility S rohiiet syste Single Node, ClieniSs: . ication ineelation . «én online configuration detahase (ret centrally maintains sottsere 2 Remote changes propagation tized compu lagncstce © Ineccence, 'n Wonderware System Malforrs faciliaies consistant avd reliable peraters across ations rn vitally bail up thir erchi s rachices a pler nance end reac 3 can bs renidly assembled rather Spy three mis to provida e 2 rotaist erchitle systems in euppa of vk ore t automat orenpand older pl end information archi nts mote efficiently, and an optimal way to build ually, respon tet wishes to st envi Protas 2 commnirceized at broek se be quickly castornizatte for w rheSs Grow eve! aagity en speed, or isk rapt Aostay's globe! busin ised lo oparete plant ie varieties of hardware and soft ‘and process conta, infomation n nl slesision support. The factwiers Lo ot id Add value ts the tligy’ proses. Wii i ircustrie! products simp'y would net oni, be: ject, jrondtenlly. Thit hind plant menegce's ebilly to eynchrorize andl conti production and business processes in a teh time environment. In other words, the malority of manufactwers have nol successfully Integrated the functional ies of Jousiness/ infor isleme ints @ single, unified infrestrusture Inthe past, this hes heen en expensive and time-consiing process, Thasé thet have: successful inlegretes have done so et great cost in terms of money end resources, Moreover, egpite the huge investinre mes wanies in these gystenis over the yenrs, manegers stil find i ificut! to quentty resuling tengib'e bene! Worssnere tone, Scidhtooreted Sramction roaring ‘ven Busines recess Ii most plants fodey, “islands of a ‘oe plent manager's bling cit to easy in sakegies ores tral each selsh, teesarch ard technology, ‘sacad Uh Series AI Ay hee taten Tre iret ajar sie lover 7 tenting manuiacturerc’ nvesiments “rina he Iccade, manufacturers have been revising busin stares te hesome more mertel-cbiven ans ord and conciel . is OTE FeSO: globelization © Develen greater ently end & more colletisrative, data-driven enviror . ontve the menufacturing process with planning and scheduling funicns to erformanse © Empower operators with critical Information to foster improved plant performance © USze exiet the plant or bi © Ensue the gr continuing ni coats more eff ci new capac possible return on 8 rectuctions erty to increase production, without the need to erp: and improve proftatitty, in the fece of ore, rvsnagexe kc hey can no longer simply inwectin ecnalogy” and In feck rrilens of liee have aady ben ‘annct aferd to sian stl because evelop improved eeaponcivensss, To echiove there expect improvernents (6 come about autom invest with only neg are significant rewards te be reaped by those aailiy, anes higher relurn an assets tra the problem, many of yesterdey’s eulometion and information syst eto chew th ine, Aoling ah @ messi anchor hoy a ‘origin! investenent Ini Visible o owners and investors — thal it is uncterstandeby dificult i bre eating aver with the Inlet generation of lechralogy. Further, I means niet ently eliminating extensive 1 GF valiable i nacware infresteuctare, bul hat capital unique io the 1 x6 uyricwontce cupply ehvain many manulecturers are working foward @ relions costelfective solution tat Coes nol require enorniouls investment and allows for the preservation (of a6 rich existing infiestrucine a& possible. They evi, 6 Uhe shexisouin exieni ‘Well 6s In intellectual properiies. ion-spectis coflware, They are wetking (o synchronize (he rious nents within {he menufecturing dorieln, nately éutoriation Aion systomr, thereby fullling thee cyctemie" criginel promice ci iraprove ciiney. They are identifying optimal longrleim strategies based on (otel Cost of ‘eesible, existing investments in hardware and sctiwere conten in infoen syle 6 of change hae increased io « point al ich it ie difficult for manufacturers is execute before market conditions change once apein. Today's manufacturer, however, must have ihe sbiliy to respond io challenges thes aie virively unanticipated, Response “ies have liveness, and wil wens 20 foreas a alant information superstrustirs “nal ‘ong term. ructure fs avatizise *r france existing ped usta 2 Move shend inte the future, confident of shorter projet af purarciie, ne life nf ts pls Viremain in a leadershi Erohestna rettectrns ‘oped by Ir free int ‘ermal anviicator , at ign ‘0 unily ‘survent ar nproversent. it a unique intresinucture 5, allowing f fresiructur robes fentttnes the nev logical extenst fing setterace acca mmedate g lechnalocias ard ts reuse of ero'n anoibver, The abjectve of (Mis unique technovony is fn exzerse ‘she a manistacturer mist modify ov exgand Hie camer Incomporeting Arties sl eoveiderably reriuon the ane! 2 ro'ret BUSI Mess 1-26 yonize the various Informations! elements within the ilar required by businese eystoms in real time. ed to fre users from: the eomplevities of So users require only eseerbly cts, not apply their fime te functions in hick they on eemices dirnally Inte s carmen ‘hel are inetantly integrated, A provi ed progr ore expariice application ents of the software infratrastirs oF intrastr “The key # Gotamnan design and developmie © Deptny nd calealation © Alstan end event subsystems with reliable envira © Conteelzes lic foment and deploy rile 6 Gentelizes system dlagnostice and administration 6 Inlernstionetizetior. of objects and application services In addition, extends Surctionelty eoross the collaboration. The /ctomation Information Pyrarsic ross all levels of the 6 Menufecturing Collaboration The followin Pyreria rates these pee il Is they relate to the hulornetion Informnetion ere Mele | Manufacturing Collaboration | Pant Intelligence Production ‘Supervisory Plant Floor Connectivity ater with sealing suter ‘and nertormar Ney werkstatin ving configuration, Object Cricnted ‘There ere severe! “uncamental clfferences betwen Hill ard SCADA anager ortented end tree in hw var: jonel brane rene Proasml Te Sturt [ied Graptins Davee Tens bast Beciaioai’ Process Bavepostin Promotion of Stendendls EAvivily Entore Gob pln Chengie | Prague fc Temple Phuc Device Oct ‘conn apslicaticn. Une ef tie wind SGbjectoriented witty SCADA The phrase "Obieci-ararise SCADA" has boon ‘ith us eines ‘he ectty 1EO's, Iie weely ued today tc refer in the ability to bw'é grashice and drew pictures hace cn clanans 0° a hierar ic i referred to as. Object Griented Grepice. This elo wou te build 6 eur%hal ane rei ose r ecreen or Hidl apslicatio’ and hee visual cheng elihe aclarsymcots at ibe me time. This is use! Fraciimnaliy, bul BATA re then just pretty pict For eremn, the maforty of work tha gos inte @ anes catitae Oei ASRS jpn Monitoring Wonstwere Wahine 1-29 Detection tow and movers Valve Application Object “Sea, In crc to fully reize the needs fo depict all of these tof an Object-orient hings, along with the graphies es object. lypes of objects In objectoriented SCADA, objects contain the esp they represe-t For exemple, & valve abject cen contein all the ev rms, sacl, commmunizetiors and scripting asosiated with 2 device. Objects don't jus\ represent plent equipmen. They ean alte rior Performance Indicators (KPIs), condition monitoring #7 amy more things thet you wart the lent infonrietion avctern te do. Because these crerstions ere moduler, is easy fo add ther ie any end ell paris ofthe application. For example, lets or sete is 4 slandard wey your organization calcalates and pump. By eneapsutating ‘ie function 26 en o'er, tle possible touse plication 1-30 6 include sores © Celeulatias © Graphios diepieye Citone nee ingot ily to al sr the conti Diaphracm | 2 Ghange | PSe] Propagation Pew Diaphragm le Powered Powered valve vabe. nie patent angles we fommleped replicates or insteatieted frars the parent iemplates, Now s petenl, sc & chunge in the parent car. be veplicated “0 al of powerful development espabily in thet < Faplication ereetion cpilniiced by using perent Templates and autenisted chi o2ject replication sconmiedited by making rherl che drsages vi iwinplate nad heving ihe ehild = Ongoing sy sultnisted o: Vorsarere Tahing * Procere From tre inception of PC t users ae sul InaPL ore contral 9 wh ines or Hill ep raphice definition plication is ‘0 be te eerie lon history shutting denn the epalication, making © en “unetionaliy, 2 praduction Sai is plent-wite supe ee that connprint sy 19 ireplem ig resus. in engineering crane 4 se pervicary con'ral ‘u iniy. The i, fisite survey is conduct Fiping 217 Instrument Diegre) eqularrert in ase stand the layout of the manuf s (FFI) cen also 56 reference cf sill ple raritters, conteal loops, drt efit Templates are contigured for there 560 tranersth fs procent sels up he sterdards for the igary epalication ar rested In 6 user k ecilic cevice, WOO I allot Iie logie, inpuicutp Device fompintes car for example, 6 rile h other in build-up a mors oor miter, urn mt f rath at ay Contin & eae. 432 Module 4 —Inireduction individual becis or Fal then aeelgnedt tc eerury grauzs. This cen be dom ne plant 7 uri soups eve corm Tights. onin Sach security group. Users oan tae given cr ex billy In venging User permaicstane ened In in the Achestrh IDE can new be decleyed to the or Notice tht shcolutely nic sonideration msde t i laid-out.o¢ which computer alion Server in ‘ul Standard act seed "9 fst sb) supervisory stesions ig tab he euetem running on 1. Ut reside cn & single computer or on hundreds. of computers. lie compu 0 SP? 0 es Foead A Hk ihe plant model 10, Orice thes agptication to cs teri linked "a tie Templates, ‘emplates can be propagated nits asecciated oie level esr change toa 6 nie tie te ihe chenges cen rutomalically Eroorgate in al vie operetor ile Vie plan Platter Ph Madel for Develo In Sis course, the nrenufacturing er~oornri thst nieve perente, Inti foce i reat valle inane igure il system Modal te Pa aren pC) | re oy une _ coining ell persistert crnfigurelioe