Correlating The Interface Resistance and Surface Adhesion of The Li Metal-Solid Electrolyte Interface

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Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 7–11

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Correlating the interface resistance and surface adhesion of the Li metal- T

solid electrolyte interface
Michael Wanga, Jeff Sakamotoa,b,∗
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA


• Li-solid electrolyte interface strength

is correlated with interfacial re-
• Low interfacial resistance is correlated
with a strong Li-LLZO interface.
• The adhesion between Li-LLZO can
exceed the ultimate tensile strength of
• Presents a method of quantifying the
wettability of Li on LLZO at room


Keywords: Solid electrolytes could enable stable cycling of metallic Li anodes, which can offer drastic increases to the
Solid-state electrolyte capacity of Li-ion batteries. However, little is known about the mechanics of the Li-solid electrolyte interface.
Li This study combines electrochemical and mechanical characterization to correlate interface kinetics with ad-
Buried interface hesive strength. Cubic garnet with the Li6·25Al0·25La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) formulation was selected as a model solid
Interface adhesion
electrolyte based on its high conductivity and stability against Li metal. Symmetric Li-LLZO cells were tested
using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to determine the interfacial resistance, Rint, and the adhesive
strength of the Li-LLZO interface, σadh, was measured using a unique tensile test in an inert atmosphere. It was
determined that the Rint is directly correlated to the adhesive strength of Li on LLZO. At the highest Rint in this
study, 330 k·cm2 the σadh was 1.1 kPa and at the lowest Rint in this study, 7 ·cm2, σadh was 8 MPa. Furthermore,
by optimizing the surface chemistry the wettability of LLZO was enhanced resulting in σadh exceeding the ul-
timate tensile strength of Li metal. The relationship demonstrated provides a deeper understanding of the me-
chanical properties of the Li-electrolyte interface, which will play an important role in the design of batteries
employing metallic Li anodes.

1. Introduction but also act as a physical barrier to prevent dendrite penetration and
parasitic SEI side reactions, which limit the use of Li metal in state-of-
In recent years, solid state electrolytes have garnered interest as the-art cells [3,4]. The family of ceramic oxides with the garnet struc-
potential materials to enable the usage of Li metal anodes for high ture has shown promise as candidates for a solid electrolyte to use with
energy density batteries [1,2]. Unlike in conventional liquid electro- Li metal. The cubic phase of Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) in particular has
lytes, solid state electrolytes not only offer the ability to conduct Li ions shown potential due to its high ionic conductivity (∼1 mS/cm2) and

Corresponding author. Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
E-mail address: (J. Sakamoto).
Received 12 August 2017; Received in revised form 13 November 2017; Accepted 25 November 2017
0378-7753/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Wang, J. Sakamoto Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 7–11

