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Reef facies of the Rajamandala Formation, West Java

Article · January 1984

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2 authors, including:

Prajatna Koesoemadinata
Bandung Institute of Technology


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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - 13th Annual Convention Proceedings, 1984



Search Thirteenth Annual Convention, May 1984



. R.P. Koesoemadinata*
Syafei Siregar**

ABSTRACT Since early 1970 the senior author of this paper has
Outcrops o f the Rajamandala Formation limestone near supervised numerous student theses concerning fieldwork
Bandung offer an excellent opportunity to study the facies on the various sections 6f the Rajainandala limestone. I t
~re|ationships o f an Early Tertiary reef, ~hich may serve as was soon realized that various carbonate facies types as
a model for Tertiary reef exploration in Indonesia. The related to reefs can be recognized and their lateral relation-
limestones are exposed along quarries and natural outcrops ships can be traced. From the successive years of inter.
along the road from Bandung to Jakarta. These limestones mittent studies, augmented by discussions with many
with thicknesses of approximately 600 meters are dipping carbonate experts from oil corfipanies research laboratories,
40 to 60 degrees toward the south and are involved in from discussions during many field trips of carbonate
asymmetric folding and thrusting towards the north. seminars of geologic staffs of oil companies operating in
Along its ENE-WSW trending strike the limestone ex- Indonesia, a reef depositional model has emerged. This has
hibits a graded granular limestone facies representing tur- induced the secon.d author of this paper to undertake a
bidRes at the toe of the basin-slope facies, a foraminiferal detail systematic field study supported by petrographic and
paleontologic work--to refine the model into a synthesis,
• algal facies with rudstone facies representing a fore-reef
facies, a coral-algal bafflestone to boundstone facies (locally This study is still continuing, and this paper can be .coffsi-
quarried and st~bbe as commercial marble), representing. diered asa progress report on these studies, it has been also
reef ,-amparts, and a possible milliolid limestone facies with realized that the outcrops of the Rajamandala limestone
isolated patch reefs, representing the lagoonal back reef offer an excellent model for a study of Tertiary reefs, and
facies. could become a classic example.
Coincidently the reefal limestone is presently quarried at
two localities and cut into polished dimension stones, and
INTRODUCTION sold as "commercial marble". This marble adorns many
elevator halls of the hotels and office buildings in Jakarta,
This paper deals with the results of outcrop field studies
and is also excellent material for the study of Tertiary corals
o f carbonate facies development of a Tertiary limestone
(However, not all marbles in Jakarta come from this quarry,
formation in West Java. Excellent exposures of natural
some come from another reef limestone quarry of Middle
outcroppings, rock quarries, and especially a marble quarry
Miocene age in the southern part of East Java). This paper
of the Rajamandala Formation near Bandung offer a good
will at least give you the geological framework on reefrock
opportunity to study and identify the various carbonate
sample material on the elevator halls:
facies, especially as related to reefs.
Location of area discussed: The Rajamandala'Fonnation
The reefal nature of the Rajamandala Formation has.
limestones are exposed in the central portion o f West Java
been known for a long time, since the publication of
(see Figure 1). The limestone exposures form a conspicuous
Hatting (1929), Zwierzycki and Koolho'ven in 1936,
range of hills extending ENE-WSW, which will be referred
Kupper (1941), and as also mentioned by Van Bemmelen
to as the Rajamandala Ridge. Its eastern extremity is about
(1949). However, at that time most attention focused
20 kilometers WNW from Bandung, and extends about 20
on ihe study of:foraminifera and to a certain extent on
kilometers towards WSW where it disappears due to facies
the corals as aids to the age determination of the formation. change or is buried under the Quaternary volcanics. More
No attention has been paid to the differentiation of facfes toward the west, outcrops of limestone of the same a g e
and no detail studies have been published, especially in the reappear near the Sukabumi area. This paper will discuss
light Of modern concepts of carbonate sedimentation. only the eastern part of the Rajamandala Ridge, and no
