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Clauses / Linking Words 2 Samencee can cones chanain and subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses can be: a) noun clauses (adverbial clauses te claucos 27 POU"): B) relative clauses (saw the man who stole your veo an | condi ah nner, time, pl , result, CO . condition. (Athough she Is experienced, sho GUN gettne par con eassIOn, _ Relative Clauses joduced by: a) relative pronouns i.e, who, whom, whose, which, that or b) relative adverbs i. They are int where, why. ». when, cae Ga g Relative Pronouns ject of the verb of the relative clause relative clause _feannot bi i (can be omitted) Possession (cannot be omitted) who/whomithat “whose sed for rh a bp eo t people | “at's the girl whojthat | The boy (wholwhomithat) ho | That's the man whose wife ives next de ed to is my cousin | was injured in an accident. which/that whose/of which The dog (whichithat) you saw | That's the table the leg of = used for which/that outside is my neighbour's. whichiwhose leg is broken. things! | I saw a film which/that animals | was directed by Polanski. @ Whom, which, whose can be used in expressions of quantity with of (some of, many of, half of, etc) ‘She received a lot of presents for her birthday. Most of them were from her family. She received a lot of presents for her birthday, most of which were from her family. © That can be used instead of who, whom or which but it is never used after commas or prepositions. She's the girl who/that got a very good degree. The girl in the back, who is sitting next to Mary, is my niece. (that is not possible) =. we "Relative Adverbs infon/at which) | 2005 was the year (when) I finished my studies. | That's the place (where) we went last week. in/at/on/to which) Buying a present for someone is often a tricky business. The first thing 1) ...(which). you have to decide is what to buy and the shop 2) . you should go to buy it. Then you might want to buy a joint present with a friend, so you have to find a time jou are both free. It is probably most difficult buying a present for tastes you i" ‘well and 5) .. you don't know very’ rae know little about. You have to try to find something 6) Would like. However, itis also no easy job buying a present for a close member Your family, such as your mother. | never know what to tl my moter when | G0 out, | can't tell her the reason 7) 'm going out be Surprise her on the big day. Still, ff is worth all the trouble just to see es look of Pleasure on someone's face the moment 8) they receive your gift Scanned with CamScanner | Gi Clauses / Linking Words oo /~ ere or Why. Fill in: who, which, whose, when, wh irst_ holiday 1993 was the year 1)..(when).. | =a ay Soe ony abroad, We were students at the time, Wit) WY ots spain, which is the reason 2) ... we de . eae We booked through the local travel agent. 3) ~ ‘was quiet to a lot of trouble to find us a resort 4) wenn My by day but 5) hada lively night Ie. | went Wik friend Cynthia, 6) has been my friend for many Years now. The flight to Malaga. 7) took over five hours was very comfortable. Cynthia, 8) —_ nervous, was comforted by an air stewardess 9) was very courteous and helpful. The hotel 10) wm-inis Me stayed was just a 10-minute walk from the centre. It hae swimming pool and a gym 11). i we = Fant A joliday on , ; ° Pye eh a iy ee oh al ha yf 3) skin is very pale, realised that she had got badly burned. The suncream 14) she had applied asia ‘not strong enough. | explained the situation to the hotel manager, 15) =a very lpi He the local doctor, 16) sori arrived shortly afterwards. He advised my friend to stay in bed for at leas days, After these three days, my friend, 17) . iad fully recovered, was ready to go out for the enicy We found a lovely restaurant 18) ‘we tried some local dishes. We had a great time for the reset holiday. We found some very good discos 19) .. we spent many of our evenings. We also went taxa places 20) wwhad live Spanish music. We made some good friends 21) We are stil in cong with. Cynthia has learned her lesson, too. Whenever we go on holiday in a country 22) climate is hone than ours, she remembers to bring a high factor suncream with her. a We do not normally use prepositions before relative pronouns. The office in which she works is in the town centre. (formal - not usual) The office which she works in is in the town centre. (usual) The office she works in is in the town centre. (more usual) B Rewrite the sentences in as many ways as possibl 1. The hotel where we stayed was in the mountains. The hotel in which we stayed was in the mountains, The hotel we stayed in was in the mountains. 2 That's the box where we keep the books. we Prepositions in Relative Clauses 3 The girl to whom John was talking is my sister. The friend | was travelling with spoke German. 