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Lesson 5: Gender-Fair


© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Learning Objectives

Determine the ways on Construct other forms Debate on current issues

how language of discrimination in concerning gender-fair
discriminates against language. language.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
What is Language?

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi

Language is a
primary symbol for
communication, and
for how humans
understand and
participate in the

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Language defines men and women
differently as seen in common
adjectives (his, him, she, her, etc.)
associated with these genders.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Violations of Gender-fair Language

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Sexist Language

a tool that reinforces unequal gender relations

through sex-role stereotypes, microaggressions, and
sexual harassment.
“women cannot be engineers,”
“men cannot take care of children.”
© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Invisibilization of Women

It is rooted in the assumption that men are dominant

and the norm of fullness of humanity, and women do
not exist.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Invisibilization of Women
The generic use of The assumption that certain The use of male job titles
masculine pronouns or functions or jobs are or terms ending in ‘man’
the use of a masculine performed by men instead of to refer to functions
general. both genders. that may be given to
Example: “mankind” Example: “The farmers and both genders. Example:
assumes that men are their wives tilled the land.” This “chairman,” “congressman”
representatives of all assumes that men can have jobs
people of the planet. as farmers, and women who do
the same jobs are still called as
wives. © 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Trivialization of Women
Bringing attention to The perception that The objectification, or
the gender of a women are immature. likening to objects, of
person, if and only if Example: “baby,” “darling” women.
that person is a Example: “honey,” “sugar,”
woman. “tart”
Example: “lady guard,”
“working wives”

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Violations of Gender-fair Language
Fostering unequal Gender polarization of Hidden Assumptions
gender relations words in use if adjectives Example: The statement “the
Example: The use of “man Example: Both men and women father is babysitting his
and wife” assumes that did the same activity but were children” assumes that the
men are still men and described differently. father is not a caregiver, and
women’s identities that any attempt he has at
subsumed and shifted into parenting is temporary as the
beings in relation to their mother is the main caregiver
© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Identities and Naming Things

Naming things give them power.

Example: sexual harassment was never seen as an issue until it was given
a name. The same thing goes with “date rape,” prior to naming as such, it
is just referred to as “rape.”

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Towards a Gender-fair Language
GABRIELA ( General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms,
Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Action) Women’s Party national
president and party-list representative Liza Maza called for a ban
of sexist language in all official communication and documents in
the House of Representatives. The creation of a comprehensive
gender-fair language policy and the evaluation of the effectiveness
of gender-fair language in institutions are indicators for a gender-
fair institution. These actions are small steps one can take in
ensuring that institutions are indeed gender-fair

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi

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