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Vision IAS BMI wwetauctions: | « Alignment Co petence Do lurnish the appropriate details in the answer 2. Context Competence shéet (viz. Name , 1d Number and Test Code ) 3. Content Gompeience 2. The Candidate should fil the index table, especially 4. Language Competence for hime | | 5. Introduction Competence 3. Inthe left margin, she/he should write only question | 6.” Steucture - Preseitation wmber and in the right margin, nothing should be |] 7, Conclusion Competence wet | 4, The page num should be coded by the candidate - ansiver of the question should be used to comple | oN the nd i I 5. All Paris of th ions should be waitten ai o i 6. No Supplementary sheet shall be provided by th anagem nt, So the candidate is advised to ace nodate required intormation within the'space provides, 7. The candidate need not write anything in bis her answer that derogates the dignity of an individual or a0 organization, 8. The candidate should respect the instructions, gi he invigi Total Marks Obtained be the invigilator. 9. The Examinee has to submit the answer sheet to Remarks : . the invigitator after completiod of examination . Rowever , he /she is allowed to take away the er i - Signature of Examiner question pape ves , ony ‘eee VISION IAS mes £2) | Eovinonnnental tncabien The ain aie 1 -orvltenmental ireatior to rot juat to builol ovmvenes bak alec A ; Arapark Yer Reynisit. MM dele omol caprbt litre Je necoguise, analyse arnd find doldions te dhe vanivws Unyisonmental prtblenw we face to UNECO iw Hee, ateond — Intemational wm Emnonnental Educahow un AIT CivL Covpromes) dok put be obgeehies oma “ Principlea on the baie a oshich. tuvirbental eduratior Props ea he meolelled. g d The baeie objedbiven aa act put neladed- -h On arwarvers anal Nonuibirg vthin abolit Hee robles fac oe tvnnnwnt be . t ‘d - bo A F Ue necenay dhille b & ‘plant handle Qocommerstol to inpan expences and a bani unoleuk a tte Ponwtobont “i - bo orawe the ounprment 2 wadertbeeel Oo an otal an Legh 4 Loud, genomic, Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : Email: Dont wtte Question No anything this (aac) VISION IAS prldcerl anol orollebe feckors a te trmbuctor, TW vamiows f anna : HThe Geol Prviverp le, a de bred tin Wns ce we! - Exvronwenal pr cation progeenns howled ANAL a wall olin dpti ap dhe Ft dbstged tre reed Ae carvidn U Are tavironwent ao a whee thin tdrcation thonlel be a conbrruions Dye proces fe pre-scheek fowl ple or formal sducbion poe dn weale- bye velaled wotter« Lewes te he txanrined from al feyob,: foal valonial gral intecnsbieral he ina nied be wha en comm ao well a0 potential unvivenmentad pe issvee ln the Trduanr Actrranr, te Mivaialig Ewivonmunl am Foret tole rom fern Envirownunt tbviation popu In toelays Scerrarin ithe Jimcuuing Unephare on tawironnenk avd Aunakarnak le dewtlepruent, fork vubion tw ovirovwvout al abvdies hao opened up hwo je avis apecadly Ln Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : a Blog : Email; ae VISION IAS Wh indbiabiite ote - [actos dike gortervank peliiy woken Dont write anything this margin erat goatee Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Blog : www Visit us : Email: i : Question No, am a anything this. VISION IAS ee 1b) Intlarte e Mn toe tuo aod pwrviconmert Ham, Flay, hain amnvized to “he He bayeat™ ved bys faci er dhe tiwirernunt he Lo edgy ane tblained below » Gi) Mgobepecabun ep Lard forene - Thanerghe vardrwing do alll