references will be made to the limestones of the Sukabumi
* Institute of TechnologyBandung. area.
** National Institute of Geologyand Mining. Acknowledgement: The authors of this paper wish to
acknowledgerapport given by th e management of both the arc. In the northern pan of West Java this period is repre-
Institute of Technology Bandung and theNationa! Institute sented by an unconformity representing subaerial condi-
of Geology and Mining. Acknowledgement is also given-t0 tions.
Mr. Soejono Martodjojo, colleague at ITB, for the discussion Eocene: During most of Eocene ~irne West Java was in
on the geological framework of the Rajarnandala Formation. continental conditions represented by an unconformity,
We would lfke also to acknowledge the Pusat Studi Ling- but in the. Rajamandala~Sukabumi area terrestrial fluviatile
kungan Hidup (Center for Habitat Studies), who provided deposits of the Gunung Walat Formation are .presents
us facilities for carrying ~ut aerial reconnaissance of the presumably f'filing the depression of the previous interarc
area. We are extremely indebted to many geologists and basin.
carbonate experts who visited these outcrops. The exchange Early Oligocene: This time interval is represented by
of ideas and discussion with those experts led to ideas we the unconformity at the top of the Gunung Walfit quartz
may have borrowed without direct reference. sandstone ~onglornerates. This surface represents a tectonic
uplift of the whole region.
During Late Oligocene the first true marine transgression
GENERAL GEOLOGIC SETTING of the region occurred-firom the southwest toward the
The Rajamandala limestone ridge forms a median northeast. The Bogor Trough developed at this time in
ridge in the Bandung Central Depression of West Java in central West Java, separating an Qff-shelf platform in the
Va Bemmelen is tectono-physiographic zones of West Java. south from the northernSunda shelf. It was on the northern
This central depression is bordered On both sides by Recent edge of this platform that reefs of the Rajamandala F0r-
volcanoes. However, westward of the Rajamandala-Ridge, mation grew, preceeded by the depositon of calcareous
volcanoes are present only on the northern border of the shales of the Batuasih Formation. During this time the
depression. northern part of West Java was still a land area (see Figure 3).
A closer look at the Rajamandala Ridge and its paleo- Miocene: During most of Miocene time the central part
geography indicates that the Rajamandala Ridge is better of West Java, especially the Bogor Trough was diluted by
described to be the northern edge of the Southern clastic influx, consisting mainly of deep marine sedi-
Mountains of West Java which are a southward tilted up- ments with considerable turbidites and volcanic debris
lifted block. This block presumably formed an off-shelf flows, formed successively, by the Citarum Formation
platform on which reefs were growing during Oligocene (formerly lower part of Van Bemmelen's Citarum beds),
time. the Middle Miocene Saguling Formation (upper part of the
Citarum beds), and the Late Miocene Bantargadulag For-
General Stratigraphy. mation, Cigadung Formation and Cantayan Formation. The
equivalents of these formations in the nothern part of West
Recent work (Martodjojo. 1984) has established the Java and offshore are the Cibulakan Formation and the
regional stratigraphy of West Java, which gives a consider- Cisubuh Formation, with reefal limestone developments,
ably better .understanding of the evolution of West Java, such as in the lower part of the Cibulakan Formation
especially in relation to the prolific hydrocarbon-bearing for- (proposed name Gantar Formation, equivalent Baturaja
mations in northern West Java. This is depicted in Figure 2. Formation), and the Parigi Formation. In most of the
This stratigraphic diagram indicates the stratigraphic po- Southern Mountains of West Java the earliest part of the
sition o f the Rajamandala Formation in the regional frame- Miocene is represented b y the volcanics of the Jampang
work. The Rajarnandala is slightly older than the Baturaja Formation, while during most of the Middle and Late
FormatiOn equivalentof northern West Java: Miocene erosional :conditions and nondepositi0n pre~iled
The Pre-Tertiary is represented by metamorphic rockS, An exception t o these conditions occurred during the
volcanics and igneous rocks, known only from' well data:in transition from Middle Miocene to Late Miocene, when
the northern partof West Java and offshore. In southern Java there appears to be a tectonic quiescence, and platforms
schists and ophiolites are known, but these rocks are pro- and shallow marine conditions prevailed, enabling the de-