82 Scanned with CamScanner Clauses / Linking Words 2 {defining relative clause gives necessa ; 7 3 ot put between commas Poses ssn) formation and s essential othe meaning ofthe main clause. It t ple who drive carelessly should be banned from the roads. on nonsdefining Bee a, Clause gives extra information which is not essential to the meaning of the main clause. fu a sue Mr Jones, who helps me with the garden, was taken to hospital last night. Note how the commas change the meaning of a sentence. The players, who were involved inthe fight, were. sent off the pitch. (All the players were sent off) The players wh ir i Fiat One payer wowe lnc rae neve ne fam nee eno ta Fill in the relative pronoun or adverb, addin “re comi whe fe ND for non-defining and whether the relative can be emited orate Nite D for defining, /@ can be omitted or not. 1 The woman ...vho/that... bought the house next door is very friendly. shot omitted. 2 Ann is a generous person took us all on holiday. 3 The hospital .. he was treated is a very good one. ‘4. People jon't eat meat are called vegetarians, 8 The house . they live is very small. 6 The book am reading at the moment is very interesting. 7 The hotel... is opposite the museum is very expensive. 8 People speak two languages equally well are called bilingual. 9 Dublin aS a population of one milion is a very beautiful city. hurt other people should be punished. .hame is Sarah is living in Poland now. ... has many beautiful islands is a great place for holidays. drink and drive should be heavily fined. . are pregnant should not drink coffee. she lives in is very cold. we went on holiday together. the police arrested last night was charged with theft. I buy is always full of interesting articles. .. she wore to the party was very expensive. were involved in the march were arrested. 45 The flat. 16 Majorca was the first place 17 The man... 18 The newspaper .. 19 The velvet dress 20 The students LBL Combine the following sentences using relatives, 1 This is the house. Shakespeare lived here. «This Is the house where Shakespeare lived.... 2 She bought a new dress. She wore it to my party. That's the woman. She got promoted last week. This is the vase. He bought it at an auction. ... My friend has a new cat. Its name is Riley. .. This is the cinema. It was built in 1945. This is Mary. 'm sharing a flat with her... The cheque only arrived today. He posted it last week. 'm reading Wuthering Heights. It was written by Emily Bronte, waroune 10 Paul's new car has broken down. This car cost him £10,000. .. ‘a hotel, We stayed there last summer, .. e's a photograph 83] Scanned with CamScanner This is Joan: her son isa footbater. i ig ig Joan, whose SON is a footbaler, grew a iD s at woman helped me find the we % en Thats the woman who helped me aly © That's the village ! That's the village wt That's the village whi t oT pom. i is the month when a A ° part Pe month in which she iS ia ‘© They released some men; three of them a : them 7 Polish. © I've got some letters; two of ther 2 Nurs. d some men, th I've got some letters, two of whic 4 They released sor , three of whom oF Im, which was a pity. Polish. a ‘© We missed most of the fil ttwas a pty that we missed most of the film. 4 bold. Use two to five words. Complete the sentences using the word! : England. 1. We met many people on holiday - many of them were from whom We melt many people ..on holiday, mary of whom... were from England. 2. That customer refused to pay his bill. who THat'S ssssesssssssssee 3 We went to a very expensive restaurant. which ‘The restaurant ... 4 We had some visitors - three of them were Chinese. whom ‘We had some visitors, 5 Many tourists stay at Jury's Hotel. where Jury's Hotel .... 6 Members of the AA can ring this number when their car whose Members of the AA, ...... 7 There are eighty people working here - many of them are Irish. ring this runbe, whom There are eighty people .. _ are ish 8 I lost my favourite earrings, which is a pity. that tis .» my favourite earns. 9 My twenty-three ye who My brother, 10 Matthew, with whom | went out, is from Wales. who Matthew, a iii eee Clauses of Manner 5 ay though (after act, appear, be, behave, feel, look, seems ‘how, (In) the itor snerea ayn he way tha, the way in witch, inthe same way, ot 8 @ In clauses of manner introduced with as It/ English. She acts as if she were/was in cane Used after as I © Clauses of manner are introduced by: ‘sound, taste) ay. (na igh we can use were inste sons inom the project tead of was in all per Scanned with CamScanner A.camel is an animal whichithat lives in hot countries. ‘A.computeris something which] that we use for storing information, AA firefighter is someone whoithat puts out fires and whose job is very risky. ; Relative clauses are Introduced with a) relative Pronouns (who(m), which, whose, that) and b) relative adverbs (when, where, why). We use: F ® whosthat to refer to people. © whiehithat to refer to objects or animals. Who/which/that can be omitted when It Is ‘the object of the relative clause; that Is, when there is a noun or subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb. It cannot be omitted when It is the subject of the relative claus We can use whom Instead of who when it is the object of the relative clause. Whom is not often used in everyday English. eg. a) Isawa friend. | hadn't seenjhimyfor years. saw a friend (who/whomithat) Jhadn't seen for years. (Wholwhomithat is the object, therefore it can be omitted.) b) met a woman.