item of ores or mars Galary Dalal Module 1— ny Herne boxes. © Silica button: Gonne Gelary ReposiinnyiGatery oF eduction (Wonderware yn emect {De fring, veren 3.0 - totitanbas. epertino Calter rd Adsrinistrato, bo sth Mul goo eviously sreated cn Click Connect th th ful the erchestr Gbjectives Upon eornptton of is i + Graste © Gelexy > Open eres Greate 2 Galax, i le = new Galaxy 2, Gores 0th lopment environment, fie next page to Detailed Leb Instructions Wondiowere Syean Potions Si Coen Pe T Let Instractions structions for completing this le For e summary of instructions, ry Leb Instructions on the previous page(s). Jecting Start / All Programs / Te Gelexy dakeg b Sotaeore rere Cea [ [geste | aleary types. will b Wentuwire Te ABGoIexy For Galany name enter i Pepsi Host rary TATTGERVEC [Creatng Gain? es ih Sey ol Siena ue Pte aS Fd Dale Repet move yale br) an foe waton Sette eve tory infra GinmitannTTNAANATARE click Close 100% completed fimimmENAT Wercasonre System aio 210 Coan Pat? We Intentionally left blank — The frelresiré [DE Us ‘The Integrated Development Environment {IDE} is tre in'sareted des'an from niiish sil Srehesiné objects are configured sloyedd tote and configure the abjacte th ‘our application and the underiying inf susperts your eoclicalian. rinterface sing ths Arcitsatrs IDE, you oan imsarl new ty sjecks i to the ‘configure nsw anes, lay ther Yo POs om your netvrark. (ltple us concurrently 07 cifferent sis of objects ‘tor eiferent. Archestn® IDEs, The Arner I 5 PrchastiAs Borintr E can hes installed o> any PC that Key Functions of The Wisin Window isthe 3 your enterpriee. This mi provides the “ey pletion © capability can be accented end configured, Some of thens key © Gelexy Configurator Gonnact to en eetsting Destray 2 Galaxy inmpenExpart Oy Configure User security 8 Configure Object security © Object Coniiguration 8 Crenie new abjecte 2 Configure Histrization trroygh ojecte o Cenfigure of . ng oi 2 inobjects with coments = Deploylundeploy obj te changes in nul cor iguretion srrersvernings Wrenner Upload runtime cheng! © IDE Configuration © Set user proferent 8 Croate Too! Box, Monu options, Toolbars, Template tod, they are elaborated on int The Archestré IDF User Interface Mein View Tabs—y | saa : _ fi “fuser name, tf Galaxy name License usa: Teamrtetee — [SRS Te The Mein Window of the Archestr/ IDE is compaced ef the following components: 2 Title ber Menu ber Toolber © Tenplete Toolbox: plication Views © Object © Operations View © Stele ber ler re Wendavore Teh Template “foolbox: sv inj eitor isnt The Tile Rar dia the Main finde cre deserized below. Menu Ber “he Archestth IDE Wenw Ber is 2 ¢} anaes Galaxy, Edt, Mew, Ohject, Winciow, ard Help. Depending or what object ert a isin focss, whet condition its f>, or whether cerialn functors are some menu commands mayb Galaxy monu — Providi iotoning: ‘aie on Read-Gnly ~ Foro ios, Tiers ere several ceuli: One exvansple woul: be Sekt, ys de wh [ewe re Hyatem Mle Wa eanee Pot S fort. This command is evetatie only if pen. K the object hes been modified you ere is rawr dats 9 tie Gatexy Ranosttary. The came validetion eoenario hed in the Se 4 Inport = For ingerting Auster «Export - For exporting Automation Gi end e Gelaxy Da ry. and Gelexy Los: on Objects, Script Function Script Forti ts, AN Aut fecal fe ec neta fea in etlest ons of born Volast a erersorn ston, they ere dsloyed ire moasage bw and th ner given the cin or cance the eavm, € Seve All Forsevng AIL tin coreny opera object configirtion, which is paristed avez if the editor i erors or warings ere kiontTed dirg veld to carte eeig or conc! " rigor 8 For viewing mation, © Properties — For Change Gatexy ies the following commen’ OT Pensa casas ee 74 coke os er Terman, © Ronenie = For rea Ain foous. jing the obj si Nene — For 10 © Reneme Conted © Delete— Fe © Find For locating specific items of informtion biased on cfiterie. © User Information = For viewing the Prot Use Defeats In for ria the cont aan of the obj ting the objectin focus, variety of configuratie. search ntti! Sean State, Sean Stete Defaults, net A Meroe fey. On your itil Are! ible (checked) and the ellen. lengua ew menus! contralling th a niin a er usar Implearent cess cuishiein coset ose ¢ Motel — For bringing focus to the Madel view of the Main Viincow, + Deployment ~ Fo" bringing *ovus ‘0 the Deployment view of pono 4) Derivation ~ For bringing focus t he Derivation = irom, . sllsox ~ For brin Wain ern * Main irdow. . Main indo, . us Bar of the Main Viincow Tieioam Bi Come =P 446 Module 4 ~ Intractuction Undo dreccen “Overte Sherk Cu valde vein Obes ute basen Te onsen sot ac etait © Ghevkeln — For checking in to checked oul. his commend opens Il © Undo Gheck-Out ~ Forres of the object in question. 1h anyone cont ih © Ovortide Ghock Out ~ Use this cornmanc to dicate th object. This. command iyricelly requir sourily permissions and should only in those citcuristanses in which itis ceriain that cbject configura! at by the weer who originally checked out the object. Ifthe object's editeris currently cpen, ie override function Fels. k-oul without a ne is the ober can bi chested out Neg on the eelected cexlensions, up he uniques to the objet. 9 for additional Information Objects” on peg ding tt © Wiew in Object Viewer - For allowing the evaluation of alinbules end conditions: objects are deployed. I provicies a vieual display of the selions belng executed + Deploy — For deploying the object or objects currently in focus to lars denote: opr Deploy Of 6 Undeplay — For undeploying ‘he object er cbjecis currently i os ‘rom the neds tha! ly host ther, this conmnend ops te Ue © Sssipn To ~ For assigning cbjecte to @ ¢“Teret pi 6 Un For unassigning chjecis in 6 different © Sete Defeult— For sesiing & Syetem Ghee, euch a6 Wn lator sie for g ppropriete objec! oct dialog or. m7 * Upload Runtime Changes Far uploading 2 Galery Repository. Tals function ‘s useful her (iieteable Nic, Wirteeble UC_Lockable, uration environiieri, guration le determined fo be pe The runtime configuration 2st Rapes 1 lis Upler aie in ihe Galaxy ni rsa oe Main Winn hie ent IF iu Includes the folowing ox bios Horeootal Tab coop Ne tertin Tab Gown peo to ui Tob crc, ‘Maveta Brevious Yet Group ring) rt nd for d'eplaying the esiters brevis exttcally en eration, you ncionis command for displaying ‘he editors editors. If ves ch 6 incividuelly or each ecto following eorarnands: . fn®\ IIE — Openers About Arch ites nd copymiaht ierniation. Operetions bane ions is. Currently, valeting ‘The Operations pane displays the progress end results c*@ thet can be dove al Sie seme time 2s athe eprlication-bullding © the configuration of objects but enly on thoes ‘het ore ation; that includes checking etiowatte atthe valve ts ves ing end binding its refsrences, validating its extansions configuration thet may be Note: A primary uso of is th validate ote ents would hen That were confgurod prior to the rman # state of Ba Validating theee Bad obje! Dik ceed EEE Guueaded- bpd bos Tewiie = cbt es Es Vee Sebati Gene td oie ee Be era beteaTeatte < along wth the status ofthe by an icon neicon ray conta 63 Note: You cen velidete all objects chvect. Ir that ease, Gora veidetod Hrvat hosing la re-cort acearding to al hee ior ne of son groupings. Use the check 0 sort for objects thal ere checked out end, therelore, cennol be cates checked oul status with @ check meri “ety, the Ervorette-e! 3 on, You cen also copy & line of text in th pane lst by ‘norte mies (+0). The Operations p e the Template tions Viows, is elso upsiatest ae the statue and conditions of objects in the Teotinox Gatany change. Wendarwere Teves roper use iver ll oe “Ialidetion of ‘corapiling T's nd cinding fs rallon pravennelers. fe iey hes an alleweble itn change eriier ect about the pt ‘Typically, each option on range of inputs. Ifyou type en Some configuration s seriat function Maca ral cor an object may rete aro. would lreaivthe venfigurations aaeat Important Mien are checked i. livate ont The Validate Operellons, tien on Only one all fer each callon op tion ope Noto: Validation oparalions canal is canceled. Conlinue using this Scotvestth IDE to perform fangaing, ineduding ork he conna ie ritialed ori validation ts cick Inilleted fy you on ‘he O°) Gorman Resuilie colurin 0! itvaidation isin process sil. Failure to er?or fon or ar 1s Operation #8 Gelexy object Wertacrcs System Plalorm 2.9 Cua Per you hover aver ec [22 cxange Gatexy — Fortec iy a cae ot axy repostiory that is difzrent from the one to ie Selact Gatexy diag bor. Bbc nstomation orect- ected Me(s) bs view of the iportng Gein Regestory erat UI open -Fe opening Eettoe Clignt rea of the M ted to jest is open Save For saving tl 4y Repository, andconigue’r exihor current This coriae able sentoh criteria, Gheok-Out — For checking oul an object from the Geleay Repos fen Sole authority to configs thet object. Nobadly effest the eonfiguretion of the object untl you have heeed ory so thet you can tect to the Galaxy can any use” cet totetserPathe objet chen are backed oul, An enor mes: you made (0 the object when it ‘eel when the object's configuratic ves. checked out editor is open, PD recperes— Fer eoessn th popes of teen oct th IDE 4-54 ety best th 12° tose — Fer eo 223 for the ArotiestiA IDE. og bow, er Informetion Gateny Status — For eonessing Wie status of the curreat Galary. Mose! Wiew Madi! view in the Mi : Maindow. cssteyin Dapiayment View ~ For disptaying the Deptayzreet view Inthe Mala Window winthe i Derivetion View - F in Wine 1g tne Devivation vb ste leevten In the Meir Window. Tesnplete Toolbox = For dsp og the Teg thie Toolbox ~ For élsplaylig the Graphs Tooth in the Main Windor in the Main Window, Operations View ~ For disptaying tue Operations Vi Gesesibed icons is dynen lion i allows ‘environment. Depending on these conditions, is in focus, whether & perticile edn the configure’ eile, mplates, from