bably part of the EarlyTertiary melange complex. position of limestones and other shallow marine deposits,
Paleocene-Early Eocene: The earliest Tertiary is repre- such .as the Bojonglopang and Cimandiri Formations in the
sented by a melange-c0mplex in the southwestern tip of south and the Cilanang Formation in the Rajamandala area.
West Java (ciletuh Bay); which Was presumably part of the These would be the equivalent of the limestones of the
subduction zone extending toward Central Java. In the Parigi Formation in-northern West Java.
northern part of West Java this time period~is represented Pliocene time is represented by tectonic uplift of a vol-
by Volcanics of the' Jatibarang Formation interpreted as canic complex of which only remnants remain as vol-
the magmatic arc of this subduction. Part of this time canic necks, plugs or andesitic intrusions. "nais volcanism
interval is represented by the clastics Of the Ciletuh For- continued into Pleistocene time as documented by
mation, which is interpreted to .be ponded deposits in the the Quaternary volcanics on geologic maps of this area.
inter-arc between the outer arc and the inner magrnatic Some terrestrial sedimentation took place in the Southern
Mountains of West Java represented by the Bentang For- found north o f the RajamandaiA area. i.e. in the Jatiluhur
marion. Area. However, paleogeography during Oligocene time
Local Stratigraphy: (see Figures 4 and 5) shows that the Rajamandala area forms the northern edge
The local stratigraphy as depicted on the geologic map of an off-shelf platform, presumably separated from the
(see Figure 4) is shown in the stratigraphic column in Fi- northern Bogor Trough by a normal fault, with the
gure 5. The oldest rock is the Late Oligocene Batuasih For- southern block being .upthrown and tilted to the south;
mation consisting of dark grey to occasional black calcare- Another explanation would be that differential vertical
ous shales, rich in planktonic foraminifera belonging to the movements along the rejuvenated fault resulted into
N-1 age of the Blow Zonation. Its thickness has been measur- warpingofthe sediments on this northern edge of the block ,
ed to be about 400 meters. Only few scattered outcrops of and subsequently the normal fault developed into a reverse
quartz sandstones have been found in the Saguling are a fault and the associated asymmetric folding.
(near the village of Rajamandala), and the extent of this Local Structure: (see Figures 3 and 4)
rock exposure belonging to the Gunung Walat Formation The Rajamandala Ridge shows an ENE-WSW striking
is too small to be mapped at this scale. At this locality the structural trend, with dips of about 40-60 degrees toward
contact between the Batuasih and the Gunung Walat For- the south. North of this ridge, which is also north of the
mation appears to be conformable, so that there is hesi- highway connecting Bandung and Jakarta, the geologic
tation whether to include this occurrence =as the Gunung structure-is rather complicated. In the western part of the
Walat Formation or as a sandy intercalation within the Ba- Rajamandala Ridge an ENE trending reverse fault branches
tuasih Formation. into two northward swinging arcuate reverse-faults, dipping
The Rajamandala Formation consists of two parts, a to the south. North of this reverse fault,.the Citarum For-
main limestone unit and a elastic member on top of the mation shows overturned dips of about 60-80 degrees, and
limestone unit, consisting of tuffaceous marls with quartz •an overturned asymmetric folding with associated reverse
sandstones at the base. In the western part of the Raja- faults along its axial-plane can be interpreted. In the eastern
mandala Ridge this clastic member is interpreted to be end of the structure, this thrusted anticlinal structure is
interfingering with the limestone unit. The limestone thick- associated with a syncline, the Bengkung Syncline. West-
ness is about lOOto 300 meters, while in most areas the tuf- ward along the same trend of this BengkungSyncline there
faceous marls are only about 30 meters thick. The lime- are a few .isolated limestone hills (G. Pawon, G. Masigit,
stones are mostly reefal, consisting of corals and algae, and and Pasir Bancana) which show rather steep ~rratic dips,
especially large foraminifera. These carbonate facies will be indicating complicated tectonics. Van Bemmelen (1949)
discussed in detail in the next section. The Citarum Forma- interpreted these hills as "klippes", which glided down
tion consists of interbedded greywacke sandstones (with from the crest of the anticline along the soft underlying
