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Name: ______________________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: __________________________ Date: __________



Background Information for Learners

Disease prevention and control is a very important health concern
because it affects the quality of people’s lives. Communicable diseases not
only threaten the sick person but also his/her family and the society in
general. Thus, protecting ourselves and our families from diseases is both a
personal and social responsibility.
There is a very popular saying “Prevention is better than cure”. As you
go along, you will notice that the diseases you are experiencing or
encountering can be prevented if you only know how to control them.
Accordingly, if you lack self-discipline, then prevention and control of diseases
will be difficult to attain.
One thing is sure after learning from this unit, you will be challenged to
become a catalyst for the control and prevention of communicable diseases.
Start with yourself, family, neighbor, community and extend it to the nation.
You just need to consistently demonstrate personal responsibility and
healthful practices in order to prevent and control communicable diseases.

Learning Competency with code

Demonstrates self-monitoring skills to prevent communicable diseases.
(Quarter 3, Week 6 to Week 8) (H8DD-IIIf-h-21)

Specific Objectives
 define communicable disease (remember)
 identify communicable disease (understand)
 apply self-monitoring skills to prevent communicable disease (apply)
Activity 1: How Well Do You Know the Nature of Diseases?
Direction: Read very carefully each statement about the nature of
communicable diseases. You will be guided in determining whether the
statement is true or false by putting a check (/) mark on the appropriate

Statement TRUE FALSE

1 Organisms like bacteria and
viruses are all over the
2 Many of the most common
diseases are caused by tiny
microorganisms called
3 Communicable diseases come
from one infected person to
4 Stomachache is one symptom
that can be manifested by a
communicable disease
5 Viral hepatitis is caused by a
virus that affects the liver
6 Rabies virus enters the brain
cells while polio virus attacks
only the nervous system
7 Malaria is a sickness caused by
a carrier mosquito
8 Pinworms hatch and live
primarily in the intestines of a
9 Stagnant water is a reservoir for
mosquitoes to multiply
10 It is the nature of pathogens to
invade their host through certain
points of entry to cause

Evaluate your Answers

Score Comment Indication
10 You are You really know, understand, and practice
Advanced the prevention of getting infected
7-9 Very Good You need to review someone so that you will
know, understand, and practice the
prevention of getting infected
4-6 Good You are prone to get infected easily
1-3 Poor You have to do something because you are
in danger of getting sick easily
Activity 2: Looks Familiar!
Direction: Look closely on the pictures illustrating different kinds of
communicable diseases. You can choose your answer from the choices
below. Reflect on the causes of each communicable disease then plot your
ideas on the appropriate box.

Pictures of Communicable Diseases Name and Cause




Flu Hepatitis Measles Tuberculosis Rabies

Activity 3: Self Inventory
Direction: Put a (/) mark under the appropriate column
M if the statement describes you most of the time
S if the statement describes you some of the time and
N if the statement never applies to you

Questions M S N
1 I keep my immunization
records up-to-date
2 I stay away from people
who have colds or flu
3 I eat a balanced diet
4 I get at least 8 hours of
sleep each night
5 I do aerobic exercises
at least three times a
6 I do not smoke
7 I do not use towels that
others have used
8 I take a shower or
bathe regularly
9 I wash my hands
before and after every
meal, before preparing
food, and after using
the toilet
10 I do not share eating
utensils or drinking
glasses with other

Complete the following sentences
I learned that…. ________________________________________________
I understand that… ______________________________________________
Merki, M. and Merki, D. (1996). Health: A Guide to Wellness. California, USA
Renato P. Benavinte, Jr. (2013). Physical Education and Health-Grade 8
Learner’s Module First Edition


Answer Key:
Activity 1: How Well Do You Know the Nature of Diseases?
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. False

Activity 2: Looks Familiar!

1. Hepatitis
2. Flu
3. Rabies
4. Tuberculosis
5. Measles

Activity 3: Self Inventory

- Answers may vary

Prepared by:
Kristine F. Granada
Teacher II

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