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Br J Nutr. 2012 Oct 28;108(8):1466-74. doi: 10.1017/S0007114511006817. Epub 2012 Jan 3.

Dietary supplementation with n-3 PUFA

does not promote weight loss when
combined with a very-low-energy diet.
Munro IA, Garg ML.


Nutraceuticals Research Group, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, 305C Medical
Sciences Building, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.


Obesity is associated with elevated levels of inflammation and metabolic abnormalities which
are linked to CVD. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether long-chain n-3
PUFA (LCn-3PUFA), combined with a very-low-energy diet (VLED), facilitated weight loss
and weight maintenance, and improvements in blood lipids and inflammatory mediators. This
was a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial with two parallel groups. For 14 weeks, one
group consumed 6 × 1 g capsules/d of monounsaturated oil (placebo group, PB), and the
other group consumed 6 × 1 g capsules/d of LCn-3PUFA (fish oil group, FO), each
comprising 70 mg EPA and 270 mg DHA. Both groups were on VLED for 4 weeks (n 14 PB,
n 18 FO), which was then followed by 10 weeks of weight maintenance (n 12 PB, n 17 FO).
Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measurements and 3 d food diaries were collected at
baseline, at 4 and 14 weeks. A greater-than-2-fold increase occurred in plasma levels of EPA
and DHA in the FO group (P < 0·001). At 4 weeks, the mean weight loss was -6·54 (SD
2·08) kg (-6·9%) for PB and -6·87 (SD 1·83) kg (-7·7%) for FO. At week 14, after the
maintenance phase, there was a further mean decrease in weight, -1·57 (SD 3·7) kg (1·85%)
for PB and -1·69 (SD 2·32) kg (-1·9%) for FO. Both groups experienced improved metabolic
profiles and there was a significant reduction in fat mass for the FO group at week 14 but not
for PB. However, it would appear that supplementation with LCn-3PUFA had no significant
effect on weight loss or weight maintenance over the 14 weeks.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Avoid Depression for Successful Weight Loss, Omega-3

Fats Can Help

Author: John Phillip

Published: December 13, 2010 at 10:33 am


Clinical depression rates are rising in America almost as quickly as

the number of overweight and obese individuals. It makes sense that
people who may be depressed are less likely to be concerned over
weight issues as they become less involved with physical health
issues and their external environment.

While researchers are unable to say whether depression leads to

excess weight or if the extra pounds contribute as an underlying cause
of depression, those individuals who fall into the obese classification
(BMI above 30) are 50 to 150% more likely to suffer from depression than normal weight
individuals. Clearly there is a close relationship between the physical and psychological
manifestations that contribute to excess weight and clinical depression.

Depression Closely Linked to Body Weight

Depression is a devastating condition that can have a detrimental effect on many aspects of a
person’s life. Depressed people are more likely to eat a poor diet of processed junk foods and
become less physically active. The results of a study conducted at the University of
Washington and reported in the journal General Hospital Psychology demonstrates that
treating obese individuals for depression can have a significant impact on their weight loss

Study Confirms That Treating Depression Leads to Weight Loss

The study involved 203 obese women for a period of 12 months who
had been diagnosed with clinical depression. All participants were
placed on a reduced calorie diet and broken into 2 groups. Both
groups were monitored for caloric intake with food questionnaires
and physical activity. Half of the participants were also treated for
their depression and their progress was marked using a traditional
symptom checklist.
Women who demonstrated the most marked improvement of their depression symptoms were
able to lose the most weight. Researchers found that 38% of the women who experienced
improved mood lost 5% of their body weight, compared with only 21% in the non-treated
group. The study found that depression is closely linked to decreased physical activity, and
most of the weight loss was due to an increased level of exercise.