typical graded bedding, parallel laminations, and even an calcarous clays of the Batuasih Formation. Based on recent
occasional typical Bouma sequence) volcanic breccias (debris fieldwork this interpretation is still valid, but the distance
flow deposits) and black shales. These are interpreted as dis- covered by the glide movement is minor. These features are
tal to proximal turbidite deposits. The measured section is simply remnants of the broken crests of the strongly folded
about 850 meters thick. The Saguling Formation consists limestone anticlines where the steep limb was carried in a
mostly of volcanic breccias, interprete~! as submarine gravity flow movement of the underlying plastic shales from the
debris flow deposits or proximal turbidites. The measured core of the anticline.
thickness in this area is at least 1750 meters. The whole The structural position of these blocks is complicated by
sequence is covered unconformably by Quaternary tufts and the presence of fairly wide fault-zones, presumably strike-
other volcanic products. Andesitic intrusions, presumably slip, striking about north-south, intersecting and offsetting
associated with Pliocene volcanic activity have also been the Rajamandala structure at high angle. Within these fault
found in the area, intruding the above mentioned formations, zones the limestones and associated sediments show erratic
especially the Batuasih. bedding attitudes, localiy even parallel to the fault direct-
ion. Few of the above mentioned isolated limestone hills
Tectonics and Geologic Structure: C'klippes") are caught within these fault zones. Detail
facies studies of these isolated blocks show that they form
The relationships between the local geologic structure of a distinct facies, separate from the main Rajamandala Hills
the Rajamandala Ridge and the regional tectonics is not in the south. For the purpose of lateral facies development
clear. The Rajamandalaarea shows intense folding With asso- studies these hills have also been included in the model.
ciated thrusting toward the north, while the Southern Moun-
tains of West Java show 0nly regional low-angle dip toward
the south. It could be argued that this must be the result of a
northward directed stress by the subduction in the south CARBONATE FACIES TYPES
during the Mid-Tertiary or during the Plio-Pleistocene Within lthe Rajamandala Formation various facies types
Orogeny. Such a northward.directed thrust has also been of the •limestones cart be recognized, which can be related
t) the r~'ef~ agg~ciated environments. Recognition o f facies Trillina howchini, Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina etc, and other
~ n be done in the field, to be confirmed by petro~aphic biodastic fragments, such ascoral debris etc: The limestones
work. are massive, poorly bedded and bioturbated, with indica-
The boundary between the Rajamandala Formation and tons of cross-bedding, showing channelling wRh erosional
the underlying Batuasih Formation forms a distinct facies. surfaces at the base. Within these beds quartz pebbles are
The Batuasih Formation consists mainly of black calcareous occasionally found. This facies prersumably represents
globigerina-bearing shales (marls). At the boundary it surge channel to back reef deposits.
consists of black siltstones interbedded with black clays and CORAL DEBRIS RUDSTONE FACIES:
quartz pebble conglomerates. The siltstones are parallel
laminated with calcareous pseudonodules. The base of This facies consists o f angular fragments of corals and
Rajamandala Formation itself consists of conglomeratic other limestones, mostly dark grey, embedded in a limcmud
matrix, which is generally lighter in colour. Fragments,
packstone containing quartz pebbles and fragments of
poorly sorted, vary in size up t o 3 0 cm. Matrix contains
branching corals (G. Manik and Pabeasan sections), while
considerable amounts of large foraminifera mainly
the underlying Batuasih Formation shows lenses of grey
Lepidocydina. This facies represents talus-slope debris of
mudstone grading to wackestone.
coral fragments from the main reef.
The uppermost part of the Rajamandala Formation
shows a distinct facies, consisting mostly of calcareous shale CORAL BOUNDSTONE FACIES:
or marl, but at the base it is separated from the main lime- In general this consists of corals in growth position in
stone body by a transitional bed of quartz-pebble bearing which the spaces among the coral framework are titled up
conglomeratic Lepidocyclina packstone facies. The main with muds containing coral debris, large foraminifera, etc.
Rajamandala Formation itself is about 120 meters thick at often- bound with encmsting red algae. The rocks are light