ao. wchaitonnk fo coneDatbio er hwo feonan al tan fhabin hte valinnal sy Dageaclation q tlepes - he He pou 4 ood wd dla Anpashiancliinn baiting k Lit) Coastal gration ~ hae iowtrenced ot shearance of coanlel wigan 4 eangtonen te decree eer iY) Mo ceases pots L Callus : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us: worsisioniasontine.cont Ay 1 biog: wwwvisionias Email: Question No waa ee) -| cleans [parent rock material: = Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : www.visionias. Email : Ft sas VISION IAS = ee AG) | scene rogestey by defcvition dn the duvelbement 4 the daca corms Lsvect a Lax afforatittion dvd mointorronee 4 wepborivg forest” propane Tr hao been deviced te counter the "4 Me ate a dovial tnelyrde aegesiig the Local jen! fed bet. atikion ao well no maintainence sfe recghbors pre’ while Aesing Mor te betoy the hove bt Una Wolacneble mans . Thue the Aocal command wutivated fe protect” the foreels Goviak fprrolig programe mm be Avaplernancted iw a Varee Hew ah O Commawity Weodlots — where the cevareusnity i trues ow domme sf pla a meng foe (@ Public yroollots where Hu re lin ssvvle ow Je (© Fas rhe Crolivdrel fomes ove ote dopbog & pe ein txcees damnd | ree tui Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : www. log : Email: 8 Dont wita anything bis | = VISION IAS = ie ey nw tn gar! beg] : Merci AGL trosiow orrd water Alun af 7 - } ovial forsee No won aoa w : debewwe sin “paforestacter + by ineklls : I prctection to the fercal velvich proviole them wilh aw adeitiind wanee a indowe Mawegh feal wired, gum, dee, Tr hao dmereaced the - fi cal wbabidits a sed gerber and Kdwed Huw dependence ge inne orden we: Hewenr, the wrunt see hae a snare that the communi bh b ie ota revildberaen te the dole pete forest prodmee ‘Callus : 9650617807, 9968059039 ‘Visit us : Blog : www.visionias, Email: q rere Tee rE SST Don't write Cvesion te, ergs a VISION IAS = he dene Fool inept ko the ehock pv coth chon q oillsin ae falta breeding vypeocts Whereas, 0 cent, “pifiw de y x in He orn pli [lesion wolithe de dhe, Boe vant vasa’ oy speeds vilsihe have revo Lo doh foo we aon ee tha, Wools 4 0 te baat doce irke wit at re din Atcogiced be be dhe at gy 4° © ld Lag aomabor 4 dodewce perros. ey og be elec ' bro obiverat Ey. Satindced by the Knaetaw gente vase Ur Weopriced denen dinch etd ede esha volar were the aegis “ wnost™ 4 the tomnmrorr downak catid Spent. - these 4 tention re rbot’ below Call us : 9650817807, 9968059039 isit us : .com Blog : ww.visionias. Ena ajay uor@yahon we VISION IAS (es C1) Sovth-Caot Bia Tis center gprtads dacwees Tivlia, Drole -China, the. Mabag arn archi . - - Gi) Sree Woot Asta -. This Aupiiw aneldee North -weuk Inchan poninaula awl the wrololl, - East: li) Caathein — Comprnciig 9 Chinn avd 93 aiopinn celina Gab. Sehanan Apter Vi) Conia hnwrican srnebnslirg Lotte Mexico, Wak Indian arele plage and Conrtial twertcaw dawkines [eee purl trelrdio Mole 4 ik, bogota. Nin Vaaor dov, vanes other achabars hawe Moat 4 ta ann Heine world povrtres hens pach beookineasily _| Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : www.visionias, Email : I Question No, aes eea VISION IAS heothe Link q oem _pook entinr , 4 hcoolivercs’ wor Sadat oll fhe j eps, cbr, ctrenhs, polea wrilsecds, fo, wipetab le 5 apa, fivwbin tees, and ns follows (8 xertia)- (i) Mecico and Crrtial Aruna — Digi maize, bnate, common ben ) tocar , tobzcco, cotton ; Ei) when ~ * dannraon beam, wares, potele , , bormate fiyheca