Avoid Depression for Successful Weight Loss, Omega-3

Fats Can Help - Page 2

Author: John Phillip

Published: December 13, 2010 at 10:33 am


The study authors could not determine if improving depression symptoms led to greater
physical activity or vice versa, but concluded, "among women with co-occurring obesity and
depression, short-term improvement in depression is associated with weight loss." They
suggest that depression screening should become a normal part of any permanent weight loss

Omega-3 Fats Used to Treat Depression

A good alternative to the traditional pharmaceutical therapy for
depression is omega-3 fats from fish and fish oils. The human brain is
composed largely of long chain Omega-3 fats and when deficient,
neurons malfunction and clinical depression manifests.

Researchers from the University of Illinois combined the results from

15 independent studies and confirmed that Omega-3 fats are effective
at improving mood and may potentially eliminate the need for many
people to take antidepressant drugs. Researchers found that the
Omega-3 component EPA exerts the most benefit in alleviating the symptoms of depression.

Mood disorders and clinical depression affect nearly 21 million American adults and ranks as
the fourth leading cause of morbidity and death. Undoubtedly overweight and obesity are
confounding factors that dramatically increase the risk of disease and untimely demise.
Research confirms that improving symptoms of depression with traditional therapy and using
fish oil supplementation may be the key to relief from clinical depression and successful
weight loss.
Discovering The Connection Between Omega 3 And

Weight Loss

Lose Weight With Fish Oil

With the overwhelming popularity of Omega 3 today, there are more and more people who
are looking into using it to help them with their weight loss goals. While a lot of individuals
often add Omega 3 supplements into their diet to give them a boost in nutrition, there are
studies showing that they can also have a dramatic impact on weight loss. When you find that
you want to shed some unwanted pounds, you should start to look into Omega 3 and weight
loss to help you reach your goals.

Taking a look at Omega 3, this is a supplement that is well known for its ability to help
reduce cholesterol levels as well as insulin levels in the body. When both of these concerns
can factor into an individual's weight problems, it is easy to make a connection between
Omega 3 and weight loss. Some of the latest studies today are showing that someone who
tends to eat high levels of foods that are rich in Omega 3s or take such supplements will often
see a certain level of weight loss when compared to someone who does not take in any at all.

Because Omega 3 is a nutrient that is not produced in the body, it is important to look for it in
other ways. To enjoy Omega 3 and weight loss, you can work toward consuming walnuts,
flax seeds, cauliflower, fatty fish, and eggs fortified with Omega 3s. If you are worried about
consuming the right amount of foods containing this beneficial nutrient, you can look into
some quality supplements that are high in Omega 3s that include both EPA and DHA. You
can often find these supplements in various forms, from capsules to powders.

When you start to introduce Omega 3 into your diet, you will start to notice a difference in
the way that you eat. Quite often, someone who has been working on an Omega 3 and weight
loss combination will find that they will feel fuller. If you are able to eat at least one meal per
day with foods that are filled with this beneficial nutrient, you are going feel fuller for a
longer period of time even if you only ate a moderate amount. It goes without saying that
doing this on a regular basis can help you to lose weight and then maintain a healthier weight
more easily.

Finally, studies have shown that another major connection between Omega 3 and weight loss
is the ability to boost metabolism. While some people are born with a faster metabolism,
there are others who will have to work at increasing their metabolism or they will gain
weight. When you get enough Omega 3 in your diet, you will be able to spike your
metabolism, which will in turn help you to have the energy that you need to lose weight and
get on track to living an overall healthy lifestyle. In the long run, you will be glad that you
took the initiative to bring this beneficial nutrient into your diet.
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Intervention Study With Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Weight

Loss and Insulin Resistance in Adolescents


This study is currently recruiting participants.

Verified June 2013 by Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico
Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
Mardia Guadalupe Lopez Alarcon, Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico Identifier:
First received: October 12, 2011
Last updated: June 25, 2013
Last verified: June 2013
History of Changes

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate if a supplement containing omega-3 long chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids for three months reduce obesity and insulin resistance to obese
adolescents if administered together with a hypocaloric diet.

Condition Intervention

Obesity Dietary Supplement: Omega3 and an hypocaloric diet.

Insulin Dietary Supplement: Sunflower oil with an

Resistance hypocaloric diet.