reeled oF other object teniplates ere derived. The Tesaptete Teciios conteine Js toolset bers for each toolsed in the Gelenry Repository. Click the toolset ber fo open tl toolset and display the object emplctes contained in the chosen tools ‘Wondernace System anor £0 Coueo Pert Mod epered. Cre s ith ihe too'set that was fou rst log into the Gelevy Repository, it login session, Tanllaax veut ie 26 “ellos! @ fAnalogdevce /p-@ feoalean © soscrtedevice | @ sonable | 9 sridReference | Osea | 9 fimeger f° @ tsemencer be @ $3uing | 0 Fontch bos @ fuserefned ©. Gosvee mtegation ( sO0eSuteinichrk El) strtouceroxy jf) soccient Lp sRedundaneoichject + Gasysen 1 & seroengine Bitarce BB fstoudwientipn | #vewengre SoG swarm rived fron nther tem? ew "§" prefives ere tern ets or it Wendorware Traning tien Views Appice ¥y configuration baced en hove en chject is veksted hs Fppicaticn ‘A ther abject: by e organized into Prszt (e © Deployment Wave = This view Object code is running on, vation ie -This view digplays derivation peth is (rani Ba Instance. All 6 anid instances. ere displeyed in Wis view. Model view is the default display when the Archect IDE ie frst leunched, Subsequent Aickestch IGE sessions retain the user's Incl setting, uintaeticar welvae Lsyoul, Ths cical plant layout tionehip ia Ive PC Thee lation Tenia te Model View The Mode! view presente ob allows you to orgenize ther through application perspective af the pi nike, valves, uunips. ard lating: for instence 8 on conteinment, fate! view isa follows pleats Ba Unesco 0 | FB) Aontindine_ 001 |G wrtttorm 001 8-f Area 001 Ty AnaasDevice_o0s hOscreteDevies_ont “This view is used to dipley th belong te one and only one a fe calles. the static cignmment of Object Inetan means thal an area can cor Objecte anv its cub-arcae., that ie diepleyed within th abject, Tht lich objecte, Devicalategration Object, can be hierarchies efor alli ‘The above diegram represent represen {op to bation, contain Obj Aionehips of at hee can host Apple fined host then the instance will be displayed un name that was given to the ly assigned to fo another, drag-and-drop i, To unastign an obj anoitisr object, drag-and-drop ile the Unessloned Area folder, Nain: Mare detal of tra Dealaymont View Node’, page 2-41 lssunsad in Mochile 2. Section 2, “The Deployment aclay the esstgnmant of the auth agina>. This view deassibaa whare the ct} hysicat plant envircrmant aficn echame to physica! This view es folleane Gi aren on. f~ RpAnalogDevies 001 ~ ByDiscreteDevice_001 splayed within the destoyment vie sad on whies FC and Engines th rea lel to Fgh @ osi en Ares tiga view preserin objects ert tem ri viow Is the only ten view the Mes is te dispiey ta the use fr progert pienes i term of the” go: shows bot teniptetes and Insta Base torapinisa eee abject ins ‘omplatos wih no e2aci coach branch of tha, chil objocte ere lisiod it in ved Unlike ‘he Model end bepleym another in toe Derivation #2 ch earothe changed cor tree sietue, ened de? nees mre sppropriately ietonted seped en tha'rreletfonchip with cpad iegether under Unused Tenaplaiss. Und seteal over. Default not cragand-drap objects from one ‘ret il retztionship ically. “ou can ownstieein » motch Ie nol allowed, Conversely, to uneceign er ot{ed, drag-and-drop it to the Uni Felder phic Joolker ‘The Graphio Toolbox: conlaine the global swchasts’ erephis ay he's fou olgehize ycur eytnboly in special jer, called Tools! insevinw ef ieliets which cortaine bols ard Wallowre you to define g Symbols in L-x Graphic Toolbox n sere Archselies Sybele here, if 7018 ely Rutlempien ebjeet conker Wenders Syae & E om SytolLbrary Fe ay eenens Gbleck icone Vihen viewing the of Pariiclar clvect pre repre ieflersa’ Ir “ne way “7s Icons to” ta For den, rao ts iferent type leons ths fallax af viva eal Pore. 001 oESuteLniccerk 901 ‘AppEngine_002 A] winPiatform_001 core Tang uration states (fer 0 Sak (for cription Undeployed (see AnsiogDevice_001 and Dp inkGllent OL tr Deployed (ee8 AppEngine_002 in exemple above) ‘Deployed with configuration changes (see Dapoyea the Pat fod Introduction tors inetd: Redu ws (Ren eceripe i 7 ‘cspfengine uneeploye, fs recent pair Aenloyed, ion T[beseainion E El ‘Cenfiguration verning ir] | Configuration error Goindesten [6 ins coud indicators include: ire deployed, Redundant pak not | Enno aploye, le reeond laser pening carte: ‘pair re oO at] 9) = epsengine deploy InTouch status indicates fers upeete. oye perving required of te A ving private changes by ¢ ions of it befor ngitout The ng to the (etieck In) for otis the una chee fe for cieck uti other usere, an itu shown next to an objects Ison in the ArchestA IDE. To clieck out unreserved abl 2. Select then in the Template Toolbox o- Appl b. Onithe Obfect menu, ofck Ghiack Ou, Undo check Out | esti chet ‘Assign To. | vnaision | set ar beter , open the Properties a bow. Wopuneivans Systers Fain 5 ms -Petd 460 see oan efoto avn? aasiea Gate ot acres t DefoukUser ——anjana7 S226 Defoyscess 1 Depoy succes etnies Yanmar stat PM Chesutsueess Checkout by ae. atrtt Zaneos7 330m wodfedhutanaton.. 3 Lister resin Tefen Sfemeoor aise Podredautanatan. 3 Upto nfs Corian aMOar SSSR Chadinsucss 2 Ch alive {or an operation at @ speciic date ond time ie lieted on the Chenge Log a user in the Cheek In dislog box (ces imoge Inter) are ister under the tin to the Galavy datalar I heel In Bj enon 1 Unde cheek ‘overide check ove aldato Wien in Object Viewer Deploy... Undenicy Assion To. Unagsign Set as Default heck In di log box Ie diepleyect. ic you when 7cu opened its configuration nd clese Pinctlone cf the ete. fet configuration, cherk tn cperetion lor without making unio check one Tay [A comment can be erkeredhere. part prompt for Check n commanes inthe furs in process. pier ani of Wan otjedt you are i ‘grored Don't Prompt fer 6 ent feature when checking in objects in ie future. if you acide im reinstate this 1c Checkout, Override Check Out cher Bochestr®. IDE commends related to the concapt of oe © Unde Chenk Gut: Use nis command 0 dhe ked In. fre clon (hc object strani eancns: in 2-ieh 1s crate ket cut 18 0b) Wontsniara Spann ir ettrutes be used to you can manustly type the able ute ond eetect Go Wien promatad to enter this Atv You can save @ Ist of tern Warion, you ean seSect all or cone of th Ach. wire to 620 the & va thet eh fave a lst of ett the Wath lich. on the sec en exiting ave. You can alse add a eecand Wate ofthe Viewer Veramune Teng. Section 4— Automat on Ghjecte 1-63 Aion 4 ~ faitomation Ob} en exgtenstion of the verious types of objects utlizert in the Arche ‘of wien end how they ere used, Aditionally describes how to crmats re Inataneaa of objects ond the hosting end conteinmant relationships of objects Objects ween re ere three meta ies af ol the Tevplete Teotivon nou = OPEEIe a Redundentbiidijest = Intourhviewtee = Viewkngine © WinPistiom Byentann Fe ee SindxdDosae ~ She 6 S00 bg sod bog shattutmionse @ sfhe @ Sink ~ @ son — @ f5wter = @ fUsesDefined chien n your enivranment valogbovier Object This provi bes). Suipet cspatiiy or an snaog oan (ath np saat latmning Gapebillies of le is, ROC Action. the raise in hrchsstre provi Thode (euio, manuel, hed PY elerming bef PV ane SP monitarirg of ar optional esparate fescbeck onirallas rads (riervel We c inaiegDevica abject are ‘nave, ‘airis i heoed on ths SP vaiwan jcontro‘ler ofthe carmen % Regulator ioe regerdices af type (Analg 2 8 Supports optional eceling of input and cuipul, beth near and acuene rec sarversions. Wii, Hi, 16, en Lot 6 level elemte on PV eth ath valve and time. © Supports Rate of Chang dlcpe ROC. © PV Gu Manuel. 1g an PY fev bath pe 15 PA ioe writen by 2 uate Ie PV riod Foalean Object ‘The Reclesn ol result in either of DiccreteBevi é.Biserete Bs equipment common in menu evinces hee ' conirelled combination of seresn is ¢ good end reliable value, T's obj (erg of ie nous Is bad or the Inputs # application developer of the fet re Dicre pul ene! Cutt ca be configu ices wiih tun ie = Suppers 162 Yplos tea nda tes Fe a "rans AI tices steles ¥°7% the exneption sf Transition’ and "Passive! san § © Eupporis iis thre input modes ‘fain ‘¢ Supports the bee conltel modes PLC fo polly hw Discrete Rieviow tat 2, ent (5 10 lant fig Discrete vate indicated by ts inputs) Module ¢ — Introduction Double Object 1 Boule 3! rived (rem the FieldReference Object ‘Ths FieldReferance ovject i object can act es hath FicldReference Object ca dOnly — Input ob rie — Output object nhs = Ontut isterized. 5 only 12 Flot object is derbved fro ‘eldReference Integer Object The tnt clung procedures» ie number oF ote: There ie ‘star, ie ‘rH ArchastvA Sequencer Object, "2 re ining o call ¢-266\WWETRAIN (266-008-724! String Shject Ihe tring 6: Ip derived tron thet bie rence abject, Switch Object “The Byte ert iene eee ar rnc scree (2/1) dace. This ablent atv ack 6s bali & discrete Inpul end ser essing date ton oniout configured inin thee be A object sadWrite ~ Cuput ebjers ny — Output Pv valve can b To use tre Useriefined abject zs 2 and add Appication hjants to it ve Siructure is in the ree Structure 'n the editor does nat pravde ery indica conteined chjente, you must 0% container chi nal fof tris containment the iret anes Feedback, Hadel Yaw. The Tontor or Mad ily create an instance of tha chart, Teter A User could crest ‘abe, ore crete on Ave seni overflows. tank VIEL crated) The Tank obj both te ‘ok faery exter it fae. incre ne.stateatazm = ards? fgeness sito orecest SPicdiniroe Devi 3 (D1Ghjecte) ie an ‘with external devices, DlObjecte run on af DiDevies Objects, 4 UlDevire Objectis 2 representation of an actual external device (for exer & PLC or RU) that ic acecciated with a DiNetwors Object. A Ditietwork Object is 2 repres of & phiycical connection tn & DiDevice Object vie the Date Aovess Server. ionQhjent that represents eommuninet ‘and include Ditletwarl Objects end il Amore detailed discussion of the Device Integration Objed Module 2, “Application Infrastructure’, Section 4, "Connect -¢ place later in this eouree in Fied” on page 2-04 System Ohjerts ~ @ Stookingne Peea | BB snroudwiewspp Eh dventesine “~ & sWiretiom System obj ern inten Apphagine Object The AppEngine Object must have & Platform on which i nan, The key Uunetionality of includes «© hosting © conta pplication objects, device integ ng the logic t0 setup anc int © containing the logic fo remove objects frara © determines the ecan finie within which all oy ion object wher tl ize objec fr general she Appkny Conigins no adiad value other then to Supper the creation, slerlup, and shuldown of objects fisifoc‘Ton. Al) Avioenst aT Mvecte teliong to an fires. lereas can contain subel-reas, Srees provide a key ci al 10 in growsing alain who use elermievent cfar 5 Unacknnwisdgy + Dissbied (or i'ensed) etarm counter sours [nTeudhViewhpp Ghjext Touch 2zslication in the Indust in, les keoy i sever Intouch 2: fiswhpp ter anes InTouch eaplicziion, Window Waker is stared by eppiloation ‘ay you seule Fire oneiizker her pteetion Manager, ine Ohifect sbjsct is us orm object is = tay hase object. 