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Lesson 9: Laws,

Policies, and
Programs for
Philippine Women
© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Recognize the Explain the Conduct a
importance of research on
laws that
policies that cases of violence
protect and
protect and and on how the
empower empower authority has
women. women. responded.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Human Rights Approach
◉ The way the world is structured places some groups
(especially women) at a disadvantage, said groups have
particular rights that are specific to their needs, including
sexual and reproductive health care, protection against
gender- based violence, and right to non-discrimination in
education and the workplace.
◉ This is essential as it increases awareness about women’s
plight and particular needs.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Treaties for
Women’s Rights

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
1. Universal Declaration of Human
Rights of 1948 (UDHR)
a “common standard of achievement for all
peoples and all nations.” Provides all people
(regardless of race, sex, gender, nationality,
skin color, etc.) the same basic human
rights, and has universal application to all
human beings.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
2. Convention on the Elimination of all
Forms of Discrimination Against Women
(CEDAW) of 1979
“International Bill of Rights of Women”

Affirms the reproductive rights of women and targets culture

and tradition as influential forces shaping gender roles and
family relations. It also seeks to identify the different
places where women may experience discrimination and
suggest policy strategies to overcome such problem.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
3. Beijing Platform for Action of
1994 (BPfA)
emphasizes that women share common concerns that
can be addressed only by working together and in
partnership with men towards to common goal of
[gender] equality for all around the world.
◉ Feminization of Poverty – the phenomenon in
which the majority of the world’s poor are women.

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Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
12 Critical Areas of Concern that
need urgent action:
1. The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women
2. Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to
education and training
3. Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to health
care and related services
4. Violence against women
5. The effects or armed or other kinds of conflict on women,
including those living under foreign occupation

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
12 Critical Areas of Concern that
need urgent action: (con’t)
6. Inequality in economic structures and policies, in all forms of
productive activities and in access to resources
7. Inequality between men and women in the sharing of power and
decision-making at all levels;
8. Insufficient mechanism at all levels to promote the
advancement of women
9. Lack of respect for and inadequate promotion and protection of
the human rights of women

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
12 Critical Areas of Concern that
need urgent action: (con’t)
10. Stereotyping of women and inequality in women’s access to
and participation in all communication systems, especially in
the media
11. Gender inequalities in the management of natural resources and
in the safeguarding of the environment
12. Persistent discrimination against and violation of the rights of
the girl-child

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Gender mainstreaming
• The strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns
and experiences as integral dimension of the design,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and
programs in all political, economic, and societal spheres so
that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not
• It is the process of assessing the implications for women and
men of any planned action, including legislation, policies, or
programs in all areas and at all levels

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
4. 2000 Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs)
a collection of eight goals that focus on major
issues of the underprivileged people. Focused
on reducing poverty, hunger, disease, and
gender inequality, as well as ensuring access to
water and sanitation by 2015.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
The Eight Millennium Development
Goals are:
1. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
2. to achieve universal primary education;
3. to promote gender equality and empower women;
4. to reduce child mortality;
5. to improve maternal health;
6. to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases;
7. to ensure environmental sustainability; and
8. to develop a global partnership for development.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
5. 2015 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
addresses the causes of poverty and inequality in the
world today. Serves as the continuation of the MDG.
◉ SDG 5 – achieve gender equality and empower all
women and girls
◉ Gender - specific targets of the SDG include “end of
all forms of discrimination against all women and
girls everywhere.”

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Laws and
Policies for
Women in the
© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
1. Article II, Section 13 of the
1987 Constitution
recognizes the vital role of women in
nation- building.

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Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
2. RA 7192 – Women in Development
and Nation Building Act
Tasked the National Commission on the Role of
Women (NCRW), now the Philippine Commission of
Women (PCW) to provide assistance in ensuring the
formulation and nationwide implementation of
gender- responsive government policies, programs,
and projects.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
3. Executive Order 348
created the Philippine
Development Plan 1989-1992
It was the first development plan to
integrate women’s interests. It listed the
Philippine objectives for gender
mainstreaming and projects until 1992

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
4. Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive
a 30-year perspective plan from 1995-2025
covering the following domains: the individual,
the family, as well as socio-cultural, economic,
political, and legal issues. This is the Philippines’
implementing vehicle for BPfA.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
5. 2010 Harmonized Gender and
Development Guidelines
The guidelines are concrete
responses to the Magna Carta of
Women, which also calls for gender
mainstreaming in all government
programs and policies.

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE
Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
6. Women’s Empowerment, Development, and Gender
Equality (EDGE) Plan 2013-2016

• It aims to address women’s issues through women’s

economic inclusion and creation of concrete mechanisms
for the gender responsive provisions of the previous
Philippine Development Plan(PDP)
• It promotes the integration of a gender lens into all aspects
of planning , with an emphasis on the efficient use of the
annual GAD plan and budget by government agencies and
local government units

© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi
Thank you!
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© 2020 | NOT FOR SALE

Prepared by: Ms. Czarina Mae C. Legaspi

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