tater” f Weditonanern — foope, pap aye mn FP [i Elivopa - Raman, bang afer Bien, wheal \Conial Min pple, apie cnet, wheak Iv) Indn — Cotton, Mice, Hae glam, bog beer) cane, Cviek pa, varrons anew i lewth Grol fa Barina, orange aoe (it) Cine - hpeicot, thane, fete, digancan, ten Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : Email: 4 Fanything ti anything this VISION IAS ay aa age aera) eaten Soutt-Enak feta -Thin center oprcacls ages Trdia, brole-Chiva, the ala a ‘ae ) See Asta. - This Apion Aweluder wt. work Inchon peninela awl the wiololle - Eat ) Faathes— Comprnbicy 9 Chinn and pm > Meols Lovnancane “ seervorrolig the. beobilemanene wo ; Etteiopin cermlin ow Gob Sohanane Mewes \ Contiat Imerican snelirskiry Soule exico, WUE Inddan anch* plage waliad twwrican avdives 1) Aadian jolt trebrdio Irelia 9 alle Irarican covtrion dvcbasty wk, bogota. Jn Vasecdov, vantons other sebabers hawe whl powrtires hea pach. boohinest ty all us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : 3log : www-visionias, Email: VISION IAS tv trent” toy ere t rene chlenra . Mune are 2 se OO nce wee Aeeperlantlg ete a der anil 4 bw ao we brew it nonmetal poliuy meds te be schnsive ore polo A noldress tse problem, The buck pobvien & mult approach , ae. & a a but aloo pels eavaonenental olomwye redbccive (oe megane) and po Kee el Uh paw tome 9 te apects & ommprchinaiine pebvig naeds Fe oe es ie ae Whalen in tre the nscdk” pues bbe we face, be F atnisphent, watin on geil. vo te _adldeow tain ees + 9650617807, 2968059000 ety ts ord [ge my 2 VISION IAS = -| alt us : 9650617807, 9968059039 be eagles cee foe Cont % * pestlins, 4 rap ocivey fence Oe pelts tatin Farvination peer bxoas pr a doers tas i ‘ot bg re 4 strands fe crapirnca) fvobivdeale vole take acti afk nie veld pho ain 0 bok wd lamamce g darbor wedi bo jyncblbons vohe achiudlly pediace Cr yrusions ig glue an operbve rent pollabin dn oe see ge bhatt a nee pened & addres this tsre- In Hamme xe pellabion, encomperntnl } prchive Ake wae wake ttt sh web Wd, Visit us : Blog : Email: cee VISION IAS . (i) forsatatcon so andthe. 0 problin we fe ay ppt tae tw lt 4, 4 whee etlocreols Tepes eed tte, ad OCIS. based hulp iw comannetror ond tate Fong jf Fremege Gxtat epneizy Should h wee pence amd fretitic iw ble fe af dinadown rer fli. Jpachee, bree aya sourl f aval ane caurtal un arreetiy He ad tee hat lus oyu sae oes tc Aysicullise im thea Agpons eld pe wo bn & coli all wil tation toner bgt i) land lade ‘¢ Comet Abindits before. dveplaventabon % Callus 9650617607, 868050089 Vist us = wonvisioniasontincom ke Blog : Email : Git) Gil Erasvin i, mainly conacd oy g viper cots tod Iba diect (Question No, Gare VISION IAS Dont write anything his margin cart geauteey fives, valli pogeet 8 aepuiiad ar tee Kan faear pure deve . be with f@ Aca chee ee ‘ a) don Bion [eincken | Spucica io lowly weg pts pepo rok joa in ten wild aud fawn, bataltc fw ferme 9 dorwsalicrtel pears. We need te re pe“'”d the Hh boule wh axiehin ps OE ie ihacin allen y char vebvcle yer egvnl Pe a cleat Mina dtie va shold be cisco re the wont dhol deck wonliol pve aa tabindluclion 4 aliinn peers all ate \ took pypulations. Also prone Alan OH Pr Y bE ; ‘ny trade 1 ad ta po and i ke thatseyhly . Frat “corarovalcorn see the bab Lalackonn JB proscnee prdurnic bodliveret ly, a2 cand frowns Hose bunk aw wal “te horbitos. Oy Natioal tacoce Mephtow Thogh. ervey ovey nak dic tis ao a Olieck wivirennurtal Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 