Study Type: Interventional

Study Allocation: Randomized

Design: Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment

Masking: Double Blind (Subject, Investigator)
Primary Purpose: Supportive Care

Official Title: The Impact of Using omega3 Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in

Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance in Obese Adolescents

Resource links provided by NLM:

MedlinePlus related topics: Diabetes Medicines Dietary Supplements Obesity

Weight Control
Drug Information available for: Insulin human Omega-3 Fatty Acids
U.S. FDA Resources

Further study details as provided by Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico:

Primary Outcome Measures:

 Change in Insulin Resistance [ Time Frame: At baseline (at diagnosis) throughout six

months. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

Change from baseline in insulin resistance at three and six months. Changes in insulin

resistance will be evaluated through fasting insulin and HOMA index.

Secondary Outcome Measures:

 Nutritional status [ Time Frame: At baseline (at diagnosis) throughout six months. ]

[ Designated as safety issue: No ]

Nutritional status will be determined by registering anthropometrical measurements:

weight, stature, body mass index, waist.

Estimated Enrollment: 300

Study Start Date: July 2012

Estimated Study Completion Date: November 2014

Estimated Primary Completion Date: November 2014 (Final data collection date for

primary outcome measure)

Arms Assigned Interventions

Experimental: omega 3 Dietary Supplement: Omega3 and an hypocaloric diet.

and an hypocaloric diet Thirty caps with the supplement will be provided every mo

Participants will receive a during three mo. Supplement will be administered as gel caps

supplement containing containing 1.1 g of DHA and EPA (®MaxEpa, Merck

omega 3: DHA and EPA Laboratory) Hypocaloric diet will start at admission and will

fatty acids together with continue during the six months of follow-up. It will consist in

an hypocaloric diet. providing a personalized diet including: a) reduction of 700

Kcal from the usual diet considering lipids and carbohydrates,

b) increasing fruits and vegetables intake up to six portions

daily each, and c) incrementing the intake of fiber to 30 g a day

through the inclusion of whole grains.

Other Names:

 DHA and EPA fatty acids

 Docosahexaenoic fatty acid
 Eicosapentaenoic fatty acid
 ®MaxEpa, Merck Laboratory

Placebo Comparator: Dietary Supplement: Sunflower oil with an hypocaloric diet.

Placebo Thirty caps with the placebo will be provided every mo during

Participants will receive a three mo. Placebo will be administered as gel caps containing
supplement containing 1g of sunflower oil, which is omega-3 free, and is not expected

sunflower oil with an to produce anti-inflammatory or insulin sensitivity effects.

hypocaloric diet. Hypocaloric diet will start at admission and will continue

during the six months of follow-up. It will consist in providing

a personalized diet including: a) reduction of 700 Kcal from the

usual diet considering lipids and carbohydrates, b) increasing

fruits and vegetables intake up to six portions daily each, and c)

incrementing the intake of fiber to 30 g a day through the

inclusion of whole grains.