\Shelwas from Japan. 1 met a woman whojthat was from Japan. (Wholthat is the subject, therefore it cannot be omitted.) © whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, your, his, ete.) with people, objects and animals in order to show possession. eg. a) That's the boy ~Lhissbicyele was stolen yesterday. That's the boy whose bicycle was stolen yesterday. b) That's the building ~Lits windows were smashed. That's the building whose windows were smashed. . | who/whom/that object — can be omitted we usually avold using Prepositions. relative pronouns. bata, Tiga) The person to whom the money gntrusted must be reliable. (formal Engg unusual structure) b) The chair that you are sitting on is an (usual structure) Sy @)_ The chair you are siting on is an ani (everyday English) aa © Which can refer back to a whole clause, ‘ag. He helped me do the washing-up, That of him. WAS hg He helped me do the washing-up, which kind of him. (Which refers back to the We | irtse. That st refers f0 the fact that he ppt | the speaker do the washing-up.) beg | © We can use the structure allimostisome/a feyinay noneltwo, etc. + of + whom/which. 0g. a) He invited a lot of people. Al of them were, friends. ’ He invited a lot of people, all of whom wep his friends. by He has a number of watches. Three often are solid gold. He has a number of watches, three of which are solid gold. | © That is never used after a comma or preposition. eg. a) The Chinese vase, which Is on the cofee | table, is very expensive. (NOT: ..;Bhal is on the coffee table ..) bp) The bank in which the money was deposteé is across the street. (NOT: The bank in peat. the money ..) © We use that with words such as all, everything, some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), none, few, itl, ‘much, only and with the superlative form. e.g. Is this all that you can do for me? (more atl than ... all which you can do ...) The only thing that is important to me is my is It's the best song that I've ever heard. saf_ngtitns. § who/that | subject — cannot be omitted (people) (people) which/that subject — cannot be omitted (objects, animals) | object — can be omitted j-———_—_——|_— whose (people, possession — objects, animals). | cannot be omit? Scanned with CamScanner wo nore pl to refer to place, usualy after no ce, house, street, town, country o"® can be replaced by whichithat 4. fed, inthis case, Which/that can be g The house where he was bo #5 emolished. The house (whIch/that) he was demolished. ¢ vhon to refer to time, usually after n tine, period, moment, day, year, summer, etc. 1 can liner be replaced by that or can be emitea, eg. Thatwas the year when she graduated, That was the year (that) she graduated, | ¢ why to give reason, usually after the itcan either be replaced by that or c eg. The reason why she left her didn't get on with her boss, The reason (that) she left her didn't get on with her boss. ’ such os. Proposition mitted, M has been bom in has been 1OUNS such ag word reason, an be omitted, job was that she job was that she How much do you know about films? Fill in the gaps with who, which, whose, where or when, then answer the questions. ® 1 Name the actor ..who... plays Mr Bean. @ Rowan Atkinson B Rolph Harris 2 Name the US president wn.» Was fist an actor. A James Carter B Ronald Reagan 43 Name the US city . Hollywood can be found. Los Angeles B Las Vegas § Name the film tells the story of a strong mythical character. A Aladdin B Hercules 5 Name the character... _.nose grows when he tells lies. A Pinocchio B Peter Pan § Name the year. the first studio was built in Holywood, A 1901 B 1911 w» Titanic was released. B 1986 . lives in Gotham City. B Batman wou The Lion King is set B America Ga, oss PLS SSSI SLL PLA LSS: @ 10 1 2 13 “ 15 Complete the s ornate the sentences with who, which ‘The Coca-Cola Com 1 1892, is famous all ek ts sompany, 2). inks, is based in Atlanta, a S.Pemberton, 3) Cola, intended ‘Common illnesses, ed a Frank Robinson, 4) John Pemberton, Fanta, 5) in Germany, Sprite, 6) is also made by the ‘Coca-Cola The US Patent Office, 7) ‘Coca-Cola’ was tegistered, has also trademark ‘Coke’ and the glass Coca- In America, 8) ) Which... was founded in world, ~ Produces many invented-| cure for | worked for chose the name Coca-Cola. | Was originally produced | ‘was bought by the Coca-Cola: . ‘was introduced in 1961, Company, the trademark Fegistered the Cola bottle, Fill In the correct relative pronoun/adverb. can be omitted, put It In brackets. When did you buy the jacket .