Soal Mid Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 S 1 2018

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NSM : 121261050008
Alamat : Jl.Pepaya,Merarai Satu Pandan Jaya 78655
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VII (Tujuh)
Hari/Tanggal : , Oktober 2018 Waktu : 120 Menit
Choose the best answer between a,b,c and d !!!

1. Wawan : Hello,……………….?
Wanda : Hi,Good Morning too wan.
a. Good night c. Good Morning 10. When you get nice something ,what will you
b. Good evening d. Good afternoon say ?
2. Anggi : How are you my friend ? a. Greeting c. Leave taking
Ana : ………….. b. Apologizing d. Thanking
a. I’m Ok,thanks c. Nice To meet you 11. here is the expression of thanking,except…..
b. Good Afternoon d. How do you do a. Forgive me
3. Elen : Nice to meet you aldi ? b. You’re very kind,thanks
Aldi : …………………… c. Thank you so much
a. Okay c. that’s good d. Thanks a lot !
b. Nice to meet you too d.I’m Sorry 12. Rizka : May I borrow your pencil?
4. You meet your mother at 08.00 p.m Angga : ofcourse,here it is.
a. Hello mom,good night? Rizak : Thanks a lot !
b. Hello dad,good morning ? Angga : ……………
c. Hello Mom,good evening ? a. Excuse me
d. Hello dad,good day ? b. Not to worry
5. Jana : I have to go now c. I’m Very well
Jono : I’ll see you later d. Don’t mention it
The underlined sentence is expression of … 13. Saya Mandi Setiap hari
a. Greeting c. Apologizing In english is ……..
b. Leave teaking d. Thanking a. I take a leak every day
6. Teacher : The time is up,students. Thank b. I take a bath every day
you. ……… c. I take a dumb every day
Students : See you later. d. I wash every day
a. Hello c. Good Morning 14. You clean the classroom every day
b. Hi d. See you later In Indonesia is ….
7. Mr.Aldo : ……………………… a. Kami membersihkan lantai setiap hari
Mrs.Ineke : good bye,Mr.Aldo. it’s been b. Kami menjaga kelas setiap hari
nice talking to you. c. Kamu membersihkan kelas setiap hari
a. Nice to see you c. Good bye,Mrs.Ineke d. Kami mencuci kelas setiap hari
b. How do you do d. I’m sorry 15. Nanda : …………
8. You part away with a friend after school. Arjuna : You should go to the doctor.
What will you say ? a. I got stomachache
a. How do you do b. I like my uniform
b. Bye.see you tomorrow at school c. I am very sleepy
c. Are you ok? d. I am beautiful
d. I’m Fine
9. You end your conversation with your 16. When you have a mistake ,you should
parents at 09.00 p.m. express your …..
a. I’ll go to bed a. Thanking
b. Thank you mom and dad. b. Apologizing
c. I do appologize c. Greeting
d. Hallo my parents ? d. Leave taking
17. Andi : ………….mom,I ‘ve broken the 13. Do Mengerjakan
glass. 14. Take Mengambil
Mother : That’s fine,but don’t do that again 15. Send Mengirim
a. Hello mom 16. Cut Memotong
b. I am fine ,thank you 17. Try Mencoba
c. Good afternoon 18. Open Membuka
d. I am sorry 19. Cry Menangis
18. Linda : I invite you to come to my birth 20. Dig Menggali
day party. 21. Give Memberi
Ani : I’m Sorry I should go to my 22. Go Pergi
grand mother’s house couse 23. Study Belajar
she is getting sick now.
24. Write Menulis
Linda : …………………
25 Read Membaca
a. Oh,my pleasure
b. Don’t mention it
5. Translate into Indonesia !
c. That’s all right
a. My father cut the pencil (score 5)
d. Thank you
b. My mother close the door (score 5)
19. you cry all the night.
c. Sinta send the money to Aldo (score5)
Cry is …..
d. I take a bath every morning(score 5 )
a. Menangis
e. You try to study english(score 5)
b. Mencoba
( Ayah saya memotong pensil )
c. Menjaga
( Ibu saya menutup pintu)
d. Menggali
( Sinta mengirim uang kepada Aldo)
20. Saya memotong wortel di dapur
(Saya mandisetiap pagi )
In English is …….
(Kamu mencoba belajar )
a. I run the carrot in the bath room
b. I cut the carrot in the kitchen
c. I Try the carrot in the kitchen
d. I take the carrot in the kitchen

1. Mention the expression of greeting !
(score 6) Good
Morning,evening,afternoon ,
do you do,etc.
2. You greet your friend at 07.00 a.m
You say………(score 2) Good morning
my friend?
3. Cherly meet an old friend.she says …
(score 2) How do you do?
4. Score 25
No Word Meaning
1. Stand up Berdiri
2. Sit down Duduk
3. See Melihat
4. Keep Menjaga
5. Get Memperoleh
6. Brush Menyikat
7. Take a leak BAK
8. Take A dumb BAB
9. Take a bath Mandi
10. Wash Mencuci
11. Run Berlari
12. Close Menutup

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