jpress.cor Visit us : ;visionias, Email: ajay_uor@) ess Question No, eae Gots: 9580617807, 9950050099 + wwnw.visionias. Visit us : Email: (Question No, oe VISION IAS Sia) olds He yall anol Leonowrrier . dart oe cok The om anal a uw te anal, “at morphelayal,” teolegil, Aovial ote seallcts yo ngine nad ai wear oul archive tinales witte axtornal Ageons The cancept onl ayothern wre a erst tg 1 Roveman dw bin arbiole Yow 3 , dw WB He teplaimd thal wine . srt’ [Kegiomal Weptlisis in a autel i mm, say VISION IAS Kegon nthevers mas Mats hen] Bran A po alleonpld ow hohe, iq ot" 4 ( oval Maprtheia He Ceatid @ die 4 malnees ak vy A‘ dhiee 9 fine? Eady techn 4 @ Meapb “at dprltorcscry Nadsowne iva wrt wbhunl os. obipicubt 20 Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : Email: ‘Question No ante, “Sb) VISION IAS anyting tis Don't wite margin carne Wun awareness, hime conrstigrs res aud uw vasheritey qr adtlanepla te turdvakonal wow dw Wo tavinroenrt ha fectine ack. Ub war He hee Kick Ae odvecatid tery fet The humane ap preach Aniki ww the Mfos ao a enbeionm Hamme are oppecaeal te Mew en G dpece Ae & ere, miter cal donut 4 turfoce - In the 19805 His oypprieache wered whe attack ow itvism fe pooite\nisine one Massism Recandiry bo Magid Herwaain, the Luna appioadl olla te wplrin He world ov iF yo bios selec nguing. est 4 barat have ww that wo torclurign Cow be cram Ff tho ach ts 2K tam rower ee ascnbarindk if if Ye aed This orppioad io ot heal a Soleatigns Callus : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us Siog: www.istonias. Email r Henuanitin de tral proach. aalicch tholin 2 Dont wite anything is cared geahee) es VISION IAS te oh dude dixrsion populetion sage vaca forthe ; Ls nn Lrewvalikis 9 dios bub. arvel Yoho’? Ae te hifirent SPvdarde o deoiy de oliffoent a t In his sp “Vuomen dt, Dew dns a k Ievo ee adios dovipaeel dokilen The wi ovpproach fo a vawtbhidbin tral vecds be bye peg =| Abinabces from ds fecuml Aue o2 Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 sit us : www Blog : Email: ajay. vor@yehoo com ane VISION IAS si cepa Co a oe ivolrtives 04 std lagi na ate He dbf” widen Molde Cast. Jr the peat ja age bay a thaabiovs sow gil ony onrenel b bowk t took ae! pe — fr bao Ban ce be ian sand aiee poe but Mid mantle 4 the Senay wh awl hac bem produced: dhe Aung Alas % we amd Gao are wel he xtvact and vepemoive Ao ke oxtiad- so adda an dhol -tlamand ap vid ux wsprlala iy Aetwnes 4 tes donna pt ai a neal - ig wo ow the joe Wyo Me Call us 9660647807, a96e0se0z U 13: Blog : wo visorias mal ajay uorayehoo com 28 i RSE cen VISION IAS ong has ei, ‘i a ewe goats) , 99680! .com wh Biog wwnsilonlas wordpress al joy uor@yanoo com Question No asada VISION IAS er ihe op | preblemo thak we will pele - fe on + global deal tw the near j He —ekake Of rontlene are. Asie “Thic de the abili a & De pe a pil Tp tice pawl food Aupeiel duavival . frou lrbions a He bee, Se aw ope run AOL ’ tA beponvbial salts Dr the otter hand produc 4 food aps frome jon producers Loko USA, | La ; nds. Oe Nee Pema Aa pon dince rremed a alecacl, an fa ei, See Maid th this, is Adachi Aare orte tedin apiece des be chaning Lama Tapa dosed amd aintect KhMb hae aloo canacal dlehine sie “food Proolation. Hl thee factinn howe wortirhuked Ae Pog Cree smog wll vations the Call us : 9650617807, 9966059039 sit us : wwrw.visioniasonl’ Blog : www.visionias.wordpress.cor Visit us : wavw. jm Email: 2S ner a SRE ETS yest No Gearon) VISION IAS