(which/that).. you are wearing? Is thatthe git. sent you a Valentine's card? The reason John is successful is that he works very hard. ‘What did you do with the money gave you? ‘Sam is mending the chai. he broke yesterday. Is this the place «nn You lost your jacket? Have you met the people live next door to you? I never forget the day . born. sus My daughter was, Claire is reading the book yesterday. : te been running. That's nun t This is the town my favourite singer lives. What is the name of the woman works, inthe cherist's? Is this the boy Parents own the factory? {never forget the time she fell into the imming pool. Whore ae te children -» ball broke our window? Scanned with CamScanner 173 inking Words e& Fin who, which, whose, where OF WY: ‘One ofthe mest famous bulkings in the word isthe White House, 1) whichis the ofcial nome of the US president. The White House isn Washington DC, 2) rv tere are MANY ‘ther important buildings and monuments. The cy, 3) - was founded in 1790, was doibertely planned <8 a national capital. George Washington, 4) scuenm was the first US president and 5) vs ame was given othe city, wanted it to be the place 6) the nation's govemment would permanent reside. ‘The White House, 7) .n.nnnw Was original named Executive | Mansion, was buit in pale grey sandstone. The colour ofthe stone, B) oe was so diferent from the surounding red rick pulaings, was the reason 9)... he mansion became known {as the White House. The main bulding, 1) .. ‘many presidents have lived, is part ofa large complex 11). © consists of over 130 rooms. People find the White House fascinating and that isthe reason a the pats ofthe complex 13) von.» are open to the "public are toured every year by one and a half millon people 1”) ‘want to see the place 15) nn.» their president ives ‘and works. ‘Complete the pairs of sentences, as in the examples. 1 Tomis playing football with a boy. The boy is his cousin. A The boy ...who/whom Tom Is playing football with Ie hie cousin... B The boy....Tom is playing football with Is his cousin. 2. Sam has gone to a party. The party is at his friend's house. 3. 1 was talking A The woman B The woman 4. She works for a writer, The writer is very famous. & Ient my jacket to Pam. The jacket is made of leather, A The jacket B The jacket eon 1 year ta is ends Many of tara iat rather ha lots offlandé, MANY OF thy, ir las. ee ete ge clacton ths. ayy, are foreign. ia ys. Voor ces left now. SZ embas ots of people at work. A fe o th = from New Zealand. ints, None of them are married. 5 Ihave four aul 6 There are thousands of trees in the forest. Somey them are very old Link the sentences in order to produ, ‘one sentence. The beginning is given 4 The coach was packed with tourists. The coach driving around London. The tourists had gone thee, see the sights. The coach, ..which was driving around London is packed with tourists who had gone there to sete sights... 2 Iwent to the dentist's. He is a friend of min at university. The dentist .. eas 3 A song won the competition. It was weiten byt schoolboy. He was thirteen years old. The song .. 4 I helped someone with his homework. His nam # Alec and he's a classmate of mine. 5 Elaine's house is going to be pulled down. St looking for a new flat. Elaine, is a bestseller. It's writt ‘Nathan Ds He has written ten novels. eae The book, 2 Scanned with CamScanner of relative 7 pet “aauses end non-identitying relative clauses, eenttving relative clause gives necessary Hoon ois essential othe meaning othe main ees 115 nat pet Io COMMAS. A nom identiving cause gives extra Information and is not to the meaning of the main sentence. itis put incomes = pestying relative clauses are Introduced with: | , gto, wich, the They can be omitted if th 4 ee gject of the relative clause, aa fg. 2) People are prosecuted. (Which people? We don’ know. The meaning of the ‘sentence fg rot clear) People wholthat lie in court are prosecuted. (Wthich people? Those who lie in coun. The meaning of the sentence is clear) b) The papers are missing. (Which papers? We don't know. The meaning of the sentence is not clear.) ‘The papers (which/that) you gave me to check ‘are missing. (Which papers? The ones you gave ime to check. The meaning of the sentence is clear) whove, where, when, (the reason) why. Whose cannot be omitted. Where can be omitted when there is a preposition. When and why can either be replaced by that or can be omitted. €g. a) The man was angry. (Which man? We don't know. The meaning of the sentence is not clear.) The man whose car was damaged was angry. (Which man? The one whose car was damaged. The meaning of the sentence is clear.) 