Pr. Kamuning section (near Tagogapu) 200 meters thick at coloured and are usually dense, massive, nonbedded to
Bengkung section, and 150 m.eteis at Pabeasan section. The poorly bedded, with no primary porosity. The following
marl facies at this locality is at most 75 meters thick subfacies can be recognized based on the type of corals:
(compare with figures by Van Bemmelen, 1949, of about
Massive Head Corals Boundstone: This facies consists
650 meters thickness of the Rajamandala limestone).
mainly of colonies of massive head corals, such as braim
Within the main limestone unit of the Rajamandala
corals, Meandrina etc with encmsting red algae. A pack-
Formation the following facies can be distinguished in the
stone facies, rich in foraminifera, is common in between
the coral colonies. Worm tubes are very common in this
GLOBIGERINA (PLANKTONIC) PACKSTONE- facies, as well as large shells of gastropods and lamelli-
WACKESTONE FACIES: branchia. These rocks are very massive, dense and usually
This f~cies consists of fine to coarse-grained extremely white in colour. The carbonates are very pure, containing
arg~accous c!astic limestone with packstone to wackestone over 95% calcium carbonate. RecrystaUization is fairly
~exture, con:~isting mainly of planktonic foraminifera, common. This rock is polished into commercial marble.
rr::drdy globigerina, with subordinate large foraminifera and This facies presumably represents the reef crest or reef
c~ra] t~agments. The rocks are dark grey to black, and are flat.
ex*.remely argillaceous (up to 60'~), often pyritic indicating Platy Coral Boundstone: This facies consists of platy
deposition in reducing environment. Black clay intercala- corals, which are aligned parallel to bedding. Within the
tions are common. The beds are thinJayered showing framework of these boundstones are pockets of foramini-
f:equent graded bedding. feral packstone to wackestone. These rocks are mostly
massive and poorly bedded, but occasionally show wavy
LEP! DOCYCLLNA (ORBITOID) PACKSTONE bedding. This facies presumably represents the deeper
FACIES: , environment of the reef front.
This facies consists of coarse-grained to extremely coarse
grained poorly sorted bioclastic packstone, consisting mostly Branching Coral Bafflestone: This facies Consists primarily
of Lepidocyclina tests and other orbitoids, such as Heter- of branching corals, mostly in growth position, some as
oste#xta. Miogypsinoides, and Spiroclypeus, containing broken fragments, embedded in a limemud matrix. Typical
also coral and algal fragments. The rocks are buff to light corals are Pofites, Acropora, Rhabdophyllia etc. (Gel~h,
grey, thin to thick bedded, hard, dense and compact, often 1933). Branching coral facies presumably represent sub-
showing undulatory to ~'avy bedding surfaces. wavebase environments of the reef front.
These three subfacies are usually intermixed together
and cannot be differentiated, but often the platy coral
"Mils facies is represented by coarse-grained, poorly boundstone and especially branching corals bafflestone
served, dark grey packstone to wackestone, consisting of form" definite facies development, such as G. Pawon and
tests of Alveolinid and Milliolid foraminifera, such as G. Manik.
Measured sections at several localities and their lateral Pr. Pabeasan and section 9, Pr. Bende):
correlations indicates that depositional environments of This environemnt is represented 12~, t~,c masswe ,~,.~-
the reef related sediments can be identified, based on the bedded coral boundstone facies whicit can be reco#.;z,.d
lateral facies developments, as well as each individual facies. from afar. This fitcies type is identified at several locali:ie.~,
The following depositional environments can be recognized: Pr. Pabeasan, and West Pabeasan, Pr. Bende (marble quarry),
TOE OF SLOPE SEDIMENTS (Cikamuning and Beng- G. Guha, and Sm~ghyar:g Tikoro. Generally both ~:e
kung Sections, Tagogapff, see Figure 7) " massive head coral boum:s~one facies, the branching co~,d
This depositional environment is primarily represented baffflestone facies as welJ as tile platy co~al bout;d:d.:~i:.~-.
by the Gtobigerina (planktonic) wackestone to packstone facies are found interbedded and ofter~ laterally ~ c',.)"~:
facies, interbedded with calcareous shales or marls. The proximity. The envkonment must have been such ~,~
rock is extremely muddy (argillaceoug). They are thin- there was no strong wave activity, as the limetr~ud :~.c~:-
bedded to laminated,but sometimes massive, up to 5 meters mulated within the crevices and space tc~ between the c,,.~': ~:. -
thick. Graded bedding is typical in this environment, and framework, resulting in a massive dells' nonporous reel:..