stability against Li metal [5–8]. In order to successfully incorporate Li Scientific Inc. Dexter, MI), and ZrO2 (30–60 nm, Inframat, Advanced
metal anodes into solid state batteries, it is imperative that the interface Materials, Manchester, CT) were weighed with the appropriate stoi-
is sufficiently stable and the charge transfer kinetics are sufficiently fast chiometry and were milled in ethanol on a roller mill for 20 h s. A 5 wt
for facile stripping and plating of Li metal. Currently there is a % excess amount of Li2CO3 was added to the precursors to account for
knowledge gap in the understanding of the mechanical behavior of Li volatilization during the calcination process. The powders were dried,
metal, as well as the mechanics and properties at the LLZO-Li metal cold-pressed, and calcined at 1000 °C for 4 h s in dry air. The resulting
interface. Because of its instability in air, it is difficult to characterize Li pellets were ground into powders and then hot-pressed at 1100 °C
metal using conventional techniques and even more difficult to char- under 47 MPa for one hour, using a rapid-induction hot-pressing
acterize the mechanics of the metal-solid electrolyte interface since it is technique as described by Rangasamy et al. [15]. The resulting pellet
buried. Computational methods have been used to study the mechan- was then cut into 1.5 ± 0.2 mm thick samples using a diamond saw
ical properties of Li metal [9], but few experiments have been able to and polished with sandpapers and diamond pastes of varying degree,
verify these calculations. One study in particular was able to investigate ranging between a final polish of 1200grit to a 1 μm polish. In order to
the mechanical behavior of nanoscale Li pillars [10], however there minimize the exposure to air, the LLZO specimens were stored in an Ar-
have not been many other studies that have been able to determine the filled glovebox. Before testing, some LLZO samples were heat treated at
mechanical properties of Li metal. It is clear by the lack of experimental 400 °C temperature for 3 h s inside the glovebox in order to remove the
data on pure Li metal that there are many challenges in thoroughly Li2CO3 surface layers.
studying the mechanics of the Li-electrolyte interface. However, in
order to mature Li metal electrode technology, a deeper understanding 2.2. Solid-state cell assembly
of the relationship between electrochemical and mechanical properties
of this metal-electrolyte interface is needed. Symmetric Li-LLZO-Li cells were fabricated using the same proce-
One of the biggest challenges in pairing most oxide electrolytes with dure reported by Sharafi et al. [11]. Li foils (Alfa Aesar), 750 μm thick,
metallic Li has been high interfacial resistance [11,12]. Recently, it was were scraped to remove any oxide layers from the surface and then
demonstrated that layers of Li2CO3 spontaneously form on the surface pressed onto each side of the LLZO disc. To fabricate cells with high
of the LLZO in humid air, which results in significant increases in the Rint, the Li foil was simply pressed onto the LLZO by hand at room
interfacial impedance [13]. Furthermore, a recent study compared the temperature and then tested. To fabricate cells with lower Rint, the Li
wettability of LLZO to the wettability of Li2CO3 and showed that the foil was pressed onto the LLZO and then preconditioned at ∼170 °C
wettability of LLZO can be greatly improved by removing Li2CO3 con- under a load of ∼1 MPa for 4 h s. To fabricate cells with the lowest Rint
tamination from the surface [14]. It is clear from these two studies that achievable, the LLZO was heat-treated at 400 °C for 3 h s in an inert
the degree of surface chemistry between Li metal and LLZO is not only atmosphere before attaching the Li foil and preconditioning at ∼170 °C
related to the morphology of the LLZO surface features, but is also with a load of ∼1 MPa for 4 h s.
strongly related to the degree of contamination on the LLZO surface.
However, currently there are no known methods of quantifying the 2.3. Electrochemical testing
wettability of a surface at room temperature. Since the wettability is
typically measured for liquids or molten materials, the wettability of Li The interfacial resistance of the cell was measured with electro-
metal on a surface must be measured at temperatures above the melting chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using a Biologic VMP-300
point. This not only presents experimental challenges, but can also only galvanostat/potentiostat. EIS was performed after the samples had
provide information on the behavior of the liquid-solid interface and cooled to room temperature and was conducted from 1Hz to 7 MHz
not a solid-solid interface, which is not representative of typical oper- with a perturbation of 100 mV. The obtained spectra were fit to a
ating conditions. Since the wettability of Li on LLZO is an indication of modified version of the model proposed by Huggins [16]. In the Hug-
chemistry at the interface, which not only correlates to low impedances, gins model, three parallel elements, representing the bulk, grain
it should also correlate to a strong interfacial bond between the two boundary, and interfacial impedances, are connected in series, with
surfaces. This leads to the hypothesis that the Li-LLZO interfacial re- each element containing a resistor and capacitor in parallel. In the
sistance, Rint, should be intrinsically linked to the strength of the Li- model used, the capacitors are replaced with constant phase elements to
LLZO adhesive bond, σadh. The goal of this work is to explore this re- account for variations in the time constants. It is well known that the
lationship between the interfacial resistance and the mechanical interfacial impedance corresponds to the lower frequencies in the EIS
strength of the interface to demonstrate intrinsic links between the spectra and corresponds to Q values of ∼10−6 F. These impedances
electrochemical and physical properties of the Li-LLZO interface at corresponding to Q values close to 10−6 F were taken to be the total
room temperature. interfacial impedance and were multiplied by the area of the Li foil to
To correlate Rint, with σadh, all solid-state Li-LLZO-Li cells were obtain the Rint.
fabricated and characterized using conventional electrochemical tech-
niques and a mechanical testing apparatus. Rint was measured using 2.4. Mechanical testing
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a function of surface
treatment, which affected the surface chemistry. σadh was measured For measuring the adhesive strength of the Li-LLZO interface, σadh,
with a unique tensile tester in an inert gas atmosphere. The observed an Instron 5944 tension/compression testing unit was integrated inside
correlation agrees with the hypothesized relationship between the in- a custom designed Ar-filled glovebox. Measuring the shear strength of
terfacial resistance and interfacial strength and may provide further the interface was initially considered, but minor misalignments in the
insight into the interactions between Li metal and oxide electrolytes. test set-up led to dramatic variability in the results. After pre-
conditioning, the cells were cooled to room temperature and one side of
2. Experimental the cell was attached to a steel pin using an acrylic based adhesive
(Loctite Super Glue Gel). The pin was mounted in one of the tension
2.1. Material synthesis and processing fixtures of the Instron, while another pin was mounted in the opposite
fixture. The two pins were aligned in the tension grips and then the
Al-stabilized cubic LLZO with nominal composition other side of the cell was adhered to the other pin. This method of
Li6·25La3Zr2Al0·25O12 was prepared by a solid state synthetic method. alignment minimized the loads applied by the Instron grips, perpendi-
The starting precursors, Li2CO3 (1 μm, Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA), La cular to the tensile axis. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the experimental
(OH)3 (1 μm, Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA), Al2O3 (0.05 μm, Mager setup. The strength of the Li-LLZO interface was measured using a