wknd then tw Hee naan . Ten teat hel! Bee ne Be waa | that S04. ye nat fd os share fe Se a eer but ol Searker abies + Ita the doachopis hear South 4 Seth Fark Bec ord Dra derinen Hot lonmedhiate atin Ae be combat Hire teat, be io produchisty obama a A petewrhial Annan prode dion Thou mod ancrnge io onond 6 fonwe iF hayes WB tonnes} hectare mm bapa & 08 temers) hectare aw Nipuca- Casi ture ar Nog Hingele op faamapn mn ney tte DN Wren A produ diets. taps Hi iw poutixes whol alec Ke mambipind fom moe reap bs, ta oe owl hy ~— Call us : 9850617807, 9968059039 Visit us 0b Blog : Email ses] VISION IAS write 5e) Famine jn dyed do He deat dheoye 9 food, pshexe a vask wmv a5 Abe prpalaten aloes wel at maw a weal 4 44 pes dag. Famine do roel cd iw wader: Auveloped Pe olvalepe doviies ve 0L wnolele hak tenaowes te fulfih the dhorti A. The liqhest cnccolences . one Ome Yee wil ‘ wl Realy He “Hom 17 Apia’ ov oudines deke dowrelin, Ginitrer pyasl EXviopia bye laren clclernud ga fomire Behe Ha UN Wold fod F The Eset eheucs toa: q frre in a pastrnte Ayton forte 9 cops, Tre ftw be taal” by a runber Hae favre aw He “Hose Mea! 43 crow ht Rewer dren and bailete @ crepe ae wot ales dnd te fomive Tt ocoins wohen oslhitonwd Yrool t- make up for the shortfdll jl Ne pee inact Call us : 9850617807, 9968059039 it ni Blog : www visionias wordpress. Visit us : ‘com Email: vt Don't write anything Bis E gumte) Question No aaa VISION IAS ama pel bhahk, onl wud other wars, Poor - pebtres(ie hel » cheer oo } The raeol olnantre pect 4 forrine a ively ty thasvituen o% Asta Sao: Meliouishwent i, & wmmen euMance ontice popubhon the Vo pat Te “ty al Aten Rel Cant ees Qube propane 4 aad dike the UN) Food hee Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Blog : www.visionias.wwo Donte uesion Ne 4 anything oreo VISION IAS Bo pate Gay) Aaal obiffrtediaton a thal approach dow l | 4 vabache oleate rote the slloda a toe poll variation, q pPhgaieal vd coltrral Pas approach: wane pepalencedl Oy Hortehene sw Wo work the Nature Pty ee ee ft Areal 1, by Qh en uw bia ‘harold | doncept \ | Recordin be Hantthone, » tanto dl with prowde (ora P duocniplien 4 He wamialier Acroos “epee dun ow the tarths dnrface. Moo ruophinia on the Agional vortatroir tol hese Se inbe- ead (OE te or ss oon detfrentiakion wil, Calf a rpomel pepetg Recordi Ke Haalchone, eal diffrertiahen abil “on are baw sovcep f° Callus : 9650617807, 9966059039 Visit us : Blog: wivw.vsionias Emal jay 2 EES Hower dw the A605 wit the peprlerisekel Tack pcios a deguptay the aly fy ripened peppy dvwinishe: Tk War onee aim, Horrid oluriry the VISION IAS = 80s. Ik Awkval pwes ub baets hh te Call us : 9650617807, 9968059039 Visit us : Blog : wwwvisionias.wor Email: ajay_vor@ys dow He welfare apptonle Othe, rd ete lonee 4 dociobary be Hamar mpprach. Tee Ao Ce end. rer Ane isolate! oe oi noed to be. Tew boewdares ond then oplnen ss ow sath pther ae — OETA stein y the approach Ww an) Aner Ua nol © demoncilvon SO ad at & “ fo dei he nent foalabed anche Con be fe ears 40 Rolynanne Loud Even bs fen ove wang be SI SEND “hia approach dice vat help msds Pertne sabes te bastasd Universal © Layo on ined) ® hepa are mel iudibed pabck, but nattes are proolts o @ recording fe trop Bishan, ain a doweloping coating bike Tuolia, tris Approach dito wok werk oye & verieuc prctlerne bike Lipided dombrprent, obual Leommuvier ofe Hower sngorle the cikocsma, Dek Iaponiten a trek ww tulbed 40 Apatol we : pg afew vin the talline 9 each - le