at least a typical Bouma sequence consisting of graded At several locations, only branching corn! bafflestot:e: are
interval, parallel stratification, current-ripple lamination developed, such as at G. Manik, representing a deeper waltz
and an upper parallel lamination can be recognized. Slump facies than the head corals, or locally otfiy the platy cot:t3
structures are often observed. The thinbedded limestones facies is developed, such as at G. Pawon and G. Masigit,
shows channeling infi_lled by lenticular layers~ wedge-outs, representing an even deeper water environment off the
and intraformational true:cations. Bioturbatio~ is ~ommon, main reef.
and the sole markings of tracks and burrows are typical.
Solitary corals in growth position as well as fallen branches DEPOSITONAL MODEL OF THE RAJAMANDAL?,
are .often found. T h e uppermost part of the sequence REEF
consists of massive thick-bedded coral debris mdstones, Based on the identification of facies types and depc~gi-
scouring into the thinbedded planktonic wackestone-pack- tional interpretation, and the distribution of the fa.Ae~
stone beds, as channel fills, causing also slump structures. types, as well as paleogeographic considerations, the fol.low-
REEFSLOPE SEDIMENTS (see Pr. Kareta-G. Hawu-Pa- ing model can be established (see Figures 10 and 11).
beasan Section, Figure 7): The Rajamandala Formation limestone was deposited
This environment is "typically represented by thin to as a barrier or fringing reef extending ENE-WSW, apprOxi-
thick-bedded Lepidocyclina (orbitoid) packestone facies, mately along the present tectomc tIend. The fror~t of this
which shows wavy to undulatory bedding surfaces. Algal reef fromed spurs and ridges, and embayments e gter~d;,~g
and coral fragments ate often found within these sediments. toward the north. At the crests of such a spur, ~-:~ass~ve
More typical is the devdopment of small reefal build-ups, coral boundstones were developed, especiaJly t~e v~assi~e
from 30 cm to more than 4 meters in'height, consisting of head coral colonies grew there in profusion, whi!e ,if7 .~'le
coral framework filled in and obscured by the packstone fill, reef toward the norih or at the sides of the spurs at depL~s
clearly enclosed by the thinbedded.packstones. The !arge below wave-base branching coralg grew (G. Marfik), f o ~ w -
foraminifera (Lepidocyclina) are extremely large, such as ed by the platy corals irl deeper water (G. Pawon). Side-
the size o f 100 rupiah or 50 rupiah coins. Slump stv,~ctures ward and northward of :he reef fronts orbitoid fo;:amLai-
are occasionally found in the reefslope sedimentary facies. fern, especially Lepidocyclina, were living at the reef £opc.
Within this envkonment thick-bedded to massive coral Solitary or small colonies c.f corals occasionally grew ~:.~a
debris rudstones are frequently present as interbeds within these slopes, forming small local build-ups, to be buried
the sequence, presumably as an occasional talus slope again in the foramineral skeletalremains. Frequently coral
debris flow from the coral reef wall upslope. Foreset debris cascaded down these slopes, forming talus deposits,
erossbedding has been observed showing the direction of which later became the thick-bedded to massive coral debris
slope toward the northeast (N. 70. E.). rudstones. The slope must have been a drop-off type,
SURGE CHANNEL DEPOSITS (Lampegan section; see resulting in frequent slumping, especially at the toe of the
Figure 9): reef slope.
At the Lampegan section a facies is found consisting of At the toe of the reefslope skeletal debris from the reefs
milliolid-bearing packstone facies, showing erosional sur- streamed as avalanches, scouring channels and deposit~:g
faces at the base. This rock type is extremely massive, with turbidite flows with typical graded bedding within the
no. apparent stratification, although some obscure cross- channels. Because of the steeper slopes, slump structures are
bedding has been observed. This facies is overlying a coral mo/e often,, developed here. The basin off the reef m~.~.~
boundstone facies. It is interpreted here as being a surge have been a reducing environment, as the rocks are dark
(tidal) channel deposit, transporting milliolids from the grey. Perhaps these sediments smelled of hydrogen s~:~.-
backreef lagoon to the fore reef slope. phide in the area where planktonic organisms were raining
down. However, the conditions were such that bottom 4..3. Milliolid packstone facies, massive nonbedded,
dwelling animals were crawlin~ and burrowing in this wRh basal erosional surfaces (channeling), presumably
environment. representing backreef and surge tidal channel deposits.