Other Name: Sunflower oil

Detailed Description:
Background: In 2006, the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined in scholar and
adolescents in Mexico was 26% and 31% respectively, which represents more than double of
that reported in year 2000. Together with such increments in the obesity rates, it was
observed similar increases in the incidence of other metabolic conditions such as insulin
resistance (IR). In a very simplistic manner, it seems that the link between obesity and IR is a
chronic inflammatory status because the adipose tissue-derived inflammatory molecules
interfere with the uptake of fatty acids and glucose in peripheral tissues.
On the other hand, it is accepted that the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA)
omega-3 exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it has been also demonstrated the
beneficial effect exerted by such fatty acids on insulin sensitivity, and in stabilizing the
weight lost achieved with hypocaloric diets.
At present, the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined are in the range of 41-43% in
the adolescent population that attend the four areas of influence of the Mexican Institute of
Social Security (IMSS) in Mexico City. Interventions addressed to improve the nutritional
status of these groups of age are expected to impact the risk for IR and its associated co-
Objective: To evaluate the impact of supplementation with LCPUFA omega-3, together with
a dietary strategy, on obesity and insulin resistance in a sample of obese adolescents attended
in the IMSS.
Methods: In a randomized clinical design, 300 obese individuals, 12-18 years old, will be
selected. At selection, individuals will be randomly assigned to receive daily a capsule with
1.1 g LCPUFA omega-3 during three mo together with a hypocaloric diet which follows the
WHO recommendations (D+O3), or to receive daily a capsule with 1.0 g sunflower oil and a
similar diet (P+D). After randomization, dietary information (24h-recall and FFQ),
anthropometric measurements, and peripheral blood samples, will be obtained. Blood
samples will be used to determine fasting plasma glucose and insulin, and erythrocytes fatty
acid profile; such determinations will be repeated at three and six mo of follow-up.
Anthropometry and 24 h-recalls will be repeated monthly.
For follow-up, studied subjects will be evaluated monthly to deliver capsules and to check for
dietary adherence. Treatments will be administered during three months and the follow-up
will continue throughout six months. At the end of the follow-up it is expect that the D+O3
group will present: a) higher decreases in mean weight and BMI, b) greater decreases in the
mean fasting insulin concentration, HOMA index, and IR frequency, c) longer duration of
weight lost.
Statistical analyses: Student and paired-t test will be used for inter and intra group
comparisons respectively. Logistic regression models and repeated measures analyses will be
conducted to evaluate the effect of treatments, adjusting by diet and weight loss, as well as by
confounders such as puberty and treatment adherence.
Infrastructure: The Unit of Research in Medical Nutrition owes the equipment needed to
conduct the laboratory determinations proposed in this research, as well as the personnel
qualified to conduct, monitor, analyze and evaluate data from field investigation, specially
that related to obesity and IR.

Ages Eligible for Study:   12 Years to 18 Years

Genders Eligible for Study:   Both
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No
Inclusion Criteria:
 Age between 12 and 18 years,
 Male and female
 IMC above the 95 percentile of the NCHS reference
 Informed consent form signed by both parents or legal guardian.

Exclusion Criteria:
 Those diagnosed as with DMT2, ECV or kidney disease
 Those who are allergic to fish.

  Contacts and Locations

Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT01456221


Contact: Mardia Lopez-Alarcon,

(52)(55) 56276944


Unit or research in Medical Nutrition, Pediatric Hospital CMN "Siglo Recrui

XXI", Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social ting

Mexico City, Mexico, 06720
Contact: Mardia Lopez-Alarcon, PhD     (52)(55) 56276900    
Principal Investigator: Mardia Lopez-Alarcon, PhD            
Sub-Investigator: Enrique Rendon- Macias, PhD            
Sub-Investigator: Marisela Rodriguez-Cruz, PhD            
Sub-Investigator: Maria de Lourdes Barbosa-Cortes, MSc            
Sub-Investigator: Mariela Bernabe Garcia, MSc            
Sub-Investigator: Jorge Maldonado-Hernandez, MSc            
Sub-Investigator: Patricia Inda-Icaza, MSc            
Sub-Investigator: Ivan Hernandez-Hernandez            
Sponsors and Collaborators
Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico

Principal Mardia Lopez- Unit for Medical Research in Nutrition, Pediatric

Investigator: Alarcon, PhD Hospital CMN "Siglo XXI"

  More Information

No publications provided

Responsible Party: Mardia Guadalupe Lopez Alarcon, Doctor, Coordinación de

Investigación en Salud, Mexico NCT01456221     History of Changes
Other Study ID Numbers: R-2011-785-037
Study First Received: October 12, 2011
Last Updated: June 25, 2013
Health Authority: Mexico: Coordinación de Investigación en Salud

Keywords provided by Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Mexico:


Insulin resistance

Omega3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids

Additional relevant MeSH terms:

Insulin Resistance Overweight

Obesity Body Weight

Weight Loss Signs and Symptoms

Hyperinsulinism Body Weight Changes

Glucose Metabolism Disorders Insulin

Metabolic Diseases Hypoglycemic Agents

Overnutrition Physiological Effects of Drugs

Nutrition Disorders Pharmacologic Actions processed this record on September 02, 2013

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