2 related to the nade & 2 Monitoring verious 6 elated to 2 nd! ibe alarrned an wal hae hicloria There is instane Tem Cowes ne Module * — introduc Hosting and Containment Rel: Hoot rela lonchipe are Contin illeatlon Object Object We a Templates and instances Templates ‘emplates are high-level definitions of the devine in sour environment, Te se ltea caller Fore which a cal crc ope ermolete when 30 (g)25 fi noveck custerntee predefined tery reat ore certve n alse nest templates, or contain th represent complex: devi cod caniidate ‘or containment. instance cbse Frac bre one above it lnetenecs. Inctances are the ruretitne obj © enteimyt Tram templates In Wand: tion Server Instances re the specific things in our s, vironment Hee Drocesses, waves, sorueyer bes 4-72 neore on the resLwnris device holding tanks, « fi concen exist during rum oro epetic 195 oF covers! thousend, Many of hase Instances 1g tents. Gresting @ new valve abiest from ng Instat 2 Toalbax, oe ie pt into foous 2 crested the temp! ne. The newly crested Obfect insta given to the new in oto rename neds tor is Viaw ifthe Object does or Oldecte ot have eny at wil be configured wi the nome ofthe Gatzry 6 are Wo ways to re instance of a tenplate. Thie fe intiented ae fale Creating an brstence =4 Deeg ant drop the template ot Platform obj delete Delete ican in the mena ison bar aninstence of t highlight it and ofsk on the 65 fightecick on Ita 1 Detete, Vesanaa Tone aie Notice you are looking at she Medel View. Gyles ration emt © BEmautoraer He can now be ren satence. ich is CHrieN, Component Nemes Apshesira utomsiiont!ijast Toolkd:~ THe in a C++ enviicument, whet wil be iepported indy ths & dossloping oa * pplicaltantbjont ny vis 6 IDE. ves Swomation Sb lor tion Object tit Sepresents a Aree 07 plant wii en aplication Ser acts a8 en alarm concentrator an: | wtother ‘AvicnationObjerts inte he context of Oo ectiel ph Fiowetion 12 oui AnplicationEnging (Span gine} ~ s resttine AvtomatienObjects, ppliestionbjoct — sun &.-coslionObjeet ist vepresents seme a Tie mery incl ‘env iecouple, putip, motor, salve, rece, ck, nnevon block, PID leap, Sequential heel, lemenl of s user application. s ogmpenent | ings svek: n (bot nos lied 9) RH Uo Ausiornettontbiet. wpa of abject thei represents * within Le Galas, provides represented component. ae elas rellcalNeme thet defi Temi Infat potion oft 1. Micrarahicalll ne Se eel al Providing Framework — fs infrastructure oon Interfaces for cresting end denloying Sutometion objects ‘ret collect, store, visuelh port end enelyze slent Sct processes and information, orsinting of ingle ‘ocical policies. Tris ft figuration ‘far 16 Objects it axyRepositary « the software sb e Repository ackage Server, Repository Interfane, 2 Hierarcheatnta ny containment legrated Bevelopn 108 ‘vironment consieting 2f verious configuration cal ai ive eparalt cory © Objectinstancs — io ie sctvet unique inedancee presentation of he clSeript ‘omponent at fe-sion of Intoush Culekscer ew language fel Integration wath [dlereaot® NE Goment Consols (SMC) ~ This is the eeniral ru all required runtime adminis fon tions Ree ie Gelany-ollte unig alNemie = Line Teriet.Inletielve, TagName 0a oxy onneiting of Network Message end the physical herdwere: hos's tye 0" Platform Object. wena, Foplication Ser Product Nemes ArshestraObject Toolkit: © progrnmmer's too! uead to srecte now Apalication and Device fates, iroludit nich wi’ run the objects 2 2 hind node, allowing 2 produ nd valve, This roduc! performing the turc'cr ing eyster cplication abjer DAServer Toolkit — seration of VO ites bee product oti Aggene Servers, which are the next Thess are OFC servers, and this onlkit ‘to develo 2owerlul OFC carvers, Server (DAServer} Nelwark Chjeck end DiDeviee Srjodl, ¥ iy client, These replace cur current IN Servers, Components af 7 DAS Toolkit: 6 Gllent Plug-na: Tne are conarraanication wr olen + DAS Ii fe the (ite ue ‘Ces 6 componente til ate 6 Examples ars: OFC 2.03, DEI © Device Fretccol custom cove setup hy “he user 9 © DAS Control Clicnt: | hisis *e MiMi the nerecsety Ul fer acilvetion 2nd cn = DAS Diagnostic: Tis Is part ofthe OAS Central Clie cel cf diegnotle information “cr Di © Generis State Engines: These: fo Sule hve particular functions: = TOPIP Engine Wonderware Taiing nis section provid Platform, discustes. Licening 4 "eInstalltion of Wonderware Application at visit nr 2. 1-26 6-WWV FAI (ESE 7245) or eral Sender sam tien Serv scr sear coc anced imal pertormen say li ectontnane of to of RAI, (1 SE mininawin suport anitory locks the SG! Server tnevimurn memory 22g Won-aleay F FG wlth oigahertz (2 4 alate (2) +r Putin} prosassor dos” spend end monitor (1024 * 768) 0° higher resolution viceo & © CD-ROM of DVD aries © Keyboare © Mouse s* compatible pointing device The Windows “ists of chem impoces herdware requirer tmey exceed the iininiunn requirements or Acpication Server version 2.0. Ifyou intend to can Aelication Server S.0.with indome Wai, 2 owing HicrosoR web site or hardware recuremerts: www. Module 4= Intro Sottoare Requirements Windows vist ueinoss (2 @ TF % . Fades Swen 200 is z = a nine he Professional SPA a @ fawn A> Tablet 2008 a © Windows 2000 Prafeccs i wed Gere i SuBporied operat emt 1 insiell or upgrade tion 2 IL rier messege A2NC © indo ender Fon Hecommended oyereling [i ¢ Et) oes “Ue DIVAN [Holvasia. Nolondowd VIN | qokey Majed Lyng 36sn09 01 wines Wat6As sismLepLuON ger: Process Diegrem & Field 5 Signele er 11D (2200): mm mo OXI Ou BUIAIUOP| ~ Z GET 6-1 aS e583 an s5Ka an ( j P<] TT 8X) GI 2 JOH oO 4OXX) d) } 4X G00) sequin wueprig oa SIBUBIS Of Pleld B WweIBEIG Ss9001d OXI 194 = t “ S | “pusuuo eoiueso | ran xdso yas ot vedo |__ satel dono wens wa = “70s au jo peed en 2} odes | Pw — | edo VAT CEL | $10 | ye 9H) OU HET | sas 1 | sen | coe-o:ns | ss0r-osas| wacom [oso ‘vond2s0q ‘wun Ou Avpeden yebuey 49° Module 1=tntroduetion Module 2 23 25 2-11 2-17 2-27 2-31 2-41 2-51 & = Using Chjcet. fing to 17 = Gori © Gor miles 23 ection provides allan ofthe imaeniance of having a mortal tha pln foniity. Pradionally, it exclaine the cons janoation Servarto model a specific city Modeling of Ge Fecility ing node otha vient yas to eT the pro ial plant, cargure te you provide tre ebilty to ot cifictions end create ‘or slisation by: Plant | gl eroa aarutecauring Deploy apt “The provides univer bulle industriel ape practic Wieden yatta Patonn are Pa + Free Audlorvalion Objects + WiePletform forteretion Obi +e gine Fusteration Objects + Device Integration Object running, Using the Hern Aree model dl become # Mising mechenien ‘or alerme eccver tive Medule on 1d Hictory, Wer re 0 » — Greating “he Plant Model Intreduction This fas iustrat information gethered in ecnrrimitnte Suture lary vest) ovis instance ‘2 crested to To help o' dass. nize the te sated to held ihe ter 6 sated in the Objectives Upon cor 1s Ghirsa cbjsct tc creais 2 OFLWENS pretacs te ovjecl nana wih your FIRST and LAST inlllal(e.g., Erewn, Valve “ould be ABN Ine common gel frst sum olowing is gnt'o be AB feftosing in enew Sh3Mrea * = £3 Diceherge 8 ARinieke 2 £8 reduction 2 factory layout defined in Lets 2 b Instructions 26 Validate Deploy. Undeploy. Upload Runtime Changes GustomizeToolsets, ‘synchronize Views Chel+Shiftez ‘ADE ° o ° o o | @ [New Template Tooleet ~@ Q Q ° o Ds Properties. alteenter- |! I Plant od! BigP ARColy 4 6 —— 7 @ SinalooDevin © Ss00!em © SDisceteDevice G Sdouble Sreldneerence @ srloet © striegee | 0 Sseaueneer | 9 ssting | 9 ssniteh L = @ Suseefned &-GyDedee teers | fa)sooesurecinichen Elsimreuctrron | Diporcetent |p sredindanniobec -Gjsnten @ stoptosioe Gh eaves Ba sirtovaviouspn Fe sviewtrcine & Sutntatfocn Greete the Pleat Model Inthe Temple Tostbox, create n derives teriplate of the Sree chlect hy righteliccing dhe Shoce template end colerting New I Dealved Tess ¢t ee as Lee. aa ee Dan a de Check Out! 79 validate h or e-grsalay EAB Training + Gi acptcasen 1S @ sanslogDevie. © §Bo0iean 9 s000b!e © SFcidReterene b@ sFioat ~@ sunteper © SSequencer © $Szing | a ssuttdh @ suserbenned E-Gpoevice integration De spocuraun | stoTouchProny jsorcctiant ~~ @ SAppengine no SWiletfore @ SDisceteDevice et - sRedundertolobject slaTourhviewspp Svenengine tot e neanly © Inte toolset. gf AnGalmny Gy Ae Tating raiedeece ig soertaicion | etccnn | ffanesen Sv meinem ease 2B sttne seater Sere EbUesaieetaes Wenders Sp ascalay (Gy AbDiachatoe GD avttete ABYines ee fi ABBrodution This final plant niodel she ‘(Uressignedarea Gh aacontrelsyeten tinea to the: tion, at Line? and oi cult Iook ike the felien Veranvare Was ion provites an explanation cf the Deployment fodel and demor the Deployment Model, 2 Deploying te You can 6 ormowe sioy and test your objects at any ime during c Palication Inte production, i