M. Wang, J. Sakamoto Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 7–11

strength measured is higher than previous reports for polycrystalline Li

(0.41–0.89 MPa) [10,18,19] which may be due to the degree of cold-
working of the Li foils that were used in this study. However, the effects
of dislocation density and grain size on the yield strength are beyond
the scope of this work. In addition, the elastic modulus of Li was de-
termined to be 3.4 GPa, which falls in the range of elastic moduli for
polycrystalline Li, reported to range from 1.9 GPa to 7.9 GPa [18–21].
The stress-strain behavior of Li-LLZO-Li cells with the high Rint exhibit
similar elastic moduli compared to Li metal, however the ultimate
tensile strength is considerably lower, below 5 MPa. In contrast, the
stress-strain behavior of Li-LLZO-Li cells with low Rint exhibit nearly
identical behavior compared to Li metal.
Fracture surface analysis was conducted after tensile testing.
Primarily two types of mechanical behavior were observed (Fig. 4). At
lower Rint, no sharp drop-off in the load is observed but rather a slow
drop in the load. Analysis of the fracture surfaces show that this type of
load profile correlates to yielding of the Li foil (Fig. 4a). It can be seen
that a significant amount of Li remains stuck to the LLZO surface and
the “cup & cone” features are signs that the slow drop in the loading
profile can be attributed to necking and eventual failure of the Li metal,
rather than the Li-LLZO interface. At higher Rint (> ∼5000 ·cm2), a
sharp drop-off in the load is observed at the failure stress. This type of
stress-strain behavior correlates to a clean separation of the Li metal
from the LLZO surface with no noticeable deformation of the Li foil and
negligible Li residue on the LLZO surface (Fig. 4b).
Fig. 1. Schematic of the tensile testing set-up for measuring the interfacial strength of Li For the lowest interfacial resistances reported, the Li metal alone
on LLZO. The set-up is contained in an Ar-filled glovebox. seems to be the weakest load bearing element in the stack, but there
does exist a regime of slightly higher interfacial resistances (∼50 ·cm2 -
standard tension test with a strain rate of 1 mm·min−1. As a control, ∼5000 ·cm2) where a combination of Li separation and yielding is
the same tension test was performed on a single piece of Li foil that was observed. In these cases, the shape of the loading profile is the same as
subjected to the same preconditioning method as the Li-LLZO-Li cells. the yielding of Li, although the ultimate tensile strength of the stack is
All Li-LLZO-Li cells were tested until rupture occurred. Fractured cell below that of the Li. This can be attributed to small isolated regions
components were stored in Ar for subsequent analysis. where the Li separates from the surface, effectively reducing the area of
the Li. This is evident in the fracture surface, which shows isolated
areas of negligible Li residue and other areas of heavily deformed Li.
2.5. Surface characterization
The SEM images in Fig. 4d show a closer look of the “cup & cone”
fracture of the yielded Li, which is an indication of severe plastic de-
The fracture surfaces of the Li-LLZO interfaces were imaged using a
formation. In comparison, Fig. 4e shows an SEM image of a region on
Meiji Techno EMZ-13TR optical light microscope. Scanning electron
the LLZO surface where the Li metal has separated from the LLZO.
microscopy (SEM) was performed with a FEI Nova 200 Nanolab SEM. A
Despite what seems like a clean separation of the interface, it can be
custom sample holder was used to protect the Li from air exposure
seen that that small pieces of Li residue, a few microns large, remain on
during the transport and sample loading process.
the surface. This may suggest that even when clean separation occurs,
there is still some surface chemistry that adheres the Li to the LLZO.
3. Results and discussion
3.3. Correlating Rint with σadh
3.1. Electrochemical characterization
For each cell, the Rint and σadh are plotted in Figure 5. Consistent
Fig. 2 shows two representative examples of measured EIS spectra with the EIS and mechanical testing discussion above, it was apparent
corresponding to one of the lowest Rint measured and one of the higher that when Rint was high the Li-LLZO interface adhesion was low and
Rint measured in this study. It can be seen that the main difference is the when the Rint is low the Li-LLZO interface adhesion was high. At the
diameter of the low frequency semicircle, which is representative of the lowest Rint value, the σadh of the Li-LLZO interface adhesion strength
interfacial impedance Rint. It is known to be charge transfer resistance nearly matched the tensile strength of Li metal. In other words, the
based on the capacitance values [17]. Samples with intermediate Rint stress-strain behavior was primarily controlled by the tensile strength of
exhibit low frequency semicircles with diameters in between the two Li rather than the Li-LLZO interface adhesion strength when Rint is
extremes shown in Fig. 2a. minimized. The fact that the interface strength can match the ultimate
tensile strength of the Li metal suggests that the Li-LLZO interface bond
3.2. Mechanical testing is more chemical than physical in nature. As seen in the SEM images of
the LLZO surface, there are few pores or surface features that can lead
Li-LLZO-Li and Li metal stress-stain behavior was characterized in to strong mechanical or van der Waals bonds. Instead it seems more
uniaxial tension (Fig. 3). Representative data for low and high Rint cells likely that Li is chemically bonded to the LLZO surface, which has been
and Li metal are shown. Because Li metal is known to have a sig- cleaned by heating at higher temperatures as reported by Sharafi et al.
nificantly lower elastic modulus and high degree of ductility compared [14]. Sharafi et al. recently demonstrated that the wettability of Li on
to LLZO, the mechanical properties of Li metal were characterized to LLZO is drastically improved by removing Li2CO3 surface contamina-
determine its contribution to the stress-strain behavior of Li-LLZO-Li tion by heat treating in an inert atmosphere as was done in this study. It
cells. The yield strength of Li metal was measured to be 2.0 MPa and the is believable that previous reports of poor wettability are actually due
ultimate tensile strength was measured to be 8.0 MPa (Fig. 3). The yield to the Li2CO3 layers on the oxide surface rather than poor wettability