anything inthis Do not margin B32 60)| Linck fn ae supost wotlen by the ak howe’ te AT, Thin os a ep fp inch The Fb queckions aes high sakes © |roashyfol ba ng an fiw Sibyl. MT ake Hut ancl a ak the ex ractpltaloe 9 A fie. woordies ane the ores Lil wh brig Loomis, The we nwo ° at ul So dlp wt ci te L te hee Dene b he ut oo opel i ake lin feo ome aalvancened| | i i cre tena NEAT T The pot eal 2 a need de 0 tarde a yaone Pal dad pan hb growth poke . Te fo not bypoent toate covkiits ane umnernid okouk Thi, natral dWrrcenment, 00 al ol gota bes ~ aloes nat herener ark ficial borrndasize 4 abate. Fillecy Yarn repent, Pa 1 Fonsenton, aneateal a be demaonobat, Me Lewih fe qo Tr Wio woddl he male te frlleins biewo © Fivate wack y won Aenossable. Acrounreee finite opmilabtily 4 Syrteattaval Lame © binuited weil” for trorenmanks As ply © tnchwakel yrolle dv population, pollu, The © frat 0 slawelard Lor the wrackel anything inthis margin 3h dlc pum brinabed ~ witle daplbon Ardonies, wunchedda pollubion amd rata Congas fais ard. tech 1 Je lee pe prorrenna Alin swnd phar all a the Tume Cohtlins rally ntl wer Tis thos He: Hee Limited capabi 4 4 unchecksd Wi voll hao ben rb eved hee Ye wold ae a Uy jet Ofewstd grees 4 W coepe ls © fod om Cuced sapisical dala. fom feo Locabions Hoven vspite ve ivetakiona, toe vwede gpinee we & picture g what wumonl patina will Aue aw Tk woke a the worbl ow aolepl “eat vabl duvobeprnenk pis Do not write anything inthis margin 3S Ba» The Luonewic menk 9 2 A bn gore tbsnaled be 5 pox capil ince. Hagh pe opile Airtome Counties wg dovaidired At. be ‘ Je oq th voll sry boo brane inks Me Ay clovelop wont Arava uy oy Induratral-Gwemnrerl erubic) Pen dace we I rdvrkial- oo 2) 2 thal [Bewreboi al uy Coestaatly Plaid Evononrics The sali raratrristics @ tae €onomi are olsembed eb below:- (9 Dewelaped _Beorvonvito Thee are donactenied hy vey hgh b, Yano reinimcativent high. Ore ant yer ight Lawomy Do not write anything ui 36 founlin, huk © Ihe ua 9 papelton SP) jp dwt ie ayerendtwral a. chvttcn write anything inthis margin 8 power gretion the dasaney tpoods aoe @ Unde ol “ - ty las the me politcal posit ben ‘D Leowowarts? ly lav wn erg parlance. Ln Yee Aontinito, 60-79, qt peli ta dll hve, . Thuce dortirer have devs perenpeta. lneowe Fons yor. ates bah prpalabon gst Pes Mw lands dbarndasds Hinsing. AL 4 tye Chapt Sap, aL 4 besa tee Roce Spe owl ee ‘hein bape’ M9 & Grtial § G frnersia ex. jae gg. wrvrtcered Prsory Stay pad Mononnni Te ae contre, He nrbine Lemony aa under vesnmvonk Juerbial covkkol. Yhese Leowormis arr peng nek ne bance inobrebiics® Ake inen 4 sled, peacretad an ex 2x . mares Me ih cen USSR conver. Kewpa: * pi aed a nook’ obiapan oa hee dw the Narthern Henraphere valida roost 4 the wd - sevrbiita Lie, dam Do not te anything inthis margin aq ne nnn nen RRS — eowomits are obeivien by faq oul deplitinn 4 neburel Ateonrws Hee umole okie nrlich hoo EDP yaad Leovomits, whch ane advamenwent” tim the uncler Lunrowen has &acerbabed trio Under do sll Lomonnits Low te palawnatis Like pre bella ie dalle bast % wndin-dlernclaped Llovronies daw dhe arate choviok powma hao How pyget wy preg help inplro form dhe dereheped be the venelee developed contice| a drive to bany Ahenk woe poanunue Hererrte techesoly aval fromuved 40 rd lemefirs dam begin be nacbigats thor gcabl U ~ TS T r 85) coven bon tase fe Like ib Ake Heisepbinay hy bie conmal erie 9 Aster olcchelennes. 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