In addition to these, parts of the reef, surge or tidal 4.4. Coral rudstone facies representing talus slope reef-
channels appear to have developed in betweenthe reef spurs, debris deposRs.
as at Lampegan, transporting sediments from the lagoon 4.5. Coral-algal boundstone facies, massive nonbedded,
which might have been present south of the reef barrier. forming the core of the reef, within which the following
.These channels brought backreef skeletal debris and mud subtypes are recognized: massive headcoral framestone
northward into the basin. facies, branching coral bafflestone facies and platycoral
The reef became extinct at the beginning of the Mio- ~boundstone facies. These facies represent the reef crest to
cene; when the southern mountains of West Java were reef flat facies.
uplifted and volcanic activity was intensified. In the first 5. The Rajamandala Formation is interpreted as a barrier
. phase of this episode, erosion of previously deposited or fringing reef, extending ENFE-WSW wRh reef spurs
Batuasih Formation took place in the land area behind the protuding toward the basin in the north, around which reef
reef, and deposited terfigenous sediments on the reefs. debris, reef slope and toe of the slope deposits are recog-
The drowning of the reefs took place by the influx of nized.
clasties (turbidites), as the reef was subsiding.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Bemmelen. R.W. van, 1949, Geology of Indonesia: The
1. The Rajamandala Formation is an Oligoceneto Early Hague,/vlsrtinus Nijhoff, vol; 1-A.
Miocene carbonate unit exposed among the Quaternary Dunham. R.J., 1962, Classification of carbonate rocks
volcanoes in central West Java, about 20 to 30 kilometers according to depositional textures in-Classification of
west of Bandung. Carbonates: AAPG Memoir No. 1. p. 62-84.
2. The Rajamandala Formation limestone was deposited Gerth~ H., 1933, Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis deer Korallen-
on an offshelf platform, developed during Early Tertiary fauna des Tertiaers yon Java: Wetenschapplijke Mede-
time. The underlying formations consist of a sequence deelingen no. 25, Batavia.
including Paleocene t0 Eocene melange, interarc pond Harting, A., 1929. A short geological description of the
deposits (Ciletuh Formation), and fluviatile deposits (Gu- mountain Tagogapoe and 'I~itaroem: Fourth Pacific
hung Walat Formation). The Rajarnandada Formation was
Science Congress. Java.
preceeded by the transgressive black shales of the Batuasih
Formation (Early Oligocene), which overlies the underlying Kupper, H., 1941, Bijdrage tot de stratigraphy van het
sequence with a slight unconformity. The formation was Tagog-apoe and Gn. Masigit gebied (Noord Prianger,
buried under a thick sequence of Miocene turbidites (Cita- Java): De Ing. Ned. ind., no. 12. p. 105-109
rum Fm) and volcanic debris flows (volcanic breccias) of MartOdjojo. Soejono. 1984, Evolusi cekungan Bogor, Jawa
the Saguling Formation (new. name), Bantargadung For- Barat (The evolution of the Bogor Basin): Ph.D. Thesis.
marion, and Cantayan Formation, with intercalated shallow ITB (in progress).
marine deposits in Late Miocene (Cilanang Fro.). The
Sudjatmiko, 1972. Peta geologi lembar Cianjur - Jawa
sequence was intruded by Plioeene volcanics, and it was (Geologic map Ciandjur quadrangle): Direktorat Geologi,
covered by Quaternary volcanics. Department Pertambangan Rep. IndoneSia., Bandung.
3. The Rajamandala Formation is asymmetrically folded
and thrust toward the north, and this structure was cut Wiison, J.L., 1975, Carbonate facies in geologic history:
by numerous NNE-SSW to N-S trending zones of strike- Springer - Verlag,. Berlin - Heidelberg - New york,
slip faults. Portions of the limestones on the crest of the p. 20-27.
fold were broken and glided down over the underlying Zwierzycky, J. and Koolhoven, W.C.B., 1936, Report on
plastic sediments northward as "klipl~es". a trip in sheet 31 (Tjirandjang): Open t'de report, Geol.
4. Several facies associated with coral reefs can be Survey of Nethedand East Indies.
recognized within the Rajamandala Formation limestone
as follow~
4.1. Giobigerina paekstone-waekestone facies represent- LIST OF FIGURES
ing mainly the toes of the reesflope environment, showing
graded bedding, slump structures and some channelling etc. Fig. 1 Index map showing location of investigated area.
4.2. Lepidoeydina packstone facies representing the Fig. 2 Stratigraphic Diagram. Tertiary Formations. West
reef foreslope deposits, showing thin to thick bedded Java.
structures with the development of small coral reef build- Fig. 3. Paleogeographic cartoon of West Java during Oligo-
ups. Miocene time (NI-H4 or Tel-Te4): :