M. Wang, J. Sakamoto Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 7–11

Fig. 2. (a) Impedance spectra for representative

Li-LLZO-Li cells with high Rint and low Rint. The
inset shows the spectrum for a low Rint cell. (b)
The equivalent circuit schematic used for mod-
eling of the impedance spectra. (c) Summary of
fitted data for the representative spectra shown in

Fig. 5. The relationship between the logarithm of the interfacial resistance, Rint, and σadh
Fig. 3. Representative stress-strain curves for a Li-LLZO-Li cell with high Rint
of the Li-LLZO-Li cell. Markers indicate the observed failure mechanism for each sample.
(330 k·cm2), a cell with intermediate Rint (446 ·cm2), a cell with low Rint (7.2 ·cm2), and a
The experimentally determined ultimate tensile strength of the Li metal is indicated by a
single Li foil. The profile of the Li foil is almost identical to the profile of the low Rint
dashed line.

Fig. 4. Optical microscope images of a sample where the mode of

failure of the cell is caused by (a) the failure of the Li metal, (b)
complete separation of the Li from the LLZO, and (c) a mix of se-
paration and Li failure. SEM images of (d) the fracture surface of the
yielded Li on the surface of a low Rint sample and (e) the LLZO
surface of a high Rint sample after the separation of the Li from the

M. Wang, J. Sakamoto Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 7–11

properties of LLZO. This observation is consistent with the pioneering and consistently high interfacial strengths. Furthermore, the method of
work done by Humenik and Kingery, who found that wetting of metals tensile testing conducted in this study presents a novel, yet simple
on metal oxides was highly sensitive to surface contaminants [22]. method of quantifying the wettability of the solid-solid Li-LLZO inter-
Furthermore, DFT calculations report that the work of adhesion Wad is face. The results of this study can help elucidate the mechanics of the Li
0.1 J m−2 for Li on Li2CO3 and 0.67J.m−2 for Li on LLZO [13]. Al- metal-electrolyte interface to facilitate the development of solid-state
though the exact work of adhesion could not be determined here due to batteries using Li metal electrodes.
the degree of work that occurred during plastic deformation of the Li
metal, the relationship observed here is in good agreement with these Acknowledgements
findings. The samples fabricated with high interfacial resistances, had
no heat treatment to remove Li2CO3 from the surface and consequently This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
exhibited low adhesive strengths, while the samples that were heat- Advanced Battery Material Research (BMR) programs Grant No. DE-
treated consequently exhibited the highest adhesive strengths, the EE0991-1663. MW and JS would also like to acknowledge Dr. Nancy
lowest interfacial resistances, and primarily Li yielding as the fracture Dudney at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for her helpful insights.
mechanism. Comparing these findings to previously reported works of
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