1) The shop is near my house. (Which shop? We don't know.) ‘The shop where | bought this shirt is near my ‘house. OR The shop | bought this shirt from is near my house. (Which shop? The one | ‘bought this shirt from.) " ©) The day was the happiest day of my life. (Which day? We don't know.) The day (when/that) I got married was the happiest day of my life. (Which day? The day | got married.) a Iwas upset. This is the reason. (The reason what? We don't know.) Iwas upset. The 6 te reason (whyithal) J didn't eall you. (The reason | didn't call you.) Clauses - Linking Nom-identitying relative clauses are introduced with: ‘® who, whom, which. They cannot be omitted or replaced by that. ©9. 2) Jenny Ladd is my favourite author. (The ‘meaning of the sentence is clear) Jenny Ladd, who has written a Jot of ‘successful books, is my favourite author. (The relative clause gives extra information.) ) My cousin Peter is a doctor. (The meaning of the sentence is clear) ‘My cousin Peter, who(m) you have just met, is a doctor. (The relative clause ges extra information.) ©) His tat is modem and spacious. ‘His fat, which he bought two years ago, is ‘modem and spacious. ‘© whose, where, when. They cannot be omitted. 249. a) The bride looked stunning. (The meaning of the sentence is clear.) The bride, whose wedding dress was designed bby Valentino, looked stunning. (The relatve ‘clause gives exra information) +) Stratford-upon-Avon is visited by thousands of tourists every year. ‘Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was bom, is visited by thousands of tourists every year. ) The best time to vist the Island is in May. The best time to visit the islands in May, when It isn't too crowded. Fill in the relative pronoun or adverb. Put commas where necessary. Write I for Identifying, NI for non-identitying and say whether the relative can be omitted or not. 1 Paul, ..whoee... bithday is on Friday, is having a party tonight. (NI cannot be omitted) 2 Myoffce . is very big is on the first floor. 3 Martin works in the library writes poetry in his spare time. 4. That's the woman house was burgled fast week, - Heft school was hot and sunny. 6 Sarah Jon I knew at university is 7 letter was printed in the newspaper. | bought yesterday is awful. lives next door is a wonderful cook. play musical instruments are we had lunch served delicious food. haven't finished, Scanned with CamScanner show the logical relation, ung words aris of asentence, — "P ba, sel “ ences ‘addition Poste and, 100, Besides (this/that), mop, S England. : hy tvourto oan ye aur and. to in addition (to), also, as wel, =n 16 = is more, , weath rotten etc. ; trewoater 8h ho {urherfotn teint and beaut tive Addition tence it ge 10” aa “nor, nor, neither, either ay Complete oang the ‘word in bolds Nother “John nor David goes to university, yous author. contrast ihaae ‘later [s a. famous = although, in spite of, despite, while, Wheres though, on tho other hand, however, yet, stit ia St Sarah is kind but not very reliable. 1. This is Mark. His sister iS whose This is Mark .. author. 2. Thisis the motorbike. | repaired it myselt. ‘that This is the motorbike * thy Giving Examples ; 3 Mr Smith owns the company. He is a wealthy Sorin 10 Tela businessman, ue exam particular : Spec, who MrSmith, is a wealthy businessman. AAllthe food was delicious, but the steak in pa : of water. That's why Inever swim inthe Sea. excelent. rticule, 4 Imat Wile Tr ald oe mon eon 5 You were talking toa gitl She is my niece. as, because, because of, since, for this Fe250n, ony, whom — The git as a result (of) etc. ismy niece. _ stayed in bed because / felt il. 6 The boy broke the window. He said he was sorry, aa os , Who The boy Condition it, whether, only if, in case of, in case, p providing (that), unless, as/so long as, oth ee m on condition (that) etc, Serle he was young. Wp ; ‘ '8 People should be punished if they commit crimes. ge an vote with cs a case it rained, who People .. . Said he was sorry. 7 Bath is the city he lived in when he was young, where Bath is the city. .. should be punished. © The best time to go shopping is inthe moming, The £0,S0that. 80 as (not) to, in order (not to, nore be ‘shops are not very busy then, a ete. when The best time to.g0 shopping isin the {00k some paper and a pen so that | could mete nt mornin a ae wont cage EttevResun : 10 He lent me some mone 8. such) y. That we 50 ... that, s whieh Ho lentme some money, At of this reason oat °° COMSequently, as a resut, theese tt WAS 80 Cold that we decided to light a fre. Time ae When, wher ster es, @S, 8S soon as, while, before, ut! e dic re 14 Not leave untilt the babysitter arrived. Place 2% Where, wh, Wecepterever where to 90 on holiday this year. Scanned with CamScanner

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