Fig. 4. Geologic Map of Tagogapu-Rajamandala area, showing reef-slope and reef-crest sequences.
West Java. Fig. 9, Measured sections at Pasir Lampegan and Pasir
Fig. 5. Stratigraphy of Rajamandala-Tagogapu area. Bende showing surge-channel and reef.crest se-
Fig. 6. Structural cross-sections across Rajamandala-Beng- quences.
kung Ridge. Fig. 10. Reef-facies sectio9, model of the Raja/nandala
Fig. 7. Measured sections at Pasir Kamuning and Pasir Formation.
Kreta showing toe-of-slope and reef-slope sequen- Fig. 11. Reef-facies distribution model of the Rajamanda-
ces. la Formation.
Fig. 8. Measured sections at G. Hawu and Pr. Pabeasan
Fig, I . t n d w map showing location of investigated orea

0 1 ii
t I I.




v v
v v v
,v v Tufs, volcanic breccia , lahar etc.

v v v
v v

hA* A .\ Volcanic breccia, submarine dubrir

flow (proximal turbidites)
>I750 m

lnterbedded volc sandstones, siltstoner

a n d shales. 850 IV

Shows turbidite sequences - d i s t a l t y p e

Shales, black, w i t h q t z sandstones

inter beds.
I 0 0 -400m

Limestone, c o r a l r t e f a l t o foraminifeml-
a l g a l limestone, bedded to mossivc. 300 -750113

Mart s (calcareous shales 1, dark g r e y

to greenish grey, Globiperina -bearing. 400 m

Conglomeratic quartz sandstone
p o r t y cJorted h a r d den- cross bedded

Ex pourre quustionablu.
. . . . .

Fig.5 : Stratigraphy of RajcJmandala - Tagogapu a r e a


E e
0 .-
5: 0



Slumped rudstone

Planktonic pock-wockstone



Fig.7. Measured section ot Pr. Cikomuning ond Pr. Kreto

showing toe of dope and reef slope sequences

Branching coral boundstone

Head coral boundstone


Lepidocyclina p ackstone

Lepidocyclina packstone

Branching coral boundstone


10 Butuasih Formation


Fig. 8 : Measured section at G.Hawu and Pr. Pabeasan

showing Reef Slope ond Reef Crest sequences

Head coral bwndstone

Miliolid pockstone

Miliafid pock -wackstone

Head coral branching coral

Lepidocylino packstone



Fig. 9. Measured section at Pr. Lampegan and Pr. Bende

showing surge channel and reef crest sequences
Pr. Cikamuninq Pr Karrta G.tiawu R.Wb.aran Pr Larnpaqon E a t of R.8andr R Bend@ R .Batukbuk

FIQK). R o o f foclrr rrctlonr modrl

of RaJamandolo formation
I . '

c o r a l

b o u n d @ ? n r

f o c i 0


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