lopment, ren you are rs 18 aepioy the Ce evelopment sreeroruent io te tunel 1 farvtio deploy your Arch You make in the Fret lime datz aesociated wih your chjacts, use Object Viewer 0° Ir cr Objet y from the eanfiguration ea CoO PO fe Connect tn the Galaxy, i. On the Galaxy menus, i ‘You see informetion elu ployed instances» emplatss, deployed insiencss with changes, voicing tai ucts tha! a liek OF. Deploying Ghjerts You deploy ebjent it * Testing. + Place this pplication inte production 2 Update on existing enstization oress Teld dste 66 su mee. ty 0 deslay, make sure © Bootstrap so eledosing candiflons are met: iwere ts instelled on ih ferget corisuter(s} toyed ere not Intha Gotony de 8 clvackoat in obfocks {the Gala ¢ Objects Ave esrigned to & hook ay deploy soy pare i, ask dete s anaken’s heel hierarchy of ch before ‘he ebjert is 2 Deploy en iy Select the object in an Apatication view. Gn the Object menu, click Deploy. “he Geplay 6 Select ene or more of the following «© Gasesde Deploy: fe it heat i, clear in8 che layed in pareltet tx, fo alse lected and anevaile'l 968 0° software spdaten, the lead en ‘he reddundent select one or Currently deployed oigjects ‘allowing cations, Thess oplions are nial avila i the sent Skig: Irene of the object noo! in ine already-deployed ct © Deploy Cl fire chjents you are deploying is currently depinyeed, this oxtior updates ie abject in question »"n new configuration cis. © Redeploy Original: fer option deploys i redeploy sn abet = Forse OFF Sean: Kone of se able sels ihe target object i yours desloying joucly denloue?. Fos fs x0u Ave deeyng 's carrey oak ae & Inilis Guriently uideployed objscis arez, select se Deplay New Odjecis check box to dara normal dspleyrieni. Wendavare Syatem Patna at oooree Fat? f eres, extect tye Mark et Deployed check box to mark the toyed in the Gok ich Rearens when the obieet is previnwely deployed 2 rats, bul bie G s Nate: Gijects cer only esate when ba scan Petar tie tinetiengine or tie object ie "off eonn” the objest esr ns! exenut hair host Appbngines on ecan. Since Ares are the primey rele ater playing Ares of eas recalls if events not being dw hey ere placed on gan . ys ianogement Console fy the won ie Syston ant Gonate Objeciviewer contols the stele ofthe abjec scan celling fs set in the Use Ds igs i the Gontigwre he The Desay When the ¢ Reacploying Objects loyniant, While you are testing, you frequently recteplay your Redopiayirg fs simile to di “The redeploying process undeptoys the object and then cation to see charges youn duplays it beck, You may nu, click Deploy. sre for Deploying Object. The 0 Objerts You may need te undeploy one 2f ore ruretinie environment. is. Unddeploying removes one or more objects “arr dtc er Before yeu ster, yor me De. Before the odiacl or af saan (9 unideploy in ite ou delele or restore @ Galaxy, undeploy all c¥jecis in tne ais, Hote: Undeploying cen ‘2 if he target object has ovjectn assigned @ i Gascads Undeploy in the Undeploy dieicg bor. sare yon sal To undenioy she number efobjenis being tna. You can sl ch > single cbiec im Oppliontion view vc vou selecied ere assigned io "72 selected eject, he ‘vat numa chiects eppe of e9e ocilons might net ch on oF more OF the foTOw'ng, £ cilaile, depending ‘ani the kinds of abject you 2 Gacendle Undeploy: loy fie selected cies wall asa'y objonte host. © Include Redundant Partner: Select to alse undeploy an Apsng'ne’s redundancy partner chi Nola: The Aevsngine in @ redundant pair that vas contigued as the Primary eenibe ployed Backup Aer undeployed alone because objects nasled by iLnun a” th cine, which becomes &oive © Force Off Se undeploying Is currentiy o- scan, selecting Force Off &can set 610 Un Ifyou do ret select Force Off Soen and the tere! ob ve undeployment coeration ‘eis © On Fellure hark es Undesloyes undeployed in “he Galaxy when the chject tergelied for unceplayment is not found = Intentionally 16% bl 4~ Groating an D Lab 4—Greating ac D Deployment kicdel Introduction loyment micdcl staat by cageniing ih @ fon objects sings tis ployment nicl, the HN ebjects, ery bas Upon completion of th 6 Use th the Galaxy © Deploy inst lab you should be able to iter, SAppEng and Shree cect to create & deployment model for 65: (a the runtime environment {your FIRE I'clininate probleras whon deploy ummesry of the © you nil sornpiote fortis sb. For detelled refer tc the Detailed Lets sxsbeonuent 09996, tothe named SABAppEncine ppEngine templet AgControlSystem ere, Greate ioe Beployraent fede 5. Using “6 Deployricnt ow on “ie ABARDE: a Deploy ‘re Object 6. Deploy ihe ABERPIatforns on cascadi oath Detailed eb Tr Wendorvare Training Fellewing. Crente the SWinPlattora Obj 1. Inthe Template Toolbox, cr for completing te lel. Por a lense refer io the Summary Let. Instructions on the ;reviou nd celecting Kear | Derived Templats. Bsa @rooenane ire BB Rnewcivoapp ica Open Read-Only check out he Unde Chase erga Chee ov validate cus0 Delete 2 cieshien StrTouchviewApo b> Bj sviewEngine b= (G swinetatform rues 229 Module pic 4, Uning the Template Tanllvox end the Medel viens create 9 new inatnnne ofthe GABPIstform lernplete. Mame the new instance ABBFP lator CaUnessioned Area © ORE Gh Abcontolsystem PAB Galaxy a BContralSystom ares. Inthe Diodel wer, gp A8Calay FB thestionetne a 7 eae 9h Asbiecharse Fi abtiake 8 carroducon Ege Heat) CH celine Celine} Wane Wie pen Reat-onle yf) creck ut cheep onde Check Ont 1 @ Sotnoine Gisires EB siotoueiviewtpo Viewing $inPatform : Eh GP ABGalany al B- GAB Training ) Ona | CR Sate hair 8. Using th SAB) Neme the isa [ AStine] cd TE gPAacalny Ga Unsstignedares Gi asconrolsysten Sine LG aBGReTatform i Aboischarge a § eS in, ie, orente 2 new instance of the Instance te the ASCentralSystem ar Wen ere Mee » SS a 1 ESI Caters 9 Stolen 8 sooie 2 feaitonee sou [18Lre2} a i Fletfon, ‘Gh Raa oh Reese em verde check out Validate Rename R Lic Deployment Model 2.24 45, The Deploy dislog how is ds system wil perform & Creica with & Deploy Object Gount cf instances, and it will cat all ne the objects are deployed. Deploy Deane ing the progress. on & ‘As soon es the process Emstayzomalete rosie by pater 8 Desioying 1 Enghne() starting with ABAppEngne hasted by ABGRPatferm Desovg 6 Area) staring wit A6CanS sen hosted ABAonE one 100% completed A MTT RRR) (unassigned Ares: B- Gh aBcontroisysten ae Bay Qi seniserarge ska 65+ esrectuction gh celine {tired} TaBLin alt host the wavicus Pletform. 7 (DES, etc. i communications optimally, For exemple, 6 node may bs To view Se acthity in the Runtime detelace the Oiject Mewes is used. vale of tina tn In once Aeisba ‘calion Ser sr requires information about all of abject ana coject attibute values change (2.5. created, value C4 henge led in Funtime ene monitored « Objert The Chject vlewe- meni modify en elite eh varies ins Mite Pi the Sante Tepe, pre You can items being rronitored. Once you hawe a list of atte Wires fen XWil. ie by rl F.previourly imonitor previously saved athibutes, ‘ou cen 2! separate ‘ab in the botlons of ie Deployed Objecss dexloyed 4 Attributes section q Indivicvat at vase uaneasee eee time Gemtiguretion Uplocing Pe You can upload runtime configuration bute velies ‘hel changed evring run tire, the values of certain elites changed by the user ei run ir lime: and configuration enviar values of thase atirtuutes cen difar For eraraple, ve cree IDA myinteger. Inthe Chject Ze velie of 26. Ther you deploy “he ebjeck, Aran 6 this object, the eriginal value of 20 cveronitos coming run tim, uplond ploying “aaron Taina cL depiayment o- uplans a cori"guvation ere sues lor cporation. Ti Upiogd, If 1" confine, 760 lose all confauration alexy performs en Unido Ched fon en it severe ivlavy For exeracl 2 runtime att alerieet Checkout Sheckin Undo Cheek Out rand cheek Olt aoe esr Object ewer Wonciware Syaicn Flea S.0 Course Fat = tiorelly tet bi environment. Liferant watch wineos: toh ino fon of tis tas you should by shiek nest, IDE 1 rename watch windows »thin Oj indoors indi Er i0 LINENS ra nth our FIRS our o3jects in @ common gelaxy ete 2, Renaane te default watch window (9 Plaitonn Ifa and acd the ‘ellonirg ati bute ve form.GPULoad aller Disk Spe latfer ROMAvsilat new hedilerS Seanstats cme "listo yaw training “aides (GAWencerware Training) sath the name My Water riciions est Leb Instr Following ere Detstted Lat lost se reer to the Summary Lat bast Using ObjesView 1. Inthen or tons fer cam} 1 Qed] pied tune chet 0 renee Geecou. || ome. ew ober “Baelionie View? Froese. Verdier Tatag tions on the ‘esez ‘ieter 1g this Ish. For a summary of instructions, ihe ABGRPistiorm instanae $$ titi trip cryect viewer 2583 application opens displaying the atliautes of the setecied object en the ‘Object Views ayes Objects oployest on the Piston, aanqavnaeenensl ‘Attributes section Individual attributes of the object. for mori section of Objeat Viewer) era eeleci Ravercue Tats to Ad AAs Rk aie Wind Remove Watch Window Open... Wor rand Cours Pet stlon Wnfracteuctire fo display? Enfor Putcrm Info fer the Tah Nama field and Worsoaae Tu Searzyer ert mete second emi teasem nies icardianane ceseenetwee crandcne esnieaknt [ckmeonaeoesey eeiesaneettgchonce Fo nareeeneeecancasge pagel tneonty Cream Si Wrartewrie 238 ‘oo Infrestructure ne following att utes: cares (enter 4 bees > Rebbe Righteliek: in the Wiafels List (bottony secilon ef Shfeot Wk Winclone 40. ction 21 Object i Wa = Using 9 ne Tato 238 Infrastrurtts ‘he Cisject Li (eh carics of Obfont Viownr) ena the HEHEHE FOPIPERIRERTRY | aeesnansasaenansazaraenere nel : jen PE 16. Rightecte in Modify. Rema ene Taba. save 246 fon Wifrestracture 6 Save he dislog box diepleye. Wonderware Training folder and enter [ty Weteh Windows in the File h lint to the selected lose [iy Watch Windows Jal Fes ¢.7) sy Section 4— Gonnecting {0 the Fi ‘cection Gijertivee =. Be tents: i Device tnteare 2 Overview Of 010! of the Devi 7 of DI Objet “ihis eesti ner, IL alsa provides n provides en unde overs Introduction bynemic Date xc (PPE) ‘een cach other. ped by Micsc sv dete and inetractlons 9 concurrently running int Hinplemente « ie Th re 6 ver application provides: he date sane nc say ther plications. such Excel can cinullancously InTouch and Micros 200, bat ic Wi Ink. Noict NelDDE, aw older protocol used for com non-Worsarwa'e sources, is supported! on Wh 2008 Server. Communication with Won Field Device Legacy InTouch Node TOPIIP-baced prot integrity, hig upported for Windswe 2000, Windows 2003 Server, and Win SuiteLink ip Not a Replecement for DDE. Wonrtonware recormmende that DDE be used for Suited Ink provides the following benefits: © Consistent high dete volumes ean be meintzinad between applications, ragerdios sshethe the apaliations re on single nat or enbutes over a large «elu Time Quy QTE) iicator en all dat ive diggrestce ft rout nelwork irancport are system performs: rpintene’ 6 The network trancport protocal is TCPHP usit To use the Euilet ink Corarunication Protaca © You must hve Microsc © You must use computer net soak interface, be soviet, Microcalts ote 6 following eanditicr cand working propery. ec) of no more than 16 For more information on installing and configuring Mieroeoft TORY Microsef Wow eral decurnentetion fice, Wor some resson Link: eutenaatically i boot stoped, you vl no ‘Common Component wl automaticaly ese Windows ppt DDE ond perl neming convention thet includes the appli ete from another application, the cient progrer progrenn by specifying these three ters. A appli in different coriputer and SuiteLink IX Ackiressing ulleLink identities an element of dite in on io pene & communi tei ela source progran by using a ‘are opie name ard ern nerne, To clan ton channel to th vice is running on. 2 Rode: Neme of the computer the IO date source program cr st Applicsthon: Neme of the source prog: plication, ‘This Is the name of the 1 oF service ths! provides table file without the ext ret. nee the communicati Topic: I's an application spscttic wub-group of ¢ Hem: N is opened 1 of the actual individual date point lo be acces el 5 For example, in the cece of = server program, (he application anti: the hetrie of the specific y rendhee ihel contains» @ dels ard ie (lena name Is 7 identification of the cell on the spreadsheet immr. which the da ahvrilen, ke abe ore OPC is e267 connectivily in ind Interoperability is assured “hreugh t (origi cd simaly the OPS Speci Specification) resulted ‘rom the cellabaration ofa numer of leading wards’d suppliers woriéne in cooperation 2th Microsall. Criginally hased on Micros (component object model) and DCOMM (sistsibuted cor specification ceftred 2 st jects, inte end manufacturing autor agies provided ° te cf OFC Ds Atyp'en| anelegy "or needing hen in indore, Under BOS SCA apclicetion printer crive Lasertet, cures wate allow ihe industtel device driver's so utlon es we" OLE tectinelogy in Wine rider lly to reduce trek For te use 8 ins Ativer ie my unique device a stem interac that fice vendor Shanges. Users ication codified tre roe and reused connect roeny eed carplian ens‘ sy undergo corfinunus quality contol ard imerovement. components, ind thelr oost is dere inca von using stendardized softwere ore users projecd oy lowes These benefits computer Industry s re Foal ent clinical arb eriginel specification siendercized ¢ coramuniceling olfir Fvents, fined that eae > sO0ESuteLnicent | estntouttroxy F iscciex AP seediviveticiet ADeweatrtegration obfact ( ADiNetwork Objectis is hosese Server, "UG 6 TU) of e physical carr DDESuitetinks The DOE-SuileLinksiont 0 uchasirA system infiestiv ations ences toe rary Gsiegy ene egretion oblect thal 1G Serves con provide at chisct fone relationatip be you can pacity all henns that the Galaxy applica values from the NO pow the topics ware contigured within the targat bi & wes. Thi Fat lo # DDE VO Server, eps “to the iO Se Prove fier obgects and from sor c DDESviteLirkGlienl object, For exemple, you might configure the input ¢ Fistetotererce object o reference en ile for one of the topics. Thus, the FiekiRe Inpsat eoures is reoatving dale from an WO Server through the DDESy fy login Information that the DDS: list of topic items thet appear in the it with @ user- trom The “elicecuonc® Is the name thet you choose to give to the DBESutetickG! Lscarwan Travis pplication chjs InfouchPrexy stject al tote: ‘Windootteker ie not runnin sare that you Tagname.x tle, Also, ‘ich W711 ane later 2p vueen ar instanios of te InTouchProxy oefea unique combinetion of the ear pints is mere the iPrazy ohjank Por InTouch 25 plication rurning 2" running InTouch Stay indo) ney ors sence 2 new dale value “or amiiern to fora Folate orca The group of specified InTe soup." Only one seen group fhe sen group alle ye 5 7 ean grown, ite InTeansiProny object ists In the InTouchProsy off The OFCClien! objex ning OFC Date (BE) Serve lary appl rough Wote: Ihe OPGGlient cbjectis compa configure and deploy more than ore OPCCii one OPCCliant abject te communi PRCIP GPC Server vansections, wtfch ore implemented vie biace vr 2 seu are using this abject '¢ communica configure the OPC OA refre dealoying this of 7 OPC Gh Server, you mast properly RedundentBlObjec’ Ihe ReduncantIObject provides vou with fit dete Sot lundaniD Objet i re peasisle. Hane af the source ci} ReduriantlObject euiarnesicelly evict I uneble provide cornectian ‘2 ne pine eiher scuree cblect ior ceive’ ta in conamunication by & DAS DiGbject cornvan te a onGinjecte. vote G16, oF OfTscan, Ihe stelue of the no-w=sconding + ultchover etiam’ te made to tive ciior data wastes There ic 2 onedontwo relationship sewween an inctence of = source Devicelntegreicn ebjers RedicantIObjert and 2 pair ef ‘The RedundentdlObject eupporia the talosiny operations on MD points fives fie device = Subseriptions, wich ere Implemented wie seen greupe, implemented i block reeds (when velleble in he cource Dice i 286 implemented a block willae (when rvallle in thee sean Weasievare Wate Note: (fost /pplieationObject an cycie. Bevicelntegrationhj queue at date reacived in a scan cycle end write DiObjec ot have to be the sams type. But hey must support the come type lem a the etate of ils cource DlObjects on every eoan eyes. 2a the Prinny DI cource end the ollier ie Gol cup Dl eource. These are just the starting points. During runtime, the termes Active end © s eanligured Primary’ chjsct intially cing the Active object (able te provige connec: tc the field device) and the kn iniielly being the Standby. If the corn ct must be configure hen the con ject end ne DAG ous, Is Imp not be configured to use those wie DAG AES. DAG at are the Se 2 family of objects cated DI ie Syaven Fallon 80 Coarse Peet 2-48 ntifed: wth those ‘ata sour Hove DDESult InTeuchPraxy 2 éepleed igh Lis not required STOP DINstrrark abjods, DAServel I Objects must reside on 9 HO Servers can run on itl processing, cre! UO 1 ‘ha comesponding BI Olject on th obtetn d DI Osject) are nis, provided the sequlremnents ily bev by ‘tis on nade where rect or Fun ths ofthe evject meter he WO Scenes are ventetion also rites Thie-inipten friar eiwean J ts oth renide orlie tonic nea!s. This ! practice io eveluete he ovechead necesse Data Acoass Server (Bhs Servar) vide simutanenus cor fer OFC heed olient eal ecification and offer additional featu' figuration copetslties. Th Data feces 2.0 owes] 6 seyord the st = Suppert rodifications © Amide range of DA ure earnestly to numecaus arcane an 2 6 offering aico includes suport for e2ley's GIP protacol for Gontiallogiy 2 Aller . y's TOP protec . DIE Plus protocol mene! Simatic™ (Net 7 protocol fap end quel 2 ef topologies ore eff For evernpl Server man convent tose OPC Server direct'y 2eross the retwark, or FaclorySulle Cai facar on he samme markine #8 he OFS DiServer end Suitelnk used to link Te ng Factorsuite Sovewny is ore efficient ‘sen con ‘OPG Server, ver ‘ae may be ‘oaterisfiy without the ng the loos hae occurred, Titan 20 Comme Ps 2-56 Module Inte tionally ieft Werdavane Walang Lah 6 ~ Gonnecting to the Fi + — Gonnecting fo fle Field Intreiuction In thic lab the SDDE application running the uitelinkGllent object is used to create @ connection io a raulelion thet will feed your Gelesy for the rest of this ck The InCeniret app" ca! connected 16 2 real PLC. behavior of @ regular Objectives lab you wil end configure # SDDESuitet Server using SuileLink as the coranur '* Monitor the connection stat abject to connect to an IO Server or BA i protocal {kGiieet abject on runtime Wote: FOR THIS and LAST i abject ri "ih your FIRS FE ONLYIN Thc line you wil RO ain, this i for THIS LAB ONLY Stamm ry Leb Instruction: nere! claps you wull complete for dhs in Lab inetructions on subsequent pege: Following is a curaniry of U inciructions, leace refer io the Detailed Greate ‘he Bevice Integration ofje he SDDESulteLInkGlient abject, name it AB Training template toolset 4. Derived « now template fren SABDDESuitel inkClient, and accion ito 1 SABDDES: it InGontrol Greate an instance of I iteLInkGlient (emplate and nar Configure the General tab of the new instanse ot follows: Server node: seek your inelructor ‘and import the InGentral Iter Deploy the Object 6. Onshe Deployment vier, deploy n the InControl instance ‘0 the ABApAENeine object ond Module 2— App “Terify the Connection on Runtinse Open Object Viewer from ailsin the Arotestré. IDE. 8 Usi list Lal 5, create @ new watch window called InContral on add llowing Atitute references: © GonnedionSiatue sone the array index} 8. Gave the watcl list for Detailed Leb See the next pi Instructions Wartonware Tr sractions on the srevinis Oe sling this tab. Sor a summer SDDE: (2). uilteLnkClient ct ‘ectirg Navel Gerived Teriglate. ‘pe pen Read-oni, Check Oot veride Ghee alate a alte a cuien [eee ea fil] sOPCCent sRedundantD1Objec -@l |] s00eSotet nace | Hl] inTouckProxy ral ye EF gh ANGI g (AB Training 1 EG sanrnptngine i dh gana ene sAnPiaform iteLink Client ‘er the neme. yourterplate ‘oo'sct oom iene ona PeeT Configure ti ing the Teraplate Tess BDDESuttel inkC Motte! view, creste an instance of noe InGentrol, (Hote that you mill not gp ABGalany EpUnsssignedaree } §) ABControlsysten 1+ @ABAnpEngine 1 [@ ABGRPIatform -- Bi Aabischaroe i Aatntake - Bi AsProduction Gh ABLines [ABLinet] Gh aBLine2 (ABLine2} Bp e Instance Double-click on th InGontrol instence lo open ite confi rllon eto senerroder Dooetet envecton te ay a wsordnwner Penands acorns sce: 6. On the General in, configure tive object 45 follows: ¢ Server nede: ABDischarge a By cerratution 1 [40 Deploy ts Gh, A ie Deployment vier. Pay recon: be Gl natin ke FG sete [atte 1 Gh avbnen | aotinez] Gh AsProduction BG ABGalany Fe vencsondtee ABGRPIatform 5: @aBAnoencine Fo Gh ABControlsystem | Gf Apoisetarge fo GY ABIntake ~ Qf ABLinet CABLinet} ‘BLine2 [ ABLine2] open Open Rend-Only || checkout che J onde ches ove verde Check out Validate K I Gi] Undepioy... ) uotoad Runtime Changes eta tian 0 Coe PORE Dewey ‘Citeecose Denny Currently Deployed Objects Qesich'crecaes Note: Deploying hese doje ual force a redeploy of anosted bcs Curent Undeployed Objects = tl scan State leeds tien obec Oars, ‘Deply Statue Mamatch ‘ ‘Oorsan 18 tae ee This wil As soon es the process Is 277 ll gotiings ered ick the OF bart fey e seamed Dept Deploy Deptoy complete Vabdating connected galaxy. Vahdeing GRNodetnto... Cheching whether objects beg derloyed require software upgrade... Sortrg and Valdatng 1 ebject(s) staring ftom InContrel hosted by platform ABGRPlatfor| Deploying 2 pete Object) sarin wth Inconlhosted by ABARREAAINE 100% completed Wonderware Taiang Glose bution 'o inils deployed ot tie gf A8Calayy ™ 69 Unassigned 1: f ancontolsystem Qackossnae asec 4 ABDIscharge fubin a3 [abit] Gf ABIntake ‘AbLine2 [ ADLine2 ] Mahadaets AbProduction| ines [ti a] mf mtunez Zastines] he Instance insar 20. Inthe Dhadel view, open Oj ‘Wen in Object Viewer. 'B gPaacitny Sunenignedties SB accents ed a 0 | creese nt or Werdarnave System Plat 209 Cowen Ifyou closed Object Viewsr nefern, yor Saved on ‘Ps Mier Weta 4 (sotto section ult Weick Lict 1 2%, Remove co Watch ee Merete Remove Wateh Wed yer, Enter Inorstr folie wits, 2 Lict (left section 0° Object *fievrer) lo Add tc: Watch ts ade them’a the natch fen tshcConneesina Gonnnted Teton Teertd Remncet augeed_ 8 Sricontt Servectame Riergi arsed Ps Te SoairabSesventads OE DKS Ok ieeswel = Sutin o Secon hATREAT Sere wRUEDLA ees [RED rsa A Ema) hconvel ST 264 Nat 22. Righter ist to disk and eolect Save ts cave the Wea. Wt at atte Re patient Vieounne Trewiny fon 4 — Cher Leb @ — Ch: Section 4 -— Thi Gontrel end Prop Shnelogbevice Object eviee Gpact paid Motor rif Leb 14 - Mixer 3-5 3-9 3-1 3-27 3-29 3-35, 3-37 3-41 3-61 3-67 fan Object ror 33 Se of the major bi “Norting with terra fn entity Set represents the comrra group of field cevie plete 2° trom anaiher ¢erived te 1 Agplication Server, Base tenia beatles al definitions of the devices In your envi nigh you cen mieke Tany Wentical oockies. cutie cutter fromm You dstin Ks, or need define erecter off fhe by adding Ue ‘your environmen of your envtront (UDP), serzts, or exterster it etirbutis from “helt paren Wonderware foploatinn Server comes with cannel change these termpates. fl z Ween a Blicert Tenpinter Cd Tamaness —||& & First pte | @& ered Tempinie @--&® Derived Template ier ets abjaet neta a2 anetits #1 ates ove from i fateh ve runtime abjecte crsafed fmm ‘smplates.'n Wiorderwe gS in mr sttronment lke pr ance con 9) infonetion ‘ea holding cath ios br rant epp ication logic in Wordenvare paliostian Soreor, Instances xiel during wun tis, Inyou environment, yeu may have & fx inetances e- several Hauaand, Meany ef Thee instances Tay be oinsler ar identical, sch ss us wae or helding tares. Cresting w naw vs ebjeel Yorn Screteli war you have eeveral thousand Metical vives ts fns-o9"sunting. " ‘scans een i Propagation you need 9 chenge something B3cut ryalses, soln csn change tha lamatete "ee the ciephwean iC all dlopfisem valves in cur eaplicalien hell az eh ming ns locked in ve parent ier als allibules (¢. This makes It ess “9 misintsin 213 updiste your pplication, The fourth element thet con 5 in the woreone is ts detemnine the te SF eantigu Valve 005 Valve 006 — joation Objects Specs Device SFildReference Urea Derived Teiiyslste deeument Rete: mosity ving & 38 ved toon attributes i iisenbe ere Acs Leva lig of Temp Ta dative t Template trem anther na, dye fellosings Soh IDE the now Template [2 be derived ire, J elick Perived Template on it Create subniaris of plate is crect?, placed Inthe come ioaleot ‘igi Feat ths drive Temple Note: The naw Template te crested inihe caliay tna checked In wise, Hoan ein ‘emmplete Toolbox or in ie fon View ct the Meplcedion views pane ei (2 Input. The Field Attette only excepts Input. The Fleld Aribute ts updated beced on tho val adr itaddress, 5 2 InputOutput. The Fie input avd sends outprt fiffer rors the Input sours weir User ssitetale at © Output ° ‘cutout destination. The Ouipul mode sysperis the foley = Celoulated = Galoulated rat = Use The InpulOutput ries. id esto ing categories: Guiput extension. Ihe vane Fevelog Field &tvibute supports nt 2 Telloning date wae: aling and cor‘iguration fort fefloning eretor id Lal.o Limit vars e Pletmis E 2 Stetition Wenstiswet yale! ele Osteen 1d configuretion fo: the folowing funetionelity: Labels > History ormizet Sirseture 2s aif the var contained in th me cect. For aversle, you might crente a UserDefined olfect cell Aisin (52% represent variables te * LTI00- Analog Field atinute - Inout form # level ‘vansmritier sovfigured wit options ing, Limit elarme end Statistics (Minftdnieg) 17:00 - Analog Field fttetzute options such as Rate of Cl SiN/7008 - Discrete Field (tribute - input for such 2s Stal 2 SiNet00%- Di ch rls Fiat Discrete bute lel ui: ich 6s Elate Labels, Slate elarn, end Diverete Fiske “tivo Copllons such 26 Slate Labels, Stat contlens ‘Statics. (Oper References between attributes in tre chject can ke cecempliched by wcing ofallve reference, fer evanapl VA called "Valuer ute scp 9am HOpenH AND AeATIOR = “Open wee Va eOpenkt ke can be pen. For Ae 2p eluaop supur e g ipin dove sofert 1 bagtOUD vetlous wijecls s compriced 8 ebjct relation ant le celled contairsuenit. Certeinn Intraduction Inthis Iab the SUserDetin The InCovtrel abjert er iil inverted thee configuration Defined ob) wih your FIRST a a) elroinat Summers (a For obieiled Following sa raat you whi 6 ; lasirueslans on eubsa Cres i atify, ard assign it to ie ‘ou analog ft 72, T8 and Ta, ‘fofow Input Float atx templete (leeve the defoult nore} and eseign it to the 7a 4. Configure the Input caurce of cack one of the four field alts references 1: InControltagnarne. HEXXO_TC1 72: InControltagname HEXX0_TC2 ‘T3: inControttagname HEXXO_TC3 4: InControl.tagnarme. HEXXO_TC4 utes with the following is your student mura Deploy the Objoct 5. Deploy the obje View the Hest Exchanger Data on Runtime 6. Open Object Viewor from within the Aroheste/, IDE. 7. Using the following Ach lick ereeted in Leb 5, 20d a new wetch winder celled Hester ary netructions Wendenvare Traning fi Following ars Deieil alease refer io ive Sunamary failed Lab I rustio tric Instrucwlens on (erchetig remplate Toolbox, cr clicking the SUsaDetive? far completing th etruetions, sanyo HODfined ob rake, by righe = = oT, ee 4 = = Fone teroplate ie aac | +0 eaeocene: 1 )-@ soostese | 0 soeeoevee | re some | Ro gretsetonnce esc | | 8 since 9 secure © S3ing PO satan = © susebetnas Worzanrare Spain Pm fea (eet Goes palsiagisame 5. On the Field Attrinitss tsb, olick on he hid finalag button in add 2 new analig field altdbute, ‘ahead i its: “vedas fe] & 9] eommergeiee fst] ate 3 7. Rogeat siege § and € to edi three more field att"butes, Nama the atitustes T2, T2 and T4 Desroratonines of |) ewan oa sromptback on fron User tnfernation z es Warne Naiig progres 10. f second Cheri In distog box e lie 2 process fs car ve lose blir nplete, ire Clase suion cbjed if completed FG Unessigveinvee GG svt > fh AbIntake a2. at ABProduction i owuines autires) BE asne2 [astine2} Wonton towers 14. On the WO section, click on tre Input source s"iesis bution ta 2s Gelnvy Bronse 6: Ptanl = [Cloutput destnaton fre Rom input source (urput destaation: Wontanne atone Fan? the reference 2s ‘alloris and slick OM: [of panel solos the InContral object. Fromm te ight sanel selon! apnama.HEXNG_TCt wher X3¢is your studont number, The Wonderwave Tai cee ne liek OF. 2 Repleyment er, int ‘054 inetence a? eatoct Dapicy. ‘ABConroISystan Und Check Oe, fovernde ce ndepioy.. upload Rune Caenaes Deploy, Currently Desloyed Objects Sao Viewer ot san the Gt lass fy platform oe My Es HiniaMUaT TEMAS NMRN NA EUERNNSTEATMN ME MENERRARNAND : ate & Bateman BS aston Pp taconeasrstn asDiduge ® da che at coe Deploy | urcenoy Upload Rune chages cae Boot Objet He Solis Fs ‘Viewin OUR YS TY srevonae vere CA] Popeies. tense ‘etter Rename Tab pen. wre tice 6 dieplaying the attrinutes ofthe setae sof File) Lord Wotel et id abject. Ifyou "to you savert fet ates dz Remave Watch Window 28. Onthe Sttrifoute Lied (aight section of Off 4 clic OF. eet Viewer) locate the following att-butes, right-click on ther, end select Addl to Watch '9 add them va the natch lit aurbuteneterence vale. ‘Guay Sete ‘ABHeatEx_003.T3 ‘c0:Good | O% Aesti 002.72 caged ck APMeat=x 001.73 Cosced C Emeced Oe histesti cOL 4 [RTT rae Nee amoves fen etch ‘el Rete afer Tete aa 5 ing an attribute in 2 Template indicates "yal ts valu ally “ahiaree! i all desiver! Clemplates or in j. In other words, wher the vat temviie, that 5 ted to al the derived cbiicren of the o2jeck. “Aen at is Tocked” i eS ped ebilezen, . attr bute ie reacts. Ths . B unique onpy of tre tee next 5 ble is update In Parent: Foth Te ht me a #9 | Gener nntiondane 8 | mpasesee Clown eesmoun oes rena b rs z | teat yo Oe Lo | . | ‘ewe be es | | | commend i= Ha : Wonton 1 sed Template in the Acct esti IE and launoh its editor 2. Enivre value in en etvibute feidtin the ctject’s editor 3 at atirhatz. Some editors may have leek iver: evelonar of the ei tilty is wilhin the scape of tt 4 Seve end ch este Tne Iecked etuitane in any derived ta end unavrallatie. To teat this, you car ¢i tumpiate, ere then check the new chject’s en Atta e Template et previeusiy locked es Fee 3 remain nL sy looked ete be in ery 18 Lah & — Ghang Intreduction yeu shoud n eraplet pat, raeelty wetting units: “Colelue” end locked locked ferify ive Gh 2. Open ihe contiguretion esti 5 tire teranlete, ets he Fone hy hstenee 1 ABHaatEx_064 insta P Bee tt Wontar rine et Leh Inctructione ss for completing this tab. For sur previous paners) | Clots sn oe ance [Sittin [I e @ = ¥ 2 Wenticase Tabicey gineering units: ‘Cel Sealing section: locked (iecuerec asf wenteent a} 58] Somme fase] a) | ea | Chane tein dtr fara [Seite C1 ae zl ‘aie 89) same ‘anim oe jaa eS feo jas | evvates faa a3 ae ag Buraege valve: a 6g —J as a foe 3 Elempietitines Repeat step 2 fer fale ard Reve end Gb bute boulten ard check in 4 Gli th ‘conan Pan? Verify the © 5. The visting ASHentX_001 Instance indi configuration since it wos fast daployed. BaF asclay FQ Unaccioned Host EB avcrratfoon EG awrgpingine i AbComzaisysten Abviechrge Abie ® ~ Qh A 7 ‘ABLne2 [ABLine2) 6 ABerosuction re 5 GPARGaI Fe tinstontarea om ‘Ancontrolsysten ABApPENgIne ‘ABGRAatform contol ff ABLnes (ABLines } ‘AaLine2 [ABLi082} J aero reessmedss free): Desist Dicom ctusoncanee fF (pac (cue = =G) s9 7. Clisk the Closs button to cioss the el Wonderware Waring Oh ASGaIny Cqunassigned toe & GB ascaratiorm @}ABAnpEngine -ABControlsystem abDischerge Open creo ‘Open Read-Oniy ‘Check Out, cheek in finds Check Out, Override Cheek Out Validate ‘Delete Delete Rename R Rename Contained Name Sfesrz Undéploy. Upload Runtime changes 28d ‘Currently Deployed Objects Ose © Currently underloyed Objects el betiay ken cored Dep State Manat) i c laying the object. Ae se © Glare: but A regia oRMne were ig far Rereaitex 0D he ieee L te the 100% completed Ca aTTaaRTN RANA RAAN MARE oN RAMON REMUMNRN ome This sentior intraduoes yoo te the soree alarming and history. ‘en conta! lag reguetor device, the provides en external model of FID controter thet exists 1 ¢ flee device, 2g InpUISe pestis 16 ele (PV} is in Me 2 The pro configured te ke 8 You cen coniguie cordifferert frara tre irgsut ut to Feld, For dete ints | contre (ax oul snd eanlpats Gan bes e5tie sz use ucing eilner linear or stuerercot onrversions, condi acd HH we ered i sllor or sation the overriding ef the PM FU.More ettrtacte to alec the When the AneiogDev'ce dhjectis in Auto ye ard uth 2 the PUrute attebet, sontioues tse undated by a user rite or acerint. ond fri the ‘tue quality ts finally, PVMor antigured opti rib one setacint (SF) process velue (FV) is read configured te be in IMeruel red + The SF value is both race fi fou ran contigure rent (rors tne input oul destinetion eta 8. Cor ally Sosied iativeen reve eounis 21 sd malar ard rainar de 6 quality value cf BED. [iw the cvericirg of the PV etre Fi Mede altrloute 1 place je. Wien the Sav ch the value end qu 2 Pfhto at linn to be upd arabia te PV vei Device abject inte ct rl He UNCEPTAIN. tFe quality is alway Cther cenivcllarorleniad festures thes egulefor ivelvde: © Conireller mode Pv sagtevions analog Menuel, Cascade, ard Hane lowed '¢ envan = Control rec! f lines giv eiemel orfecs 9 16 on, ye exam | Gonler "o : 1 tes oF ih $ purely veettonly nd ceriat la gi ed et i Py conosatet ia sted in this lab alot eter fe instant creat ye for this Upon compl + Configure a Tote: Remenierio AL the user ts fe #3 your FIRST ane LAST ‘fl elirinete probleme wie: AB Training 2. Ganfigue Type: (locket) Unchecked (ocd sing: checked (locked) Inara: Raw valve Waxinium: Gonver Glare inpout 6 fret Wertisvorn pam Finan 0 Connrn Pant ot Leb Instractions Jeting this lab Fore summer previous pages y of instructions, 4. Wy the Ter ject templata of the SAnalogDavice object by ght licking th id eelacting Naw / Derived Template. & Gl Apolication & fh ABintake i ony : 2 Brest 001 1 @ #800 V2} Open iis foduction 0 wid pen en tines aluines nd-Only, \BLIne2 { ABLine2 } aecont | chica vase cnt verde Chee ot | vataate ion : 7) Sia coh “Delete! Delete: ‘Derived Template» Cirl+shiftsn. eae fn tate tooled Use $ABMeter for the ni Nate and move it to your Yi es reria GP AsGalany &- Gas Training | &} SABAppengine i Is ih sabAres i sxsp0essteLinkcient ° ° SABPIa Doubte-cliel on the $AlsWiot template to open it contig 3-39 4, Gonfigare the General tab at. follows: yp Acelog (locked) Ensble analog output: Unchecked (lacked) Enable PV override: Une! locke) able WO senting: checkes (locket) Rew value Minimum: 6.0 (locke) Rew value Maxi Conversion mod locket) Clamp input {© EU ra z ae eal pr medes Prat rive ao eh p [eos dG Semen Ee 9 en 9 enna ek Donprtvcnne 8 9 [== 09 mea 4. Click the Save aud Glose bution and check in ths object em = bite: econte a large: sh ors, sre commen pen, Clon “ronilored using a corntination of ¢ a combination of c'ecrete outputs, Having). ofa device aly corel mapped to hath incut ant outy ins depends on ecret nisi 3 righ 14 "Vicving.” Hote thet 2 contra! valve hiss @ continuou ignal cf 0 %0 100% arr fs nat prapstly ‘ith al sft the Aral by 0 40 & revs stats, Ih sete the congured combination 97 ‘or more of its monfiored ecku stale of e lip 20d output ste ‘your F-plicetion: abject to det ly chenge, oF fall ic cher 8 (Puyand ts (Omd} can be configuied, Fini, the Bice Device abject during configuration. alii reporting twat you can er big credebevice Object Steter he Dseretebevice abject has 0 key corimendes stsie (Crd). Bath of te raonitored, The = * Passive represent ‘al nor-runuing position}, Fer sx nit is ‘ornier.” “he frst ecive siete (Activet represents “he sicte ofthe saree dove w cereidered ip he ninning, For eer a motor might ee more then one active etate Fer examnla, 2 motor ned" Yout con vee Cu nro! the: ion!) The d ancition etsta any time itis chenging from one veld te la another, For exerts, F you have & valve with @ paselve etete of (0% end an ave state of '0r." the transtinn the "Moving ® each: that ie coming from the field is incarrect or 2, For exemale, 2 fell would oocurif lims fora sing’e Cavice. Examples of feult sire when ths et on hi the cls is tis re field, the Fao! up te fa tates for the Fyou entig velues We undete the overall state ations to the pase! you might have @ valve on your dis sive state of he @ device thal can be eltier opened or closed ive state es Opened, and te: ons for the fou then would mi Sloe). ¥ an), and one fer the et For example: 6 0 0 1 Clssed 1 o Opened 1 1 pect where: RUE, “ALSE By defel, when the morilores digercte inputs e! iow aclu slate of the object determines the velue (PY) eppropie Upsates: the veluc of the p10% You can configure the f vice object to allow or disallow overriing of the PY vali. ITyou enable the PY ovenida, hen the object can be placed in Aue, Manual, of Sirulete modes using the Pvitode atiibute, © When the object isin Auto m 2813 quality of PVRto, © When the object isin ee, the PY updetes fren the fled ang matches the value continues to update from the field but the FY lve niet VWenraae Brenig © When the object than reed fr f rel slaiss ars rok corned, *Ae) sornbinve'an cf i Coot 2 dise te PVIdde set to"Sirlzia” Gorinalierorertad features fo Menuey ieeca device or ine i on, th the Cid he Gard dis get 10 iitties Uneornma expected Crd 8 (rot BAD). shenged from tha Is@OO0 0 Li conetvona, . ch of Stine dicetieg tha discrete dev lang of 2 time: Stelle ‘The Dice vend bait 3 equipment monitoring ard Gime -ws «The moet resent tie durations 13 including: of tte Salivet, Pathe of the Selves, fact and Activa? tote’ duretiors. cuntalated time du gon the Active waraitene ‘abla reset of fe thre Aetive', Active? and Passive stat Tees eT re nally left ble Device river's in ct to rad cahich . area aay. er cliente Ghjectives Upon complet + Configure A LAST nitalieg sil elvis srohlerne = Greete 4. Bei sject the A2 Training ‘erp bse Inputs able owtouts: Conflowe the objeet’s States te ‘able second active Sta i State names: bile transition state: 1 F ‘Transition state: Lactive state: ult state Number of Inputs: Input at Input 2 Input Name: Input 4 Input to PV Tap: 04: Opened 40: Close: 14 PV ove ult (eke) Configure the abject’: Oulpuis tals ae fellow Number of oujpute: A (locket) Output Heme: Output 4 Output te Cloceds Initist control mode: Martel ( Gonteat Gocked) inputs: 8. Configure th Numbor of Inputs: Input ame: Uap 4 past Mare: Input ro PY Maps 2: Stopes 4: Running 10, Configure t Number of ante Output Nemes Output 4 Output Wai Stopped: Running: Initiel control wiocie: Control s9ctlng: Gockes) Stopped Puncing 4 flocked) (locked Flowswaiter flocked) (locked) CmdStent Unchecked flocked) Checked (lacked) Henwel (locked) “) (oc 28 2 ‘ect, name | SAPMator, and assign it to hecked (locked) Enable second Unchecked (lacked) Enable frsas' von hed (lected 2 oj cl's Inputs Nuniber of tron 4 ocked) to Inputt input “ Ne Input Naw antec lacked) Inputio RV Map: (locked 6: Sloped wunning PV covovtitos (ocked) 48, Configure the object's Gutpue tab Number of ovtpuits: 4 tlockes) Output Nee: (ockea} Outpuer Ouypue Nemes — Codie Stopped: Unchecked (locked) Runni Checked (leekes) Initia! contre! mos Manuel (locked) Control wrecking: ‘Wenarmere 4. Inthe Template Te g the £DiscroteDe right [oe Rareacmor ©: ff ABrodaction 7 Qf 2oUnet [Linen] LoSi-aine2 [ABLioe2] ‘oe amo | (Oe Read-Ors, I check owt | ee ‘Unde ChadOut i ew aie aan ‘lee Dele "| Deivea Tonplate ) cutssanon Rename ae — or, or ts ponfiguration editor. Vientisse Syetem Pele 2 Ca

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